GapStyle is a productivity-oriented color scheme designed base on key theme color of 'Darcula' and 'Monokai' with a list of supported languages.
- GapStyle is designed base on key theme color of 'Darcula' and 'Monokai'.
- GapStyle is a productivity-oriented color scheme with a list of supported languages.
- Each supported language is tailor made and carefully tuned with rationale.
- Optimize languages' color schemes to boost productivity on reading/writing code (Especially the language your are not familiar)
- Quickly learn similar syntax with a universal designed color across different languages
- Spot syntax error before compilation
Preference -> Plugins -> Browser repositories -> Search 'GapStyle' -> install
Download from or
git clone
Preference -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> click the settings icon(next to the scheme name) -> import scheme -> select GapStyle.jar
- Meslo-Font - solve Xcode no line spacing problem
- Hack
Kotlin, Java, Swift, Scala, Javascript, Go, Python, Android Logcat, Android Native (C / C++), SQL, HTML, CSS, PHP