- Reverse Engineering Resource Collection. 3500+ open source tools, 2300+ blog posts.
- Windows
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- (97) No Category
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- (9) Skin&&Theme
- (4) Firmware&&Embed Device
- Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match
- (6) IDB
- (5) Collaborative RE
- (9) Sync With Debugger
- Import Export&&Sync With Other Tools
- Specific Target
- IDAPython
- (6) Instruction Reference&&Doc
- Script Writting
- (16) Ancient
- Debug&&Dynamic Data
- (14) Decompiler&&AST
- (7) DeObfuscate
- Nav&&Quick Access&&Graph&&Image
- (7) Android
- Apple&&macOS&&iXxx&&Objective-C&&SWift&&Mach-O
- (9) ELF
- (5) Microcode
- (6) Emulator
- (4) Recent Add
- (4) Part Of Other Tool
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- (7) Patch
- (3) Other
- Function
- (3) Taint Analysis&&Symbolic Execution
- (8) string
- (3) encrypt&&decrypt
- Video&&Post
- (6) Series-Labeless Introduction
- (24) Series-Reversing With IDA From Scrach
- Series-Using IDAPython To Make Your Life Easier
- Tool&&Plugin&&Script
- (10) Tips&&Tricks
- (125) No Category
- (5) Translate-The IDA Pro Book
- (2) Translate-Reverse Engineering Code With IDA Pro
- (5) Series-Reversing C Code With IDA
- REPractice
- (27) Recent Add
- (4) IDASelf
- (1) Microcode
- (1) AgainstIDA
- Tools
- Ghidra
- x64dbg
- OllyDbg
- WinDBG
- Radare2
- Cuckoo
- BinaryNinja
- Other
- Mainly from Github
- [111Star][1m] firmianay/security-paper (与本人兴趣强相关的)各种安全or计算机资料收集
- [4Star][1y] [Py] bitshifter123/arpwn Analysis tools and exploit sample scripts for Adobe Reader 10/11 and Acrobat Reader DC
- [4Star][25d] [Py] socraticbliss/ps4_ioctl_nabber_script PS4 IOCTL Nabber / IDA 7.0-7.2
- [2Star][10m] enusbaum/mbbsdasm.ida MBBSDASM Hex-Rays IDA IDS/IDT Files for MajorBBS/Worldgroup Modules
[1058Star][17d] [Py] fireeye/flare-ida Multiple IDA plugins and IDAPython scripts
- StackStrings recovery of manually constructed strings described here
- Struct Typer implements the struct typing described here
- ApplyCalleeType specify or choose a function type for indirect calls as described here
- argtracker identify static arguments to functions used within a program
- idb2pat generate function patterns from an existing IDB database that can then be turned into FLIRT signatures to help identify similar functions in new files. more info
- objc2_analyzer creates cross-references between selector references and their implementations as defined in the Objective-C runtime related sections of the target Mach-O executable
- MSDN Annotations adds MSDN information from a XML file to the IDB database. more info
- ironstrings uses code emulation to recover constructed strings (stackstrings) from malware
- Shellcode Hashes create the database for hash search described in here
[737Star][7m] [Py] devttys0/ida Collection of IDA Python plugins/scripts/modules.
- wpsearch Searches for immediate values commonly founds in MIPS WPS checksum implementations.
- md5hash A sample implementation of MD5 in pure Python
- alleycat Finds paths to a given code block inside a function; Finds paths between two or more functions; Generates interactive call graphs
- codatify Defines ASCII-strings/functions/code that IDA's auto analysis missed; Converts all undefined bytes in the data segment into DWORDs
- fluorescence Un/highlights function call instructions
- leafblower Assists in identifying standard POSIX functions in MIPS/ARM code.
- localxrefs Finds references to any selected text from within the current function
- mipslocalvars Names stack variables used by the compiler for storing registers on the stack, simplifying stack data analysis (MIPS only)
- mipsrop Allows you to search for suitable ROP gadgets in MIPS executable code; Built-in methods to search for common ROP gadgets
- rizzo Identifies and re-names functions between two or more IDBs
[318Star][2m] [C] ohjeongwook/darungrim A patch analysis tool
[312Star][1y] [C++] nevermoe/unity_metadata_loader load strings and method/class names in global-metadata.dat to IDA
[277Star][4m] [Py] jpcertcc/aa-tools Multiple RE plugins and scripts
- apt17scan.py Volatility plugin for detecting APT17 related malware and extracting its config
- emdivi_postdata_decoder Python script for decoding Emdivi's post data
- emdivi_string_decryptor IDAPython script for decrypting strings inside Emdivi
- citadel_decryptor Data decryption tool for Citadel
- adwind_string_decoder Python script for decoding strings inside Adwind
- redleavesscan Volatility plugin for detecting RedLeaves and extracting its config
- datper_splunk Python script for detects Datper communication and adds result field to Splunk index
- datper_elk Python script for detects Datper communication and adds result field to Elasticsearch index
- tscookie_decode Python script for decrypting and parsing TSCookie configure data
- wellmess_cookie_decode Python script for decoding WellMess's cookie data (support Python2)
- cobaltstrikescan Volatility plugin for detecting Cobalt Strike Beacon and extracting its config
- tscookie_data_decode Python script for decrypting and parsing TSCookie configure data
[114Star][1y] [Py] vallejocc/reverse-engineering-arsenal Useful Scripts for helping in reverse engeenering
- WinDbg WinDBG script collection
- IDA-set_symbols_for_addresses asks you for a file containing pairs address - symbol. It walks all segments searching for DWORDs matching the addresses of the given file of pairs address - symbols, and it will name the variable containing the address with the symbol name
- IDA-stack_strings_deobfuscator_1 Some malware families construct strings into the stack
- RevealPE
[80Star][4m] [Py] takahiroharuyama/ida_haru scripts for IDA Pro
- bindiff BinDiff wrapper script for multiple binary diffing
- eset_crackme IDA Pro loader/processor modules for ESET CrackMe driver VM
- fn_fuzzy IDAPython script for fast multiple binary diffing triage
- stackstring_static IDAPython script statically-recovering strings constructed in stack
[75Star][10m] [Py] secrary/ida-scripts IDAPro scripts/plugins
- dumpDyn IDAPython plugin(script) which saves comments, names, breakpoints, functions from one execution to another.
- idenLib Library Function Identification
- IOCTL_decode Windows Device IO Control Code
- XORCheck check xor
[60Star][2y] [Py] tmr232/idabuddy a reverse-engineer's best friend. Designed to be everything Clippy the Office Assistant was, and more!
[59Star][2y] [C++] alexhude/loadprocconfig IDA Plugin to load processor configuration files.
[59Star][2m] [Py] williballenthin/idawilli IDA Pro resources, scripts, and configurations
- hint_calls IDA plugin to display the calls and strings referenced by a function as hints.
- dynamic_hints an example plugin that demonstrates how to provide custom hints with dynamic data.
- add_segment IDAPython plugin that adds the contents of a file as a new segment in an existing idb
- color IDAPython script that colors instructions
- find_ptrs IDAPython script that scans through the .text section for values that could be pointers (32-bit).
- yara_fn IDAPython script that generates a YARA rule to match against the basic blocks of the current function
- idawilli a python module that contains utilities for working with the idapython scripting interface.
- themes colors and skins
[58Star][20d] [Py] lich4/personal_script 010Editor/BurpSuite/Frida/IDA tools and scripts collection
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Frida |DBI->Frida->Tools->Recent Add |
- 010Editor 010Editor scripts
- ParamChecker Burp插件
- Frida Frida Scripts
- IDA IDA Scripts
- IDA-read_unicode.py When there is chinese unicode character in programe, due to python's shortage, ida could not recongnized them correctly, it's what my script just do
- IDA-add_xref_for_macho When you deal with macho file with ida, you'll find out that it's not easy to find Objc-Class member function's caller and callee, (because it use msgSend instead of direct calling convention), so we need to make some connection between the selector names and member function pointers, it's what my script just do
- IDA-add_info_for_androidgdb When you debug android with IDA and gdbserver, you'd find that the module list and segment is empy, while we can read info from /proc/[pid]/,
- IDA-trace_instruction this script is to trace instruction stream in one run
- IDA-detect_ollvm this script is to detect ollvm and fix it in some extent, apply to android and ios
- IDA-add_block_for_macho this script is used to analysis block structure exist in macho file, target NSConcreteStackBlock/NSConcreteGlobalBlock currently, also contain some wonderful skills
[54Star][1y] [Py] zardus/idalink idalink arose of the need to easily use IDA's API for analysis without wanting to be stuck in the IDA interface
[52Star][3y] [C++] sektioneins/wwcd Capstone powered IDA view
[51Star][2y] [Py] cseagle/ida_clemency IDA cLEMENCy Tools
- clemency_ldr IDA loader module to create the basic memory layout and handle the loading of 9-bit, middle-endian, cLEMENCy executables.
- clemency_proc IDA processor module to handle disassembly and assembly tasks
- clemency_dump IDA plugin to allow for dumping modified database content back to a packed 9-bit, middle-endian file
- clemency_fix IDA plugin to assist with fixing up poorly disassembled functions that might branch/call into regions that continue to be marked as data blocks.
[49Star][12m] [Py] agustingianni/utilities Uncategorized utilities
- DumpFunctionBytes dumps the current function (you need to position the cursor on the start of the function) as a shellcode. It does a very limited analysis of the function in order to let you know that you need to fix call sites to functions
- func_references print all the function calls to a given function. This is generally used to look for calls to malloc like function
- arm_frequency takes as input the output of objdump on an ARM binary. It will show the ammount of times every instruction was used, sorted by the most used ones.
- struct_hint infer what's the underlying structure used by a function. Highly heuristic. Don't trust it blindly, just try to use what it gives you and work from that.
- string_finder Utility to find all the strings inside an ill formed IDA Database
- simple_jack Simple Jack symbol porting tool by goose
- renamer Rename files in a directory to its sha1 sum plus an extension.
- prolog_finder Find potential ARM procedures prolog
- minset Tool to calculate the minimum set of files that have approximatelly the best coverage.
- mark_interesting Small idapython script that finds all the signed comparisions and marks them with a color.
- machofinder Hacky script to gather all the mach-o file (and fat).
- find_hardref Script to find hardcoded references inside an IDA database.
[47Star][4y] [Py] jjo-sec/idataco IDATACO IDA Pro Plugin
[46Star][7y] [Py] carlosgprado/milf An IDA Pro swiss army knife
- milf Some useful methods in vulnerability discovery
[42Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/guid-finder find GUID/UUIDs
[40Star][7m] [Visual Basic .NET] dzzie/re_plugins misc reverse engineering plugins
- IDASrvr wm_copydata IPC server running in IDA. allows you to send commands to IDA from another process to query data and control interface display
- IDA_JScript Script IDA in Javascript
- IDA_JScript_w_DukDbg same as IDA_JScript, but using the dukdbg.ocx as full on javascript debugger
- IDASrvr2 support x64
- IdaUdpBridge this replaces the udp command socket in idavbscript which was crashy
- IdaVbScript ton of small tools for IDA all thrown into one interface
- OllySrvr wm_copydata IPC server running in olly
- Olly_hittrace You set breakpoints in the UI and it will then run the app automating it and logging which ones were hit.
- Olly_module_bpx allow you to set breakpoints within modules which have not yet been loaded.
- Olly_vbscript vbscript automation capability for olly including working across breakpoint events.
- PyIDAServer experiment to test a python based IPC server running in IDA that remote process clients can control and query IDA with.
- Wingraph32 This is another experiment at a wingraph32 replacement for ida. This one has more features to hide nodes, and can also navigate IDA to the selected function when you click on it in the graph.
- rabc_gui this is a GUI front end for RABCDAsm to disasm, reasm, and reinsert modified script blocks back into flash files.
- swfdump_gui when run against a target swf, it will create a decompressed version of the swf and a .txt disasm log file these files will be cached and used on subsequent loads. if you wish to start over from scratch use the tools->delete cached * options.
- gleegraph a quick Wingraph32/qwingraph replacement that has some extra features such as being able to navigate IDA to the selected nodes when they are clicked on in graph view, as well as being able to rename the selected node from the graph, or adding a prefix to all child nodes below it.
- hidden_strings scans for strings being build up in char arrays at runtime to hide from traditional strings output
- memdump_conglomerate reads a folder full of memory dumps and puts them all into a single dll husk so they will disassemble at the proper offsets.
- memdump_embedder takes a memory dump and embeds it into a dummy dll husk so that you can disassemble it at the target base address without having to manually reset it everytime
- rtf_hexconvert small tool to extract hex strings from a rtf document and show them in a listview. click on listitem to see decoded data in a hexeditor pane where you can save it
- uGrapher rename real wingraph32.exe to _wingraph.exe and put this one in its place.
- wininet_hooks httpsendhook.dll hooks the following wininet api calls:HttpOpenRequest,InternetConnect,InternetReadFile,InternetCrackUrl,HttpSendRequest
[40Star][2y] [Py] mxmssh/idametrics static software complexity metrics collection
[38Star][2y] [Py] saelo/ida_scripts Collection of IDA scripts
- kernelcache Identify and rename function stubs (plt entries) in an iOS kernelcache. ARM64 only.
- ssdt Resolve syscall table entries in the Windows kernel.
[34Star][4y] [Py] madsc13ntist/idapython My collection of IDAPython scripts.(No Documentation)
[32Star][5y] [Py] iphelix/ida-pomidor a productivity plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler.
[28Star][1y] [Py] xyzz/vita-ida-physdump help with physical memory dump reversing
[27Star][1y] [Py] daniel_plohmann/simplifire.idascope An IDA Pro extension for easier (malware) reverse engineering
[27Star][6m] [Py] enovella/re-scripts IDA, Ghidra and Radare2 scripts(no documentation)
[26Star][5y] [Py] bastkerg/recomp IDA recompiler(No Documentation)
[26Star][8m] [C++] offlinej/ida-rpc Discord rich presence plugin for IDA Pro 7.0
[25Star][3y] [Py] zyantific/continuum Plugin adding multi-binary project support to IDA Pro (WIP)
[23Star][3m] [Py] rceninja/re-scripts
- Hyperv-Scripts
- IA32-MSR-Decoder an IDA script which helps you to find and decode all MSR codes inside binary files
- IA32-VMX-Helper an IDA script (Updated IA32 MSR Decoder) which helps you to find and decode all MSR/VMCS codes inside binary files
[23Star][10m] [C++] trojancyborg/ida_jni_rename IDA JNI clal rename
[22Star][5y] [Py] nihilus/idascope An IDA Pro extension for easier (malware) reverse engineering(Bitbucket has newer version)
[22Star][4m] [Py] nlitsme/idascripts IDApro idc and idapython script collection
- enumerators Enumeration utilities for idapython
[22Star][4y] [Py] onethawt/idapyscripts IDAPython scripts
- DataXrefCounter A small IDAPython plugin which enumerates all of the the x-references in a specific segment and counts the frequency of usage
[22Star][3y] [C++] patois/idaplugins Random IDA scripts, plugins, example code (some of it may be old and not working anymore)
[20Star][1y] [Py] hyuunnn/ida_python_scripts IDAPython scripts(No Documentation)
- IDA_comment
- ida_function_rename
- variable_finder
- assembler_disassembler
- api_visualization
- Decoder Multiple malware decoders
[20Star][2y] [C#] zoebear/radia create an interactive and immerse environment to visualize code, and to augment the task of reverse engineering binaries
[20Star][3y] [Py] ztrix/idascript Full functional idascript with stdin/stdout handled
[20Star][1y] [Py] hyuunnn/ida_python_scripts ida python scripts
[20Star][2m] [Py] mephi42/ida-kallsyms (No Doc)
[19Star][1y] [Py] a1ext/ida-embed-arch-disasm Allows you to disassemble x86-64 code (like inlined WOW64 one) while you using 32-bit IDA database
[19Star][9m] [Py] yellowbyte/reverse-engineering-playground Scripts I made to aid me in everyday reversing or just for fun.
- idapython-scripts
- IDA-ARMdetect Identifies all sections in a ARM binary that is setting up (writing to) a pin, reading a pin (using the pin as input pin), or interfacing with other devices on the board using I2C
- IDA-CCCheck The 0xCC byte is the byte representing int 3, or software breakpoint. When you make a software breakpoint on an instruction, the debugger replaces the first byte of the instruction to 0xCC.
- IDA-Deobfuscate directly patch the bytes in IDA so IDA will show the correct deobfuscated listing rather than writing the deobfuscated listing to a separate file
- IDA-FindMain automatically find and rename main as "main" and then move cursor position in IDA's disassembly listing to beginning of main.(In a stripped ELF executable, IDA will not be able to identify main)
- IDA-intCheck Interrupts are either generated by external sources, such as I/O devices, or by processor-detected exceptions in the running code
- IDA-JccFlip Changes a jcc instruction to its opposite representation.
- IDA-LocFuncAnalyzer In a stripped ELF binary, local functions are deprived of its original name. This is why local functions are not usually the starting point when doing analysis since without its original name, all local functions look exactly the same as one another. This script aims to change that
- IDA-MalCheck Checks an executable for usage of API that has a high chance of being used maliciously or for anti-reversing purposes such as IsDebuggerPresent
- IDA-NopSled Either convert the instructions that user select/highlight or the instruction that the mouse cursor is on to NOPs
- IDA-RdtscCheck rdtsc instruction puts the number of ticks since the last system reboot in EDX:EAX
- file_format_hacks File Format Hacks
- file_analysis
- shellcode_analysis Shellcode Analysis
[17Star][1y] [Py] honeybadger1613/etm_displayer IDA Pro плагин для отображения результата Coresight ETM трассировки perf'а
[16Star][5y] fabi/idacsharp C# 'Scripts' for IDA 6.6+ based on
[15Star][8m] [CMake] google/idaidle a plugin for the commercial IDA Pro disassembler that warns users if they leave their instance idling for too long
[14Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/fast_idb2sig_and_loadmap_ida_plugins ida plugins
[13Star][2y] [Py] cisco-talos/pdata_check identify unusual runtimes based on the pdata section and the last instruction of the runtime function
[13Star][1y] [C++] nihilus/graphslick IDA Plugin - GraphSlick
[13Star][1y] [Py] cxm95/ida_wrapper An IDA_Wrapper for linux, shipped with an Function Identifier. It works well with Driller on static linked binaries.
[12Star][1y] [Assembly] gabrielravier/cave-story-decompilation Decompilation of Cave Story. Can be opened with IDA Pro (freeware and pro version).
[11Star][2y] [Py] 0xddaa/iddaa idapython scripts
[11Star][5y] [Py] dshikashio/idarest Expose some basic IDA Pro interactions through a REST API for JSONP
[11Star][10m] [C++] ecx86/ida7-supportlib IDA-SupportLib library by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
[10Star][4y] [C++] revel8n/spu3dbg Ida Pro debugger module for the anergistic SPU emulator.
[9Star][4y] [Py] nfarrar/ida-colorschemes A .clr colorscheme generator for IDA Pro 6.4+.
[9Star][2m] [C++] nlitsme/idcinternals investigate the internals of IDA
[9Star][5y] [Ruby] rogwfu/plympton Library to work with yaml exported IDA Pro information and run statistics
[9Star][9m] [Py] 0xcpu/relieve Scripts used for reverse engineering, malware analysis.
- elfie display (basic) info about an ELF, similar to readelf.
- elforensics check ELF for entry point hooks, RWX sections, CTORS & GOT & PLT hooks, function prologue trampolines.
- dololi unfinished, the idea is to automatically generate an executable that calls exports from DLL(s).
[8Star][5y] [Py] daniel_plohmann/idapatchwork Stitching against malware families with IDA Pro
[8Star][2y] [C++] ecx86/ida7-segmentselect IDA-SegmentSelect library by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
[8Star][2y] [Py] fireundubh/ida7-alleycat Alleycat plugin by devttys0, ported to IDA 7
[8Star][2m] [Py] lanhikari22/gba-ida-pseudo-terminal IDAPython tools to aid with analysis, disassembly and data extraction using IDA python commands, tailored for the GBA architecture at some parts
[8Star][3y] [Py] pwnslinger/ibt IDA Pro Back Tracer - Initial project toward automatic customized protocols structure extraction
[8Star][2y] [C++] shazar14/idadump An IDA Pro script to verify binaries found in a sample and write them to disk
[7Star][2y] [Py] swackhamer/ida_scripts IDAPython scripts(No Doc)
[7Star][10m] [Py] techbliss/ida_pro_http_ip_geolocator look up web addresses and resolve it to a ip and look it via google maps
[7Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/processor-changer change processor inside ida, No need to Reopen Ida Pro
[7Star][1y] [C++] tenable/mida an IDA plugin which extracts RPC interfaces and recreates the associated IDL file
[7Star][1y] [C++] ecx86/ida7-hexrays-invertif Hex-Rays Invert if statement plugin for IDA 7.0
[6Star][2y] [CMake] elemecca/cmake-ida This project provides CMake support for building IDA Pro modules.
[6Star][9m] [Py] geosn0w/dumpanywhere64 An IDA (Interactive Disassembler) script that can save a chunk of binary from an address.
[5Star][3y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idavshelp IDAPython plugin to integrate Visual Studio Help Viewer in IDA Pro >= 6.8.
[5Star][5m] [Py] fdiskyou/ida-plugins IDAPython scripts(No Documentation)
[5Star][3y] [Py] gh0st3rs/idassldump Simple IDAPython script for dump ssl traffic to file
[5Star][1y] [C++] lab313ru/m68k_fixer IDA Pro plugin fixer for m68k
[5Star][5y] [C#] npetrovski/ida-smartpatcher IDA apply patch GUI
[5Star][4y] [Py] tmr232/tarkus Plugin Manager for IDA Pro
[5Star][2y] abarbatei/ida-utils links, information and helper scripts for IDA Pro
[4Star][3m] [Py] gitmirar/idaextapi IDA API utlitites
[4Star][3y] [Py] hustlelabs/joseph IDA Viewer Plugins
[4Star][1y] savagedd/samp-server-idb
[4Star][3m] [Py] spigwitmer/golang_struct_builder IDA 7.0+ script that auto-generates structs and interfaces from runtime metadata found in golang binaries
[3Star][10m] [Py] gdataadvancedanalytics/ida-python Random assembly of IDA Python scripts
- defineIAT written for the Trickbot sample with sha256 8F590AC32A7C7C0DDFBFA7A70E33EC0EE6EB8D88846DEFBDA6144FADCC23663A
- stringDecryption written for the Trickbot sample with sha256 8F590AC32A7C7C0DDFBFA7A70E33EC0EE6EB8D88846DEFBDA6144FADCC23663A
[3Star][5y] [C++] nihilus/ida-x86emu x86 emulator
[3Star][2y] [Py] ypcrts/ida-pro-segments It's very hard to load multiple files in the IDA GUI without it exploding. This makes it easy.
[2Star][2y] [C++] ecx86/ida7-oggplayer IDA-OggPlayer library by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
[2Star][2y] [Py] mayl8822/ida SearchGoogle
[2Star][4y] [Py] nihilus/idapatchwork Stitching against malware families with IDA Pro
[2Star][2y] [Py] sbouber/idaplugins
[2Star][2m] [Py] psxvoid/idapython-debugging-dynamic-enrichment
[1Star][2y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idamsdnhelp IdaPython plugin to open MSDN Search page
[1Star][1y] [Py] farzonl/idapropluginlab4 An ida pro plugin that tracks def use chains of a given x86 binary.
[1Star][3m] [Py] voidsec/ida-helpers Collection of IDA helpers
[0Star][3y] [Py] kcufid/my_ida_python My idapython decode data
[0Star][1y] [Py] ruipin/idapy Various IDAPython libraries and scripts
[0Star][9m] [Py] tkmru/idapython-scripts IDAPro scripts
- [931Star][25d] [OCaml] airbus-seclab/bincat a static Binary Code Analysis Toolkit, designed to help reverse engineers, directly from IDA or using Python for automation.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Taint Analysis |
- [664Star][27d] [Py] igogo-x86/hexrayspytools assists in the creation of classes/structures and detection of virtual tables
- [168Star][1y] [Py] bazad/ida_kernelcache An IDA Toolkit for analyzing iOS kernelcaches
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Apple->Kernel Cache |
- [140Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/hexrays_tools Assist in creation of new structure definitions / virtual calls detection
- [103Star][4m] [Py] lucasg/findrpc Ida script to extract RPC interface from binaries
- [4Star][3y] [C#] andreafioraldi/idagrabstrings IDAPython plugin to manipulate strings in a specified range of addresses
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |
[607Star][3m] [Py] 0xgalz/virtuailor IDAPython tool for C++ vtables reconstruction
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->Debugger Data |
[171Star][10m] [C++] ecx86/classinformer-ida7 ClassInformer backported for IDA Pro 7.0
[130Star][2y] [Py] nccgroup/susanrtti Another RTTI Parsing IDA plugin
[90Star][1y] [C++] rub-syssec/marx Uncovering Class Hierarchies in C++ Programs
[69Star][7y] [C] nektra/vtbl-ida-pro-plugin Identifying Virtual Table Functions using VTBL IDA Pro Plugin + Deviare Hooking Engine
[35Star][5y] [C++] nihilus/ida_classinformer IDA ClassInformer PlugIn
[32Star][2y] [Py] krystalgamer/dec2struct Python plugin to easily setup vtables in IDA using declaration files
[16Star][2y] [C++] mwl4/ida_gcc_rtti Class informer plugin for IDA which supports parsing GCC RTTI
- [1771Star][10d] onethawt/idaplugins-list A list of IDA Plugins
- [363Star][9m] fr0gger/awesome-ida-x64-olly-plugin Awesome IDA, x64DBG & OllyDBG plugin
- Also In Section: x64dbg->Plugins->Recent Add |
- [10Star][1y] [Py] ecx86/ida-scripts Collection of my IDA Pro/Hex-Rays scripts and plugins
- [723Star][7m] [Py] zyantific/idaskins Plugin providing advanced skinning support for IDA Pro utilizing Qt stylesheets, similar to CSS.
