A custom sliver client that will send slack or teams notifications upon new beacons / sessions that check in. Can either be run with a config file (that will be reloaded after sleep
number of seconds, except for the sliver_config
as the intial connection is used for all checks).
To use Sally, first install all dependencies using pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Once all dependencies are installed, you can then run the python script (which will run continuously).
usage: sally.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-S SLIVER_CONFIG] [-u URL] [-p PROVIDER] [-s SLEEP]
Custom Sliver client that will will emit events and send webhook notifications when new beacons / sessions check in.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to sally config file (which will immediately take effect as changes to Sally)
Path to the sliver config to connect with
-u URL, --url URL Webhook URL to send notifications to
-p PROVIDER, --provider PROVIDER
Slack or Teams
-s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
Sleep time in between checking for changes in beacons / sessions
If you want to run the command using only the command line arguments, a sample command would look like the following:
python3 ./sally.py -S /path/to/sliver-config.conf -s 10 -p slack -u https://slack.com
If you choose to run the custom client as a service on the host, the most convenient way to manage the arguments is via a configuration file that will propogate changes into the running service every sleep
number of seconds.
python3 ./sally.py -c /path/to/sally-config.conf
For convenience, there is a config_example.yml
file included in the repo (default search location for Sally is ./config.yml
Since this is just a python script, you can choose to install it as a service and run it continuously that way OR you can use a tmux
/ screen
session to run it. If you want to go the service route, I have an example service file included in this repo.