Fortran code to create a heap data structure containing a user-defined type with user-defined priority function.
Preprocessing is used to create the heap derived type at compile time.
This was modified by Gareth Davies from Daniel Pena's mheap code. The latter code supports heap entries of fixed-size double-precision arrays.
The code example_usage.f90 illustrates how to use it. Compile and run with
gfortran -cpp example_usage.f90 -o example_usage
The example defines a heap with entries of user-defined type point2
and default priority function. The priority function fun(a, b)
returns TRUE if a
is higher priority than b
, where both a
and b
are of type(point2)
module mheap_point2
use nodedata, only: node_data_type=>point2, default_priority_function=>greater_than
implicit none
#include ""
end module mheap_point2
The above module defines a heap of type(theap)
. The priority function can be changed on initialisation.
We use the heap like so:
use nodedata, only : point2, less_than
use mheap_point2, only: heap_point2 => theap
implicit none
type(heap_point2) :: h
type(point2) :: p
integer :: i
! Setup heap with 10 entries and a non-default priority function.
! Throw error if we store too many items
call h%init(10, err_if_too_full = .true., priority_function=less_than)
! Add some entries
call h%insert( point2([ 1.0d0, 2.0d0]) )
call h%insert( point2([-1.0d0, 8.0d0]) )
call h%insert( point2([ 5.0d0, 1.0d0]) )
call h%insert( point2([ 2.0d0,-1.0d0]) )
print*, 'Heap size is: ', h%size()
! Add more entries
call h%insert( point2([-6.0d0, 5.0d0]) )
call h%insert( point2([ 3.0d0, 2.0d0]) )
print*, 'New heap size is: ', h%size()
call h%peek(3, p)
print*, 'Peeking at the 3rd entry (without changing the heap) gives: ', p%x
! Return entries in order of priority
do i = 1, h%size()
call h%pop(p)
print*, ' Entry ', i, ' in order: ', p%x, '( norm = ', norm2(p%x), ' )'
end do
! Delete heap data and reset priority function
call h%delete()
If the heap is initialised with err_if_too_full = .false.
(default) then it will ignore insertions once it is full, without warning.