This is highly discouraged, and will not be possible in future versions of Elm.
The core Elm libraries need access to JavaScript to expose HTTP in Elm (for example) but this is not a public API. It is not intended for public use. It can change dramatically from release to release. It is not permitted in published packages. And again, in future versions, it will not be accessible.
In summary, it is better to figure out how to structure code such that ports will be a good option. If you cannot achieve what you want after asking around on Slack, the best path may be to circle back around to Elm later when more of the Web Platform is covered to your liking.
This is an example of how to do elm native modules for elm 0.18. It
contains a native module with a helloWorld
function which receives a
name parameter and returns a string with that name appended to the 'Hello ' string
and an exclamation at the end.
There are not too many tutorials about how native modules. One of them is the wiki of take-home but it is not updated for elm 0.17 and up. Also, I have included some tests, so you can learn how to test your own native modules.
You need to have elm installed, and also elm-test
because we are going
to write a test for our native module. You can do it with this commands:
$ npm i -g elm
$ npm i -g elm-test
Once you have both installed, we are goint to create a folder and
execute elm-test init
. That will create two folders, src
. Test folder comes with some example elm tests.
├── src
└── tests
├── Main.elm
├── Tests.elm
└── elm-package.json
You can execute
them running elm-test
in your command line.
After running elm-test
you should see something like this:
Our next step will be writting our first test. To do that we have to
replace the content of tests/Tests.elm
with this content:
module Tests exposing (..)
import Test exposing (..)
import Expect
import NativeModule exposing (helloWorld)
all : Test
all =
describe "Native module test suite"
[ describe "helloWorld"
[ test "empty string" <|
\() ->
Expect.equal (helloWorld "") "Hello !"
If we try to run elm-test
again, an error will show up telling us that
the module NativeModule
we are trying to import can't be found. That
is right... we haven't done it yet!.
Our next step will be create that module, so we have to create a file
called NativeModule.elm
inside the src
folder. (You can replace
with something more descriptive in your project).
Inside it, we are going write the lines under this:
module NativeModule exposing (helloWorld)
helloWorld: String -> String
helloWorld =
There, we are creating a module called NativeModule which is exposing a
function called helloWorld
. That function annotation is telling us
that it is going to receive a string as a parameter and it is going to
return another string. Also we are telling that its implementation is
going to be Native.NativeModule.helloWorld
. What is going to happend
if we try to run our tests again?
If we do it, we will see an error in the terminal:
ReferenceError: _user$project$Native_NativeModule is not defined
What does it mean? Elm compiler is telling us that it is trying to find
a native module with the name _user$project$Native_NativeModule
, that
it because in Elm all the packages are scoped by the username and the
project name where they are stored in github. If you change the content
of the line repository in tests/elm-package.json
for something like
and then you
run elm-test
again you will see that now it is trying to find
. Let's going to
implement that module!
Create a new file in src/Native
called NativeModule.js
and write
this code there:
var _gabrielperales$elm_native_module$Native_NativeModule = function(){
function helloWorld(name){
return "Hello " + name + "!";
return {
helloWorld: helloWorld
(In your project, you can again rename NativeModule.js
to something
more appropriate, but the parent directory must be Native
for it
to be found, at least with current Elm).
You will also need to modify your elm-package.json
file to include the
"native-modules": true,
The last thing we have to do is import that native module inside our elm
module. You only have to type import Native.NativeModule
you module definition.
Your module should end looking like this:
module NativeModule exposing (helloWorld)
{-| Creating our first native module
# helloWorld function
@docs helloWorld
import Native.NativeModule
{-| This function will return 'Hello ' prepended to the name you are passing to it
helloWorld : String -> String
helloWorld =
Finally, we can run our first test again and it should pass.
Now we can write a new test to check that every thing works as we were expecting.
, test "name" <|
\() ->
Expect.equal (helloWorld "Gabi") "Hello Gabi!"
If everything is ok, it also should pass that test.
For functions of more than one argument, you can wrap the function with FN
where N
is the number of arguments. This turns the function into one that can
be called using Elm conventions, while still being written as a normal
Javascript function. For example:
var _gabrielperales$elm_native_module$Native_NativeModule = function(){
function sum(one, two){
return one + two;
return {
sum: F2(sum)
The functions F2
, F3
... F9 are provided by Elm.