A live_football project created in Flutter using Test-Driven-Development, Clean Architecture, BLoC, API-Football and many more. It supports mobile and Top 6 European football leagues: Premier League, LaLiga, Serie A, Bundesliga, Ligue 1 and Ekstraklasa.
The LiveFootball app allows user to check this season scores also live and future fixtures. The user can read scores, events, match informations, lineups and statistics. When the user choose the league, can set the day of this season to see fixtures from that day and choose some to see all information about that match.
Get an API Key at https://www.api-football.com/pricing
Clone or download the repo git clone https://github.com/fylyppo/live_football.git
Install packages flutter pub get
Enter your API in lib/injection_container.dart
dio.options.headers['x-apisports-key'] = 'ENTER YOUR API';
- Home
- Dependency Injection with GetIt
- Dartz
- BLoC
- Code Generation:
- Routing with AutoRoute
- Freezed and JsonSerializable
- API connection with RetroFit
- TDD with Mocktail
|- core/
|- features/
|- main.dart
|- injection_container.dart
|- datasources/remote
|- api_football_client.dart
|- api_football_client.g.dart
|- error/
- |- messages/
- |- exceptions.dart
- |- failures.dart
|- network
- |- network_info.dart
|- routing/
- |- app_router.dart
- |- app_router.gr.dart
|- usecases/
- |- fixture_events_usecase.dart
- |- fixture_lineups_usecase.dart
- |- fixture_stats_usecase.dart
- |- fixture_usecase.dart
- |- fixtures_usecase.dart
|- utils/
- |- date_utils.dart
- |- input_converter.dart
- |- fixtures/
- |- leagues/
- |- specific_fixture/