- [258Star][7y] eugeneching/ida-consonance Consonance, a dark color theme for IDA.
- [106Star][6m] [CSS] 0xitx/ida_nightfall A dark color theme for IDA Pro
- [58Star][7y] gynophage/solarized_ida "Solarized Dark" color scheme for IDA Pro.
- [10Star][7y] [Py] luismiras/ida-color-scripts a collection of color scripts for IDA Pro. They deal with import and export of color themes.
- [9Star][2y] [CSS] gbps/x64dbg-consonance-theme dark x64dbg color theme based on IDA Consonance
- [6Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/ida-styler Small Plugin to change the style off Ida Pro
- [3Star][3m] rootbsd/ida_pro_zinzolin_theme IDA Pro zinzolin theme
- [1Star][1y] [C] albertzsigovits/idc-dark A dark-mode color scheme for Hex-Rays IDA using idc
- [5228Star][2m] [Py] refirmlabs/binwalk a fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images.
- [492Star][5m] [Py] maddiestone/idapythonembeddedtoolkit a set of script to automate many of the steps associated with statically analyzing, or reverse engineering, the firmware of embedded devices in IDA Pro.
- [177Star][2y] [Py] duo-labs/idapython a few Python modules developed for use with IDA Pro from the researchers at Duo Labs.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Apple->No Category |
- cortex_m_firmware grooms an IDA Pro database containing firmware from an ARM Cortex M microcontroller.
- amnesia an IDAPython module designed to use byte level heuristics to find ARM thumb instructions in undefined bytes in an IDA Pro database
- REobjc an IDAPython module designed to make proper cross references between calling functions and called functions in Objective-C methods
- [101Star][1m] [Py] pagalaxylab/vxhunter A ToolSet for VxWorks Based Embedded Device Analyses.
- [421Star][1m] [C] mcgill-dmas/kam1n0-community a scalable assembly management and analysis platform
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Part Of Other Tool |
- IDA插件
- kam1n0
- [149Star][1y] [C++] ajkhoury/sigmaker-x64 IDA Pro 7.0 compatible SigMaker plugin
- [131Star][1y] [Py] cisco-talos/bass a framework designed to automatically generate antivirus signatures from samples belonging to previously generated malware clusters
- [71Star][4y] [Py] icewall/bindifffilter IDA Pro plugin making easier work on BinDiff results
- [69Star][5y] [Py] arvinddoraiswamy/slid detect static lib
- [51Star][3m] [Py] vrtadmin/first-plugin-ida Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool
- [45Star][1y] [Py] l4ys/idasignsrch IDAPython Plugin for searching signatures, use xml signature database from IDA_Signsrch
- [33Star][3y] [Py] g4hsean/binauthor an IDA pro plugin developped through research at concordia in the area of binary authorship identification
- [31Star][1y] [Py] cisco-talos/casc IDA Pro plug-in to generate signatures
- [25Star][2y] [LLVM] syreal17/cardinal Similarity Analysis to Defeat Malware Compiler Variations
- [24Star][6m] [Py] xorpd/fcatalog_server Functions Catalog
- [21Star][3y] [Py] xorpd/fcatalog_client fcatalog idapython client
- [18Star][5y] [Py] zaironne/snippetdetector IDA Python scripts project for snippets detection
- [17Star][8y] [C++] alexander-pick/idb2pat idb2pat plugin, fixed to work with IDA 6.2
- [14Star][8y] [Standard ML] letsunlockiphone/iphone-baseband-ida-pro-signature-files IDA Pro Signature Files iPhone Baseband Reversing
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Apple->No Category |
- [3Star][4y] [Py] ayuto/discover_win compare linux and windows binary, rename windows binary functions
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Function->Rename |
- [0Star][1y] [Py] gh0st3rs/idaprotosync IDAPython plugin for identifies functions prototypes between two or more IDBs
- [605Star][2m] [Max] maktm/flirtdb A community driven collection of IDA FLIRT signature files
- [321Star][5m] push0ebp/sig-database IDA FLIRT Signature Database
- [4Star][9m] cloudwindby/ida-pro-sig IDA PRO FLIRT signature files MSVC2017的sig文件
- [62Star][11m] [Py] push0ebp/allirt Tool that converts All of libc to signatures for IDA Pro FLIRT Plugin. and utility make sig with FLAIR easily
- [54Star][9m] [Py] nwmonster/applysig Apply IDA FLIRT signatures for Ghidra
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Ghidra |Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [1554Star][13d] [Py] joxeankoret/diaphora program diffing
- [360Star][1m] [Py] checkpointsw/karta source code assisted fast binary matching plugin for IDA
- [332Star][1y] [Py] joxeankoret/pigaios A tool for matching and diffing source codes directly against binaries.
- [135Star][1y] [Py] nirizr/rematch REmatch, a complete binary diffing framework that is free and strives to be open source and community driven.
- [95Star][7m] [Visual Basic .NET] dzzie/idacompare a plugin for IDA which is designed to help you line up functions across two separate disassemblies
- [73Star][4y] [C] nihilus/ida_signsrch IDA Pro plug-in conversion of Luigi Auriemma's signsrch signature matching tool.
- [72Star][5y] [Py] binsigma/binsourcerer Assembly to Source Code Matching Framework for IDA Pro.
- [72Star][3y] vrtadmin/first Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool
- [52Star][5y] [C++] filcab/patchdiff2 IDA binary differ. Since code.google.com/p/patchdiff2/ seemed abandoned, I did the obvious thing…
- [14Star][3y] [Py] 0x00ach/idadiff The script uses the @Heurs MACHOC algorithm (https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/polichombr) in order to build tiny CFG hashes of a source binary sample in IDA PRO
- [14Star][5y] [C++] binsigma/binclone detecting code clones in malware
- [449Star][2m] [Py] polymorf/findcrypt-yara IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->encrypt |
- [92Star][2m] [Py] hyuunnn/hyara IDA Plugin that provides convenience when writing yararule.
- [92Star][2m] [Py] hyuunnn/hyara Yara rule making tool (IDA Pro & Binary Ninja Plugin)
- [83Star][1y] [Py] oalabs/findyara IDA python plugin to scan your binary with yara rules
- [16Star][11m] [Py] bnbdr/ida-yara-processor Loader and processor for YARA's compiled rule format
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Loader |
- [14Star][1y] [Py] alexander-hanel/ida_yara scan data within in an IDB using Yara
- [14Star][1y] [Py] souhailhammou/idaray-plugin IDARay is an IDA Pro plugin that matches the database against multiple YARA files which themselves may contain multiple rules.
- [316Star][6m] [Py] williballenthin/python-idb a library for accessing the contents of IDA Pro databases
- [151Star][2m] [Py] nccgroup/idahunt a framework to analyze binaries with IDA Pro and hunt for things in IDA Pro
- [87Star][6m] [C++] nlitsme/idbutil extracting information from IDA databases
- [81Star][4m] [Py] nlitsme/pyidbutil extracting information from IDA databases
- [18Star][1y] [Py] kkhaike/tinyidb export userdata from huge idb
- [0Star][4y] [C] hugues92/idaextrapassplugin idb fix and clean
- [508Star][11m] [Py] idarlingteam/idarling a collaborative reverse engineering plugin for IDA Pro and Hex-Rays
- [258Star][1y] [C++] dga-mi-ssi/yaco a Hex-Rays IDA plugin enabling collaborative reverse-engineering on IDA databases for multiple users
- [88Star][5y] [Py] cubicalabs/idasynergy IDA Plugin with svn integerted
- [71Star][2m] [C++] cseagle/collabreate IDA Pro Collaboration/Synchronization Plugin
- [4Star][2y] [Py] argussecurity/psida Python Scripts for IDA [by the Argus Research Team]
- [471Star][13d] [C] bootleg/ret-sync a set of plugins that help to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra disassemblers
- [292Star][11m] [C] a1ext/labeless Seamless synchronization of labels, function names, comments and global variables (w/wo demangling); Dynamic dumping of debugged process memory regions
- [179Star][1y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idangr Use angr in the IDA Pro debugger generating a state from the current debug session
- [132Star][2y] [Py] comsecuris/gdbida a visual bridge between a GDB session and IDA Pro's disassembler
- [97Star][4y] [C++] quarkslab/qb-sync add some helpful glue between IDA Pro and Windbg
- [46Star][4m] [JS] sinakarvandi/windbg2ida dump each step in Windbg then shows these steps in IDA Windbg2ida
- [36Star][10m] [Py] anic/ida2pwntools a IDA 7.0 plugins that helps to attach process created by pwntools and debug pwn
- [29Star][2y] [Py] iweizime/dbghider hide IDA Winddows debugger from processes.
- [19Star][7y] [Py] rmadair/windbg2ida Import debugging traces from WinDBG into IDA. Color the graph, fill in the value of all operands, etc.
- [163Star][2m] [Py] x64dbg/x64dbgida Official x64dbg plugin for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: x64dbg->Plugins->Recent Add |
- [148Star][2m] [C++] alschwalm/dwarfexport Export dwarf debug information from IDA Pro
- [96Star][2y] [Py] robindavid/idasec IDA plugin for reverse-engineering and dynamic interactions with the Binsec platform
- [67Star][1y] [Py] lucasg/idamagnum a plugin for integrating MagnumDB requests within IDA
- [59Star][2m] [Py] binaryanalysisplatform/bap-ida-python interoperatibility between BAP and IDA Pro
- [35Star][5y] [Py] siberas/ida2sym IDAScript to create Symbol file which can be loaded in WinDbg via AddSyntheticSymbol
- [28Star][6y] [C++] oct0xor/deci3dbg Ida Pro debugger module for Playstation 3
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->PS3 |
- [28Star][5m] [C++] thalium/idatag IDA plugin to explore and browse tags
- [19Star][2y] [Py] brandon-everhart/angryida Python based angr plug in for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: Other->angr->Tool |
- [16Star][4y] [C++] m417z/mapimp an OllyDbg plugin which will help you to import map files exported by IDA, Dede, IDR, Microsoft and Borland linkers.
- [16Star][5y] [Py] danielmgmi/virusbattle-ida-plugin The plugin is an integration of Virus Battle API to the well known IDA Disassembler.
- [8Star][7y] [C++] patois/madnes IDA plugin to export symbols and names from IDA db so they can be loaded into FCEUXD SP
- [3Star][1y] [Py] r00tus3r/differential_debugging Differential debugging using IDA Python and GDB
- [299Star][4m] [Py] cisco-talos/ghida an IDA Pro plugin that integrates the Ghidra decompiler in IDA.
- Also In Section: Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [238Star][9m] [Py] daenerys-sre/source A framework for interoperability between IDA and Ghidra
- Also In Section: Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [88Star][4m] [Py] cisco-talos/ghidraaas a simple web server that exposes Ghidra analysis through REST APIs
- Also In Section: Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [54Star][9m] [Py] nwmonster/applysig Apply IDA FLIRT signatures for Ghidra
- [47Star][2m] [Py] utkonos/lst2x64dbg Extract labels from IDA .lst or Ghidra .csv file and export x64dbg database.
- Also In Section: Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |x64dbg->Plugins->Recent Add |
- [382Star][26d] [C++] google/binexport Export disassemblies into Protocol Buffers and to BinNavi databases
- Also In Section: Other->BinNavi->Tool |
- [213Star][4y] [PLpgSQL] cseagle/freedom capstone based disassembler for extracting to binnavi
- Also In Section: Other->BinNavi->Tool |
- [25Star][7y] [Py] tosanjay/bopfunctionrecognition plugin to BinNavi tool to analyze a x86 binanry file to find buffer overflow prone functions. Such functions are important for vulnerability analysis.
- Also In Section: Other->BinNavi->Tool |
- [68Star][9m] [Py] lunixbochs/revsync realtime cross-tool collaborative reverse engineering
- Also In Section: BinaryNinja->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [61Star][6m] [Py] zznop/bnida Suite of plugins that provide the ability to transfer analysis data between Binary Ninja and IDA
- Also In Section: BinaryNinja->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- ida_export 将数据从IDA中导入
- ida_import 将数据导入到IDA
- binja_export 将数据从BinaryNinja中导出
- binja_import 将数据导入到BinaryNinja
- [14Star][6m] [Py] cryptogenic/idc_importer A Binary Ninja plugin for importing IDC database dumps from IDA.
- Also In Section: BinaryNinja->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [125Star][8m] [Py] danigargu/syms2elf A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->ELF |IDA->Tools->Function->No Category |Radare2->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [123Star][2m] [Py] radare/radare2ida Tools, documentation and scripts to move projects from IDA to R2 and viceversa
- Also In Section: Radare2->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [128Star][3y] [Py] friedappleteam/frapl a reverse engineering framework created to simplify dynamic instrumentation with Frida
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->DBI Data |DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->IDA |
- IDA插件
- Frida脚本
- [83Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/frida_for_ida_pro plugin for ida pro thar uses the Frida api
- Also In Section: DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [58Star][20d] [Py] lich4/personal_script 010Editor/BurpSuite/Frida/IDA tools and scripts collection
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->No Category |DBI->Frida->Tools->Recent Add |
- 010Editor 010Editor scripts
- ParamChecker Burp插件
- Frida Frida Scripts
- IDA IDA Scripts
- IDA-read_unicode.py When there is chinese unicode character in programe, due to python's shortage, ida could not recongnized them correctly, it's what my script just do
- IDA-add_xref_for_macho When you deal with macho file with ida, you'll find out that it's not easy to find Objc-Class member function's caller and callee, (because it use msgSend instead of direct calling convention), so we need to make some connection between the selector names and member function pointers, it's what my script just do
- IDA-add_info_for_androidgdb When you debug android with IDA and gdbserver, you'd find that the module list and segment is empy, while we can read info from /proc/[pid]/,
- IDA-trace_instruction this script is to trace instruction stream in one run
- IDA-detect_ollvm this script is to detect ollvm and fix it in some extent, apply to android and ios
- IDA-add_block_for_macho this script is used to analysis block structure exist in macho file, target NSConcreteStackBlock/NSConcreteGlobalBlock currently, also contain some wonderful skills
- [40Star][2y] [Py] agustingianni/memrepl a frida based script that aims to help a researcher in the task of exploitation of memory corruption related bugs
- Also In Section: DBI->Frida->Tools->Recent Add |
- [134Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
- [44Star][3y] [Batchfile] maldiohead/idapin plugin of ida with pin
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |
- [542Star][2y] [Py] anatolikalysch/vmattack static and dynamic virtualization-based packed analysis and deobfuscation.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->DeObfuscate |
- [199Star][4y] [Py] f8left/decllvm IDA plugin for OLLVM analysis
- [117Star][1y] [Py] xerub/idastuff IDA Pro/Hexrays plugins, mainly targeted at ARM processors
- [101Star][12d] [Py] fboldewin/com-code-helper Two IDAPython Scripts help you to reconstruct Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) Code
- [93Star][4m] [Py] themadinventor/ida-xtensa IDAPython plugin for Tensilica Xtensa (as seen in ESP8266)
- [82Star][4y] [C++] wjp/idados Eric Fry's IDA/DOSBox debugger plugin
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->No Category |
- [75Star][3m] [Py] coldzer0/ida-for-delphi IDA Python Script to Get All function names from Event Constructor (VCL)
- [59Star][2y] [Py] isra17/nrs NSIS Reversing Suite with IDA Plugins
- [59Star][6m] [C++] troybowman/dtxmsg an IDA plugin that helped me reverse-engineer the DTXConnectionServices framework.
- [57Star][4m] [Py] giantbranch/mipsaudit IDA script to assist in MIPS static scan
- [50Star][10m] [C] lab313ru/smd_ida_tools Special IDA Pro tools for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive romhackers
- [47Star][2y] [C++] antid0tecom/aarch64_armv81extension IDA AArch64 processor extender extension: Adding support for ARMv8.1 opcodes
- [33Star][3y] [Py] sam-b/windows_syscalls_dumper A dirty IDAPython script to dump windows system call number/name pairs as JSON
- [24Star][3y] [C++] sektioneins/aarch64_cryptoextension IDA AArch64 processor extender extension: Adding crypto extension instructions (AES/SHA1/SHA256)
- [23Star][12m] [Py] howmp/comfinder IDA plugin for COM
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Function->Rename |
- [23Star][3y] [Py] pfalcon/ida-xtensa2 IDAPython plugin for Tensilica Xtensa (as seen in ESP8266), version 2
- [20Star][5y] [Py] digitalbond/ibal IDA Pro Bootrom Analysis Library, which contains a number of useful functions for analyzing embedded ROMs
- [19Star][2y] [C] andywhittaker/idaproboschme7x IDA Pro Bosch ME7x C16x Disassembler Helper
- [16Star][3y] [Py] 0xdeva/ida-cpu-risc-v RISCV-V disassembler for IDA Pro
- [15Star][5y] [Py] dolphin-emu/gcdsp-ida An IDA plugin for GC DSP reverse engineering
- [11Star][2y] [C++] hyperiris/gekkops Nintendo GameCube Gekko CPU Extension plug-in for IDA Pro 5.2
- [4Star][3y] [Py] neogeodev/idaneogeo NeoGeo binary loader & helper for the Interactive Disassembler
- [3Star][5m] [C] extremlapin/glua_c_headers_for_ida Glua module C headers for IDA
- [2Star][6m] [Py] lucienmp/idapro_m68k Extends existing support in IDA for the m68k by adding gdb step-over and type information support
- [0Star][9m] [C] 0xd0cf11e/idcscripts Scripts used when analyzing files in IDA
- emotet-decode 解码emotet
- [0Star][3m] [C++] marakew/emuppc simple PowerPC emulator for unpack into IDAPro some PowerPC binary
- [205Star][1y] [Py] fireeye/idawasm IDA Pro loader and processor modules for WebAssembly
- [161Star][2m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |IDA->Tools->ELF |Android->Tools->IDA |Android->Tools->Recent Add |
- [155Star][2y] [Py] crytic/ida-evm IDA Processor Module for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
- [146Star][29d] [Py] argp/iboot64helper IDAPython loader to help with AArch64 iBoot, iBEC, and SecureROM reverse engineering
- [131Star][2y] [C] gsmk/hexagon IDA processor module for the hexagon (QDSP6) processor
- [112Star][1y] pgarba/switchidaproloader Loader for IDA Pro to support the Nintendo Switch NRO binaries
- [79Star][9m] [Py] reswitched/loaders IDA Loaders for Switch binaries(NSO / NRO)
- [72Star][2y] [Py] embedi/meloader Intel Management Engine firmware loader plugin for IDA
- [55Star][7m] [C++] mefistotelis/ida-pro-loadmap Plugin for IDA Pro disassembler which allows loading .map files.
- [37Star][1y] [C++] patois/nesldr Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) ROM loader module for IDA Pro
- [35Star][1y] [Py] bnbdr/ida-bpf-processor BPF Processor for IDA Python
- [33Star][2y] [C++] teammolecule/toshiba-mep-idp IDA Pro module for Toshiba MeP processors
- [32Star][5y] [Py] 0xebfe/3dsx-ida-pro-loader IDA PRO Loader for 3DSX files
- [28Star][4y] [C] gdbinit/teloader A TE executable format loader for IDA
- [27Star][4m] [Py] ghassani/mclf-ida-loader An IDA file loader for Mobicore trustlet and driver binaries
- [27Star][3y] [Py] w4kfu/ida_loader Some loader module for IDA
- [23Star][2y] [C++] balika011/belf Balika011's PlayStation 4 ELF loader for IDA Pro 7.0/7.1
- [23Star][6y] vtsingaras/qcom-mbn-ida-loader IDA loader plugin for Qualcomm Bootloader Stages
- [20Star][3y] [C++] patois/ndsldr Nintendo DS ROM loader module for IDA Pro
- [18Star][8y] [Py] rpw/flsloader IDA Pro loader module for Infineon/Intel-based iPhone baseband firmwares
- [17Star][9m] [C++] gocha/ida-snes-ldr SNES ROM Cartridge File Loader for IDA (Interactive Disassembler) 6.x
- [16Star][11m] [Py] bnbdr/ida-yara-processor Loader and processor for YARA's compiled rule format
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Signature(FLIRT...)->Yara |
- [16Star][9m] [C++] gocha/ida-65816-module SNES 65816 processor plugin for IDA (Interactive Disassembler) 6.x
- [16Star][1y] [Py] lcq2/riscv-ida RISC-V ISA processor module for IDAPro 7.x
- [16Star][1y] [Py] ptresearch/nios2 IDA Pro processor module for Altera Nios II Classic/Gen2 microprocessor architecture
- [14Star][2y] [Py] patois/necromancer IDA Pro V850 Processor Module Extension
- [13Star][1y] [Py] rolfrolles/hiddenbeeloader IDA loader module for Hidden Bee's custom executable file format
- [10Star][4y] [C++] areidz/nds_loader Nintendo DS loader module for IDA Pro 6.1
- [10Star][6y] [Py] cycad/mbn_loader IDA Pro Loader Plugin for Samsung Galaxy S4 ROMs
- [7Star][1y] [C++] fail0verflow/rl78-ida-proc Renesas RL78 processor module for IDA
- [5Star][9m] [C++] gocha/ida-spc700-module SNES SPC700 processor plugin for IDA (Interactive Disassembler)
- [3Star][9m] [C++] gocha/ida-snes_spc-ldr SNES-SPC700 Sound File Loader for IDA (Interactive Disassembler)
- [2Star][3m] [C] cisco-talos/ida_tilegx This is an IDA processor module for the Tile-GX processor architecture
- [376Star][9m] [Py] sibears/idagolanghelper Set of IDA Pro scripts for parsing GoLang types information stored in compiled binary
- [297Star][2m] [Py] strazzere/golang_loader_assist Making GO reversing easier in IDA Pro
- [306Star][1y] [Py] fsecurelabs/win_driver_plugin A tool to help when dealing with Windows IOCTL codes or reversing Windows drivers.
- [218Star][1y] [Py] nccgroup/driverbuddy IDA Python script to assist with the reverse engineering of Windows kernel drivers.
- [74Star][5y] [Py] tandasat/winioctldecoder IDA Plugin which decodes Windows Device I/O control code into DeviceType, FunctionCode, AccessType and MethodType.
- [23Star][1y] [C] ioactive/kmdf_re Helper idapython code for reversing kmdf drivers
- [69Star][3m] [C] aerosoul94/ida_gel A collection of IDA loaders for various game console ELF's. (PS3, PSVita, WiiU)
- [55Star][7y] [C++] kakaroto/ps3ida IDA scripts and plugins for PS3
- [44Star][2y] [C] aerosoul94/dynlib IDA Pro plugin to aid PS4 user mode ELF reverse engineering.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->ELF |
- [28Star][6y] [C++] oct0xor/deci3dbg Ida Pro debugger module for Playstation 3
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->No Category |
- [98Star][5m] [C++] mixaill/fakepdb 通过IDA数据库生成PDB文件
- [39Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/ida_pdb_loader IDA PDB Loader
- [14Star][1y] [CMake] gdataadvancedanalytics/bindifflib Automated library compilation and PDB annotation with CMake and IDA Pro
- [2Star][6m] [Py] clarkb7/annotate_lineinfo Annotate IDA with source and line number information from a PDB
- [34Star][1y] [Py] kasperskylab/actionscript3 Tools for static and dynamic analysis of ActionScript3 SWF files.
- [27Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/ida-pro-swf SWF Process
- [9Star][2y] [Py] d00rt/easy_way_nymaim An IDA Pro script for creating a clearer idb for nymaim malware
- [8Star][3y] [Py] thngkaiyuan/mynaim IDAPython Deobfuscation Scripts for Nymaim Samples
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->DeObfuscate |
- [4Star][2y] [Py] immortalp0ny/fyvmdisassembler IDAPython scripts for devirtualization/disassembly FinSpy VM
- [4Star][8m] [C] lacike/gandcrab_string_decryptor IDC script for decrypting strings in the GandCrab v5.1-5.3
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |
- [132Star][2y] [Py] pwning/defcon25-public Publicly released tools/plugins from PPP for DEFCON 25 CTF Finals
- [720Star][15d] [Py] idapython/src IDAPython project for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro
- [373Star][3m] [Py] tmr232/sark IDAPython Made Easy
- [248Star][2y] [Py] intezer/docker-ida Run IDA Pro disassembler in Docker containers for automating, scaling and distributing the use of IDAPython scripts.
- [82Star][4y] idapython/bin IDAPython binaries
- [69Star][2y] [Py] alexander-hanel/idapython6to7
- [43Star][1y] [Py] nirizr/pytest-idapro A pytest module for The Interactive Disassembler and IDAPython; Record and Replay IDAPython API, execute inside IDA or use mockups of IDAPython API.
- [29Star][3y] [Py] kerrigan29a/idapython_virtualenv Enable Virtualenv or Conda in IDAPython
- [23Star][3y] [Py] devttys0/idascript a wrapper around IDA Pro that makes it easy to automate the execution of IDA scripts against target files from the command line
- [258Star][28d] [Py] inforion/idapython-cheatsheet Scripts and cheatsheets for IDAPython
- [497Star][1y] [PLpgSQL] nologic/idaref IDA Pro Instruction Reference Plugin
- [449Star][4m] [C++] alexhude/friend Flexible Register/Instruction Extender aNd Documentation
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
- [250Star][2y] [Py] gdelugre/ida-arm-system-highlight IDA script for highlighting and decoding ARM system instructions
- [106Star][2m] [Py] neatmonster/amie A Minimalist Instruction Extender for the ARM architecture and IDA Pro
- [45Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/msdn-plugin-ida Imports MSDN documentation into IDA Pro
- [24Star][3y] [AutoIt] yaseralnajjar/ida-msdn-helper IDA Pro MSDN Helper
- [393Star][3y] [Py] 36hours/idaemu an IDA Pro Plugin use for emulating code in IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Emulator |
- [282Star][2m] [Py] fireeye/flare-emu marries a supported binary analysis framework, such as IDA Pro or Radare2, with Unicorn’s emulation framework to provide the user with an easy to use and flexible interface for scripting emulation tasks
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Emulator |
- [137Star][26d] [Py] arizvisa/ida-minsc a plugin for IDA Pro that assists a user with scripting the IDAPython plugin that is bundled with the disassembler.
