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moonb3ndr edited this page Nov 2, 2022 · 17 revisions

Kata.Games: the offical wiki

NEW in October 2022: pre-alpha 0.1.4 is out! Below you will find tips and tricks so you can easily explore our tech demo (it's a pre-alpha version!). We have 4 categories: about games,

About the U.I.

[Q] Where does lead each portal?

Every portal has a floating label on top of it; it displays the title of the game you will find inside. More generally, you can get an accurate answer but in a raw format!

[Q] is there a way to use the console rapidly?

  • In theory no, players sould walk to a terminal entity (there are several of 'em scattered around the map). But since it's the pre-alpha (lags and bugs are still present) we have kept a shortcut to access the terminal: press F2.

[Q] how am I supposed to use the code editor?

  • shortcuts are: Ctrl+S: save file, Ctrl+L: run code in debug mode (this avoids crashing the app)
    to split your large file into smaller parts you can add a special comment line: # >>> then run code with Ctrl+S,Ctrl+L. This will split your large file.

[Q] is there a way to create my own software and host it?

  • Yes, that's the whole point of our future solution! Right now KATA.GAMES is in pre-alpha phase so it's still a bit tricky. In particular we greatly lack documentation/tutorials. To create your own game cartridge you can copy one that exists and change its content. In the console you can write: clone mousetester myCartridgeName then, edit myCartridge name. While in the editor if you press Ctrl+S this will "push" your work to the server. It's important to verify that your script has no bugs before you exit the editor (otherwise it may crash the software and you would have to reload via F5/reload web page). To verify that you have no bugs, you can preview execution of your cartridge by pressing Ctrl+L
    At anytime you can exit the editor by pressing ESCAPE.
    When you're done teleport to your game like it's done usually by typing tp myCartridgeName.

[Q] I am stuck in the editor because I have too many tabs (pseudo-files) in my program, what can I do?

  • Since you cannot click on all tabs (no scrolling implemented yet), you can still cycle through the tab set by using the Ctrl+D shortcut.

About games

[Q] is there a way to view the FULL, dynamic list of all games that are available?**

  • Yes, simply click the handy link to request the list directly from our server API. It's in raw format but it's the most accurate list you can get.

[Q] are there instructions for each portal? What are the controls?

Sorry, not for the moment! But we're working on it. In the near future, the goal will be to have a short tutorial in each and every game. Most games can be stopped by pressing ESCAPE.

In the meantime, here a few hints:

  • zombies: sorry this game cartridge is really raw and unfinished! You should'nt be playing this just yet. It is published just to provide testers with a glimpse of what the future of Kata.Games holds for you... If you still want to test it a bit and promise that you won't be frustrated, well current keys are: C(change weapon), SPACE(shoot), X(plant bomb, once you found one)

  • pokeruth: keys that you can use are: Backspace (check / Fold ), Enter (Start game/Bet), Spacebar (large Bet x4)

  • tetrav: it's a clone of tetris but with a twist. In the menu, select play using arrow keys+enter or the mouse. During game you can use all four arrow keys, and SPACEBAR to speed up (tetromino instant fall). It includes one different shape that is difficult to use, but also one rule that makes the game easier: every 10 lines or so, you get the "avalanche" special event. This will tamp all your tetrominoes and send your score to new heights! The goal of this game is obviously reach the highest score.

  • colordigger: can be played using the mouse only+ LMB(left mouse button). The goal here is to create the biggest "blobs" of a same color by using gravity, then click the large blob to make it disappear. The larger the blob, the more points you receive at once. The goal is to reach the highest score

  • asteroTempl: this game is unfinished but can already be used. The goal is to shoot all asteroids as fast as possible. Use arrow keys +space to shoot.

  • flappy: it's just a flappy bird clone. Use the mouse click (right button) to fly, and try to overcome as many obstacles as you can!

About our vision/the future

[Q] why is this software considered "innovative"?**

Let's conduct an experiment:

  1. open the niobepolis terminal by pressing F2 for example
  2. type edit flappy and confirm your choice by typing yes
  3. by using Kata.Games, not only can you play games... You can also edit and create them on-the-fly! The only limit of this virtual world is your imagination and your level of commitment as a Builder. What you've seen here is only the beginning!

[Q] What does hypergame mean?

It's a new concept invented by Tom, our project lead. It's basically a virtual world similar to the one you see in a video game, except that it offers the user an even higher level of freedom, and the opportunity to learn, not only play.

[Q] So, can I see the source-code of niobepolis, the hypergame or it's secret?

Not at all. It's possible in v0.1.4 (the option will be removed in v0.1.5+ for various reasons), but this will be uncomfortable because the editor has no optimizations, right now, and the source-code is contained in one file that is so long that the editor will LAG a lot! (However you can improve this by pressing Ctrl+H, as the shortcut disables syntax coloring for the whole file, this changes the performance radically).

In the end, the best way is to check the mashup file that is stored outside of the system. It is almost the same version that Kata.Games is interpreting. Beware the mashup could be a bit outdated, sometimes (only minor differences).


[Q] I'm lost! Where am I supposed to find the tech demo of Kata.Games anyway?!

Don't worry if it takes some time to load. It should work it has been tested many times. Using a fast browser is important for good results. Testing with Chrome is recommended (speed, compatibility, ...). Also there are a few known bugs. If nothing happens when you load the website, try upgrading your browser to the latest version. Thanks.

[Q] What if I like the project and want to contribute?

You can help us to improve KATA GAMES and its documentation if you like the project. With you help, it can become fully operational MUCH FASTER Feel free to contact the project lead: moonb3ndr#7412

[Q] Where can I get more information? What if my question is not listed above?

Feel free to join our Discord! Link to join the DISCORD

If you're a developer/game dev this source of information can be useful, doc. But beware, this was the documentation for the old SDK. As of today it's very outdated but some principles are still valid.

For everyone: Join our discord server here, it's hands-down the best solution if you wish to learn and/or join our community! Also, all important pointers are given via our Linktree. So visit the linktree if you haven't done so, until now!