Testello is a software build to perform the following tasks:
- Manage customers with delivery tables
- Import a customer delivery table CSV large file and store it on the deliveries table
It was developed using git Trunk Based Development, TDD and Agile.
- PHP 8.2
- XDebug 3
- Docker
- Laravel 9
- Vue3
- Mysql
1.1. Docker build with XDebug (local)
docker compose build --build-arg INSTALL_XDEBUG=true
1.2. Docker build without XDebug (prod)
docker compose build
2. Set .env
cp .env.example .env
3. Docker up
docker compose up
4. Install composer packages
docker compose exec app composer install
5. Install npm packages
docker compose exec app npm install
6. Set app key
docker compose exec app php artisan key:generate
7.1. Run migrations (without populate the database)
docker compose exec app php artisan migrate
7.2. Run migrations (populate the database)
docker compose exec app php artisan migrate --seed
8. Build Vue
docker compose exec app npm run build
9. Run queue listen
docker compose exec app php artisan queue:listen
docker compose exec app php artisan test
Database (phpMyAdmin):
Email (MailHog):