- [104Star][1m] [Py] patois/idapyhelper IDAPyHelper is a script for the Interactive Disassembler that helps writing IDAPython scripts and plugins.
- [74Star][5m] [C++] 0xeb/ida-qscripts An IDA plugin to increase productivity when developing scripts for IDA
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
- [42Star][6m] [C++] 0xeb/ida-climacros Create and use macros in IDA's CLIs
- [32Star][2y] [CMake] zyantific/ida-cmake IDA plugin CMake build-script
- [22Star][1y] [Py] nirizr/idasix IDAPython compatibility library. idasix aims to create a smooth ida development process and allow a single codebase to function with multiple IDA/IDAPython versions
- [4Star][8m] inndy/idapython-cheatsheet scripting IDA like a Pro
- [25Star][1y] techbliss/ida_pro_ultimate_qt_build_guide Ida Pro Ultimate Qt Build Guide
- [13Star][3m] [Py] tmr232/cute Cross-Qt compatibility module for IDAPython.
- [9Star][3y] [Py] techbliss/ida_pro_screen_recorder PyQt plugin for Ida Pro for Screen recording.
- [269Star][1m] [Py] eset/ipyida IPython console integration for IDA Pro
- [232Star][2y] [Jupyter Notebook] james91b/ida_ipython An IDA Pro Plugin for embedding an IPython Kernel
- [175Star][5m] [Py] techbliss/python_editor Better CodeEditor for Ida Pro.
- [5Star][2y] [C++] patois/ida_vs2017 IDA 7.x VisualStudio 2017 Sample Project for IDA and HexRays plugins (works with Community Edition)
- [4Star][5y] [JS] nihilus/ida-pro-plugin-wizard-for-vs2013 IDA Pro plugin wizard for VisualStudio 2013
- [22Star][3y] [Java] cblichmann/idajava Java integration for Hex-Rays IDA Pro
- [8Star][3y] [C++] nlitsme/idaperl perl scripting support for IDApro
- [162Star][4y] [Py] osirislab/fentanyl an IDAPython script that makes patching significantly easier
- [127Star][6y] [C++] crowdstrike/crowddetox CrowdStrike CrowdDetox Plugin for Hex-Rays,automatically removes junk code and variables from Hex-Rays function decompilation
- [95Star][5y] [Py] nihilus/ida-idc-scripts Varoius IDC-scripts I've collected during the years.
- [82Star][6y] [Py] einstein-/hexrays-python Python bindings for the Hexrays Decompiler
- [76Star][5y] [PHP] v0s/plus22 Tool to analyze 64-bit binaries with 32-bit Hex-Rays Decompiler
- [63Star][5y] [C] nihilus/idastealth
- [40Star][6y] [C++] wirepair/idapinlogger Logs instruction hits to a file which can be fed into IDA Pro to highlight which instructions were called.
- [39Star][10y] izsh/ida-python-scripts IDA Python Scripts
- [39Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/bincrowd-plugin-ida BinCrowd Plugin for IDA Pro
- [35Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/ida2sql-plugin-ida
- [27Star][4y] [C++] luorui110120/idaplugins IDA plugins, No Doc
- [21Star][10y] [C++] sporst/ida-pro-plugins Collection of IDA Pro plugins I wrote over the years
- [18Star][10y] [Py] binrapt/ida Python script which extracts procedures from IDA Win32 LST files and converts them to correctly dynamically linked compilable Visual C++ inline assembly.
- [16Star][7y] [Py] nihilus/optimice
- [10Star][10y] jeads-sec/etherannotate_ida EtherAnnotate IDA Pro Plugin - Parse EtherAnnotate trace files and markup IDA disassemblies with runtime values
- [6Star][10y] [C] jeads-sec/etherannotate_xen EtherAnnotate Xen Ether Modification - Adds a feature to Ether that pulls register values and potential string values at each instruction during an instruction trace.
- [395Star][1y] [C++] cseagle/sk3wldbg Debugger plugin for IDA Pro backed by the Unicorn Engine
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Emulator |
- [187Star][5y] [C++] nihilus/scyllahide an x64/x86 usermode Anti-Anti-Debug library
- [107Star][23d] [Py] danielplohmann/apiscout simplifying Windows API import recovery on arbitrary memory dumps
- [82Star][4y] [C++] wjp/idados Eric Fry's IDA/DOSBox debugger plugin
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->No Category |
- [57Star][8y] [Py] cr4sh/ida-vmware-gdb Helper script for Windows kernel debugging with IDA Pro on VMware + GDB stub
- [42Star][5y] [Py] nihilus/idasimulator a plugin that extends IDA's conditional breakpoint support, making it easy to augment / replace complex executable code inside a debugged process with Python code.
- [39Star][2y] [Py] thecjw/ida_android_script some idapython scripts for android debugging.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |Android->Tools->IDA |
- [22Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/scylladumper Ida Plugin to Use the Awsome Scylla plugin
- [14Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/free_the_debuggers Free_the_Debuggers
- [0Star][2y] [Py] benh11235/ida-windbglue Humble suite of scripts to assist with remote debugging using IDA pro client and winDBG server.
- [943Star][1y] [Py] gaasedelen/lighthouse Code Coverage Explorer for IDA Pro & Binary Ninja
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->IDA |DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->Binary Ninja |
- coverage-frida 使用Frida收集信息
- coverage-pin 使用Pin收集覆盖信息
- 插件 支持IDA和BinNinja
- [134Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
- [128Star][3y] [Py] friedappleteam/frapl a reverse engineering framework created to simplify dynamic instrumentation with Frida
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Frida |DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->IDA |
- IDA插件
- Frida脚本
- [122Star][5y] [C++] zachriggle/ida-splode Augmenting Static Reverse Engineering with Dynamic Analysis and Instrumentation
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |
- IDA插件
- PinTool
- [117Star][2y] [C++] 0xphoenix/mazewalker Toolkit for enriching and speeding up static malware analysis
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |
- mazeui 在IDA中显示界面
- PyScripts Python脚本,处理收集到的数据
- PinClient
- [89Star][8y] [C] neuroo/runtime-tracer Dynamic tracing for binary applications (using PIN), IDA plugin to visualize and interact with the traces
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |
- PinTool
- IDA插件
- [80Star][3y] [Py] davidkorczynski/repeconstruct automatically unpacking binaries and rebuild the binaries in a manner well-suited for further analysis, specially focused on further manual analysis in IDA pro.
- [52Star][12m] [Py] cisco-talos/dyndataresolver Dynamic Data Resolver (DDR) IDA Pro Plug-in
- Also In Section: DBI->DynamoRIO->Tools->With Other Tools |
- DDR 基于DyRIO的Client
- IDA插件
- [20Star][9m] [C++] secrary/findloop find possible encryption/decryption or compression/decompression code
- Also In Section: DBI->DynamoRIO->Tools->With Other Tools |
- [15Star][1y] [C++] agustingianni/instrumentation Collection of tools implemented using pintools aimed to help in the task of reverse engineering.
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |
- CodeCoverage
- Pinnacle
- Recoverer
- Resolver
[607Star][3m] [Py] 0xgalz/virtuailor IDAPython tool for C++ vtables reconstruction
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Structure->C++ Class |
[386Star][5m] [Py] ynvb/die an IDA python plugin designed to enrich IDA`s static analysis with dynamic data
[380Star][4y] [Py] deresz/funcap IDA Pro script to add some useful runtime info to static analysis
[104Star][3y] [Py] c0demap/codemap a binary analysis tool for "run-trace visualization" provided as IDA plugin.
[1672Star][7m] [C++] yegord/snowman a native code to C/C++ decompiler, supporting x86, AMD64, and ARM architectures
- Also In Section: x64dbg->Plugins->Recent Add |
- IDA插件
- snowman QT界面
- nocode 命令行工具
- nc 核心代码,可作为库使用
[1329Star][1y] [C++] rehints/hexrayscodexplorer Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
View Details
- 自动类型重建
- 虚表识别/导航(反编译窗口)
- C-tree可视化与导出
- 对象浏览
[467Star][4y] [Py] einstein-/decompiler A decompiler with multiple backend support, written in Python. Works with IDA and Capstone.
[418Star][3m] [C++] avast/retdec-idaplugin RetDec plugin for IDA
[293Star][5y] [C++] smartdec/smartdec SmartDec decompiler
[286Star][5y] [Py] aaronportnoy/toolbag The IDA Toolbag is a plugin providing supplemental functionality to Hex-Rays IDA Pro disassembler.
[235Star][7m] [Py] patois/dsync IDAPython plugin that synchronizes disassembler and decompiler views
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
[180Star][29d] [Py] fireeye/fidl A sane API for IDA Pro's decompiler. Useful for malware RE and vulnerability research
[167Star][1y] [Py] tintinweb/ida-batch_decompile IDA Batch Decompile plugin and script for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro that adds the ability to batch decompile multiple files and their imports with additional annotations (xref, stack var size) to the pseudocode .c file
[150Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/hrdev Hex-Rays Decompiler Enhanced View
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->GUI Enhencement |
[103Star][13d] [Py] sibears/hrast PoC of modifying HexRays AST
[90Star][6m] [Py] patois/hrdevhelper HexRays decompiler plugin that visualizes the ctree of decompiled functions.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->GUI Enhencement |
[70Star][13d] [Py] patois/mrspicky An IDAPython decompiler script that helps auditing calls to the memcpy() and memmove() functions.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Vul->No Category |
[25Star][2y] [C++] dougallj/dj_ida_plugins Plugins for IDA Pro and Hex-Rays
- [1365Star][3m] [Py] fireeye/flare-floss Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |
- floss
- IDA插件
- [542Star][2y] [Py] anatolikalysch/vmattack static and dynamic virtualization-based packed analysis and deobfuscation.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->No Category |
- [304Star][4m] [C++] rolfrolles/hexraysdeob Hex-Rays microcode API plugin for breaking an obfuscating compiler
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Microcode |
- [202Star][2y] [Py] tkmru/nao Simple No-meaning Assembly Omitter for IDA Pro (CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Emulator |
- [47Star][2y] [Py] riscure/drop-ida-plugin Experimental opaque predicate detection for IDA Pro
- [23Star][5m] [Py] jonathansalwan/x-tunnel-opaque-predicates IDA+Triton plugin in order to extract opaque predicates using a Forward-Bounded DSE. Example with X-Tunnel.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Taint Analysis |
- [8Star][3y] [Py] thngkaiyuan/mynaim IDAPython Deobfuscation Scripts for Nymaim Samples
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Malware Family |
[1329Star][1y] [C++] rehints/hexrayscodexplorer Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Decompiler |
View Details
- 自动类型重建
- 虚表识别/导航(反编译窗口)
- C-tree可视化与导出
- 对象浏览
[449Star][4m] [C++] alexhude/friend Flexible Register/Instruction Extender aNd Documentation
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Instruction Reference |
[372Star][3m] [Py] l4ys/lazyida Make your IDA Lazy!
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |IDA->Tools->Vul->No Category |
[329Star][4m] [Py] pfalcon/scratchabit Easily retargetable and hackable interactive disassembler with IDAPython-compatible plugin API
[235Star][7m] [Py] patois/dsync IDAPython plugin that synchronizes disassembler and decompiler views
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Decompiler |
[192Star][2m] [Py] danigargu/dereferencing IDA Pro plugin that implements more user-friendly register and stack views
[130Star][2y] [Py] comsecuris/ida_strcluster extending IDA's string navigation capabilities
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |
[99Star][1y] [Py] darx0r/stingray IDAPython plugin for finding function strings recursively
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |IDA->Tools->Function->Nav |
[81Star][15d] [Py] ax330d/functions-plus IDA Pro plugin to show functions in a tree view
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Function->Nav |
[74Star][5m] [C++] 0xeb/ida-qscripts An IDA plugin to increase productivity when developing scripts for IDA
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Script Writting->No Category |
[48Star][8d] [C++] jinmo/ifred IDA command palette & more (Ctrl+Shift+P, Ctrl+P)
[40Star][5m] [Py] tmr232/brutal-ida Block Redo & Undo To Achieve Legacy IDA
[23Star][7y] [C++] cr4sh/ida-ubigraph IDA Pro plug-in and tools for displaying 3D graphs of procedures using UbiGraph
[17Star][2y] [Py] tmr232/graphgrabber grab full-resolution images of IDA graphs.
[5Star][2y] [Py] handsomematt/ida_func_ptr Easily create and copy function pointers to functions in IDA.
- [208Star][1m] [Py] patois/idacyber Data Visualization Plugin for IDA Pro
- [150Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/hrdev Hex-Rays Decompiler Enhanced View
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Decompiler |
- [105Star][2y] [Py] danigargu/idatropy a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro designed to generate charts of entropy and histograms using the power of idapython and matplotlib.
- [90Star][6m] [Py] patois/hrdevhelper HexRays decompiler plugin that visualizes the ctree of decompiled functions.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Decompiler |
- [52Star][1m] [Py] patois/xray Hexrays decompiler plugin that colorizes and filters the decompiler's output based on regular expressions
- [20Star][4m] [C++] revspbird/hightlight a plugin for ida of version 7.2 to help know F5 window codes better
- [5Star][3y] [Py] oct0xor/ida_pro_graph_styling Advanced Ida Pro Instruction Highlighting
- [5Star][2y] [C] teppay/ida my files related to IDA
- [3Star][2y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idaretaddr Highlight the return address of a function in the Ida Pro debugger
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Function->No Category |
- [2569Star][6m] [Java] google/binnavi a binary analysis IDE that allows to inspect, navigate, edit and annotate control flow graphs and call graphs of disassembled code.
- [231Star][2y] [C++] fireeye/simplifygraph IDA Pro plugin to assist with complex graphs
- [40Star][9m] [Py] rr-/ida-images Image preview plugin for IDA disassembler.
- [150Star][15d] [Py] ga-ryo/idafuzzy Fuzzy search tool for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Function->Nav |
- [64Star][3y] [Py] xorpd/idsearch A search tool for IDA
- [23Star][6m] [Py] alexander-hanel/hansel a simple but flexible search for IDA
- [246Star][28d] [C++] strazzere/android-scripts Collection of Android reverse engineering scripts
- Also In Section: Android->Tools->Reverse Engineering |
- [161Star][2m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->ELF |IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Loader |Android->Tools->IDA |Android->Tools->Recent Add |
- [118Star][4y] [Py] cvvt/dumpdex IDA python script to dynamically dump DEX in memory
- Also In Section: Android->Tools->IDA |
- [83Star][2y] [Py] zhkl0228/androidattacher IDA debugging plugin for android armv7 so
- Also In Section: Android->Tools->IDA |
- [39Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/adb_helper_qt_super_version All You Need For Ida Pro And Android Debugging
- Also In Section: Android->Tools->IDA |
- [39Star][2y] [Py] thecjw/ida_android_script some idapython scripts for android debugging.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->No Category |Android->Tools->IDA |
- [16Star][7y] [C++] strazzere/dalvik-header-plugin Dalvik Header Plugin for IDA Pro
- Also In Section: Android->Tools->IDA |
- [177Star][2y] [Py] duo-labs/idapython a few Python modules developed for use with IDA Pro from the researchers at Duo Labs.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Firmware |
- cortex_m_firmware grooms an IDA Pro database containing firmware from an ARM Cortex M microcontroller.
- amnesia an IDAPython module designed to use byte level heuristics to find ARM thumb instructions in undefined bytes in an IDA Pro database
- REobjc an IDAPython module designed to make proper cross references between calling functions and called functions in Objective-C methods
- [167Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/objc-helper-plugin-ida Simplifies working with Objective-C binaries in IDA Pro
- [21Star][3y] aozhimin/ios-monitor-resources 对各厂商的 iOS SDK 性能监控方案的整理和收集后的资源
- [17Star][9y] [C++] alexander-pick/patchdiff2_ida6 patched up patchdiff2 to compile and work with IDA 6 on OSX
- [14Star][8y] [Standard ML] letsunlockiphone/iphone-baseband-ida-pro-signature-files IDA Pro Signature Files iPhone Baseband Reversing
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Signature(FLIRT...)->No Category |
- [168Star][1y] [Py] bazad/ida_kernelcache An IDA Toolkit for analyzing iOS kernelcaches
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Structure->No Category |
- [140Star][8y] stefanesser/ida-ios-toolkit Collection of idapython scripts for dealing with the iOS kernelcache
- [50Star][1y] [Py] synacktiv-contrib/kernelcache-laundering load iOS12 kernelcaches and PAC code in IDA
- [47Star][8m] [C] gdbinit/extractmacho IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries located in the disassembly or data
- [18Star][3y] [C] cocoahuke/iosdumpkernelfix This tool will help to fix the Mach-O header of iOS kernel which dump from the memory. So that IDA or function symbol-related tools can loaded function symbols of ios kernel correctly
- [17Star][8y] [C] gdbinit/machoplugin IDA plugin to Display Mach-O headers
- [52Star][3y] [Py] tobefuturer/ida-swift-demangle A tool to demangle Swift function names in IDA.
- [17Star][3y] [Py] tylerha97/swiftdemang Demangle Swift
- [17Star][4y] [Py] gsingh93/ida-swift-demangle An IDA plugin to demangle Swift function names
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Function->demangle |
- [525Star][2y] [C] lunixbochs/patchkit binary patching from Python
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Patch |
- IDA插件
- patchkit
- [206Star][6y] [C] snare/ida-efiutils Some scripts for IDA Pro to assist with reverse engineering EFI binaries
- [161Star][2m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Loader |Android->Tools->IDA |Android->Tools->Recent Add |
- [125Star][8m] [Py] danigargu/syms2elf A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table
- [92Star][3y] [C++] gdbinit/efiswissknife An IDA plugin to improve (U)EFI reversing
- [84Star][19d] [Py] yeggor/uefi_retool finding proprietary protocols in UEFI firmware and UEFI modules analysing
- [44Star][2y] [C] aerosoul94/dynlib IDA Pro plugin to aid PS4 user mode ELF reverse engineering.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->PS3 |
- [44Star][4y] [Py] danse-macabre/ida-efitools Some scripts for IDA Pro to assist with reverse engineering EFI binaries
- [43Star][4y] [Py] strazzere/idant-wanna ELF header abuse
- [304Star][4m] [C++] rolfrolles/hexraysdeob Hex-Rays microcode API plugin for breaking an obfuscating compiler
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->DeObfuscate |
- [185Star][5m] [C++] chrisps/hexext a plugin to improve the output of the hexrays decompiler through microcode manipulation.
- [65Star][1m] [Py] patois/genmc Display Hex-Rays Microcode
- [54Star][3m] [Py] idapython/pyhexraysdeob A port of Rolf Rolles hexraysdeob
- [19Star][9m] [Py] neatmonster/mcexplorer Python portage of the Microcode Explorer plugin
- [504Star][20d] [Py] alexhude/uemu Tiny cute emulator plugin for IDA based on unicorn.
- [395Star][1y] [C++] cseagle/sk3wldbg Debugger plugin for IDA Pro backed by the Unicorn Engine
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->No Category |
- [393Star][3y] [Py] 36hours/idaemu an IDA Pro Plugin use for emulating code in IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Script Writting->No Category |
- [282Star][2m] [Py] fireeye/flare-emu marries a supported binary analysis framework, such as IDA Pro or Radare2, with Unicorn’s emulation framework to provide the user with an easy to use and flexible interface for scripting emulation tasks
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Script Writting->No Category |
- [202Star][2y] [Py] tkmru/nao Simple No-meaning Assembly Omitter for IDA Pro (CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->DeObfuscate |
- [126Star][3y] [Py] codypierce/pyemu x86 Emulator in Python
- [1542Star][28d] [Py] lifting-bits/mcsema Framework for lifting x86, amd64, and aarch64 program binaries to LLVM bitcode
- [421Star][1m] [C] mcgill-dmas/kam1n0-community a scalable assembly management and analysis platform
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Signature(FLIRT...)->No Category |
- IDA插件
- kam1n0
- [27Star][4y] [Scheme] yifanlu/cgen CGEN with support for generating IDA Pro IDP modules
- [23Star][2y] [Py] tintinweb/unbox a convenient one-click unpack and decompiler tool that wraps existing 3rd party applications like IDA Pro, JD-Cli, Dex2Src, and others to provide a convenient archiver liker command line interfaces to unpack and decompile various types of files
[492Star][7m] [Py] danigargu/heap-viewer An IDA Pro plugin to examine the glibc heap, focused on exploit development
[376Star][2y] [Py] 1111joe1111/ida_ea A set of exploitation/reversing aids for IDA
[372Star][3m] [Py] l4ys/lazyida Make your IDA Lazy!
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
[138Star][8m] [Py] iphelix/ida-sploiter a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA's capabilities as an exploit development and vulnerability research tool.
[134Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
[70Star][13d] [Py] patois/mrspicky An IDAPython decompiler script that helps auditing calls to the memcpy() and memmove() functions.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Decompiler |
[32Star][6y] [Py] coldheat/quicksec IDAPython script for quick vulnerability analysis
- [54Star][3y] [Py] patois/drgadget IDAPython plugin for the Interactive Disassembler
- [19Star][2y] [Py] lucasg/idarop ROP database plugin for IDA
- [727Star][1y] [Py] keystone-engine/keypatch Multi-architecture assembler for IDA Pro. Powered by Keystone Engine.
- [525Star][2y] [C] lunixbochs/patchkit binary patching from Python
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->ELF |
- IDA插件
- patchkit
- [89Star][5y] [Py] iphelix/ida-patcher a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA's ability to patch binary files and memory.
- [42Star][3y] [C++] mrexodia/idapatch IDA plugin to patch IDA Pro in memory.
- [31Star][4m] [Py] scottmudge/debugautopatch Patching system improvement plugin for IDA.
- [16Star][8y] [C++] jkoppel/reprogram Patch binaries at load-time
- [0Star][8m] [Py] tkmru/genpatch IDA plugin that generates a python script for patch
- [123Star][2y] [Shell] feicong/ida_for_mac_green IDAPro for macOS
- [34Star][6m] angelkitty/ida7.0
- [16Star][2y] jas502n/ida7.0-pro IDA7.0 download
- [125Star][8m] [Py] danigargu/syms2elf A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->ELF |IDA->Tools->Import Export->Radare2 |Radare2->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [11Star][2y] [C++] fireundubh/ida7-functionstringassociate FunctionStringAssociate plugin by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
- [3Star][2y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idaretaddr Highlight the return address of a function in the Ida Pro debugger
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->GUI Enhencement |
- [2Star][5m] [Py] farzonl/idapropluginlab3 An Ida plugin that does static analysis to describe what malware is doing.
- [291Star][3m] [Py] a1ext/auto_re IDA PRO auto-renaming plugin with tagging support
- [119Star][5y] [C++] zyantific/retypedef Name substitution plugin for IDA Pro
- [95Star][2y] [Py] gaasedelen/prefix Function Prefixing for IDA Pro
- [48Star][3y] [Py] alessandrogario/ida-function-tagger This IDAPython script tags subroutines according to their use of imported functions
- [23Star][12m] [Py] howmp/comfinder IDA plugin for COM
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->No Category |
- [3Star][4y] [Py] ayuto/discover_win compare linux and windows binary, rename windows binary functions
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Signature(FLIRT...)->No Category |
- [180Star][6m] [Py] hasherezade/ida_ifl IFL - Interactive Functions List (plugin for IDA Pro)
- [150Star][15d] [Py] ga-ryo/idafuzzy Fuzzy search tool for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->Search |
- [99Star][1y] [Py] darx0r/stingray IDAPython plugin for finding function strings recursively
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->string |IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
- [81Star][15d] [Py] ax330d/functions-plus IDA Pro plugin to show functions in a tree view
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
- [34Star][3y] [Py] darx0r/reef IDAPython plugin for finding Xrefs from a function
- [17Star][4y] [Py] gsingh93/ida-swift-demangle An IDA plugin to demangle Swift function names
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Apple->Swift |
- [14Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/exports-plus IDA Pro plugin to view Exports
- [931Star][25d] [OCaml] airbus-seclab/bincat a static Binary Code Analysis Toolkit, designed to help reverse engineers, directly from IDA or using Python for automation.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Structure->No Category |
- [868Star][2y] [C++] illera88/ponce Symbolic Execution just one-click away!
- [23Star][5m] [Py] jonathansalwan/x-tunnel-opaque-predicates IDA+Triton plugin in order to extract opaque predicates using a Forward-Bounded DSE. Example with X-Tunnel.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->DeObfuscate |
[1365Star][3m] [Py] fireeye/flare-floss Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->DeObfuscate |
- floss
- IDA插件
[372Star][3m] [Py] l4ys/lazyida Make your IDA Lazy!
Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |IDA->Tools->Vul->No Category |
[181Star][2m] [Py] joxeankoret/idamagicstrings An IDA Python script to extract information from string constants.
[130Star][2y] [Py] comsecuris/ida_strcluster extending IDA's string navigation capabilities
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |
[99Star][1y] [Py] darx0r/stingray IDAPython plugin for finding function strings recursively
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Nav->No Category |IDA->Tools->Function->Nav |
[45Star][5y] [Py] kyrus/ida-translator A plugin for IDA Pro that assists in decoding arbitrary character sets in an IDA Pro database into Unicode, then automatically invoking a web-based translation service (currently Google Translate) to translate that foreign text into English.
