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Releases: gadenbuie/epoxy

epoxy 1.0.0

20 Sep 15:55
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Breaking Changes

  • Breaking change: epoxy_latex() and the epoxy_latex chunk engine it
    powers now use << and >> to delimit inline expressions. Where you
    previously may have used <expr>, please now use <<expr>>. This breaking
    change was necessary to allow the expr to include common R operators like
    < and >. (#107)

  • Breaking change: the whisker engine is now powered by
    epoxy_mustache(), resulting in a few small changes. In particular, if you
    previously used a list for the .data chunk option in a whisker chunk, and
    relied on the whisker engine's special treatment of lists to iterate over
    their items, you'll need to specifically opt into this behavior by adding a
    .vectorized = TRUE chunk option.

    This chunk engine still vectorizes over rows in a data frame by default, where
    it's much more likely to be the behavior you want, but bare lists require
    specifically opting in. (#103)

  • .data is now the preferred chunk option for passing data frames or lists of
    data to epoxy chunks, where previously data was used in some places. It
    works in whisker and epoxy chunks, and is more consistent with the .data
    argument of glue() and epoxy(). (#102)

New Features

  • New epoxy_mustache() provides an epoxy-style interface to the
    mustache templating language, using the
    whisker package. This function
    also now powers the whisker or mustache knitr engines. epoxy also now
    provides aliases for whisker and mustache in all places, so you can use
    whichever name resonates with you. (#103)

  • New epoxy_use_chunk() and epoxy_use_file() allow you to re-use an
    epoxy(), epoxy_html() or other epoxy-provided knitr chunk or file as a
    template. epoxy_use_chunk() lets you re-use a template chunk with new data,
    and epoxy_use_file() lets you repeatedly use a template stored in a file.
    Both functions also re-use the options from the template chunk or the options
    set in the YAML from matter of the template file. See ?epoxy_use for more
    details about how options for both functions are determined. (#106, #116)

Improvements and bug fixes

  • epoxy() now adds a .data pronoun that allows you to refer to the list or
    data frame passed into either the .data argument of epoxy() or the data
    or .data chunk options. (#100)

  • epoxy_html() now supports inline transformations prefixed with @ instead
    of ., e.g. @strong instead of .strong. Previously, you would have to
    place the inline transformer in a nested {{ }} block, e.g.
    {{ {{ .strong expr }} }}, but now you only need {{@strong expr}}. To combine
    the HTML transformer (epoxy_transform_html()) with the inline
    transformer, you still need to nest: {{.text-muted {{@strong expr}}}}
    creates <span class="text-muted"><strong>{expr}</strong></span>. (#120)

  • epoxy(), and by extension the LaTex and HTML counterparts, and all epoxy_*
    knitr engines gain a .collapse argument to determine how a vector of
    epoxy-transformed templates should be collapsed. The default is NULL, which
    means that the output is returned as a vector. This argument is also useful in
    epoxy_use_chunk() and for knitr chunks being used as a vectorized template.

  • Aded .sentence (alias .sc) to the list of inline transformers provided by
    epoxy_transform_inline(). This transformer will capitalize the first letter
    of the first word in the expression. This is useful when you want to need to
    start a sentence with a variable that may contain more than one word. (#112)

  • The .titlecase inline transformer now coerces inputs to character with
    as.character() before applying tools::toTitleCase(), since toTitleCase()
    will throw an error for non-character inputs. (#112)

  • epoxy(), epoxy_html(), epoxy_latex() and epoxy_mustache() (and their
    related knitr engines) will all collect remote tbl_sql tables before
    evaluation. This makes it much easier to pass data from a remote database
    using {dplyr} and {dbplyr}. (#117)

  • Fixed an issue with epoxy_inline_transform() when used with custom
    delimiters (#116).

epoxy 0.1.1

11 Jun 18:11
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  • epoxy_transform_html() now (again) returns a collapsed character string for inline HTML transformations. This makes it easier to wrap a vector in individual HTML tags and then slot it into a parent template. You can still get length-consistent output by setting collapse = FALSE, which is most useful when you want the template around the expression to repeat. (#96)

  • Fixed an issue with epoxy_transform_set() that prevented it from working when knitr::opts_current$get("engine") returned an unexpected value.


30 May 11:15
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This is epoxy's first release on CRAN! This NEWS file collects changes from versions that were available on GitHub prior to the CRAN release.

Breaking Changes

  • epoxy's knitr engine is now epoxy and not glue. This avoids a name clash with the glue package, which provides a glue knitr engine with similar functionality. epoxy also provides epoxy_html and epoxy_latex knitr engines, although they can still be used via their aliases glue_html and glue_latex. (#21)

  • The development version of epoxy included, for some time, two features that have changed significantly in this release:

    • The epoxy_style() functions were renamed epoxy_transform() and the .style argument was deprecated in favor of the .transformer argument. This change was made to avoid confusion with other meanings of "style", and for consistency with glue::glue(). The epoxy_style_ prefix is now epoxy_transform_, e.g. epoxy_transform_bold() or epoxy_transform_collapse(). (#87)

    • The previous form of inline formatting -- epoxy_style_format() -- has been removed in favor of epoxy_transform_inline(). This new transformer uses cli-style inline formatting and is enabled by default in epoxy(), epoxy_html() and epoxy_latex() (#68).

