WARNING: UPON LOADING THIS SCRIPT, A SYSEX MESSAGE WILL BE SENT WHICH WILL OVERWRITE MEMORY SLOT 0 (ZERO) ON YOUR MINI32. No other memory slots will be affected. The reason for doing this is that the Mini32's default knob-CC assignments (CC 1-8) overlaps standard MIDI funtions that will interfere with recodings.
The Mini32 is a simple, light weight, 32 key keyboard controller with 8 drum pads, 8 CC knobs, plus a number a nice features. It's great for travel and it's very playable.
- stop = stop
- play = play
- rec = rec
- shift + stop = mute selected track
- shift + play = solo selected track
- shift + rec = arm selected track
- middle cursor button = shift
- sub-mode button = cycle sub-mode of current mode
- shift + sub-mode button = cycle mode
- shift + up = toggle metronome
- shift + down = toggle overdub (OVR)
- shift + left = undo
- shift + right = redo
- shift + knob 8 = Master volume adjust
- up/down cursor = track select
- right/left cursor = device select
- mode button (above cursor buttons, left of knobs) = change sub-mode
- CURSOR sub-mode = CC control knobs to cursor selected track
- knob 1 = volume
- knob 2 = Pan
- knob 3 = send 1
- knob 4 = send 2
- knob 5 = send 3
- knob 6 = send 4
- shift + knob 6 = project tempo (fixed range: 20 to 147 BPM)
- knob 7 = send 5
- shift + knob 7 = click (metronome) volume
- knob 8 = send 6
- shift + knob 8 = Master volume
- DEVICE sub-mode = CC control knobs to macro 1-8 of cursor selected device
- CURSOR sub-mode = CC control knobs to cursor selected track
- up/down = change panel focus to above or below current
- right/left = cursor right/left within the panel focus
- mode button (above cursor buttons, left of knobs) = change sub-mode
- VOLUME sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 volume adjust
- PAN sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 pan adjust
- DEVICE sub-mode = CC control knobs to macro 1-8 of cursor selected device
- SEND 1 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 1 adjust
- SEND 2 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 2 adjust
- SEND 3 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 3 adjust
- SEND 4 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 4 adjust
- SEND 5 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 5 adjust
- SEND 6 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 6 adjust
- SEND 7 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 7 adjust
- SEND 8 sub-mode = CC control knobs to track 1-8 send 8 adjust
- Setup: It is necessary to set the Mini32's incoming and outgoing MIDI ports, both 1 & 2 for proper operation. The reason for this is that m-audio has made it such that the "sub-mode" button sends data to port 2, while everything else (for purposes of this script) arrive on port 1. Later versions of this script may eliminate this necessity.
- Knobs in MIXER mode presently are fixed to tracks 1-8. Later versions will utilize Track Banks to enhance this function and remove this limit.