[4Star][3y] [C#] andreafioraldi/idagrabstrings IDAPython plugin to manipulate strings in a specified range of addresses
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Structure->No Category |
[4Star][8m] [C] lacike/gandcrab_string_decryptor IDC script for decrypting strings in the GandCrab v5.1-5.3
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Malware Family |
- [449Star][2m] [Py] polymorf/findcrypt-yara IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Signature(FLIRT...)->Yara |
- [136Star][25d] [Py] you0708/ida A Python implementation of FindCrypt plugin.
- [42Star][7y] [C++] vlad902/findcrypt2-with-mmx IDA Pro findcrypt2 plug-in with MMX AES instruction finding support
- 2019.12 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P27)
- 2019.12 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P26)
- 2019.12 [knownsec] 使用 IDA 处理 U-Boot 二进制流文件
- 2019.12 [venus] 使用 IDA 处理 U-Boot 二进制流文件
- 2019.11 [hexblog] Extending IDA processor modules for GDB debugging
- 2019.11 [0x48] 使用IDA处理U-Boot二进制流文件
- 2019.11 [aliyun] 使用IDA microcode去除ollvm混淆(上)
- 2019.10 [cisco] New IDA Pro plugin provides TileGX support
- 2019.09 [cisco] GhIDA: Ghidra decompiler for IDA Pro
- 2019.09 [cn0xroot] Fix IDA Crash bug on osx 10.14
- 2019.08 [hexblog] IDA 7.4: IDAPython and Python 3
- 2019.08 [hexblog] IDA 7.4: Turning off IDA 6.x compatibility in IDAPython by default
- 2019.06 [hitbsecconf] #HITB2019AMS D1T2 - fn_fuzzy: Fast Multiple Binary Diffing Triage With IDA - Takahiro Haruyama
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 欺骗IDA F5参数识别
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 混淆IDA F5的一个小技巧-x64
- 2018.11 [4hou] 使用IDAPython自动映射二进制文件替换默认函数名
- 2018.10 [WarrantyVoider] Ida Pro Tutorial - Compare Reverse Engineering
- 2018.06 [freebuf] MindshaRE:如何利用IDA Python浏览WINDOWS内核
- 2018.05 [WarrantyVoider] Tutorial - Debugging In Source Code With IDA Pro
- 2018.03 [BinaryAdventure] x86 In-Depth 4: Labeling Structs Properly in IDA Pro
- 2017.12 [BinaryAdventure] Understanding the IDAPython API Docs
- 2016.01 [freebuf] 适用于IDA Pro的CGEN框架介绍
- 2015.12 [] 某公司泄露版IDA pro6.8去除局域网检测
- 2015.10 [pediy] [原创]基于IDA Python的Dex Dump
- 2012.11 [pediy] [原创]分享一个QuickTime静态分析IDAPython脚本
- 2009.03 [pediy] [原创]如何将idc脚本移植成IDA plugin程序
- 2006.11 [pediy] [翻译]008使用IDA PRO的跟踪特性
- 2018.05 [tradahacking] So sánh binary bằng IDA và các công cụ bổ trợ
- 2018.04 [pediy] [翻译]IDAPython-Book(Alexander Hanel)
- 2018.03 [hexblog] IDA on non-OS X/Retina Hi-DPI displays
- 2018.03 [pediy] [翻译]IDA v6.5 文本执行
- 2018.02 [pediy] [原创]逆向技术之熟悉IDA工具
- 2018.01 [pediy] [原创]ARM Linux下搭建IDA Pro远程调试环境
- 2018.01 [pediy] [翻译]对抗IDA Pro调试器ARM反汇编的技巧
- 2017.12 [OALabs] Debugging shellcode using BlobRunner and IDA Pro
- 2017.12 [pediy] [原创]IDA7.0 Mac 插件编译指南
- 2017.12 [pediy] [原创]IDA 插件- FRIEND 的安装和使用
- 2017.12 [BinaryAdventure] IDAPython Tutorial with example script
- 2017.11 [OALabs] How To Defeat Anti-VM and Anti-Debug Packers With IDA Pro
- 2017.11 [pediy] [原创]IDAPython脚本分享 - 自动在JNI_OnLoad下断点
- 2017.11 [pediy] [求助]IDA Pro调试so,附加完毕,跳到目标so基址,但是内容都是DCB伪指令?
- 2017.11 [OALabs] IDA Pro Malware Analysis Tips
- 2017.10 [hexblog] IDA and common Python issues
- 2017.10 [pediy] [分享]IDA + VMware 调试win7 x64
- 2017.06 [pediy] [翻译]IDA Hex-Rays反编译器使用的一些小技巧
- 2017.06 [qmemcpy] IDA series, part 2: debugging a .NET executable
- 2017.06 [qmemcpy] IDA series, part 1: the Hex-Rays decompiler
- 2017.05 [3gstudent] 逆向分析——使用IDA动态调试WanaCrypt0r中的tasksche.exe
- 2017.05 [pediy] [原创] IDA导入Jni.h
- 2017.05 [oct0xor] Advanced Ida Pro Instruction Highlighting
- 2017.05 [repret] Improving Coverage Guided Fuzzing, Using Static Analysis
- 2017.04 [osandamalith] Executing Shellcode Directly
- 2017.04 [hexacorn] IDA, hotpatched functions and signatures that don’t work…
- 2017.04 [] Remote debugging in IDA Pro by http tunnelling
- 2017.03 [pediy] [翻译]如何让 IDA Pro 使用我们提供的 Python 版本以及如何在 Chroot 的环境中运行 IDA Pro
- 2017.01 [kudelskisecurity] SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2016
- 2016.12 [adelmas] API Hooking with IDA Pro
- 2016.12 [hexacorn] IDA, function alignment and signatures that don’t work…
- 2016.10 [] Build IDA Pro KeyPatch for Fedora Linux
- 2016.05 [lucasg] Do not load dll from System32 directly into IDA
- 2016.04 [hexacorn] Creating IDT/IDS files for IDA from MS libraries with symbols
- 2016.02 [pediy] [原创]翻译,IDA调试Dalvik
- 2016.01 [pediy] [原创]Android 5.0 + IDA 6.8 调试经验分享
- 2016.01 [insinuator] Dynamic IDA Enrichment (aka. DIE)
- 2016.01 [360] 在OSX上编译非osx ida pro插件
- 2016.01 [adventuresincyberchallenges] SANS Holiday Hack Quest 2015
- 2015.12 [yifan] CGEN for IDA Pro
- 2015.12 [pediy] 调试篇---安卓arm/x86平台之IDA or GDB长驱直入
- 2015.12 [hexacorn] IDAPython – making strings decompiler-friendly
- 2015.12 [pediy] [原创]IDA Pro 6.8 安装密码爆破的可行性分析
- 2015.11 [govolution] Very first steps with IDA
- 2015.08 [pediy] [原创]一步步搭建ida pro动态调试SO环境。
- 2015.07 [hexblog] Hack of the day #0: Somewhat-automating pseudocode HTML generation, with IDAPython.
- 2015.06 [msreverseengineering] Transparent Deobfuscation with IDA Processor Module Extensions
- 2015.02 [pediy] [原创]使用IDA PRO+OllyDbg+PEview 追踪windows API 动态链接库函数的调用过程。
- 2014.12 [hexblog] Augmenting IDA UI with your own actions.
- 2014.10 [vexillium] SECURE 2014 slide deck and Hex-Rays IDA Pro advisories published
- 2014.10 [pediy] [原创]解决IDA的F5(hexray 1.5)不能用于FPU栈用满的情况
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida插件使用备忘录
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida通过usb调试ios下的app
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida批量下断点追踪函数调用
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida插件使用备忘录
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida插件mynav
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida通过usb调试ios下的app
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida批量下断点追踪函数调用
- 2014.07 [hexblog] IDA Dalvik debugger: tips and tricks
- 2014.04 [hexblog] Extending IDAPython in IDA 6.5: Be careful about the GIL
- 2014.03 [zdziarski] The Importance of Forensic Tools Validation
- 2014.03 [evilsocket] Programmatically Identifying and Isolating Functions Inside Executables Like IDA Does.
- 2014.02 [silentsignal] From Read to Domain Admin – Abusing Symantec Backup Exec with Frida
- 2013.12 [hexblog] Interacting with IDA through IPC channels
- 2013.06 [trustwave] Debugging Android Libraries using IDA
- 2013.05 [v0ids3curity] Defeating anti-debugging techniques using IDA and x86 emulator plugin
- 2013.05 [hexblog] Loading your own modules from your IDAPython scripts with idaapi.require()
- 2013.04 [hexblog] Installing PIP packages, and using them from IDA on a 64-bit machine
- 2013.03 [pediy] [原创]IDA Demo6.4破解笔记
- 2012.11 [redplait] pyside for ida pro 6.3 - part 2
- 2012.10 [redplait] AVX/XOP instructions processor extender for IDA Pro
- 2012.10 [redplait] IDA Pro 6.3 SDK is broken ?
- 2012.10 [redplait] pyside for ida pro 6.3
- 2012.09 [redplait] IDA loader of .dcu files from XE3
- 2012.08 [tencent] 浅谈IDA脚本在漏洞挖掘中的应用
- 2012.07 [cr4] VMware + GDB stub + IDA
- 2012.06 [pediy] [原创]PRX loader for IDA
- 2012.06 [pediy] [翻译]API Call Tracing - PEfile, PyDbg and IDAPython
- 2012.05 [redplait] dcu files loader for ida pro v2
- 2012.05 [redplait] dcu files loader for ida pro
- 2012.03 [redplait] updated perl binding for IDA Pro
- 2012.03 [pediy] [原创]IDA批量模式
- 2012.02 [pediy] [原创]IDA Android Remote Debug
- 2012.01 [pediy] [原创]IDA 6.1 bool 及 默认对齐 sizeof 设置永久修复
- 2011.12 [redplait] IDA 5.60 PICode analyzer plugin for win64
- 2011.10 [reverse] How to create IDA C/C++ plugins with Xcode
- 2011.10 [pediy] [转帖]IDA PRO 6.1 远程调试 Android
- 2011.09 [pediy] [推荐]IDA sp-analysis failed 不能F5的 解决方案之(一)
- 2011.08 [pediy] [原创]用IDA Pro + OD 来分析扫雷
- 2011.08 [pediy] [原创]IDA + GDBServer实现iPhone程序远程调试
- 2011.08 [redplait] perl inside IDA Pro
- 2011.07 [redplait] несколько pdb в ida pro
- 2011.07 [pediy] [原创]IDA + Debug 插件 实现64Bit Exe脱壳
- 2011.06 [pediy] [翻译]使用VMWare GDB和IDA调试Windows内核
- 2011.05 [pediy] [分享]IDA 6.1 版本不能F5的解决办法
- 2011.05 [pediy] [原创]IDAPython+OdbgScript动态获取程序执行流程
- 2011.03 [pediy] [原创]Ida Pro Advanced 6.0 中木马分析
- 2011.03 [pediy] [原创]IDA SDK合并jmp乱序插件代码示例阅读
- 2011.01 [hexblog] IDA & Qt: Under the hood
- 2010.12 [pediy] [原创]ida 静态分析 破除时间限制
- 2010.10 [pediy] [下载]IDA pro代码破解揭秘的随书例子下载
- 2010.10 [hexblog] Calculating API hashes with IDA Pro
- 2010.09 [publicintelligence] (U//FOUO) FBI Warning: Extremists Likely to Retaliate Against Florida Group’s Planned “International Burn A Koran Day”
- 2010.08 [mattoh] Exporting IDA function for IDC Script Usage
- 2010.07 [hexblog] Implementing command completion for IDAPython
- 2010.07 [hexblog] Running scripts from the command line with idascript
- 2010.06 [hexblog] Extending IDC and IDAPython
- 2010.04 [hexblog] Kernel debugging with IDA Pro / Windbg plugin and VirtualKd
- 2010.03 [hexblog] Using custom viewers from IDAPython
- 2010.01 [hexblog] Debugging ARM code snippets in IDA Pro 5.6 using QEMU emulator
- 2009.12 [pediy] [原创]Symbian_Remote_Debugger_With_IDA
- 2009.10 [pediy] [原创]IDA学习笔记
- 2009.09 [hexblog] Develop your master boot record and debug it with IDA Pro and the Bochs debugger plugin
- 2009.02 [hexblog] Advanced Windows Kernel Debugging with VMWare and IDA’s GDB debugger
- 2008.10 [evilcodecave] IDA Pro Enhances Hostile Code Analysis Support
- 2008.09 [pediy] [原创]ShellCode Locator for IDA 5.2
- 2008.08 [evilcodecave] IDA Debugger Malformed SEH Causes Crash
- 2008.04 [pediy] [原创]idb_2_pat for ida pro V5.2
- 2007.08 [pediy] [原创]基于 ida 的反汇编转换 Obj 的可行性 笔记(1)
- 2007.04 [pediy] [翻译]Pinczakko的AwardBIOS逆向工程指导
- 2007.02 [pediy] IDA Plugin 编写基础
- 2006.09 [pediy] [翻译]Using IDA Pro's Debugger
- 2006.09 [pediy] [翻译]Customizing IDA Pro
- 2006.08 [msreverseengineering] Defeating HyperUnpackMe2 with an IDA Processor Module
- 2004.11 [pediy] 又说 IDA 边界修改插件
- 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] Cách export data trong IDA
- 2019.07 [hexacorn] Batch decompilation with IDA / Hex-Rays Decompiler
- 2019.06 [openanalysis] Disable ASLR for Easier Malware Debugging With x64dbg and IDA Pro
- 2019.06 [OALabs] Disable ASLR For Easier Malware Debugging With x64dbg and IDA Pro
- 2019.06 [openanalysis] Reverse Engineering C++ Malware With IDA Pro: Classes, Constructors, and Structs
- 2019.06 [OALabs] Reverse Engineering C++ Malware With IDA Pro
- 2019.03 [aliyun] IDA Pro7.0使用技巧总结
- 2018.06 [checkpoint] Scriptable Remote Debugging with Windbg and IDA Pro
- 2015.07 [djmanilaice] Pycharm for your IDA development
- 2015.07 [djmanilaice] Auto open dlls and exe in current directory for IDA
- 2018.10 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 6: How to Resolve Obfuscated API Calls in the Ngioweb Proxy Malware - Check Point Research
- 2018.10 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 5: How to Decrypt Strings in Boleto Banking Malware Without Reconstructing Decryption Algorithm. - Check Point Research
- 2018.10 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 4: Scripting - Check Point Research
- 2018.08 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 3: How to Dump and Auto-Resolve WinAPI Calls in LockPos Point-of-Sale Malware - Check Point Research
- 2018.08 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 2: Installation - Check Point Research
- 2018.08 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 1: An Introduction - Check Point Research
- 2019.11 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P25)
- 2019.10 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P24)
- 2019.10 [tradahacking] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P23)
- 2019.09 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P21)
- 2019.08 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P20)
- 2019.08 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P19)
- 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P18)
- 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P17)
- 2019.06 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P16)
- 2019.06 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P15)
- 2019.05 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P14)
- 2019.05 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P13)
- 2019.04 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P12)
- 2019.04 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P11)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P10)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P9)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P8)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P7)
- 2019.03 [tradahacking] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P6)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P5)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P4)
- 2019.02 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P3)
- 2019.02 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P2)
- 2019.02 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P1)
- 2016.06 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2015.12 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2015.12 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(五)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(四)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(三)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(二)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(一)
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part V
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part IV
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part III
- 2018.12 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part II
- 2018.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part I
- 2019.10 [vmray] VMRay IDA Plugin v1.1: Streamlining Deep-Dive Malware Analysis
- 2019.10 [talosintelligence] New IDA Pro plugin provides TileGX support
- 2019.09 [talosintelligence] GhIDA: Ghidra decompiler for IDA Pro
- 2019.05 [carbonblack] fn_fuzzy: Fast Multiple Binary Diffing Triage with IDA
- 2019.04 [] climacros – IDA productivity tool
- 2019.04 [] QScripts – IDA Scripting productivity tool
- 2019.03 [] Daenerys: IDA Pro and Ghidra interoperability framework
- 2019.03 [freebuf] Ponce:一键即可实现符号执行(IDA插件)
- 2019.01 [talosintelligence] Dynamic Data Resolver (DDR) - IDA Plugin
- 2018.11 [4hou] FLARE脚本系列:使用idawasm IDA Pro插件逆向WebAssembly(Wasm)模块
- 2018.10 [aliyun] 用idawasm IDA Pro逆向WebAssembly模块
- 2018.10 [fireeye] FLARE Script Series: Reverse Engineering WebAssembly Modules Using the idawasm IDA Pro Plugin
- 2018.10 [vmray] Introducing the IDA Plugin for VMRay Analyzer
- 2018.10 [aliyun] IDA-minsc在Hex-Rays插件大赛中获得第二名(2)
- 2018.10 [aliyun] IDA-minsc在Hex-Rays插件大赛中获得第二名(1)
- 2018.10 [aliyun] 通过两个IDAPython插件支持A12 PAC指令和iOS12 kernelcache 重定位
- 2018.09 [ptsecurity] How we developed the NIOS II processor module for IDA Pro
- 2018.09 [talosintelligence] IDA-minsc Wins Second Place in Hex-Rays Plugins Contest
- 2018.09 [cisco] IDA-minsc Wins Second Place in Hex-Rays Plugins Contest
- 2018.09 [msreverseengineering] Weekend Project: A Custom IDA Loader Module for the Hidden Bee Malware Family
- 2018.06 [dougallj] Writing a Hex-Rays Plugin: VMX Intrinsics
- 2018.05 [hexblog] IDAPython: wrappers are only wrappers
- 2018.05 [freebuf] HeapViewer:一款专注于漏洞利用开发的IDA Pro插件
- 2018.03 [pediy] [翻译]使用 IDAPython 写一个简单的x86模拟器
- 2018.03 [] Using Z3 with IDA to simplify arithmetic operations in functions
- 2018.02 [] Writing a simple x86 emulator with IDAPython
- 2018.01 [fireeye] FLARE IDA Pro Script Series: Simplifying Graphs in IDA
- 2017.12 [ret2] What's New in Lighthouse v0.7
- 2017.12 [OALabs] Using Yara Rules With IDA Pro - New Tool!
- 2017.11 [hasherezade] IFL - Interactive Functions List - a plugin for IDA Pro
- 2017.06 [reverse] EFI Swiss Knife – An IDA plugin to improve (U)EFI reversing
- 2017.04 [redplait] etwex - ida plugin for Etw traces IIDs searching
- 2017.04 [360] IDAPython:一个可以解放双手的 IDA 插件
- 2017.03 [duksctf] Make IDA Pro Great Again
- 2017.03 [redplait] ida plugin for RFG fixups processing
- 2017.02 [argus] Collaborative Reverse Engineering with PSIDA - Argus Cyber Security
- 2016.01 [eugenekolo] A walk through the binary with IDA
- 2015.12 [360] 适用于IDA Pro的CGEN框架
- 2015.12 [freebuf] FLARE IDA Pro的脚本系列:自动化提取函数参数
- 2015.04 [nul] VMProtect + IDA Pro 做一回强悍的加密
- 2015.03 [joxeankoret] Diaphora, a program diffing plugin for IDA Pro
- 2014.10 [devttys0] A Code Signature Plugin for IDA
- 2014.09 [freebuf] 火眼(FireEye)实验室FLARE IDA Pro脚本系列:MSDN注释插件
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] ida插件mynav
- 2014.05 [oct0xor] Deci3dbg - Ida Pro Debugger Module for Playstation 3
- 2013.11 [quarkslab] IDA processor module
- 2013.06 [redplait] IDA loader of .dcu files from XE4
- 2012.07 [reverse] ExtractMachO: an IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries from disassembly
- 2011.11 [reverse] Display Mach-O headers plugin for IDA
- 2011.04 [hexblog] VirusTotal plugin for IDA Pro
- 2010.05 [joxeankoret] MyNav, a python plugin for IDA Pro
- 2019.03 [360] 为CHIP-8编写IDA processor module
- 2018.10 [ptsecurity] Modernizing IDA Pro: how to make processor module glitches go away
- 2018.08 [360] Lua程序逆向之为Luac编写IDA Pro处理器模块
- 2018.09 [dustri] IDAPython vs. r2pipe
- 2008.10 [pediy] [翻译]The IDA Pro Book 第六章
- 2008.10 [pediy] [翻译](20081030更新)The IDA Pro Book 第12章:使用FLIRT签名识别库
- 2008.10 [pediy] [翻译]The IDA Pro Book(第二章)
- 2008.10 [pediy] [翻译]The IDA Pro book 第5章---IDA DATA DISPLAY
- 2008.10 [pediy] [翻译]The IDA Pro Book(第一章)
- 2009.01 [pediy] [原创]Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro第七章中文译稿
- 2008.06 [pediy] [翻译]Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro(第一、二章)
- 2019.01 [pediy] [原创]IDA7.2安装包分析
- 2019.01 [pediy] [原创]IDA 在解析 IA64 中的 brl 指令时存在一个 Bug
- 2018.11 [hexblog] IDA 7.2 – The Mac Rundown
- 2018.10 [pediy] [原创] 修复 IDA Pro 7.0在macOS Mojave崩溃的问题
- 2019.11 [4hou] 反作弊游戏如何破解,看看《黑色沙漠》逆向分析过程:使用 IDAPython 和 FLIRT 签名恢复 IAT
- 2019.11 [aliyun] 使用IDA microcode去除ollvm混淆(下)
- 2019.06 [devco] 破密行動: 以不尋常的角度破解 IDA Pro 偽隨機數
- 2019.05 [360] IDAPython实战项目——DES算法识别
- 2019.04 [venus] 使用 IDA Pro 的 REobjc 模块逆向 Objective-C 二进制文件
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Cracking with IDA (redh@wk 2.5 crackme)
- 2018.11 [somersetrecon] Introduction to IDAPython for Vulnerability Hunting - Part 2
- 2018.11 [pediy] [原创]IDA动态调试ELF
- 2018.06 [pediy] [翻译]在IDA中使用Python Z3库来简化函数中的算术运算
- 2018.03 [duo] Reversing Objective-C Binaries With the REobjc Module for IDA Pro
- 2006.05 [pediy] Themida v1008 驱动程序分析,去除花指令的 IDA 文件
- 2019.04 [360] 两种姿势批量解密恶意驱动中的上百条字串
- 2019.03 [cyber] Using IDA Python to analyze Trickbot
- 2019.01 [OALabs] Lazy String Decryption Tips With IDA PRO and Shade Ransomware Unpacked!
- 2018.09 [4hou] Hidden Bee恶意软件家族的定制IDA装载模块开发
- 2018.09 [4hou] 用IDAPython解密Gootkit中的字符串
- 2018.05 [OALabs] Unpacking Gootkit Part 2 - Debugging Anti-Analysis Tricks With IDA Pro and x64dbg
- 2018.04 [OALabs] Unpacking VB6 Packers With IDA Pro and API Hooks (Re-Upload)
- 2018.03 [OALabs] Unpacking Gootkit Malware With IDA Pro and X64dbg - Subscriber Request
- 2018.01 [OALabs] Unpacking Pykspa Malware With Python and IDA Pro - Subscriber Request Part 1
- 2017.11 [OALabs] Unpacking Process Injection Malware With IDA PRO (Part 2)
- 2017.11 [OALabs] Unpacking Process Injection Malware With IDA PRO (Part 1)
- 2017.06 [hackers] Reverse Engineering Malware, Part 3: IDA Pro Introduction
- 2017.05 [4hou] 逆向分析——使用IDA动态调试WanaCrypt0r中的tasksche.exe
- 2017.05 [3gstudent] 逆向分析——使用IDA动态调试WanaCrypt0r中的tasksche.exe
- 2012.06 [trustwave] Defeating Flame String Obfuscation with IDAPython
- 2018.07 [360] 如何使用 IDAPython 寻找漏洞
- 2018.07 [somersetrecon] Introduction to IDAPython for Vulnerability Hunting
- 2019.10 [amossys] Exploring Hex-Rays microcode
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 混淆IDA F5的一个小技巧-x86
- [18649Star][10d] [Java] nationalsecurityagency/ghidra Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
- [59Star][9m] nationalsecurityagency/ghidra-data a companion repository to the Ghidra source code repository, as a place to put data sets that improve Ghidra
- [49Star][2m] [Shell] bkerler/ghidra_installer Helper scripts to set up OpenJDK 11 and scale Ghidra for 4K on Ubuntu 18.04 / 18.10
- [27Star][3m] [Dockerfile] dukebarman/ghidra-builder Docker image for building ghidra RE framework from source
- [455Star][9m] [YARA] ghidraninja/ghidra_scripts Scripts for the Ghidra software reverse engineering suite.
- binwalk Runs binwalk on the current program and bookmarks the findings
- yara Automatically find crypto constants in the loaded program - allows to very quickly identify crypto code.
- swift_demangler Automatically demangle swift function names
- golang_renamer Restores function names from a stripped Go binary
- [204Star][8m] [Java] rolfrolles/ghidrapal Ghidra Program Analysis Library(No Doc)
- [83Star][16d] allsafecybersecurity/awesome-ghidra A curated list of awesome Ghidra materials
- [53Star][9m] aldelaro5/ghidra-gekko-broadway-lang Ghidra language definition for the Gekko and Broadway CPU variant used in the Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii respectively
- [51Star][2m] [Makefile] blacktop/docker-ghidra Ghidra Client/Server Docker Image
- [36Star][2m] [Java] ayrx/jnianalyzer Analysis scripts for Ghidra to work with Android NDK libraries.
- [34Star][2m] [Py] pagalaxylab/ghidra_scripts Scripts for the Ghidra.
- [19Star][9m] [Java] kant2002/ghidra As it is obvious from the name this is version of NSA Ghidra which actually could be built from sources
- [18Star][2m] [Java] threatrack/ghidra-patchdiff-correlator This project tries to provide additional Ghidra Version Tracking Correlators suitable for patch diffing.
