This is likely the final version of JES, unless a Jython 3.0 is developed.
This version was brought to completion by Nigel Charleston, based on the beta work of Veronica Day and Audrey Zhang (see discussion at this blog post Many thanks to R. Benjamin Shapiro for helping us with many technical questions.
JES 6.0 updates Jython to 2.7beta, uses the latest version of JMusic (from, fixes many bugs, will run with Java 8, and creates a new facility to generate pictures from a collection of pixels and sounds from a collection of samples.
The Mac version is a little more complicated to run than usual. You will need to have Java 8 installed to run JES. Thanks to Brian Howard and Michael Stewart for helping to figure this out.
For all MacOS, unzip the folder and put the whole thing (no folder name changes, please) inside /Applications.
For pre-Catalina, right-click on the JES application and choose "Open", then tell it that you really do want to open this downloaded program. After that, you can just double-click the JES application.
For MacOS Catalina (and after), right-click on the file and choose "Open", then tell it that you really do want to open this downloaded program. After that, you can just double-click the file.
Brian Howard notes a complication if you try to have more version of Java on your MacOS with JES:
I have both Java 8 and Java 10 on this machine, and the Mac will automatically choose the most recent one unless told otherwise. It does not work with Java 10, for security reasons. I could run from a Terminal after changing JAVA_HOME ("export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)", but just changing JAVA_HOME isn't enough to allow it to run by double-clicking on either or the JES 6.0 icon. Following a tip in this Stack Overflow discussion: I renamed the file /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-10.0.1.jdk/Contents/Info.plist to Info.plist.disabled (I had to do it with sudo and enter my system password...). That was enough to make the automatic highest version search bypass Java 10 and pick Java 8 instead. I don't consider this a viable approach for beginning students, unless you know that they only have Java 8 installed.