Built with Gatsby and Tailwind CSS.
npm install -g gatsby
npm install
gatsby develop
Set up local wordpress instance with https://localwp.com/
* Plugin Name: Public Menu
add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', function( $args, $post_type ) {
if ( 'wp_navigation' === $post_type ) {
$args['show_in_graphql'] = true;
$args['graphql_single_name'] = 'navigation';
$args['graphql_plural_name'] = 'navigations';
return $args;
}, 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'graphql_data_is_private', function( $is_private, $model_name, $data, $visibility, $owner, $current_user ) {
if ( 'wp_navigation' === $data->post_type ) {
return false;
return $is_private;
}, 10, 6 );
In addition to Wordpress, a careers job portal data feed is pulled in to GraphQL on build. The data can then used to prebuild a list of links to job postings.
Replacement shortcodes are configured to help content editors access some functionality. For example, drop a list of job postings, or list of blog categories. While some wordpress widgets do work, there may be some front end functionality required that needs something more like a shortcode replacement.
Shortcodes should be added as paragraph text in the Wordpress editor like [careers]
Shortcodes configured are:
- Careers -
- list of job postings from HR supplier (in most cases, not Wordpress). - Categories -
- list of wordpress blog categories.