- [16Star][5m] hedgeberg/rl78_sleigh An implementation of the RL78 ISA for Ghidra SRE
- [12Star][3m] [Java] threatrack/ghidra-fid-generator Code for generating Ghidra FidDb files (currently only for static libraries available in the CentOS repositories)
- [5Star][8m] [Py] 0xd0cf11e/ghidra Anything related to Ghidra
- [123Star][11d] [Java] al3xtjames/ghidra-firmware-utils Ghidra utilities for analyzing PC firmware
- [108Star][1m] [Java] astrelsky/ghidra-cpp-class-analyzer Ghidra C++ Class and Run Time Type Information Analyzer
- [94Star][7m] [Java] felberj/gotools Plugin for Ghidra to assist reversing Golang binaries
- [42Star][2m] [Py] kc0bfv/pcode-emulator A PCode Emulator for Ghidra.
- [90Star][3m] [Java] adubbz/ghidra-switch-loader Nintendo Switch loader for Ghidra
- [79Star][2m] [Py] leveldown-security/svd-loader-ghidra
- [65Star][24d] [Java] beardypig/ghidra-emotionengine Ghidra Processor for the Play Station 2's Emotion Engine MIPS based CPU
- [56Star][5m] [Assembly] xyzz/ghidra-mep Toshiba MeP processor module for GHIDRA
- [54Star][1m] [Java] cuyler36/ghidra-gamecube-loader A Nintendo GameCube binary loader for Ghidra
- [53Star][10m] [Java] jogolden/ghidraps4loader A Ghidra loader for PlayStation 4 binaries.
- [44Star][3m] [Java] nalen98/ebpf-for-ghidra eBPF Processor for Ghidra
- [34Star][6m] [Java] idl3r/ghidravmlinuxloader
- [32Star][9d] [Java] zerokilo/n64loaderwv Ghidra Loader Module for N64 ROMs
- [30Star][5m] cturt/gameboy_ghidrasleigh Ghidra Processor support for Nintendo Game Boy
- [28Star][9d] [Java] zerokilo/xexloaderwv Ghidra Loader Module for X360 XEX Files
- [27Star][2m] vgkintsugi/ghidra-segasaturn-processor A Ghidra processor module for the Sega Saturn (SuperH SH-2)
- [25Star][9m] [Assembly] thog/ghidra_falcon Support of Nvidia Falcon processors for Ghidra (WIP)
- [19Star][7m] guedou/ghidra-processor-mep Toshiba MeP-c4 for Ghidra
- [15Star][2m] [Java] neatmonster/mclf-ghidra-loader Ghidra loader module for the Mobicore trustlet and driver binaries
- [7Star][4m] [Java] ballon-rouge/rx-proc-ghidra Renesas RX processor module for Ghidra
- [5Star][6m] [CSS] lcq2/griscv RISC-V processor plugin for Ghidra
- [5Star][9d] [Java] zerokilo/c64loaderwv Ghidra Loader Module for C64 programs
- [24Star][9m] [Java] jonas-schievink/ghidraxbe A Ghidra extension for loading Xbox Executables (.xbe files)
- [18Star][10m] [Java] jayfoxrox/ghidra-xbox-extensions Tools to analyze original Xbox files in the Ghidra SRE framework
- [175Star][14d] [C++] radareorg/r2ghidra-dec Deep ghidra decompiler integration for radare2
- Also In Section: Radare2->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [36Star][5m] [Java] radare/ghidra-r2web Ghidra plugin to start an r2 webserver to let r2 interact with it
- [299Star][4m] [Py] cisco-talos/ghida an IDA Pro plugin that integrates the Ghidra decompiler in IDA.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Ghidra |
- [238Star][9m] [Py] daenerys-sre/source A framework for interoperability between IDA and Ghidra
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Ghidra |
- [88Star][4m] [Py] cisco-talos/ghidraaas a simple web server that exposes Ghidra analysis through REST APIs
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Ghidra |
- [54Star][9m] [Py] nwmonster/applysig Apply IDA FLIRT signatures for Ghidra
- [47Star][2m] [Py] utkonos/lst2x64dbg Extract labels from IDA .lst or Ghidra .csv file and export x64dbg database.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Ghidra |x64dbg->Plugins->Recent Add |
- [102Star][4m] [Java] 0ffffffffh/dragondance Binary code coverage visualizer plugin for Ghidra
- Also In Section: DBI->IntelPin->Tools->With Other Tools->No Category |
- Ghidra插件
- coverage-pin 使用Pin收集信息
- [42Star][2m] [Java] revolver-ocelot-saa/ghidrax64dbg Extract annoations from Ghidra into an X32/X64 dbg database
- Also In Section: x64dbg->Plugins->Recent Add |
- [78Star][10m] [Py] elliiot/ghidra_darknight DarkNight theme for Ghidra
- [40Star][27d] [Py] vdoo-connected-trust/ghidra-pyi-generator Generates
type stubs for the entire Ghidra API
- [19Star][5m] [Java] edmcman/ghidra-scala-loader An extension to load Ghidra scripts written in Scala
- 2019.12 [shogunlab] Here Be Dragons: Reverse Engineering with Ghidra - Part 1 [Data, Functions & Scripts]
- 2019.11 [freebuf] 使用Ghidra分析phpStudy后门
- 2019.10 [4hou] 使用 Ghidra 分析 phpStudy 后门
- 2019.10 [knownsec] 使用 Ghidra 分析 phpStudy 后门
- 2019.10 [venus] 使用 Ghidra 分析 phpStudy 后门
- 2019.10 [WarrantyVoider] C64LoaderWV - Loading C64 programs into Ghidra
- 2019.08 [pentestpartners] CVE-2019-12103 – Analysis of a Pre-Auth RCE on the TP-Link M7350, with Ghidra!
- 2019.08 [xpnsec] Analysing RPC With Ghidra and Neo4j
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] ghidra_scripts: GoogleSearch.py (to lookup function names via Google)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] ghidra_scripts: SimpleStackStrings.py (to reassemble "stack strings")
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] ghidra_scripts: colorCallGraphCallsTo.py (using SetBackroundColor and traversing the call graph)
- 2019.04 [4hou] 利用GHIDRA逆向Tytera MD380的固件
- 2019.04 [jeanmichel] First steps with Ghidra: crackme01
- 2019.03 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #74: Ghidra
- 2019.01 [sans] How to Train Your Dragon: Ghidra Basics
- 2019.09 [dustri] Radare2, IDA Pro, and Binary ninja, a metaphoric comparison
- 2019.05 [vimeo] Three Heads are Better Than One: Mastering Ghidra - Alexei Bulazel, Jeremy Blackthorne - INFILTRATE 2019
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Stack Depth (to detect stack manipulation)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Version Tracking
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Export Symbols and Load External Libraries (to resolve imported function names)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Data Type Manager / Archives and Parse C Source... (resolve function signatures)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Generate Checksum... (to extract hashes of embedded malware artifacts)
- 2019.04 [msreverseengineering] An Abstract Interpretation-Based Deobfuscation Plugin for Ghidra
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: FunctionID (to identify libraries and code reuse)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Server / Shared Projects (using ghidra-server.org)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Bytes View (to patch binary and export to a working PE file)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Fixing Bugs (Fixing PE section import size alignment)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Clear Flow and Repair, and Patch Instruction (to defeat anti-disassembly)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Scripting (Python) (a quick introduction by implementing pipeDecoder.py)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Decompile and compile (to quickly reimplement malware decoding functions)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: EditBytesScript (to fix/manipulate PE header to load ShadowHammer setup.exe sample)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Extract and Import ... (to extract resources from PE binaries)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: YaraGhidraGUIScript (to generate a YARA signature for threat/retro hunting)
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: XORMemoryScript (to XOR decode strings)
- 2019.04 [yoroi] Ghidra SRE: The AZORult Field Test
- 2019.03 [nsfocus] Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Framework逆向工具分析
- 2019.03 [sans] Tip: Ghidra & ZIP Files
- 2019.03 [cybersecpolitics] Ghidra: A meta changer?
- 2019.03 [freecodecamp] How I solved a simple CrackMe challenge with the NSA’s Ghidra
- 2019.03 [] Ghidra: A quick overview for the curious
- 2019.03 [freebuf] RSA 2019丨NSA内部开源反汇编工具集Ghidra
- 2019.03 [n0where] NSA Software Reverse Engineering Framework: Ghidra
- 2019.03 [malwaretech] Video: First Look at Ghidra (NSA Reverse Engineering Tool)
- 2019.03 [MalwareTech] First Look at Ghidra (NSA Reverse Engineering Tool)
- 2019.01 [linuxjournal] GitHub Announces that Free Accounts Now Can Create Private Repositories, Bash-5.0 Released, iPhone Apps Linked to Golduck Malware, Godot Game Engine Reaches 3.1 Beta, NSA to Open-Source Its GHIDRA Reverse-Engineering Tool
- 2019.10 [securityaffairs] Researchers discovered a code execution flaw in NSA GHIDRA
- 2019.10 [4hou] CVE-2019-16941: NSA Ghidra工具RCE漏洞
- 2019.03 [venus] Ghidra 从 XXE 到 RCE
- 2019.03 [tencent] Ghidra 从 XXE 到 RCE
- 2019.09 [venus] 使用 Ghidra 对 iOS 应用进行 msgSend 分析
- 2019.09 [4hou] 使用Ghidra对iOS应用进行msgSend分析
- 2019.09 [WarrantyVoider] X360 XEX Decompiling With Ghidra
- 2019.08 [WarrantyVoider] N64 ROM Decompiling With Ghidra - N64LoaderWV
- 2019.08 [4hou] 基于Ghidra和Neo4j的RPC分析技术
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Search Program Text... (to find XOR decoding functions in malware)
- 2019.04 [shogunlab] Here Be Dragons: Reverse Engineering with Ghidra - Part 0 [Main Windows & CrackMe]
- 2019.03 [GhidraNinja] Reverse engineering with #Ghidra: Breaking an embedded firmware encryption scheme
- 2019.03 [GhidraNinja] Ghidra quickstart & tutorial: Solving a simple crackme
- 2019.11 [4hou] 使用Ghidra对WhatsApp VOIP Stack 溢出漏洞的补丁对比分析
- 2019.09 [4hou] 利用Ghidra分析TP-link M7350 4G随身WiFi的RCE漏洞
- 2019.08 [aliyun] CVE-2019-12103 使用Ghidra分析TP-Link M7350上的预认证RCE
- 2019.06 [dawidgolak] IcedID aka #Bokbot Analysis with Ghidra.
- 2019.04 [aliyun] 利用Ghidra分析恶意软件Emotet
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Shadow Hammer (Stage 1: Setup.exe) complete static Analysis
- 2019.04 [X0xd0cf11e] Analyzing Emotet with Ghidra — Part 2
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra: Android APK (it's basically dex2jar with a .dex decompiler)
- 2019.04 [X0xd0cf11e] Analyzing Emotet with Ghidra — Part 1
- 2019.03 [GhidraNinja] Reversing WannaCry Part 1 - Finding the killswitch and unpacking the malware in #Ghidra
- 2019.03 [HackerSploit] Malware Analysis With Ghidra - Stuxnet Analysis
- 2019.03 [sans] Analysing meterpreter payload with Ghidra
- 2019.11 [deadc0de] Scripting Ghidra with Python
- 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] ghidra_scripts: RC4Decryptor.py
- 2019.04 [aliyun] 如何开发用于漏洞研究的Ghidra插件,Part 1
- 2019.04 [somersetrecon] Ghidra Plugin Development for Vulnerability Research - Part-1
- 2019.03 [wololo] PS4 release: GhidraPS4Loader and Playstation 4 Flash tool
- [34576Star][1m] [C++] x64dbg/x64dbg An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
- [1672Star][7m] [C++] yegord/snowman a native code to C/C++ decompiler, supporting x86, AMD64, and ARM architectures
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Decompiler |
- IDA插件
- snowman QT界面
- nocode 命令行工具
- nc 核心代码,可作为库使用
- [1341Star][1m] [C] x64dbg/x64dbgpy Automating x64dbg using Python, Snapshots:
- [1133Star][2y] [C++] x64dbg/gleebug Debugging Framework for Windows.
- [972Star][2m] [Py] x64dbg/docs x64dbg Documentation
- [471Star][13d] [C] bootleg/ret-sync a set of plugins that help to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra disassemblers
- [363Star][9m] fr0gger/awesome-ida-x64-olly-plugin Awesome IDA, x64DBG & OllyDBG plugin
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Collection |
- [163Star][2m] [Py] x64dbg/x64dbgida Official x64dbg plugin for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->No Category |
- [78Star][12d] [C] horsicq/nfdx64dbg Plugin for x64dbg Linker/Compiler/Tool detector.
- [77Star][3m] [C] ahmadmansoor/advancedscript Add More Features for x64dbg Script System,with some Functions which will help Plugin Coder
- [75Star][4y] [C++] x64dbg/xedparse A MASM-like, single-line plaintext assembler
- [72Star][2y] [C] 0ffffffffh/api-break-for-x64dbg x64dbg plugin to set breakpoints automatically to Win32/64 APIs
- [71Star][2y] [Py] x64dbg/mona Fork of mona.py with x64dbg support
- [70Star][12d] [C] horsicq/stringsx64dbg Strings plugin for x64dbg
- [47Star][2m] [Py] utkonos/lst2x64dbg Extract labels from IDA .lst or Ghidra .csv file and export x64dbg database.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Import Export->Ghidra |Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->IDA |
- [43Star][7m] [YARA] x64dbg/yarasigs Various Yara signatures (possibly to be included in a release later).
- [42Star][2m] [Java] revolver-ocelot-saa/ghidrax64dbg Extract annoations from Ghidra into an X32/X64 dbg database
- Also In Section: Ghidra->Plugins->With Other Tools->Debugger |
- [41Star][12d] [C] horsicq/pex64dbg pe viewer
- [40Star][3y] [C++] x64dbg/interobfu Intermediate x86 instruction representation for use in obfuscation/deobfuscation.
- [38Star][3y] [C] changeofpace/force-page-protection This x64dbg plugin sets the page protection for memory mapped views in scenarios which cause NtProtectVirtualMemory to fail.
- [38Star][3y] [C++] kurapicabs/x64_tracer x64dbg conditional branches logger [Plugin]
- [38Star][3y] [CSS] thundercls/x64dbg_vs_dark x64dbg stylesheet like visual studio dark theme
- [37Star][3y] [C] changeofpace/pe-header-dump-utilities This x64dbg plugin adds several commands for dumping PE header information by address.
- [29Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/apiinfo-plugin-x86 APIInfo Plugin (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [29Star][3y] [Py] x64dbg/x64dbgbinja Official x64dbg plugin for Binary Ninja
- [28Star][2y] [C] x64dbg/plugintemplate Plugin template for x64dbg. Releases:
- [28Star][2y] [C] x64dbg/slothbp Collaborative Breakpoint Manager for x64dbg.
- [27Star][2y] atom0s/ceautoasm-x64dbg An x64dbg plugin that allows users to execute Cheat Engine auto assembler scripts within x64dbg.
- [25Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/apisearch-plugin-x86 APISearch Plugin (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [24Star][3y] [C++] chausner/1337patch Simple command-line tool to apply patches exported by x64dbg to running processes
- [20Star][2y] [Py] techbliss/x64dbg_script_editor x64dbg Script editor v2.0
- [19Star][5y] [C] x64dbg/staticanalysis Static analysis plugin for x64dbg (now deprecated).
- [17Star][2y] [C#] thundercls/xhotspots xHotSpots plugin for x64dbg
- [16Star][11m] [C] mrfearless/x64dbg-plugin-template-for-visual-studio x64dbg plugin template for visual studio
- [15Star][4y] [C] realgam3/x64dbg-python Automating x64dbg using Python
- [13Star][8m] [C] mrexodia/driver_unpacking Source code for the "Kernel driver unpacking with x64dbg" blog post.
- [13Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/x64dbg-plugin-sdk-for-x64-assembler x64dbg Plugin SDK For x64 Assembler
- [12Star][2y] [C] blaquee/slothemu unicorn emulator for x64dbg
- [12Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/apisearch-plugin-x64 APISearch Plugin (x64) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [12Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/copytoasm-plugin-x86 CopyToAsm (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [12Star][2y] [C] thundercls/magicpoints MagicPoints plugin for x64dbg
- [12Star][3y] [C] x64dbg/capstone_wrapper C++ wrapper for capstone (x86 only)
- [12Star][2m] [C] x64dbg/qtplugin Plugin demonstrating how to link with Qt.
- [12Star][3y] [C] x64dbg/testplugin Example plugin for x64dbg.
- [11Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/x64dbg-plugin-sdk-for-x86-assembler x64dbg Plugin SDK For x86 Assembler
- [9Star][3y] [C++] jdavidberger/chaiscriptplugin Plugin which enables chai scripts to run inside of x64dbg
- [9Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/today-plugin-x64 Today Plugin (x64) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [4Star][3y] [C] mrexodia/traceplugin Very simple trace plugin example for x64dbg.
- [4Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/autocmdline-plugin-x86 AutoCmdLine Plugin (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [4Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/copytoasm-plugin-x64 CopyToAsm (x64) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [4Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/today-plugin-x86 Today Plugin (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [4Star][2y] thomasthelen/upxunpacker Scripts for x64dbg to find the OEP of exe files packed with UPX
- [4Star][1y] [CSS] x64dbg/blog Blog for x64dbg.
- [3Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/autocmdline-plugin-x64 AutoCmdLine Plugin (x64) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [3Star][3y] stonedreamforest/x64dbg_theme_relaxyoureyes Relax Your Eyes
- [3Star][2y] [C#] x64dbg/pluginmanager Plugin manager plugin for x64dbg.
- [2Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/codeshot-plugin-x86 CodeShot Plugin (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [2Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/stepint3-plugin-x86 StepInt3 Plugin (x86) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [2Star][1y] [C] phidelpark/x64dbgplugins 디버거 x64dbg 플러그인
- [2Star][2y] [C] x64dbg/dbgit Simple plugin to automatically add x64dbg databases to version control.
- [1Star][2y] [C++] lllshamanlll/x64dbg_cpp_template Simple, easy to use template plugin for x64dbg
- [1Star][1y] [Assembly] mrfearless/stepint3-plugin-x64 StepInt3 Plugin (x64) - A Plugin For x64dbg
- [1Star][2y] [C++] x64dbg/snowmandummy Dummy DLL for snowman.
- [0Star][2y] [C] x64dbg/getcharabcwidthsi_cache Plugin to improve performance of QWindowsFontEngine::getGlyphBearings.
- 2019.02 [freebuf] 使用x64dbg分析微信并获取所有联系人信息
- 2018.03 [freebuf] 使用x64dbg分析微信聊天函数并实现发信息
- 2018.03 [360] 使用x64dbg脱壳之开源壳upx
- 2018.02 [360] 使用x64dbg分析微信防多开功能
- 2018.02 [360] 使用x64dbg 分析 TIM2.0 QQ撤销功能
- 2018.02 [KirbiflintCracking] Patching a Keygenme with x64dbg [Learning Cracking]
- 2018.01 [KirbiflintCracking] Cracking & Keygen a crackme with x64dbg [Learning Cracking]
- 2018.01 [KirbiflintCracking] Cracking the new Steam Stub drm with x64dbg [Learning Cracking]
- 2018.01 [KirbiflintCracking] Cracking a simple crackme & bypassing Anti-debugger protection with x64dbg [Learning Cracking]
- 2017.12 [KirbiflintCracking] Cracking some Crackmes with x64dbg [Learning Cracking]
- 2017.12 [KirbiflintCracking] Cracking a simple Crackme with x64dbg [Learning cracking]
- 2017.10 [x64dbg] Limitations in x64dbg
- 2017.09 [pediy] [翻译]消息断点在x64dbg中的应用 by lantie@15PB
- 2017.07 [pediy] [原创]使用x64dbg+VS2015 Spy++去除WinRAR5.40(64位)广告弹框
- 2017.06 [seowhistleblower] Channel Update + Let's Hack: Sniper Elite 4 (Cheat Engine and x64dbg Tutorial)
- 2016.10 [x64dbg] Architecture of x64dbg
- 2016.07 [x64dbg] x64dbg plugin SDK
- 2016.07 [adelmas] Introducing x64dbg and Pizzacrypts Ransomware Unpacking
- 2015.12 [pediy] [原创]源码编译x64dbg
- 2015.10 [pediy] [原创]win7X64DBGPORT移位数据
- 2015.01 [reverseengineeringtips] An Introduction To x64dbg
- [75Star][5y] [C++] quangnh89/ollycapstone This is a plugin for OllyDbg 1.10 to replace the old disasm engine by Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework.
- [48Star][8y] [C] stephenfewer/ollysockettrace OllySocketTrace is a plugin for OllyDbg to trace the socket operations being performed by a process.
- [45Star][7m] thomasthelen/ollydbg-scripts Unpacking scripts for Ollydbg.
- [41Star][1y] [Batchfile] romanzaikin/ollydbg-v1.10-with-best-plugins-and-immunity-debugger-theme- Make OllyDbg v1.10 Look like Immunity Debugger & Best Plugins
- [41Star][8y] [C] stephenfewer/ollyheaptrace OllyHeapTrace is a plugin for OllyDbg to trace the heap operations being performed by a process.
- [38Star][8y] [C] stephenfewer/ollycalltrace OllyCallTrace is a plugin for OllyDbg to trace the call chain of a thread.
- [24Star][6y] [C++] epsylon3/odbgscript OllyDBG Script Engine
- [22Star][3y] [Py] ehabhussein/ollydbg-binary-execution-visualizer reverse engineering, visual binary analysis
- [21Star][5y] [C++] lynnux/holyshit ollydbg plugin, the goal is to make life easier. The project is DEAD!
- [15Star][8y] [C] zynamics/ollydbg-immunitydbg-exporter Exporters for OllyDbg and ImmunityDbg for use with zynamics BinNavi <= 3.0
- [14Star][5y] [C++] sinsoul/ollight A Code highlighting plugin for OllyDbg 2.01.
- [9Star][2y] [Assembly] dentrax/dll-injection-with-assembly DLL Injection to Exe with Assembly using OllyDbg
- [1Star][2y] [Assembly] infocus7/assembly-simple-keygen First time using Ollydbg for Reverse Engineering
- 2019.04 [freebuf] 缓冲区溢出实战教程系列(三):利用OllyDbg了解程序运行机制
- 2018.10 [pediy] [原创]使用“PE文件加区段工具”、“LordPE”、“WinHex”、“OllyDbg”为PE文件添加section、dll(API)
- 2018.10 [pediy] [原创]Ollydbg插件的编写流程
- 2018.03 [pediy] [原创]业余时间开发的类IDA静态反汇编工具(仿Ollydbg界面)(内有传送门)
- 2018.01 [kienbigmummy] OllyDbg_tut32
- 2018.01 [pediy] 如何实现自己的ollydbg调试器 (1) 界面的实现
- 2017.12 [hackers] Reverse Engineering Malware, Part 5: OllyDbg Basics
- 2017.10 [4hou] 工具推荐:逆向破解利器OllyDbg
- 2017.07 [ColinHardy] Three and a half ways to unpack malware using Ollydbg
- 2016.12 [360] 利用OllyDbg跟踪分析Process Hollowing
- 2016.12 [airbuscybersecurity] Following Process Hollowing in OllyDbg
- 2015.11 [pediy] [原创][开源]OllyDbg 2.x插件编写教程
- 2015.11 [pediy] [原创]科普文之如何编写ollydbg插件
- 2015.11 [pediy] [翻译]Ollydbg2.0X版本帮助手册中文翻译
- 2015.08 [pediy] [原创]《使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking》第14课练习完整解答
- 2015.01 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第五十八章-EXECryptor v2.2.50.h脱壳
- 2014.11 [reversec0de] OllyDbg Plugin Converter v0.1b
- 2014.10 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第四十四章-ACProtect V1.09脱壳(修复AntiDump)
- 2014.10 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第四十三章-ACProtect V1.09脱壳(编写脚本修复IAT)
- 2014.10 [pediy] 使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第四十二章-ACProtect V1.09脱壳(寻找OEP,绕过硬件断点的检测,修复Stolen code)
- 2014.08 [pediy] [求助]旧帖新读之OllyDBG入门系列(五)CrackMe算法分析
- 2014.07 [pediy] [原创]OllyDbg命令栏插件缓冲区溢出
- 2014.05 [pediy] [原创]Android平台的ollydbg即将到来,求gikdbg.art内测伙伴!
- 2014.04 [pediy] 使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第十章-断点
- 2014.04 [pediy] 使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第九章-基本概念
- 2014.04 [pediy] [开源]OllyDbg 2.01 的代码即时高亮插件
- 2014.04 [zairon] My new Ollydbg plugin: Sequential Dumper
- 2014.03 [zairon] Ollydbg plugin development: Findmemory needs Listmemory?
- 2014.03 [pediy] [原创]iOS平台的ollydbg即将到来,求gikdbg内测伙伴!
- 2014.02 [pediy] 使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking第八章
- 2014.02 [sans] Is OllyDbg Version 2 Ready for Malware Analysis?
