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[Snyk] Upgrade highlight.js from 11.10.0 to 11.11.0 (#154)
![snyk-top-banner]( <h3>Snyk has created this PR to upgrade highlight.js from 11.10.0 to 11.11.0.</h3> :information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project. <hr/> - The recommended version is **1 version** ahead of your current version. - The recommended version was released **a month ago**. <details> <summary><b>Release notes</b></summary> <br/> <details> <summary>Package name: <b>highlight.js</b></summary> <ul> <li> <b>11.11.0</b> - <a href="">2024-12-14</a></br><h2>Version 11.11.0</h2> <p>CAVEATS / POTENTIALLY BREAKING CHANGES</p> <ul> <li>Nothing.</li> </ul> <p>Core Grammars:</p> <ul> <li>fix(rust) - adds emoji support in single quote strings [joshgoebel][]</li> <li>fix(apache) - support line continuation via <code>\</code> <a href="">Josh Goebel</a></li> <li>fix(makefile) - allow strings inside <code>$()</code> expressions <a href="">aneesh98</a></li> <li>enh(arcade) updated to ArcGIS Arcade version 1.29 <a href="">Kristian Ekenes</a></li> <li>enh(css) add all properties listed on MDN (96 additions including <code>anchor-name</code>, <code>aspect-ratio</code>, <code>backdrop-filter</code>, <code>container</code>, <code>margin-trim</code>, <code>place-content</code>, <code>scroll-timeline</code>, ...) <a href="">BaliBalo</a></li> <li>enh(excel) add built-in functions for Excel 365 release to 2024 <a href="">Danny Winrow</a></li> <li>enh(erlang) OTP 27 triple-quoted strings <a href="">nixxquality</a></li> <li>enh(erlang) OTP 27 doc attribute <a href="">nixxquality</a></li> <li>enh(erlang) OTP 27 Sigil type <a href="">nixxquality</a></li> <li>enh(erlang) OTP25/27 maybe statement <a href="">nixxquality</a></li> <li>enh(dart) Support digit-separators in number literals [Sam Rawlins][]</li> <li>enh(csharp) add Contextual keywords <code>file</code>, <code>args</code>, <code>dynamic</code>, <code>record</code>, <code>required</code> and <code>scoped</code> <a href="">Alvin Joy</a></li> <li>enh(lua) add 'pluto' as an alias <a href="">Sainan</a></li> <li>enh(bash) add reserved keywords <code>time</code> and <code>coproc</code> <a href="">Álvaro Mondéjar</a></li> <li>enh(nix) update keywords [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) support paths [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) support lookup paths [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) support operators [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) support REPL keywords [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) support markdown comments [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) support basic function params [h7x4][]</li> <li>enh(nix) better parsing of attrsets [h7x4][]</li> <li>fix(c) - Fixed hex numbers with decimals <a href="">Dxuian</a></li> <li>fix(typescript) - Fixedoptional property not highlighted correctly <a href="">Dxuian</a></li> <li>fix(ruby) - fix <code>|=</code> operator false positives (as block arguments) <a href="">Aboobacker MK</a></li> <li>enh(gcode) rewrote language for modern gcode support <a href="">Barthélémy Bonhomme</a></li> <li>fix(sql) - Fixed sql primary key and foreign key spacing issue <a href="">Dxuian</a></li> <li>fix(cpp) added flat_set and flat_map as a part of cpp 23 version <a href="">Lavan</a></li> <li>fix(yaml) - Fixed special chars in yaml <a href="">Dxuian</a></li> <li>fix(basic) - Fixed closing quotation marks not required for a PRINT statement <a href="">Somya</a></li> <li>fix(nix) remove <code>add</code> builtin [h7x4][]</li> <li>fix(nix) mark <code>or</code> as builtin instead of literal [h7x4][]</li> <li>fix(nix) handle <code>'''</code> string escapes [h7x4][]</li> <li>fix(nix) handle backslash string escapes [h7x4][]</li> <li>fix(nix) don't mix escapes for <code>"</code> and <code>''</code> strings [h7x4][]</li> <li>fix(swift) - Fixed syntax highlighting for class func/var declarations <a href="">guuido</a></li> <li>fix(yaml) - Fixed wrong escaping behavior in single quoted strings <a href="">guuido</a></li> <li>enh(nim) - Add <code>concept</code> and <code>defer</code> to list of Nim keywords <a href="">Jake Leahy</a></li> </ul> <p>New Grammars:</p> <ul> <li>added 3rd party TTCN-3 grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Osmocom</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Odin grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">clsource</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Liquid grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Laurel King</a></li> </ul> <p>Developer Tools:</p> <ul> <li>Nothing yet.