The "Tick" library provides functions for time management, non-blocking delays and event scheduling on various microcontrollers. The library currently supports the following devices:
- PIC16F Using Timer 1
- PIC18F Using Timer 0
- PIC24FJ, PIC24HJ using Timer 1
La librería "Tick" provee funciones para el manejo de tiempo, retardos sin bloqueos y planificación de eventos en varios microcontroladores. La librería soporta los siguientes dispositivos:
- PIC16F Using Timer 1
- PIC18F Using Timer 0
- PIC24FJ, PIC24HJ using Timer 1
For those who are familiar with the use of arduino millis() function the "Tick" library should be very easy to use and understand. The main difference is that the "Tick" library doesn´t provide a value which is calibrated to any specific time units. Constants defined on Tick.h allow the conversion between system ticks and time units such as seconds, hours, days, etc.
Para aquellas personas que estan familiarizadas con el uso de la funcion millis() en el entorno Arduino, la librería "Tick" debe ser bastante fácil de utilizar y de comprender. La diferencia principal es que la librería "Tick" no presenta una salida que este calibrada a una unidad de tiempo específica. Las constantes definidas en el archivo Tick.h permiten convertir entre "tikcs" del sistema y unidades de tiempo como segundos, horas, días, etc.
#include "tick.h"
void main()
// We operate on 32 bit ints
// unsigned int last_time = 0;
uint32_t last_time = 0;
// Initialize time count facilities
// Main loop
for (;;) {
// Check if more than half second (TICK_SECOND/2) has elapsed
if (tick_get() - last_time >= TICK_SECOND / 2) {
// Store the last time we toggled the led
last_time = tick_get();
// and do it...
PORTAbits.RA0 ^= 1;
// Perform other tasks here inside the main loop
* Interrupt vector implementation. Here we must update the internal counter on
* the tick library (this is needed on PIC16 or PIC18 parts).
void interrupt isr(void)
// Update the system counter
// Other interrupts can be handled here