- 2014.02 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第七章-call,ret
- 2014.02 [pediy] 使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking(已完结)
- 2014.02 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第六章-比较和条件跳转指令
- 2014.02 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第五章-数学指令
- 2014.02 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第四章-汇编指令
- 2013.09 [toolswatch] New Tool for Visualizing Binaries With Ollydbg and Graphvis released
- 2013.09 [doar] Pinpointing Heap-related Issues: OllyDbg2 Off-by-one Story
- 2013.08 [pediy] [原创]基于VT技术的OllyDbg插件Ddvp
- 2013.05 [pediy] [原创]公布过SafengineChallenge悬赏壳的脚本及OLLYDBG
- 2013.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 数据转换和反汇编代码插件2013-3-10 更新 支持OD2.01h
- 2011.10 [pediy] [原创]为OllyDbg增添“内存硬件条件断点”功能(1)
- 2011.09 [pediy] [未收录]OllyDbg小改01
- 2011.08 [pediy] [原创]让 OllyDbg 1.10 自动适应并创建 UDD 和 插件 路径
- 2011.03 [pediy] [原创]逆向patch,突破ollydbg 32插件限制
- 2011.02 [pediy] [分享]共享一个Ollydbg小插件带源码
- 2010.10 [pediy] [原创]Ollydbg之SetUnhandledExceptionFilter调试
- 2010.08 [pediy] [原创]一行代码检测程序是否使用OllyDBG启动
- 2010.05 [pediy] [原创]使用OllyDbg调试源代码级C程序
- 2010.03 [pediy] [分享]Ollydbg 硬件断点笔记
- 2009.10 [pediy] [翻译]使用OllyDbg从零开始Cracking 第三章
- 2009.07 [pediy] Anti OllyDbg
- 2009.07 [pediy] [翻译]OllyDbg插件开发手册全部翻译件
- 2009.06 [pediy] [翻译][原创]OllyDbg命令行插件帮助
- 2009.01 [gamelinux] EDB : OllyDbg for Linux… Im in LOVE
- 2009.01 [pediy] [求助]自己做的加密函数导入表,少部分程序只在Ollydbg等调试器下正常运行,高手帮着分析一下为什么?
- 2009.01 [pediy] [求助]OllyDBG的标题汉化问题[附带目前网上很少的非标汉化工具破解版]
- 2008.05 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG分析报告系列(5)---内存补丁
- 2008.05 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG分析报告系列(2)---内存断点
- 2008.03 [pediy] [原创]给ollydbg自动添加注释的插件
- 2007.07 [pediy] [下载]OllyDBG入门教程--chm版(看雪论坛)
- 2007.06 [pediy] [原创]关于《OllyDBG 入门系列(五)-消息断点及 RUN 跟踪》的补充
- 2007.06 [pelock] Kaspersky Anti-Virus v6.0.2 vs OllyDbg
- 2007.04 [pediy] 用OllyDbg手脱RLPack V1.17加壳的DLL
- 2007.03 [pediy] 翻译 ollyDBG tutorial.原创
- 2007.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG (Condition) Log Hardware BreakPoint
- 2007.01 [pediy] [初级]用实例讲解OllyICE(OllyDBG)破解一个商业时间限制软件[原创]
- 2006.12 [pediy] 兼容VC,Softice快捷键标准的ollydbg,F5,F8,F10,Ctrl+F5
- 2006.11 [pediy] [原创]从Ollydbg说起-----WinDbg用户态调试教程{看雪学院2006金秋读书季}
- 2006.10 [pediy] [分享]献给初学者---OllyDBG入门教程(收藏版)
- 2006.10 [pediy] [分享]OllyDbg.Disassembler.for.Delphi
- 2006.09 [pediy] OllyDBG1.1条件记录断点中传递命令到命令行插件功能的使用探索
- 2006.04 [pediy] 特定码――用OllyDBG手脱Enigma Protector V1.12加壳的试炼品
- 2006.04 [pediy] [分享]给Ollydbg的增加实用的快捷键操作功能(4.25更新)
- 2006.04 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 入门系列(七)-汇编功能
- 2006.03 [pediy] 解决ollydbg调试程序cpu应用率高达100%的问题
- 2006.02 [pediy] [分享]打包OllyDBG 入门系列及一些基础精华(2006-05-10修正)
- 2006.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 入门系列(五)-消息断点及 RUN 跟踪
- 2006.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 入门系列(四)-内存断点
- 2006.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 入门系列(三)-函数参考
- 2006.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 入门系列(二)-字串参考
- 2006.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDBG 入门系列(一)-认识OllyDBG
- 2005.12 [pediy] [分享]OllyDBG中快速定位VB按钮的处理程序
- 2005.12 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱SafeDisc V2.43.000加壳的DLL
- 2005.12 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Armadillo加壳的DLL――Visual.Assist.X.V10.2.1437.0
- 2005.10 [pediy] ExeCryptor 2.2.X 的 Anti Ollydbg 小结
- 2005.09 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱tElock V0.98加壳的DLL(菜鸟练习篇)
- 2005.09 [pediy] OllyDbg + ASProtect SKE 2.X +代码变形
- 2005.08 [pediy] 藏好自己的 OllyDbg
- 2005.08 [pediy] Diy OllyDbg's Loaddll.exe
- 2005.08 [pediy] 使用 OLLYDBG 咄入 Xprotector
- 2005.08 [pediy] [分享]利用OllyDbg进行源码级调试(Win32汇编语言)
- 2005.07 [pediy] 关于调试的几个基础问题,是ollydbg的,有点不明白,在此虚心请教
- 2005.05 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Armadillo加壳的DLL
- 2005.05 [pediy] [原创]使用OllyDbg 分析 USB HID 设备接口协议
- 2005.03 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Packman V0.0.0.1加壳的DLL
- 2005.02 [pediy] [原创]OllyDbg增加填充Nop指令功能
- 2004.12 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱ACProtect V1.41加壳的DLL
- 2004.12 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Petite V2.2加壳的DLL
- 2004.12 [pediy] [圣诞贺礼]OllyDbg中文帮助文档
- 2004.12 [pediy] ReloX修复DLL脱壳重定位表的简便方法――用Ollydbg手脱Neolite加壳的DLL
- 2004.12 [pediy] [原创]打造自己喜欢的 Ollydbg
- 2004.11 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱PECompact双层加壳的DLL --Psinthk.dll
- 2004.11 [pediy] OllyDbg的help-怎样开始调试(翻译)
- 2004.11 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Softlocx V5.0.0.6加壳的OCX
- 2004.10 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Visual Protect V3.54加壳的DLL
- 2004.10 [pediy] 用OllyDbg手动脱DLL的tELock变形壳
- 2004.10 [pediy] 用OllyDbg 1.10 手脱 chap708.exe之Mission Impassable?
- 2004.08 [pediy] [译]The other ways to detect OllyDbg 检测OllyDbg的另类方法
- 2004.08 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱CrypKey V5.7[Stealth]加壳的DLL――CKI32h.DLL
- 2004.07 [pediy] 转贴:OllyDbg Debugger消息格式串处理漏洞
- 2004.07 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱EncryptPE V1.2003.5.18加壳的DLL
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱 SVK Protector V1.32 加壳的DLL
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱 幻影 V2.33 加壳的DLL
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱tElock V0.98加壳的DLL
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱ASPack加壳的DLL
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱ASProtect V1.23RC4加壳的DLL
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱JDPack[铁甲] V1.01加壳的DLL
- 2004.05 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱UPX加壳的DLL
- 2004.05 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱Armadillo V3.60加壳的DLL
- 2004.05 [pediy] 用Ollydbg手脱PECompact加壳的DLL
- 2004.05 [pediy] 转载: 用其它方式检查出 OllyDbg
- [946Star][2y] [HTML] chybeta/software-security-learning Software-Security-Learning
- [564Star][6m] [C#] fremag/memoscope.net Dump and analyze .Net applications memory ( a gui for WinDbg and ClrMd )
- [389Star][2y] [C++] swwwolf/wdbgark WinDBG Anti-RootKit Extension
- [279Star][1m] [Py] hugsy/defcon_27_windbg_workshop DEFCON 27 workshop - Modern Debugging with WinDbg Preview
- [230Star][9m] [C++] microsoft/windbg-samples Sample extensions, scripts, and API uses for WinDbg.
- [190Star][8m] [Py] corelan/windbglib Public repository for windbglib, a wrapper around pykd.pyd (for Windbg), used by mona.py
- [157Star][3y] [Py] theevilbit/exploit_generator Automated Exploit generation with WinDBG
- [141Star][1y] [Py] bruce30262/twindbg PEDA-like debugger UI for WinDbg
- [136Star][27d] [C#] chrisnas/debuggingextensions Host of debugging-related extensions such as post-mortem tools or WinDBG extensions
- [135Star][5y] [C] goldshtn/windbg-extensions Various extensions for WinDbg
- [123Star][18d] [JS] 0vercl0k/windbg-scripts A bunch of JavaScript extensions for WinDbg.
- [97Star][1m] [C++] fdiskyou/iris WinDbg extension to display Windows process mitigations
- [89Star][2y] [HTML] sam-b/windbg-plugins Any useful windbg plugins I've written.
- [79Star][6y] [C++] tandasat/findpg Windbg extension to find PatchGuard pages
- [77Star][3y] [HTML] szimeus/evalyzer Using WinDBG to tap into JavaScript and help with deobfuscation and browser exploit detection
- [72Star][25d] [C++] rodneyviana/netext WinDbg extension for data mining managed heap. It also includes commands to list http request, wcf services, WIF tokens among others
- [69Star][2y] [C++] lynnux/windbg_hilight A windbg plugin to hilight text in Disassembly and Command windows. Support x86 and x64.
- [67Star][3m] davidfowl/windbgcheatsheet This is a cheat sheet for windbg
- [64Star][1y] vagnerpilar/windbgtree A command tree based on commands and extensions for Windows Kernel Debugging.
- [62Star][2m] [JS] hugsy/windbg_js_scripts Toy scripts for playing with WinDbg JS API
- [60Star][3m] [C++] imugee/pegasus reverse engineering extension plugin for windbg
- [59Star][3y] [C++] markhc/windbg_to_c Translates WinDbg "dt" structure dump to a C structure
- [58Star][3y] rehints/windbg
- [51Star][2y] [Py] cisco-talos/dotnet_windbg
- [51Star][4y] [C++] fishstiqz/poolinfo kernel pool windbg extension
- [50Star][2y] [C#] zodiacon/windbgx An attempt to create a friendly version of WinDbg
- [45Star][2y] [Py] kukfa/bindbg Binary Ninja plugin that syncs WinDbg to Binary Ninja
- [45Star][4y] [C++] pstolarz/dumpext WinDbg debugger extension library providing various tools to analyse, dump and fix (restore) Microsoft Portable Executable files for both 32 (PE) and 64-bit (PE+) platforms.
- [43Star][3y] [C++] andreybazhan/dbgext Debugger extension for the Debugging Tools for Windows (WinDbg, KD, CDB, NTSD).
- [43Star][1y] bulentrahimkazanci/windbg-cheat-sheet A practical guide to analyze memory dumps of .Net applications by using Windbg
- [40Star][11m] [C#] kevingosse/windbg-extensions Extensions for the new WinDbg
- [37Star][2y] [C] long123king/tokenext A windbg extension, extracting token related contents
- [34Star][7m] [C++] seancline/pyext WinDbg Extensions for Python
- [31Star][3y] osandamalith/apimon A simple API monitor for Windbg
- [28Star][7y] [C++] cr4sh/dbgcb Engine for communication with remote kernel debugger (KD, WinDbg) from drivers and applications
- [28Star][2y] [C++] dshikashio/pybag CPython module for Windbg's dbgeng plus additional wrappers.
- [28Star][2y] [C++] fdfalcon/typeisolationdbg A little WinDbg extension to help dump the state of Win32k Type Isolation structures.
- [28Star][3y] long123king/grep Grep-like WinDbg extension
- [27Star][3m] [C++] progmboy/win32kext windbg plugin for win32k debugging
- [22Star][4m] wangray/windbg-for-gdb-users "Pwntools does not support Windows. Use a real OS ;)" — Zach Riggle, 2015
- [21Star][5y] stolas/windbg-darktheme A dark theme for WinDBG.
- [21Star][5y] [Py] windbgscripts/pykd This contains Helpful PYKD (Python Extension for Windbg) scripts
- [18Star][3y] [Py] ajkhoury/windbg2struct Takes a Windbg dumped structure (using the 'dt' command) and formats it into a C structure
- [15Star][6y] pccq2002/windbg windbg open source
- [14Star][3y] [C] lowleveldesign/lldext LLD WinDbg extension
- [14Star][1y] [JS] osrdrivers/windbg-exts Various WinDbg extensions and scripts
- [13Star][3y] [C++] evandowning/windbg-trace Use WinDBG to trace the Windows API calls of any Portable Executable file
- [12Star][1y] [Py] wu-wenxiang/tool-windbg-pykd-scripts Pykd scripts collection for Windbg
- [11Star][1y] [C] 0cch/luadbg Lua Extension for Windbg
- [11Star][6y] baoqi/uni-trace Universal Trace Debugger Engine. Currently, only support windbg on Windows, but the long term goal is to also support GDB or LLDB
- [10Star][1y] [C++] jkornev/cfgdump Windbg extension that allows you analyze Control Flow Guard map
- [10Star][3y] [C] pstolarz/asprext ASProtect reverse engineering & analysis WinDbg extension
- [10Star][4y] [C] pstolarz/scriptext WinDbg scripting language utilities.
- [9Star][2y] [C#] indy-singh/automateddumpanalysis A simple tool that helps you run common diagnostics steps instead of battling with WinDbg.
- [8Star][2y] abarbatei/windbg-info collection of links related to using and improving windbg
- [7Star][8y] [C] pcguru34/windbgshark Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/windbgshark
- [7Star][10m] [C#] xquintana/dumpreport Console application that creates an HTML report from a Windows user-mode dump file, using WinDBG or CDB debuggers. Although it's been mainly designed for crash dump analysis of Windows applications developed in C++, it can also be used to read hang dumps or .Net dumps.
- [6Star][5y] lallousx86/windbg-scripts Windbg scripts
- [5Star][6y] [Py] bannedit/windbg
- [5Star][5y] [C++] dshikashio/pywindbg Python Windbg extension
- [5Star][2m] repnz/windbg-cheat-sheet My personal cheat sheet for using WinDbg for kernel debugging
- [5Star][3y] [Py] saaramar/nl_windbg Base library for Windows kernel debugging
- [5Star][2y] [Py] seancline/pythonsymbols A WinDbg symbol server for all recent versions of CPython.
- [2Star][4y] [C] tenpoku1000/windbg_logger カーネルデバッグ中の Visual Studio 内蔵 WinDbg の通信内容を記録するアプリケーションとデバイスドライバです。
- [2Star][2y] [C++] vincentse/watchtrees Debugger extension for the Windows Debugging Tools (WinDBG, KD, CDB, NTSD). It add commands to manage watches.
- [0Star][10m] [C++] kevingosse/lldb-loadmanaged LLDB plugin capable of executing plugins written for WinDbg/ClrMD
- [0Star][9m] [C++] lomomike/nethelps NetHelps - WinDbg extension, helps to view some .Net internals information
- 2019.10 [freebuf] Iris:一款可执行常见Windows漏洞利用检测的WinDbg扩展
- 2019.08 [lowleveldesign] Synthetic types and tracing syscalls in WinDbg
- 2019.08 [benoit] Portable WinDbg
- 2019.07 [osr] How L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) Mitigation and WinDbg Wasted My Morning (a.k.a. Yak Shaving: WinDbg Edition)
- 2019.06 [360] 《Dive into Windbg系列》Explorer无法启动排查
- 2019.05 [nul] 一个Windbg/cdb极其缓慢的例子
- 2019.04 [360] 《Dive into Windbg系列》AudioSrv音频服务故障
- 2019.04 [freebuf] 如何为WinDbg编写ClrMD插件
- 2019.03 [aliyun] 为WinDbg和LLDB编写ClrMD扩展
- 2019.03 [offensive] Development of a new Windows 10 KASLR Bypass (in One WinDBG Command)
- 2019.02 [OALabs] WinDbg Basics for Malware Analysis
- 2019.01 [TheSourceLens] Windows Internals - Processes Part 6 of 20 - Process related windbg commands.
- 2019.01 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 23 - Time travellers tracing ( IDNA )
- 2018.09 [pediy] [原创] 《软件调试》分页机制windbg例子分析(各种填坑)
- 2018.08 [pediy] [翻译]WinDbg内核调试配置方法介绍
- 2018.06 [pediy] [原创]让Windbg在驱动入口前断下来
- 2018.05 [criteo] Extending the new WinDbg, Part 3 – Embedding a C# interpreter
- 2018.04 [whereisk0shl] Windbg logviewer.exe缓冲区溢出漏洞
- 2018.04 [nettitude] WinDbg: using pykd to dump private symbols
- 2018.02 [comae] YARA scans in WinDbg
- 2018.01 [360] 《Dive into Windbg系列》Wireshark的卡死与崩溃
- 2018.01 [criteo] Extending the new WinDbg, Part 2 – Tool windows and command output
- 2018.01 [biosengineer] 紀錄一下WinDbg裡面比較常用到的指令集
- 2017.12 [pediy] [原创] 实现 windbg !vad 功能 ,也可以说成是内核枚举进程模块
- 2017.11 [nsfocus] windbg jsprovider.dll的一个BUG
- 2017.10 [pediy] [讨论]WinDbg、IDA下都有哪些有用、好玩的插件?
- 2017.10 [ixiacom] Debugging Malware with WinDbg
- 2017.10 [Cooper] Hack.lu 2017 Let’s Play with WinDBG & .NET by Paul Rascagneres
- 2017.10 [360] 利用WinDbg脚本对抗反调试技术
- 2017.09 [360] 利用WinDbg本地内核调试器攻陷 Windows 内核
- 2017.09 [criteo] Extending the new WinDbg, Part 1 – Buttons and commands
- 2017.08 [4hou] 利用WinDbg和wscript.exe分析JavaScript脚本
- 2017.08 [360] 如何使用windbg调试javascript
- 2017.08 [pediy] [分享]基于WinDbg调试引擎编写的调试器,支持python
- 2017.08 [talosintelligence] WinDBG and JavaScript Analysis
- 2017.07 [360] 使用Windbg分析.NET恶意软件
- 2017.07 [pediy] [分享]VirtualKD+IDA+VM+Windbg调试无PDB内核驱动
- 2017.07 [talosintelligence] Unravelling .NET with the Help of WinDBG
- 2017.06 [criteo] ClrMD Part 5 – How to use ClrMD to extend SOS in WinDBG
- 2017.06 [hasherezade] Stealing an Access Token using WinDbg
- 2017.05 [pediy] [原创]OD_WINDBG 附加功能的区别(1)- 用户层
- 2017.05 [osr] WinDbg, Debugger Objects, and JavaScript! Oh, My!
- 2017.03 [welivesecurity] How to configure WinDbg for kernel debugging
- 2017.03 [nul] 02 - Machine to Machine - 自动化WinDBG分析过程
- 2017.03 [venus] WinDbg 漏洞分析调试(三)之 CVE-2014-6332
- 2017.02 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #11: Challenge! Solve a crackme using only WinDbg
- 2017.01 [venus] WinDbg 漏洞分析调试(二)
- 2017.01 [venus] WinDbg 漏洞分析调试(一)
- 2016.10 [theevilbit] Exploit generation and JavaScript analysis automation with WinDBG
- 2016.10 [Cooper] Hack.lu 2016 Exploit generation and JavaScript analysis automation with WinDBG
- 2016.09 [securityintelligence] Fighting Fire With WinDBG: Breaking URLZone’s Anti-VM Armor
- 2016.06 [lowleveldesign] .natvis files and type templates in WinDbg
- 2016.06 [lowleveldesign] !injectdll – a WinDbg extension for DLL injection
- 2016.06 [thembits] Loffice - Analyzing malicious documents using WinDbg
- 2016.05 [freebuf] 使用Windbg和Python进行堆跟踪
- 2016.05 [PowerShellConferenceEU] PowerShell in WinDbg (Staffan Gustafsson)
- 2016.04 [pediy] [原创]Windbg和IDA脚本辅助分析
- 2016.03 [freebuf] 使用WinDbg调试Windows内核(二)
- 2016.03 [freebuf] 使用WinDbg调试Windows内核(一)
- 2016.03 [contextis] An Introduction to Debugging the Windows Kernel with WinDbg
- 2016.02 [govolution] Memdumps, Volatility, Mimikatz, VMs – Part 3: WinDBG Mimikatz Extension
- 2016.01 [freebuf] Windbg入门实战讲解
- 2015.12 [djmanilaice] windbg - Dumping a dll from a debugged process to disk
- 2015.10 [pediy] [原创]Windbg跟踪临界区的bug
- 2015.07 [djmanilaice] PID of debugged process in windbg
- 2015.07 [djmanilaice] Forgetting Windbg commands? Too lazy to type? Use .cmdtree in windbg!
- 2015.07 [topsec] 隐藏在windbg下面的攻防对抗
- 2015.06 [pediy] [原创]windbg 脚本化扩展 xcwd
- 2015.01 [jlospinoso] Tools for fixing symbols issues in WinDbg
- 2015.01 [jlospinoso] Tools for fixing symbols issues in WinDbg
- 2015.01 [jlospinoso] Tools for fixing symbols issues in WinDbg
- 2014.12 [nul] windbg 着色
- 2014.11 [codemachine] WinDBG : A rodent killer
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] windbg命令
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] windbg命令
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 19 - Conditional breakpoints
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 17 - Command bu or breakpoint unresolved.
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 15 - Command bp for giving breakpoints
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 8 - Commands k for callstack or stackback trace
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 21 - Exceptions And Events
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 7 - Physical Machine Kernel Debugging With Network Cable
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 3 - Introduction To debug Symbols
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 4 - Troubleshooting Symbols mismatch
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 9 - Commands r for register d for dump memory.
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 13 - Unassemble code
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 5 - Introduction to debugger Commands
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 11 - Command dt - dump type
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 20 - miscellaneous breakpoint related commands
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 18 - Command ba or break on access
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 14 - Command s or search memory
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 6 - Kernel Debugging With VmPlayer
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 1 - THE Debugger
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 10 - Commands dv and .frame
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 12 - Command e - edit memory
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 16 - Command bm for break point
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 2 - Different Modes Of Operations of Windbg
- 2014.06 [TheSourceLens] Introduction to Windbg Series 1 Part 22 - Miscellaneous Commands
- 2013.12 [pediy] [原创]如何在VS2012中编写Windbg插件
- 2013.10 [pediy] [分享][笔记]现学现用之windbg的高级玩法外篇二:干掉QQProtect.sys
- 2013.08 [pediy] [原创]发一个WINDBG脚本
- 2013.08 [yiiyee] Windbg调试命令详解
- 2013.08 [yiiyee] Windbg中查看计算机名
- 2013.07 [yiiyee] 初学Windbg,从主题布局开始
- 2013.04 [pediy] [原创]过TesSafe反WinDbg双机调试
- 2013.04 [debasish] Fuzzing Monitoring with WinDBG Console Debugger(cdb.exe)
- 2013.04 [pediy] [原创]获取系统热键链表windbg脚本 GetHotkeys windbg script
- 2013.04 [pediy] [原创]利用 windbg 脚本动态调试代码
- 2013.03 [pediy] [分享][下载]windbg的python扩展插件PYKD (2013.3.28)
- 2013.01 [corelan] Heap Layout Visualization with mona.py and WinDBG
- 2012.08 [pediy] [分享]Windbg的各种符号服务器
- 2012.05 [pediy] [原创]windbg查看E.KTHREAD,E.KPROCESS
- 2012.04 [pediy] [原创]windbg下断辅助
- 2012.03 [toolswatch] Blackhat Amsterdam 2012 : ToolsTube with Andrey Labunets on Windbgshark
- 2012.03 [toolswatch] WinDBGShark v0.2.3 (Black Hat EU 2012 Edition) Released
- 2011.11 [pediy] [原创]利用windbg脚本调试简单实例
- 2011.09 [pediy] [原创]编写脚本增强windbg堆栈、内存窗口[有码有真相啊]
- 2011.07 [pediy] [原创]再发几个好东西,windbg可编译源码
- 2011.05 [pediy] [求助]HS+TMD 环境下怎么Windbg双机调试...
- 2010.11 [pediy] [原创]小技巧大用处,让WINDBG跑起来
- 2010.10 [redplait] windbg & rpc
- 2010.08 [mattoh] Dumping Kernel Service Table from Windbg
- 2010.08 [mattoh] Setting breakpoint on entry point with Windbg
- 2009.12 [pediy] [求助]更新WINDBG 调试SYS 文件误用 INITCODE添加代码与图片
- 2009.07 [pediy] [原创]WinDbg学习笔记(一)--认识WinDbg
- 2009.07 [pediy] [原创]WinDbg学习笔记(二)--字符串访问断点
- 2009.01 [pediy] [原创]winxp+vpc2007+win2003sp1+windbg
- 2008.12 [pediy] [原创]Windows调试工具入门4 - WinDbg内核调试配置
- 2008.11 [kobyk] Windbg released
- 2008.10 [pediy] 用 WinDbg 内核调试查找隐藏进程
- 2008.08 [rapid7] Improved WinDBG opcode searching
- 2008.08 [rapid7] Byakugan WinDBG Plugin Released!
- 2008.06 [pediy] [原创]Make a Windbg By Yourself(一)
- 2008.05 [pediy] [原创]斗胆发一个辅助使用WinDbg获得内核数据结构的小工具
- 2008.05 [evilcodecave] Disabling VS JIT and Prepairing WinDBG for Unknown Exceptions
- 2008.05 [kobyk] Windbg released
- 2008.05 [biosengineer] WinDbg 查看Log
- 2007.08 [kobyk] Windbg’s integrated managed debugging – an accidental feature?
- 2007.07 [kobyk] How about some Windbg love?
- 2007.06 [pediy] [技巧]在 WinDbg 脚本中使用参数
- 2007.05 [pediy] [分享]方便的 windbg 命令 - !list
- 2007.01 [pediy] WinDbg插件编写――基础篇
- 2007.01 [pediy] 几个常用的 WinDbg 命令
- 2006.12 [pediy] [翻译]Kernel Debugging with WinDbg
- 2006.12 [pediy] WinDBG双机调试之Vista Boot Config 设置,高手勿进.
