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OpenCerts Downloader Extension



Use this tool responsibly and at your own discretion; this is not intended for forgery of documents. Forgery is an offence.

Description and Disclaimer

This extension enables you to download a rendered OpenCerts certificate, discarding "all the advanced cryptographic protections".

OpenCerts is great but having a rendered copy of the documents is handy, especially when having to upload to employment portals which have yet to catch up to the OpenCerts standard.

How to use?

1. Download distribution bundle

  1. Get the latest distribution bundle
  2. Unzip it

2. Load extension to chrome

  1. Enter chrome://extensions or edge://extensions into your browser's address bar
  2. Toggle Developer mode to active.
  3. Select Load unpacked
  4. Browse to the folder dist from the unzipped bundle earlier.
  5. The extension should appear in the list of extensions.

3. View your certificate on and download

  1. Navigate to
  2. Open certificate using a .opencert file
  3. Right click on the document and select Download OpenCerts document(s) > as PDF
  4. The download should begin

Where can I find my .opencert file?

Upon graduation, the .opencert file should have been sent to your email, however you can also find it from the MySkill


OpenCerts is an "an easy way to check and verify your certificates" but exporting the certificate is challenging.

From the OpenCerts FAQ: Why can't I print the certificate?

Printing the certificate discards all the advanced cryptographic protections we have built into OpenCerts, hence printed certificates are not to be considered authentic.

Development Setup

Install Dependencies

yarn install

Build Project

yarn build

Or start build task with Ctrl + Shift + B

Tested Certificates

Institution MM-YYYY
NUS 06-2021
NUS 06-2020
NUS 01-2020
NUS 08-2019