</li> </ul> <p>Themes:</p> <ul> <li>Added <code>Rosé Pine</code> theme <a href="">William Wilkinson</a></li> <li>Added <code>Cybertopia Cherry</code> theme <a href="">Alexandre ZANNI</a></li> <li>Added <code>Cybertopia Dimmer</code> theme <a href="">Alexandre ZANNI</a></li> <li>Added <code>Cybertopia Icecap</code> theme <a href="">Alexandre ZANNI</a></li> <li>Added <code>Cybertopia Saturated</code> theme <a href="">Alexandre ZANNI</a></li> </ul> <p>Improvements:</p> <ul> <li>Resolve the memory leak problem when creating multiple Highlight.js instances <a href="">Imken</a></li> </ul> <p>CONTRIBUTORS</p> </li> <li> <b>11.10.0</b> - <a href="">2024-07-06</a></br><p>Sorry for the wait, this one is a doozie, thanks to all the contributors who made it possible!</p> <hr> <h3>CAVEATS / POTENTIALLY BREAKING CHANGES</h3> <div class="markdown-alert markdown-alert-important"><p class="markdown-alert-title"><svg class="octicon octicon-report mr-2" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M0 1.75C0 .784.784 0 1.75 0h12.5C15.216 0 16 .784 16 1.75v9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 13H8.06l-2.573 2.573A1.458 1.458 0 0 1 3 14.543V13H1.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 0 11.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v9.5c0 . 0 0 1 .75.75v2.19l2.72-2.72a.749.749 0 0 1 .53-.22h6.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25v-9.5a.25.25 0 0 0-.25-.25Zm7 2.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5a.75.75 0 0 1 1.5 0ZM9 9a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0Z"></path></svg>Important</p><p>This version drops support for Node 16.x, which is no longer supported by Node.js.</p> </div> <hr> <p>Core Grammars:</p> <ul> <li>enh(typescript) add support for <code>satisfies</code> operator <a href="">Kisaragi Hiu</a></li> <li>enc(c) added more C23 keywords <a href="">Melkor-1</a></li> <li>enh(json) added jsonc as an alias <a href="">BackupMiles</a></li> <li>enh(gml) updated to latest language version (GML v2024.2) <a href="">gnysek</a></li> <li>enh(c) added more C23 keywords and preprcoessor directives <a href="">Eisenwave</a></li> <li>enh(js/ts) support namespaced tagged template strings <a href="">Aral Balkan</a></li> <li>enh(perl) fix false-positive variable match at end of string <a href="">Josh Goebel</a></li> <li>fix(cpp) not all kinds of number literals are highlighted correctly <a href="">Lê Duy Quang</a></li> <li>fix(css) fix overly greedy pseudo class matching <a href="">Bradley Mackey</a></li> <li>enh(arcade) updated to ArcGIS Arcade version 1.24 <a href="">Kristian Ekenes</a></li> <li>fix(typescript): params types <a href="">Mohamed Ali</a></li> <li>fix(rust) fix escaped double quotes in string <a href="">Mohamed Ali</a></li> <li>fix(rust) fix for r# raw identifier not being highlighted correctly. <a href="">JaeBaek Lee</a></li> <li>enh(rust) Adding union to be recognized as a keyword in Rust. <a href="">JaeBaek Lee</a></li> <li>fix(yaml) fix for yaml with keys having brackets highlighted incorrectly <a href="">Aneesh Kulkarni</a></li> <li>fix(csharp) add raw string highlighting for C# 11. <a href="">Tara</a></li> <li>fix(bash) fix # within token being detected as the start of a comment <a href="">Felix Uhl</a></li> <li>fix(python) fix <code>or</code> conflicts with string highlighting <a href="">Mohamed Ali</a></li> <li>enh(python) adds a scope to the <code>self</code> variable [Lee Falin][]</li> <li>enh(delphi) allow digits to be omitted for hex and binary literals <a href="">Jonah Jeleniewski</a></li> <li>enh(delphi) add support for digit separators <a href="">Jonah Jeleniewski</a></li> <li>enh(delphi) add support for character strings with non-decimal numerics <a href="">Jonah Jeleniewski</a></li> <li>fix(javascript) incorrect function name highlighting <a href="">CY Fung</a></li> <li>fix(1c) fix escaped symbols "+-;():=,[]" literals <a href="">Vitaly Barilko</a></li> <li>fix(swift) correctly highlight generics and conformances in type definitions <a href="">Bradley Mackey</a></li> <li>enh(swift) add package keyword <a href="">Bradley Mackey</a></li> <li>fix(swift) ensure keyword attributes highlight correctly <a href="">Bradley Mackey</a></li> <li>fix(types) fix interface LanguageDetail > keywords <a href="">Patrick