- 2006.11 [pediy] [原创]Windbg核心调试之dump分析
- 2006.11 [pediy] Windbg基本调试技术
- 2006.11 [pediy] [原创]使用WinDBG进行双机内核调试
- 2006.10 [pediy] 写了个小的 WinDbg 脚本,可以显示 SSDT
- 2006.10 [pediy] WinDbg 帮助文档翻译 - 数值表达式语法
- 2006.10 [pediy] [原创]WINDBG Script简易教程{看雪学院2006金秋读书季}
- 2006.10 [pediy] [分享]关于windbg进行双机调试的一些资料
- 2006.04 [pediy] 翻译:通往WinDbg的捷径(二)
- 2006.04 [pediy] 翻译:通往WinDbg的捷径(一)
- 2006.02 [debuginfo] WinDbg the easy way
- 2006.02 [pediy] [原创]用WinDbg动态脱Reflector
- [6101Star][3m] [Java] google/android-classyshark Analyze any Android/Java based app or game
- [6094Star][5m] [Java] qihoo360/replugin RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
- [5195Star][19d] [Py] mobsf/mobile-security-framework-mobsf Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
- [5084Star][15d] [HTML] owasp/owasp-mstg The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security development, testing and reverse engineering.
- [4882Star][24d] [Java] guardianproject/haven Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
- [4776Star][12d] [C++] facebook/redex A bytecode optimizer for Android apps
- [4306Star][15d] [Shell] ashishb/android-security-awesome A collection of android security related resources
- [3649Star][2m] [C++] anbox/anbox a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system
- [2314Star][1y] [Java] csploit/android cSploit - The most complete and advanced IT security professional toolkit on Android.
- [2120Star][9m] [Py] linkedin/qark Tool to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities
- [2095Star][10m] jermic/android-crack-tool
- [2051Star][21d] [Py] sensepost/objection runtimemobile exploration
- [2011Star][8m] [Py] fsecurelabs/drozer The Leading Security Assessment Framework for Android.
- [1976Star][9d] [Java] kyson/androidgodeye AndroidGodEye:A performance monitor tool , like "Android Studio profiler" for Android , you can easily monitor the performance of your app real time in pc browser
- [1925Star][7m] [Java] fuzion24/justtrustme An xposed module that disables SSL certificate checking for the purposes of auditing an app with cert pinning
- [1430Star][11m] [Java] aslody/legend A framework for hook java methods.
- [1417Star][1m] [Java] chrisk44/hijacker Aircrack, Airodump, Aireplay, MDK3 and Reaver GUI Application for Android
- [1366Star][3y] [C++] aslody/turbodex fast load dex in memory.
- [1241Star][3m] [Java] whataa/pandora an android library for debugging what we care about directly in app.
- [1235Star][2m] [Java] find-sec-bugs/find-sec-bugs The SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications and Android applications. (Also work with Kotlin, Groovy and Scala projects)
- [1213Star][2m] [JS] megatronking/httpcanary A powerful capture and injection tool for the Android platform
- [1208Star][4m] [Java] javiersantos/piracychecker An Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more. API 14+ required.
- [1134Star][1m] [Java] huangyz0918/androidwm An android image watermark library that supports invisible digital watermarks (steganography).
- [968Star][3y] [Java] androidvts/android-vts Android Vulnerability Test Suite - In the spirit of open data collection, and with the help of the community, let's take a pulse on the state of Android security. NowSecure presents an on-device app to test for recent device vulnerabilities.
- [920Star][7y] designativedave/androrat Remote Administration Tool for Android devices
- [903Star][5y] [Java] wszf/androrat Remote Administration Tool for Android
- [885Star][2m] [C] 504ensicslabs/lime LiME (formerly DMD) is a Loadable Kernel Module (LKM), which allows the acquisition of volatile memory from Linux and Linux-based devices, such as those powered by Android. The tool supports acquiring memory either to the file system of the device or over the network. LiME is unique in that it is the first tool that allows full memory captures f…
- [833Star][6y] [C] madeye/gaeproxy GAEProxy for Android (Deprecated)
- [820Star][11d] proxymanapp/proxyman Modern and Delightful HTTP Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS and Android
- [810Star][4m] [Scala] antox/antox Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
- [800Star][3m] sh4hin/androl4b A Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
- [769Star][1y] [C] ele7enxxh/android-inline-hook thumb16 thumb32 arm32 inlineHook in Android
- [735Star][2y] [Java] gcssloop/encrypt [暂停维护]Android 加密解密工具包。
- [708Star][4y] [Py] androbugs/androbugs_framework AndroBugs Framework is an efficient Android vulnerability scanner that helps developers or hackers find potential security vulnerabilities in Android applications. No need to install on Windows.
- [668Star][2m] doridori/android-security-reference A W.I.P Android Security Ref
- [666Star][7y] [Java] honeynet/apkinspector APKinspector is a powerful GUI tool for analysts to analyze the Android applications.
- [608Star][7m] [JS] vincentcox/stacoan StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.
- [585Star][2y] [Java] hypertrack/hyperlog-android Utility logger library for storing logs into database and push them to remote server for debugging
- [559Star][14d] [Shell] owasp/owasp-masvs The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) is a standard for mobile app security.
- [546Star][2m] nordicsemiconductor/android-nrf-connect Documentation and issue tracker for nRF Connect for Android.
- [541Star][1y] [Java] jaredrummler/apkparser APK parser for Android
- [540Star][7y] [Java] moxie0/androidpinning A standalone library project for certificate pinning on Android.
- [527Star][4m] [JS] wooyundota/droidsslunpinning Android certificate pinning disable tools
- [518Star][4m] [Java] megatronking/stringfog 一款自动对字节码中的字符串进行加密Android插件工具
- [511Star][9d] [Java] happylishang/cacheemulatorchecker Android模拟器检测,检测Android模拟器 ,获取相对真实的IMEI AndroidId 序列号 MAC地址等,作为DeviceID,应对防刷需求等
- [488Star][2y] b-mueller/android_app_security_checklist Android App Security Checklist
- [482Star][2m] [JS] lyxhh/lxhtoolhttpdecrypt Simple Android/iOS protocol analysis and utilization tool
- [471Star][2y] [Smali] sensepost/kwetza Python script to inject existing Android applications with a Meterpreter payload.
- [451Star][3y] [C++] vusec/drammer Native binary for testing Android phones for the Rowhammer bug
- [450Star][12m] [Kotlin] shadowsocks/kcptun-android kcptun for Android.
- [443Star][1m] [TS] shroudedcode/apk-mitm
- [431Star][13d] [C] guardianproject/orbot The Github home of Orbot: Tor on Android (Also available on gitlab!)
- [426Star][19d] [Py] thehackingsage/hacktronian All in One Hacking Tool for Linux & Android
- [412Star][4m] [Java] megatronking/netbare Net packets capture & injection library designed for Android
- [411Star][3y] [Java] fourbrother/kstools Android中自动爆破签名工具
- [409Star][3m] [CSS] angea/pocorgtfo a "Proof of Concept or GTFO" mirror with extra article index, direct links and clean PDFs.
- [408Star][1y] [Java] testwhat/smaliex A wrapper to get de-optimized dex from odex/oat/vdex.
- [405Star][3y] [Java] ac-pm/sslunpinning_xposed Android Xposed Module to bypass SSL certificate validation (Certificate Pinning).
- [403Star][6y] [Java] isecpartners/introspy-android Security profiling for blackbox Android
- [397Star][2y] [Java] routerkeygen/routerkeygenandroid Router Keygen generate default WPA/WEP keys for several routers.
- [382Star][2y] [Java] davidbuchanan314/nxloader My first Android app: Launch Fusée Gelée payloads from stock Android (CVE-2018-6242)
- [379Star][6m] [Makefile] crifan/android_app_security_crack 安卓应用的安全和破解
- [379Star][1y] [CSS] nowsecure/secure-mobile-development A Collection of Secure Mobile Development Best Practices
- [378Star][2y] [Java] jaredrummler/androidshell Execute shell commands on Android.
- [373Star][3y] [Py] androidhooker/hooker Hooker is an opensource project for dynamic analyses of Android applications. This project provides various tools and applications that can be use to automaticaly intercept and modify any API calls made by a targeted application.
- [358Star][5m] b3nac/android-reports-and-resources A big list of Android Hackerone disclosed reports and other resources.
- [358Star][5m] [C] the-cracker-technology/andrax-mobile-pentest ANDRAX The first and unique Penetration Testing platform for Android smartphones
- [353Star][3y] [ObjC] naituw/hackingfacebook Kill Facebook for iOS's SSL Pinning
- [333Star][25d] [Java] datatheorem/trustkit-android Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for Android.
- [323Star][2y] [Kotlin] ollide/intellij-java2smali A plugin for IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio to easily compile Java & Kotlin files to smali.
- [287Star][1y] [C] freakishfox/xanso Android So文件浏览修复工具
- [285Star][2y] [Java] simbiose/encryption Encryption is a simple way to encrypt and decrypt strings on Android and Java project.
- [284Star][9m] [Py] micropyramid/forex-python Foreign exchange rates, Bitcoin price index and currency conversion using ratesapi.io
- [282Star][4y] [Py] fuzzing/mffa Media Fuzzing Framework for Android
- [274Star][2y] [Java] mateuszk87/badintent Intercept, modify, repeat and attack Android's Binder transactions using Burp Suite
- [270Star][2y] [Java] reoky/android-crackme-challenge A collection of reverse engineering challenges for learning about the Android operating system and mobile security.
- [267Star][4m] [Py] amimo/dcc DCC (Dex-to-C Compiler) is method-based aot compiler that can translate DEX code to C code.
- [267Star][4y] [C] samsung/adbi Android Dynamic Binary Instrumentation tool for tracing Android native layer
- [267Star][2y] [Kotlin] temyco/security-workshop-sample This repository has been desired to show different Android Security Approach implementations using a simple sample project.
- [265Star][11d] [Py] den4uk/andriller a collection of forensic tools for smartphones
- [262Star][2y] [Java] maxcamillo/android-keystore-password-recover Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/android-keystore-password-recover
- [258Star][3y] [Java] flankerhqd/jaadas Joint Advanced Defect assEsment for android applications
- [258Star][7y] [Java] isecpartners/android-ssl-bypass Black box tool to bypass SSL verification on Android, even when pinning is used.
- [256Star][3y] [C] w-shackleton/android-netspoof Network Spoofer
- [254Star][2y] [Java] panhongwei/tracereader android小工具,通过读取trace文件,回溯整个整个程序执行调用树。
- [251Star][10m] [C] chef-koch/android-vulnerabilities-overview An small overview of known Android vulnerabilities
- [234Star][3m] [C] grant-h/qu1ckr00t A PoC application demonstrating the power of an Android kernel arbitrary R/W.
- [234Star][1y] [Ruby] hahwul/droid-hunter (deprecated) Android application vulnerability analysis and Android pentest tool
- [229Star][8m] [Java] jieyushi/luffy Android字节码插件,编译期间动态修改代码,改造添加全埋点日志采集功能模块,对常见控件进行监听处理
- [225Star][3m] [Java] virb3/trustmealready Disable SSL verification and pinning on Android, system-wide
- [208Star][26d] [C] derrekr/fastboot3ds A homebrew bootloader for the Nintendo 3DS that is similar to android's fastboot.
- [202Star][1y] [C#] labo89/adbgui Wrapper for Android Debug Bridge (ADB) written in C#
- [200Star][2y] [Java] ernw/androtickler Penetration testing and auditing toolkit for Android apps.
- [194Star][2y] [Java] panhongwei/androidmethodhook android art hook like Sophix
- [183Star][2y] [Smali] sslab-gatech/avpass Tool for leaking and bypassing Android malware detection system
- [180Star][3y] [C] kriswebdev/android_aircrack Aircrack-ng command-line for Android. Binaries & source.
- [173Star][2m] [Java] calebfenton/apkfile Android app analysis and feature extraction library
- [173Star][7y] [Py] trivio/common_crawl_index billions of pages randomly crawled from the internet
- [170Star][10m] thehackingsage/hackdroid Penetration Testing Apps for Android
- [167Star][24d] [Java] pwittchen/reactivewifi Android library listening available WiFi Access Points and related information with RxJava Observables
- [161Star][2m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |IDA->Tools->ELF |IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Loader |Android->Tools->IDA |
- [161Star][1y] [Java] iqiyi/dexsplitter Analyze contribution rate of each module to the apk size
- [160Star][10m] [Py] sch3m4/androidpatternlock A little Python tool to crack the Pattern Lock on Android devices
- [160Star][4y] [Py] appknox/afe Android Framework for Exploitation, is a framework for exploiting android based devices
- [158Star][3y] [Java] googlecloudplatform/endpoints-codelab-android endpoints-codelab-android
- [146Star][4m] [PostScript] guardianproject/orfox UPDATE: Orfox is being replaced by Tor Browser for Android. All future work and comments will be handled by Tor Project.
- [145Star][3y] [Java] zhouat/inject-hook for android
- [142Star][3m] [Py] technicaldada/hackerpro All in One Hacking Tool for Linux & Android (Termux). Hackers are welcome in our blog
- [140Star][4m] [Shell] izzysoft/adebar Android DEvice Backup And Report, using Bash and ADB
- [137Star][2y] [Java] gnaixx/hidex-hack anti reverse by hack dex file
- [137Star][3y] [Java] ysrc/anti-emulator 基于文件特征的Android模拟器检测
- [133Star][3y] [C++] chenenyu/androidsecurity Android安全实践
- [130Star][1y] [Java] florent37/rxlifecycle Rx binding of stock Android Activities & Fragment Lifecycle, avoiding memory leak
- [130Star][2m] pouyadarabi/instagram_ssl_pinning Bypassing SSL Pinning in Instagram Android App
- [127Star][4y] [C++] chago/advmp 大自然的搬运工-Android虚拟机保护Demo
- [125Star][5y] [Ruby] mttkay/replicant A REPL for the Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
- [124Star][2y] [Shell] nccgroup/lazydroid bash script to facilitate some aspects of an Android application assessment
- [123Star][5y] jacobsoo/androidslides
- [122Star][3m] [Java] aaronjwood/portauthority A handy systems and security-focused tool, Port Authority is a very fast Android port scanner. Port Authority also allows you to quickly discover hosts on your network and will display useful network information about your device and other hosts.
- [116Star][1y] [C++] melonwxd/elfhooker 兼容Android 32位和64位。基于EFL文件格式Hook的demo,hook了SurfaceFlinger进程的eglSwapBuffers函数,替换为new_eglSwapBuffers
- [114Star][1m] [Java] stringcare/androidlibrary Android library to reveal or obfuscate strings and assets at runtime
- [114Star][2y] wpvsyou/mprop 修改Android prop脚本工具
- [113Star][2y] [Py] fsecurelabs/drozer-modules leading security testing framework for Android.
- [112Star][4y] [Py] androidsecuritytools/lobotomy Android Security Toolkit
- [108Star][5y] [Py] mspreitz/adel dumps all important SQLite Databases from a connected Android smartphone to the local disk and analyzes these files in a forensically accurate workflow
- [104Star][4m] [JS] adelphes/android-dev-ext Android debugging support for VS Code
- [104Star][2y] [Kotlin] heimashi/debug_view_kotlin 用kotlin实现的Android浮层调试控制台,实时的显示内存、FPS、文字log、app启动时间、Activity启动时间
- [102Star][6m] [Py] vmavromatis/absolutely-proprietary Proprietary package detector for arch-based distros. Compares your installed packages against Parabola's package blacklist and then prints your Stallman Freedom Index (free/total).
- [101Star][9m] [Py] zsdlove/apkvulcheck This is a tool to help androidcoder to check the flaws in their projects.
- [99Star][4y] [Java] odrin/droid-watcher [OUTDATED & UNSUPPORTED] Droid Watcher - Android Spy Application
- [95Star][4y] [Shell] jlrodriguezf/whatspwn Linux tool used to extract sensitive data, inject backdoor or drop remote shells on android devices.
- [94Star][2y] [C++] woxihuannisja/stormhook StormHook is a Android Hook Framework for Dalvik and Art
- [93Star][2y] [C++] femto-dev/femto Sequence Indexing and Search
- [93Star][1y] [Py] integrity-sa/droidstatx Python tool that generates an Xmind map with all the information gathered and any evidence of possible vulnerabilities identified via static analysis. The map itself is an Android Application Pentesting Methodology component, which assists Pentesters to cover all important areas during an assessment.
- [90Star][4y] [C] rchiossi/dexterity Dex manipulation library
- [90Star][8m] [JS] adonespitogo/adobot-io Android Spyware Server
- [89Star][2m] pouyadarabi/facebook_ssl_pinning Bypassing SSL Pinning in Facebook Android App
- [87Star][4y] [Py] necst/aamo AAMO: Another Android Malware Obfuscator
- [86Star][5y] [Java] sysdream/fino Android small footprint inspection tool
- [85Star][2m] [Java] rikkaapps/wadb A simple switch for adb (Android Debug Bridge) over network.
- [83Star][1y] [Kotlin] pvasa/easycrypt Android cryptography library with SecureRandom patches.
- [81Star][2m] [Kotlin] linkedin/dex-test-parser Find all test methods in an Android instrumentation APK
- [79Star][3y] [Py] dancezarp/tbdex
- [76Star][11d] [Py] tp7309/ttdedroid 一键反编译工具One key for quickly decompile apk/aar/dex/jar, support by jadx/dex2jar/enjarify/cfr.
- [74Star][3y] wtsxdev/android-security-list Collection of Android security related resources
- [73Star][11d] jawz101/mobileadtrackers Taken from DNS logs while actively using Android apps over the years. Formatted in hostfile format.
- [70Star][2y] [Java] yolosec/routerkeygenandroid Router Keygen generate default WPA/WEP keys for several routers.
- [69Star][2y] [Kotlin] menjoo/android-ssl-pinning-webviews A simple demo app that demonstrates Certificate pinning and scheme/domain whitelisting in Android WebViews
- [68Star][1y] [Java] fooock/phone-tracker Phone tracker is an Android library to gather environment signals, like cell towers, wifi access points and gps locations.
- [66Star][3y] [Py] crange/crange Crange is a tool to index and cross-reference C/C++ source code
- [66Star][3y] [Java] fsecurelabs/drozer-agent The Android Agent for the Mercury Security Assessment Framework.
- [65Star][1y] [Py] cryptax/dextools Miscellaenous DEX (Dalvik Executable) tools
- [65Star][2y] [Java] isacan/andzu In-App Android Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- [63Star][4y] [Java] ac-pm/proxyon Android Xposed Module to apply proxy for a specific app.
- [63Star][28d] [Py] meituan-dianping/lyrebird-android 本程序是一个Lyrebird的插件,用于支持获取Android设备信息。
- [62Star][1y] pfalcon/awesome-linux-android-hacking List of hints and Q&As to get most of your Linux/Android device
- [61Star][7m] [Java] ajnas/wifips WiFi Based Indoor Positioning System, A MVP android Application
- [61Star][6y] [Java] isecpartners/android-killpermandsigchecks Bypass signature and permission checks for IPCs
- [61Star][6y] [Java] gat3way/airpirate Android 802.11 pentesting tool
- [60Star][3m] [Java] aagarwal1012/image-steganography-library-android
- [60Star][2y] [Java] geeksonsecurity/android-overlay-malware-example Harmless Android malware using the overlay technique to steal user credentials.
- [60Star][2y] [Java] globalpolicy/phonemonitor A Remote Administration Tool for Android devices
- [59Star][13d] [C] watf-team/watf-bank WaTF Bank - What a Terrible Failure Mobile Banking Application for Android and iOS
- [58Star][2m] [Java] lizhangqu/android-bundle-support 增强型apk analyzer,支持ap_, ap, aar, aab, jar, so, awb, aab, apks等zip文件使用apk analyzer打开, android studio插件
- [56Star][2y] [C] mwpcheung/ssl-kill-switch2 Blackbox tool to disable SSL certificate validation - including certificate pinning - within iOS and OS X Apps
- [55Star][3y] [C++] stealth/crash crypted admin shell: SSH-like strong crypto remote admin shell for Linux, BSD, Android, Solaris and OSX
- [54Star][10m] [Py] circl/potiron Potiron - Normalize, Index and Visualize Network Capture
- [54Star][5y] [Go] hailocab/logslam A lightweight lumberjack protocol compliant logstash indexer
- [54Star][1y] [C] shunix/tinyinjector Shared Library Injector on Android
- [53Star][2y] [Java] zyrikby/fsquadra Fast detection of repackaged Android applications based on the comparison of resource files included into the package.
- [52Star][2y] [Java] owasp-ruhrpott/owasp-workshop-android-pentest Learning Penetration Testing of Android Applications
- [52Star][7m] [C++] virgilsecurity/virgil-crypto Virgil Crypto is a high-level cryptographic library that allows you to perform all necessary operations for secure storing and transferring data and everything required to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant. Crypto Library is written in C++, suitable for mobile and server platforms and supports bindings with: Swift, Obj-C, Java (Android), С#/.NET, …
- [51Star][2m] [C] alainesp/hashsuitedroid Hash Suite for Android
- [51Star][2m] [Java] guardianproject/tor-android Tor binary and library for Android
- [49Star][3y] [Java] necst/heldroid Dissect Android Apps Looking for Ransomware Functionalities
- [47Star][5y] [C] mobileforensicsresearch/mem Tool used for dumping memory from Android devices
- [47Star][2y] [C] shunix/androidgothook GOT Hook implemented in Android
- [46Star][5y] [Java] monstersb/hijackandroidpoweroff Android hijack power off
- [44Star][3y] [Java] miracle963/zjdroid 基于Xposed Framewrok的动态逆向分析模块,逆向分析者可以通过ZjDroid完成以下工作: DEX文件的内存dump 基于Dalvik关键指针的内存BackSmali,有效破解加固应用 敏感API的动态监控 指定内存区域数据dump 获取应用加载DEX信息。 获取指定DEX文件加载类信息。 dump Dalvik java堆信息。 在目标进程动态运行lua脚本。
- [43Star][2y] [JS] intoli/slice A JavaScript implementation of Python's negative indexing and extended slice syntax.
- [42Star][2y] [PHP] paragonie/hpkp-builder Build HTTP Public-Key-Pinning headers from a JSON file (or build them programmatically)
- [41Star][2y] [Java] alepacheco/androrw PoC Ransomware for android
- [40Star][3y] [JS] naman14/gnome-android-tool Gnome shell extension for adb tools
- [39Star][2y] [Java] tiked/androrw PoC Ransomware for android
- [39Star][19d] [C] intel/kernelflinger the Intel UEFI bootloader for AndroidTM/BrilloTM
- [39Star][3m] [TS] whid-injector/whid-mobile-connector Android Mobile App for Controlling WHID Injector remotely.
- [38Star][2y] [Py] aptnotes/tools Tools to interact with APTnotes reporting/index.
- [38Star][5y] [Py] jakev/oat2dex-python Extract DEX files from an ART ELF binary
- [38Star][2y] [HTML] keenrivals/bugsite-index Index of websites publishing bugs along the lines of heartbleed.com
- [36Star][11m] [Py] pilgun/acvtool ACVTool is a novel tool for measuring black-box code coverage of Android applications.
- [34Star][8m] [Py] claudiugeorgiu/riskindroid A tool for quantitative risk analysis of Android applications based on machine learning techniques
- [33Star][7y] [C] nwhusted/auditdandroid A Fork of Auditd geared specifically for running on the Android platform. Includes system applications, AOSP patches, and kernel patches to maximize the audit experience.
- [33Star][2y] [Xtend] splondike/polipoid Android wrapper for the polipo proxy
- [32Star][2y] amoghbl1/tor-browser Orfox - A Tor Browser for Android
- [32Star][5y] [Py] jonmetz/androfuzz A fuzzing utility for Android that focuses on reporting and delivery portions of the fuzzing process
- [32Star][2y] knoobdev/bypass-facebook-ssl-pinning Bypassing ssl pinning for facebook android app
- [32Star][3y] [Py] mdegrazia/osx-quicklook-parser Parse the Mac Quickook index.sqlite database
- [32Star][3y] [Shell] mseclab/ahe17 Android Hacking Event 2017 Write-up
- [32Star][5y] [Py] xurubin/aurasium Practical security policy enforcement for Android apps via bytecode rewriting and in-place reference monitor
- [31Star][4y] [C] ctxis/kgdb-android Patches to the Nexus 6 (Shamu) kernel source to allow KGDB over serial debug cable
- [31Star][7m] [Java] jehy/rutracker-free Android thin client for rutracker.org, using Tor to avoid block.
- [29Star][2y] [C] wangyinuo/memdump android下的内存dump工具,可以dump so文件
- [28Star][6y] [MATLAB] vedaldi/visualindex A simple demo of visual object matching using VLFeat
- [28Star][4m] [Go] cs8425/go-adbbot android bot based on adb and golang
- [27Star][2y] [Java] coh7eiqu8thabu/slocker Source code of the SLocker Android ransomware
- [26Star][3y] [Java] whyalwaysmea/mobilesafe 这是一个android版的手机卫士,包含一下功能:1.手机防盗 2. 黑名单设置 3.软件管理 4.进程管理 5.流量统计 6.缓存清理 7.手机杀毒 8.来电归属地显示 9.号码归属地查询 10.程序锁
- [26Star][24d] fkie-cad/destroid Fighting String Encryption in Android Malware
- [25Star][3y] [Shell] amoghbl1/orfox This is my repository for the orfox browser, a browser that uses tor to communicate and Firefox for Android as it's base.
- [25Star][3y] [Java] calebfenton/androidemulatordetect Android Emulator Detection
- [25Star][5y] [Py] fygrave/dnslyzer DNS traffic indexer and analyzer
- [25Star][1y] [Java] sryze/wirebug Toggle Wi-Fi debugging on Android without a USB cable (needs root)
- [25Star][5y] wirelesscollege/securitytools android安全工具大全
- [25Star][29d] victorkifer/clicker Wireless Presenter for Android and iOS, supports Windows, Linux and OS X
- [24Star][8m] appspector/android-sdk AppSpector is a debugging service for mobile apps
- [24Star][5y] [Py] burningcodes/dexconfuse 简易dex混淆器
- [23Star][3y] [Py] skiddietech/hidaaf Python - Human Interface Device Android Attack Framework
- [22Star][2y] [JS] feedhenry/mobile-security FeedHenry Mobile Security
- [22Star][1m] [Java] orhun/k3pler Android network connection blocker and packet analyzer built on top of local HTTP proxy.
