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Zig syslog client


This is a syslog client library for Zig:

Protocols UDP, TCP
RFC Subset of RFC5424
Tested on Mac, Windows, Linux

For the curious: IT Explained: Syslog

Hello, Zig!

When client code calls

    logger.write_info("Hello, Zig!");

syslog client sends following text message to syslog receiver process:

<190>1 2024-10-09T09:07:11+00:00 BLKF zigprocess 18548 1 - Hello, Zig!

Let's see what this message consist of:

Value RFC Definition Description
190 PRIVAL Priority
1 VERSION Always 1
2024-10-09T09:07:11+00:00 TIMESTAMP FULL-DATE "T" FULL-TIME
BLKF HOSTNAME Hostname or '-'
zigprocess APP-NAME Application name provided by caller
18548 PROCID Process ID or '-'
1 MSGID Message ID - sequential number generated automatically
Hello, Zig! MSG Message


         Priority = Facility * 8 + Severity 

Facility represents the machine process that created the Syslog event

rfc5424.Facility Value Description
.kern 0 kernel messages
.user 1 random user-level messages
.mail 2 mail system
.daemon 3 system daemons
.auth 4 security/authorization messages
.syslog 5 messages generated internally by syslogd
.lpr 6 line printer subsystem
.news 7 network news subsystem
.uucp 8 UUCP subsystem
.cron 9 clock daemon
.authpriv 10 security/authorization messages (private)
.ftp 11 ftp daemon
.local0 16 local use 0
.local1 17 local use 1
.local2 18 local use 2
.local3 19 local use 3
.local4 20 local use 4
.local5 21 local use 5
.local6 22 local use 6
.local7 23 local use 7

Severity describes the severity level of the syslog message in question.

Level rfc5424.Severity Description
0 .emerg system is unusable
1 .alert action must be taken immediately
2 .crit critical conditions
3 .err error conditions
4 .warning warning conditions
5 .notice normal but significant condition
6 .info informational
7 .debug debug-level messages


What are Facility and Severity of "Hello, Zig!" message?

For leisure time


Add syslog to build.zig.zon:

zig fetch --save=syslog git+

Add syslog to build.zig:

    const syslog = b.dependency("syslog", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,

    const lib = b.addStaticLibrary(..);
    lib.root_module.addImport("syslog", syslog.module("syslog"));

    const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(...);
    lib_unit_tests.root_module.addImport("syslog", syslog.module("syslog"));

Import syslog:

const syslog = @import("syslog");



syslog uses following configuration:

pub const SyslogOpts = struct {
    // application:
    name: []const u8 = "zigprocess",
    fcl: rfc5424.Facility = .local7,

    // transport:
    proto: Protocol = .udp,
    addr: []const u8 = "",
    port: u16 = 514,


    var logger: syslog.Syslog = .{};
    try logger.init(std.testing.allocator, .{
        .name = "runner",
        .fcl = .daemon
        .port = 12345,
    defer logger.deinit();

After initialization you can call syslog on different threads.


There are two groups of APIs:

  • write: message is straight text
    pub inline fn write_<severity>(slog: *Syslog, msg: []const u8) !void {...}
    logger.write_debug("Hello, Zig!");
  • print: message will be formatted before send
    pub inline fn print_<severity>(slog: *Syslog, comptime fmt: []const u8, msg: anytype) !void {...}
    const name = "World";
    logger.print_debug("Hello, {s}!", .{name});


Set filter:

    // disable send messages with .info & .debug severities
    logger.setfilter(.info);// disable send messages with .info & .debug severities 

Reset filter:




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