Chiu</a></li> <li>enh(java) add <code>goto</code> to be recognized as a keyword in Java <a href="">Alvin Joy</a></li> <li>enh(bash) add keyword <code>sudo</code> <a href="">Alvin Joy</a></li> <li>fix(haxe) captures <code>new</code> keyword without capturing it within variables/class names <a href="">Cameron Taylor</a></li> <li>fix(go) fix go number literals to accept <code>_</code> separators, add hex p exponents <a href="">Lisa Ugray</a></li> <li>enh(markdown) add entity support <a href="">David Schach</a> <a href="">TaraLei</a></li> <li>enh(css) add <code>justify-items</code> and <code>justify-self</code> attributes <a href="">Vasily Polovnyov</a></li> <li>enh(css) add <code>accent-color</code>, <code>appearance</code>, <code>color-scheme</code>, <code>rotate</code>, <code>scale</code> and <code>translate</code> attributes <a href="">Carl Räfting</a></li> <li>fix(fortran) fixes parsing of keywords delimited by dots <a href="">Julien Bloino</a></li> <li>enh(css) add <code>select</code>, <code>option</code>, <code>optgroup</code>, <code>picture</code> and <code>source</code> to list of known tags <a href="">Vasily Polovnyov</a></li> <li>enh(css) add <code>inset</code>, <code>inset-*</code>, <code>border-start-*-radius</code> and <code>border-end-*-radius</code> attributes <a href="">Vasily Polovnyov</a></li> <li>enh(css) add <code>text-decoration-skip-ink</code>, <code>text-decoration-thickness</code> and <code>text-underline-offset</code> attributes <a href="">Vasily Polovnyov</a></li> </ul> <p>New Grammars:</p> <ul> <li>added 3rd party CODEOWNERS grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">nataliia-radina</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Luau grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Robloxian Demo</a></li> <li>added 3rd party ReScript grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Paul Tsnobiladzé</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Zig grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES [Hyou BunKen][]</li> <li>added 3rd party WGSL grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Arman Uguray</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Unison grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Rúnar Bjarnason</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Phix grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">PeteLomax</a></li> <li>added 3rd party Mirth grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Sierra</a></li> <li>added 3rd party JSONata grammar to SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES <a href="">Vlad Dimov</a></li> </ul> <p>Developer Tool:</p> <ul> <li>enh(tools): order CSS options picklist <a href="">David Schach</a></li> <li>enh(tools): remove duplicate CSS options <a href="">David Schach</a></li> <li>(typescript): deprecate old <code>highlight</code> API <a href="">Misha Kaletsky</a></li> </ul> <p>Themes:</p> <ul> <li>Added <code>1c-light</code> theme a like in the IDE 1C:Enterprise 8 (for 1c) <a href="">Vitaly Barilko</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> from <a href="">highlight.js GitHub release notes</a> </details> </details> --- > [!IMPORTANT] > > - Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project. > - This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user. --- **Note:** _You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open upgrade PRs._ **For more information:** <img src="" width="0" height="0"/> > - 🧐 [View latest project report]( > - 📜 [Customise PR templates]( > - 🛠 [Adjust upgrade PR settings]( > - 🔕 [Ignore this dependency or unsubscribe from future upgrade PRs]( [//]: # 'snyk:metadata:{"customTemplate":{"variablesUsed":[],"fieldsUsed":[]},"dependencies":[{"name":"highlight.js","from":"11.10.0","to":"11.11.0"}],"env":"prod","hasFixes":false,"isBreakingChange":false,"isMajorUpgrade":false,"issuesToFix":[],"prId":"f5301790-189f-49d2-b2b1-e2fd8dabb8a2","prPublicId":"f5301790-189f-49d2-b2b1-e2fd8dabb8a2","packageManager":"npm","priorityScoreList":[],"projectPublicId":"d19c39b4-9b25-4232-b09a-2d71e94c8a24","projectUrl":"","prType":"upgrade","templateFieldSources":{"branchName":"default","commitMessage":"default","description":"default","title":"default"},"templateVariants":[],"type":"auto","upgrade":[],"upgradeInfo":{"versionsDiff":1,"publishedDate":"2024-12-14T16:23:34.323Z"},"vulns":[]}' Co-authored-by: snyk-bot <[email protected]>
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