  • epoxy_transform_html() now returns a character vector rather than a collapsed character string when a template expression is a vector.

New Features

  • Added a new internal dataset, bechdel, containing details for a random sample of ten movies that received a score of 3 on the Bechdel Test (#24).

  • epoxy's transformers can now be chained via epoxy_transform(). For example to use both epoxy_transform_bold() and epoxy_transform_collapse() on all replacement strings, you can call epoxy_transform("bold", "collapse"). epoxy_transform() accepts a transform function name, e.g. "collapse", the function object directly, e.g. epoxy_transform_collapse, or a call to a transform function, e.g. epoxy_transform_collapse() (#26).

  • Values passed to the .transformer chunk option are now passed first to epoxy_transform(), allowing you to provide a vector of transformer names or a list of functions, e.g. .transformer = c("bold", "collapse"). This was originally introduced using a separate chunk option epoxy_style, which is now deprecated (#31, #87).

  • epoxy, epoxy_html() and epoxy_latex() are now exported functions that power the knitr engines and use the same defaults (#46).

  • The HTML element syntax used in ui_epoxy_html() is now available in epoxy_transform_html() and is used by default in epoxy_html() (#46).

  • The HTML syntax used by ui_epoxy_html() and epoxy_html() now provides a mechanism for differentiating between HTML-safe and -unsafe content. To mark an expression as HTML-safe, use !! before the variable or expression: e.g. {{ button !!expr }} (#88).

  • A new ui_epoxy_markdown() function provides a way to create dynamic Shiny UI elements written in Markdown. Rendering from markdown to HTML is handled using pandoc::pandoc_convert() if the {pandoc} package is installed, or otherwise commonmark::markdown_html() is used.

  • New ui_epoxy_mustache() provides a dynamically rendered Shiny UI element that uses the mustache templating syntax. The advantage of mustache templating over ui_epoxy_html() is that you have dynamic variables in the template can appear anywhere in the HTML, not just in the text portion (#51).

    • ui_epoxy_whisker() is also provided as an alias for discoverability/user comfort (#60).
  • epoxyHTML() and renderEpoxyHTML() were renamed ui_epoxy_html() and render_epoxy() respectively. This better fits newer Shiny naming conventions and reflects that render_epoxy() serves both ui_epoxy_html() and ui_epoxy_mustache() (#56).

  • Added epoxy_transform_set() to enable setting the default .transformer option for all chunks or epoxy functions. You can use this function to set the epoxy transformer for all chunk engines or a subset of chunk engines. Use epoxy_transform_get() to retrieve the epoxy transformer for a particular engine.

    You can also use epoxy_transform_set() to set the inline transformation functions by matching the syntax used by epoxy_transform_inline(). See ?epoxy_transform_set for an example.

  • epoxy_transform_inline() is the default .transformer for epoxy() and epoxy_latex() and their related knitr engines. epoxy_html() now uses .transformer = epoxy_transform(c("inline", "html")).

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added a new vignette("inline-reporting") with thanks to @tjmahr for the inspiration (#25).

  • epoxy requires glue >= 1.5.0.

  • ui_epoxy_html() will now render elements with IDs using the # syntax, e.g. {{ full_name}} will create an element that is (essentially) <h3 id="name" class="author">{{ full_name }}</h3> (#22).

  • ui_epoxy_html(), instead of updating the entire ui_epoxy_html() region, now only updates the part of the UI that has actually changed. If the template variables are only included in the text portion of the template, you should prefer ui_epoxy_html() over ui_epoxy_mustache() for this reason -- ui_epoxy_mustache() re-renders the entire template with every update.

  • The epoxy transformers for bold, italic and code transformations now choose the correct syntax for the epoxy (markdown), epoxy_html and epoxy_latex engines. Alternatively, you can force the desired syntax by setting the syntax option (#28).

  • epoxy's knitr engines can now be set manually via the newly exported (and renamed) use_epoxy_knitr_engines(). This function is called when epoxy is loaded, so you most likely do not need to call it directly. In general, you can instead simply library(epoxy). epoxy previously provided a glue chunk rather than an epoxy chunk and you can restore this behavior by calling use_epoxy_glue_engine() (#30).

  • A new transformer, epoxy_transform_apply(), can be used to globally apply a function to glue expressions. epoxy_transform_apply() uses the same syntax as purrr::map() for defining the function, i.e. tolower or ~ tolower(.x) (#37).

  • epoxy_transform_collapse() now uses the and package, which provides language-aware conjoining of strings. As a result, the sep_and and sep_or arguments of epoxy_transform_collapse() are deprecated and are silently ignored if provided (#45).

  • Added engine_pick() for providing a set of options where the correct option will be chosen based on the current chunk or epoxy engine.