- [22Star][7y] brycethomas/liber80211 802.11 monitor mode for Android without root.
- [20Star][2y] [C#] vr-house/eazy-arcore-interface Eazy ARCore Interface is a Unity3D plugin which makes development and debugging of ARCore projects easier. Specifically, it simulates how ARCore works in an Android device inside of Unity3D editor. Thus, it allows for faster development of ARCore apps, without the need to build and deploy to the device in order to test fuctionality
- [20Star][11m] [Kotlin] hacker1024/android-wifi-qr-code-generator An android app that generates QR codes from your saved wifi networks.
- [19Star][2y] [Java] panagiotisdrakatos/t0rlib4android A minimal android controller library for Tor
- [18Star][3y] [Java] open-android/leakcanarydemo 内存泄漏检测工具,支持android studio eclipse
- [18Star][1y] [Shell] plowsec/android-ducky Rubber Ducky with Android
- [16Star][7m] zyrikby/stadyna Addressing the Problem of Dynamic Code Updates in the Security Analysis of Android Applications
- [15Star][2y] [Kotlin] ttymsd/traffic-monitor traffic debugging library for android
- [13Star][1y] [C] gtoad/android_inline_hook_arm_example
- [13Star][5y] seattleandrew/digibrutedroid A 4-Digit PIN Brute Force attack for USB-OTG Android devices
- [12Star][2y] [Java] 1van/activityhijacker Hijack and AntiHijack for Android activity.
- [12Star][12m] [C++] vito11/camerahook An prototype to hook android camera preview data of third-party and system apps
- [10Star][1y] [C] gtoad/android_inline_hook_thumb_example
- [10Star][3m] [Rust] timvisee/apbf Tool to brute force Android security pattern through TWRP recovery.
- [10Star][2y] [Java] yesterselga/password-strength-checker-android Check password strength (Weak, Medium, Strong, Very Strong). Setting optional requirements by required length, with at least 1 special character, numbers and letters in uppercase or lowercase.
- [7Star][5y] [Perl] pentestpartners/android android
- [7Star][2m] [Rust] superandroidanalyzer/abxml-rs Android binary XML decoding library in Rust.
- [6Star][4y] [Java] cspf-founder/dodovulnerablebank Insecure Vulnerable Android Application that helps to learn hacing and securing apps
- [6Star][12m] [Py] datadancer/hiafuzz Hybrid Interface Aware Fuzz for Android Kernel Drivers
- [6Star][4y] praveshagrawal/droid-toolkit A complete toolkit for Android Hacking
- [6Star][1y] [Java] nishchalraj/passwordstrengthbar An android library to show the password strength using four strength bars with colours set for each.
- [5Star][10m] [Java] ioactive/aosp-downloadproviderheadersdumper PoC Exploiting Headers Disclosure in Android's Download Provider (CVE-2018-9546)
- [5Star][6y] [Java] lanrat/wifi_recovery A simple android application to retrieve saved WIFI passwords
- [5Star][2y] [TeX] pietroborrello/android-malware-detection Detecting malicious android programs through ML techniques
- [5Star][2y] rev-code/androidclient Android remote administration client
- [5Star][8d] [YARA] qeeqbox/analyzer Threat intelligence framework for extracting artifacts and IoCs from Windows, Linux, Android, iPhone, Blackberry, macOS binaries and more
- [4Star][1y] [Py] 51j0/android-storage-extractor A tool to extract local data storage of an Android application in one click.
- [4Star][7y] [Java] asudhak/android-malware Android Malware POC for CSC591
- [4Star][2y] [Java] flintx/airmanager 第九届全国大学生信息安全竞赛 参赛作品 Android部分
- [4Star][2y] [Java] fooock/shodand Console and Android native Shodan application. Developed using MVP architecture, RxJava, Butterknife, zxing and more! Looking for collaborators, join now!
- [4Star][2y] [TeX] gelldur/msc-thesis Master's Thesis: Decompiling Android OS applications
- [4Star][6y] [C] lance0312/vulnapp A vulnerable Android app
- [4Star][4y] [C] mono-man/kgdb-android Patches to the Nexus 6 (Shamu) kernel source to allow KGDB over serial debug cable
- [4Star][8m] [Java] netdex/android-hid-script An Android app that allows you to script HID emulation tasks.
- [4Star][3y] [OpenEdge ABL] sp2014/android-malware-detector A machine learning based Android malware detection model.
- [4Star][3y] [Java] b00sti/wifi-analyzer Analyzer 802.11 networks - android app [to refactor]
- [4Star][6y] [Py] sushant-hiray/android-malware-detection Storehouse of scripts/code snippets corresponding to the current RnD project.
- [3Star][7y] [Java] alaasalman/aids Proof of concept Android Intrusion Detection System.
- [3Star][2y] [Java] alexeyzatsepin/cp-tester Android application for finding vulnerabilities in all of content providers based on SQLite databases on your device with sql-injection
- [3Star][3y] [Kotlin] alilotfi/virustotalclient VirusTotal for Android checks the applications installed in your Android phone against VirusTotal (
- [3Star][Py] btx3/ipwebcam-destroyer Android IP Webcam DoS Tool
- [3Star][10m] d4wu/unity3d-android-reverse-demo
- [3Star][6y] [C] hiikezoe/libfb_mem_exploit CVE-2013-2596 exploit for android
- [3Star][2y] [Java] leetcodes/poc-android-malware A simple andorid malware uploading basic info to remote server
- [3Star][5y] [Py] niejuhu/pocs Android漏洞验证程序
- [3Star][9m] [Java] pangodream/claudioremote Simple android App to show Claudio remote configuration capabilities
- [3Star][3y] prashantmi/android-h Android Hacker is a software based on ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and can compromise any "Android Device"
- [3Star][1y] [Shell] wazehell/android-usb-pwn simple script to pwn android phone with physical access
- [3Star][2y] [Java] threedr3am/ctf-android-writeup 很久以前参加CTF比赛做出来的部分Android逆向题目wp(瞎写,自用记录)
- [3Star][6y] zoobab/busybox-static-for-android A static busybox for android
- [3Star][3y] [Py] zyrikby/fsquadra2 Evaluation of Resource-based App Repackaging Detection in Android
- [3Star][12y] [C] bcopeland/android_packetspammer packetspammer for android
- [3Star][8m] [Visual Basic .NET] pericena/apkdcx Los programas nos ayudara a poder descomprimir o descompilar las aplicaciones que son desarrollada en Android, con la extensión”.apk “para poder modificar el código y mejorar la aplicación.
- [2Star][2y] androidtamer/awesome_android_pentest Awesome android Pentest tools collection
- [2Star][10m] [Shell] b15mu7h/androidmalwarezoo A Collection of Android Malware
- [2Star][12m] [Java] b3nac/injuredandroid A vulnerable Android application that shows simple examples of vulnerabilities in a ctf style.
- [2Star][3y] [Py] kr1shn4murt1/exploit-ms-17-010 Exploit para vulnerabilidad ms17-010 desde android
- [2Star][5y] [Py] lanninghuanxue/droidj A System for Android Malware Detection and Analysis
- [2Star][5y] [D] monstersb/arpdetection Arp attack detection for android
- [2Star][2y] [TeX] neutze/master-latex-thesis Master's Thesis "Analysis of Android Cracking Tools and Investigations in Counter Measurements for Developers" at Fakultät für Informatik of Technische Universität München
- [2Star][5y] [Java] nodoraiz/latchhooks Hack for Android app hooking using latch
- [2Star][2y] [Py] pypygeek/amiv Android Malware Info Visibility Tool
- [2Star][6y] yangwenbo/resetpin POC of Android Fragment Injection vulnerability, about reset PIN
- [2Star][2m] [C++] bootak/touchlogger-android-client Log all gestures on android phone without root permissions (developer options enabled required!)
- [1Star][1y] [Shell] backtrackcroot/androidtoolbox A android decompile tool set.
- [1Star][3y] [Java] ctf/ctf-android Source code for CTF's Android app
- [1Star][3y] [C++] cvvt/challenge_for_ctf Source code of android challenges for capturing the flag
- [1Star][7y] [C] gerasiov/abootimg-android Android build of abootimg
- [1Star][6y] huyle333/androidmitllctf2013 BUILDS Team 2 Android code from the MIT LL CTF 2013 for future reference. A list of APK files with different functions.
- [1Star][8y] [Java] rajasaur/ctfdroid Android app for talking to Forge
- [1Star][4y] [Java] sushanthikshwaku/antiv Anti virus app for android using VirusTotal
- [1Star][2y] [Py] tum-i22/localizing-android-malicious-behaviors Initial implementation of a method to localize malicious behaviors from API call traces of Android apps
- [1Star][8y] utkanos/android_device_htc_rezound working POC device for building bootable recovery
- [1Star][8y] utkanos/android_device_htc_vigor poc cwmr port for htc rezound
- [1Star][12m] [Java] oxagast/ansvif_android An Android frontend for ansvif fuzzing
- [1Star][4y] [C] ru-faraon/pixiewps-android
- [1Star][6y] [PHP] akibsayyed/poc-android-malware-files PHP Files for Android malware
- [0Star][5y] [Java] anonim1133/ctf Simple Android app to play Caputre The Flag. By using GPS and wifi it allows you to "capture the flags".
- [0Star][3y] [Java] artwyman/android_ctf
- [0Star][2y] [Py] bizdak/silverboxcc Reverse engineered android malware, and this is a C&C server for it
- [0Star][7m] [Py] brant-ruan/idf4apev Integrated Detection Framework for Android's Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilites
- [0Star][4y] [C] c0d3st0rm/android_kernel_tesco_ht7s3 Android kernel source for Tesco's first Hudl (HT7S3). This is here only for reference, as Tesco don't host kernel sources anymore, and is unbuildable - the kernel configs are missing and so are some of the essential parts of the kernel, eg WiFi drivers.
- [0Star][2y] chicharitomu14/android-hover-attack-document A document about Android Hover Attack in Chinese, organized from the paper “Using Hover to Compromise the Confidentiality of User Input on Android”
- [0Star][7y] ctfk/cl.ctfk Android CTF Game
- [0Star][6y] [Java] ctz/android-keystore POC for Android keystore leak
- [0Star][5m] [Perl] debos99/droidvenom DroidVenom is simple perl script for creating custom payload for android
- [0Star][6y] [C] enjens/android_kernel_sony_pollux_windy_stock Stock kernel with kexec patches for Sony Tablet Z WIFI
- [0Star][4y] [Py] eward9/android-backdoor-factory
- [0Star][3y] [Java] fathulkirom22/androidctf
- [0Star][6y] [Groovy] jhong01/ctfpro Android Capture the Flag Pro
- [0Star][5y] [Java] kappaetakappa/robot-ctf-android Controller software for the Expo project
- [0Star][10m] [Smali] moviet/space-ghost A simple example source codes of an initial android app cloner
- [0Star][1y] paradox5566/evihunter EviHunter is a static program analysis tool for parsing the evidentiary data from Android apps.
- [0Star][5y] preethams2/m_analysis Android malware tuts
- [0Star][5y] qwertgfdvgjh/xmanager xManager-手机安全卫士/练手Android项目,自己独立开发
- [0Star][3y] [Java] sanjeet990/android-antivirus-project This is an Antivirus project for Android that I created for my college project.
- [0Star][3y] serval-snt-uni-lu/hookranker Automatically Locating Malicious Payload in Piggybacked Android Apps (A Hook Ranking Approach)
- [0Star][2y] [Java] toulousehackingconvention/bestpig-reverse-android-serial THC CTF 2018 - Reverse - Android serial
- [0Star][7y] [C] tvall43/android_kernel_grouper kernel for the Google Asus Nexus 7 (2012) Wifi (insane naming system, right?)
- [0Star][5y] vaginessa/kali_launcher_android_app Android Application to launch Kali Android chroot.
- [0Star][6m] [C] alex91ar/gdb-multiarch Patched GDB-Multiarch to debug android Kernels.
- [183Star][30d] [Kotlin] iammert/applocker
- [157Star][2m] [Java] reddr/libscout Third-party library detector for Java/Android apps
- [154Star][4m] [Java] rednaga/axmlprinter Library for parsing and printing compiled Android manifest files
- [149Star][2y] [Py] mhelwig/apk-anal Android APK analyzer based on radare2 and others.
- Also In Section: Radare2->Plugins->Recent Add |
- [146Star][10m] [Java] lanchon/haystack Signature Spoofing Patcher for Android
- [142Star][2m] [Java] joshjdevl/libsodium-jni (Android) Networking and Cryptography Library (NaCL) JNI binding. JNI is utilized for fastest access to native code. Accessible either in Android or Java application. Uses SWIG to generate Java JNI bindings. SWIG definitions are extensible to other languages.
- [139Star][3m] nathanchance/android-kernel-clang Information on compiling Android kernels with Clang
- [137Star][9m] [Py] ale5000-git/tingle Android patcher
- [136Star][3y] [Batchfile] eliteandroidapps/whatsapp-key-db-extractor Allows WhatsApp users to extract their cipher key and databases on non-rooted Android devices.
- [132Star][5y] [C] hiteshd/android-rootkit A rootkit for Android. Based on "Android platform based linux kernel rootkit" from Phrack Issue 68
- [129Star][3m] [Shell] exalab/anlinux-resources Image and Script for LinuxOnAndroid App
- [127Star][2m] osm0sis/android-busybox-ndk Keeping track of instructions and patches for building busybox with the Android NDK
- [122Star][4y] irsl/adb-backup-apk-injection Android ADB backup APK Injection POC
- [121Star][7y] [Py] liato/android-market-api-py A Python port of the java Android Market API.
- [120Star][10m] [Java] securityfirst/umbrella_android Digital and Physical Security Advice App
- [120Star][2m] [C++] stealth/lophttpd lots of performance (or lots of porn, if you prefer) httpd: Easy, chrooted, fast and simple to use HTTP server for static content. Runs on Linux, BSD, Android and OSX/Darwin. It's free but if you like it, consider donating to the EFF:
- [119Star][1m] [Kotlin] babylonhealth/certificate-transparency-android Certificate transparency for Android and Java
- [118Star][4m] [Java] andprox/andprox Native Android Proxmark3 client (no root required)
- [117Star][2m] [Java] auth0/lock.android Android Library to authenticate using Auth0 and with a Native Look & Feel
- [117Star][3y] [Java] rafaeltoledo/android-security An app showcase of some techniques to improve Android app security
- [114Star][7m] [Py] alexmyg/andropytool A framework for automated extraction of static and dynamic features from Android applications
- [113Star][4y] [Java] evilsocket/pdusms PoC app for raw pdu manipulation on Android.
- [109Star][2y] [C] pbatard/bootimg-tools Android boot.img creation and extraction tools [NOTE: This project is NO LONGER maintained]
- [104Star][19d] [Py] virb3/apk-utilities Tools and scripts to manipulate Android APKs
- [104Star][12m] [Java] varunon9/remote-control-pc Control Laptop using Android. Remote control PC consists of android as well as desktop app written in Java to control laptop using phone.
- [103Star][9m] [C++] quarkslab/android-restriction-bypass PoC to bypass Android restrictions
- [99Star][11m] winterssy/miui-purify 个人兴趣项目存档,使用 apktool 魔改 MIUI ROM,去除 MIUI 系统新增的广告。
- [97Star][4y] [Java] zencodex/hack-android Collection tools for hack android, java
- [95Star][4m] [Java] dexpatcher/dex2jar Unofficial dex2jar builds
- [92Star][18d] [Py] imtiazkarimik23/atfuzzer "Opening Pandora's Box through ATFuzzer: Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface for Android Smartphones" ACSAC 2019
- [91Star][3y] [Java] 5gsd/aimsicdl AIMSICD Lite (Android IMSI-Catcher Detector) - reloaded!
- [90Star][3y] [Java] mingyuan-xia/patdroid A Program Analysis Toolkit for Android
- [90Star][8y] [Java] securitycompass/androidlabs Android security labs
- [88Star][1y] [ObjC] cmackay/google-analytics-plugin Cordova Google Analytics Plugin for Android & iOS
- [88Star][3m] [Scala] rsertelon/android-keystore-recovery A tool to recover your lost Android keystore password
- [86Star][3y] [Py] ucsb-seclab/baredroid bare-metal analysis on Android devices
- [85Star][7y] [Java] thomascannon/android-sms-spoof PoC app which takes advantage of Android's SmsReceiverService being exported to fake an incoming SMS with no permissions.
- [84Star][2y] [Kotlin] viktordegtyarev/callreclib Call Recorder fix for Android 7 and Android 6
- [81Star][4y] [Py] android-dtf/dtf Android Device Testing Framework ("dtf")
- [80Star][12m] [Java] thelinuxchoice/droidtracker Script to generate an Android App to track location in real time
- [79Star][3m] [Py] sashs/filebytes Library to read and edit files in the following formats: Executable and Linking Format (ELF), Portable Executable (PE), MachO and OAT (Android Runtime)
- [77Star][8d] [HTML] android-x86/android-x86.github.io Official Website for Android-x86 Project
- [77Star][2y] [C++] daizhongyin/securitysdk Android安全SDK,提供基础的安全防护能力,如安全webview、IPC安全通信、应用和插件安全更新、威胁情报搜集等等
- [77Star][19d] [Py] nightwatchcybersecurity/truegaze Static analysis tool for Android/iOS apps focusing on security issues outside the source code
- [76Star][3y] [Py] moosd/needle Android framework injection made easy
- [75Star][3y] [Java] guardianproject/cacheword a password caching and management service for Android
- [74Star][3m] [Ruby] devunwired/apktools Ruby library for reading/parsing APK resource data
- [73Star][2y] [C++] vusec/guardion Android GuardION patches to mitigate DMA-based Rowhammer attacks on ARM
- [71Star][4y] [Py] programa-stic/marvin-django Marvin-django is the UI/database part of the Marvin project. Marvin is a platform for security analysis of Android apps.
- [70Star][2y] androidtamer/androidtamer We Use Github Extensively and openly. So it becomes dificult to track what's what and what's where. This repository is a master repo to Help with that.
- [69Star][23d] [Java] auth0/auth0.android Android toolkit for Auth0 API
- [68Star][1y] [Shell] kiyadesu/android walk into Android security step by step
- [66Star][11m] [Py] yelp/parcelgen Helpful tool to make data objects easier for Android
- [65Star][5y] [Java] guardianproject/trustedintents library for flexible trusted interactions between Android apps
- [65Star][6y] [Java] ibrahimbalic/androidrat Android RAT
- [65Star][6y] [C++] trevd/android_root Got Root!
- [65Star][8y] [C] robclemons/arpspoof Android port of Arpspoof
- [64Star][3m] [Java] flankerhqd/bindump4j A portable utility to locate android binder service
- [64Star][7y] [C] hiikezoe/android_run_root_shell
- [62Star][2y] [C] wlach/orangutan Simulate native events on Android-like devices
- [61Star][7y] [Java] intrepidusgroup/iglogger Class to help with adding logging function in smali output from 3rd party Android apps.
- [58Star][5y] [C] poliva/dexinfo A very rudimentary Android DEX file parser
- [58Star][2m] [Kotlin] m1dr05/istheapp Open-source android spyware
- [57Star][2y] [Java] amotzte/android-mock-location-for-development allows to change mock location from command line on real devices
- [56Star][1y] [C] jduck/canhazaxs A tool for enumerating the access to entries in the file system of an Android device.
- [55Star][1y] [JS] enovella/androidtrainings Mobile security trainings based on android
- [55Star][6m] [Java] pnfsoftware/jeb2-androsig Android Library Code Recognition
- [55Star][11d] [Java] gedsh/invizible Android application for Internet privacy and security
- [55Star][3y] [Java] giovannicolonna/msfvenom-backdoor-android Android backdoored app, improved source code of msfvenom android .apk
- [53Star][2y] [Java] modzero/modjoda Java Object Deserialization on Android
- [53Star][2m] [Py] nelenkov/android-device-check Check Android device security settings
- [53Star][3y] [Shell] nvssks/android-responder Scripts for running Responder.py in an Android (rooted) device.
- [53Star][5y] [Java] thuxnder/androiddevice.info Android app collecting device information and submiting it to
- [53Star][1m] [Py] ucsb-seclab/agrigento Agrigento is a tool to identify privacy leaks in Android apps by performing black-box differential analysis on the network traffic.
- [50Star][5y] [Java] retme7/broadanywhere_poc_by_retme_bug_17356824 a poc of Android bug 17356824
- [48Star][3y] [Shell] osm0sis/apk-patcher Patch APKs on-the-fly from Android recovery (Proof of Concept)
- [48Star][5y] [C++] sogeti-esec-lab/android-fde Tools to work on Android Full Disk Encryption (FDE).
- [48Star][7y] tias/android-busybox-ndk Keeping track of instructions and patches for building busybox with the android NDK
- [47Star][3y] [Py] alessandroz/pupy Pupy is an opensource, multi-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android), multi function RAT (Remote Administration Tool) mainly written in python.
- [47Star][6m] [Java] tlamb96/kgb_messenger An Android CTF practice challenge
- [46Star][5m] [Py] cryptax/angeapk Encrypting a PNG into an Android application
- [46Star][1y] [Java] kaushikravikumar/realtimetaxiandroiddemo PubNub Demo that uses a Publish/Subscribe model to implement a realtime map functionality similar to Lyft/Uber.
- [44Star][2y] [Java] m301/rdroid [Android RAT] Remotely manage your android phone using PHP Interface
- [43Star][11m] [Kotlin] cbeuw/cloak-android Android client of Cloak
- [42Star][3m] [Java] nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 Android security workshop material taught during the CyberTruck Challenge 2019 (Detroit USA).
- [41Star][4y] [C] sesuperuser/super-bootimg Tools to edit Android boot.img. NDK buildable, to be usable in an update.zip
- [41Star][2y] [Shell] xtiankisutsa/twiga twiga:枚举 Android 设备,获取了解其内部部件和漏洞利用的信息
- [40Star][2y] [Java] ivianuu/contributer Inject all types like views or a conductor controllers with @ContributesAndroidInjector
- [40Star][7y] [C++] taintdroid/android_platform_dalvik Mirror of git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/dalvik.git with TaintDroid additions (mirror lags official Android)
- [40Star][5y] [Java] tacixat/cfgscandroid Control Flow Graph Scanning for Android
- [40Star][12m] [Java] thelinuxchoice/droidcam Script to generate an Android App to take photos from Cameras
- [39Star][5y] [C] cyanogenmod/android_external_openssl OpenSSL for Android
- [39Star][1y] [Py] sundaysec/andspoilt Run interactive android exploits in linux.
- [38Star][8m] [Java] pnfsoftware/jnihelper jeb-plugin-android-jni-helper
- [37Star][13d] [Java] cliqz-oss/browser-android CLIQZ for Android
- [37Star][4y] [Java] julianschuette/condroid Symbolic/concolic execution of Android apps
- [35Star][6m] [Py] bkerler/dump_avb_signature Dump Android Verified Boot Signature
- [35Star][6y] [C#] redth/android.signature.tool Simple GUI tool for Mac and Windows to help find the SHA1 and MD5 hashes of your Android keystore's and apk's
- [35Star][3y] [Java] serval-snt-uni-lu/droidra Taming Reflection to Support Whole-Program Analysis of Android Apps
- [34Star][2y] hardenedlinux/armv7-nexus7-grsec Hardened PoC: PaX for Android
- [34Star][11m] [Kotlin] cbeuw/goquiet-android GoQuiet plugin on android
- [33Star][1y] [C] jp-bennett/fwknop2 A replacement fwknop client for android.
- [33Star][3y] [Java] riramar/pubkey-pin-android Just another example for Android Public Key Pinning (based on OWASP example)
- [33Star][7m] [Shell] robertohuertasm/apk-decompiler Small Rust utility to decompile Android apks
- [32Star][2y] dweinstein/dockerfile-androguard docker file for use with androguard python android app analysis tool
- [30Star][4m] [Py] azmatt/anaximander Python Code to Map Cell Towers From a Cellebrite Android Dump
- [30Star][8m] [Java] pnfsoftware/jeb2-plugin-oat Android OAT Plugin for JEB
- [30Star][3y] [Java] amitshekhariitbhu/applock Android Application for app lock
- [29Star][1y] [C] calebfenton/native-harness-target Android app for demonstrating native library harnessing
- [29Star][1m] [JS] fsecurelabs/android-keystore-audit
- [28Star][3y] [Java] martinstyk/apkanalyzer Java tool for analyzing Android APK files
- [27Star][4y] [C] anarcheuz/android-pocs
- [27Star][3m] [Py] cryptax/droidlysis Property extractor for Android apps
- [27Star][3m] grapheneos/os_issue_tracker Issue tracker for GrapheneOS Android Open Source Project hardening work. Standalone projects like Auditor, AttestationServer and hardened_malloc have their own dedicated trackers.
- [26Star][1y] [Ruby] ajitsing/apktojava View android apk as java code in gui
- [25Star][3y] zyrikby/android_permission_evolution Analysis of the evolution of Android permissions. This repository contains the results presented in the paper "Small Changes, Big Changes: An Updated View on the Android Permission System".
- [25Star][11m] [Visual Basic .NET] modify24x7/ultimate-advanced-apktool v4.1
- [24Star][2y] [Java] commonsguy/autofillfollies Demonstration of security issues with Android 8.0 autofill
- [24Star][1y] [C++] zsshen/yadd Yet another Android Dex bytecode Disassembler: a static Android app disassembler for fast class and method signature extraction and code structure visualization.
- [24Star][4y] [Java] stealthcopter/steganography Android Steganography Library
- [24Star][2m] [Java] snail007/goproxy-ss-plugin-android goproxy安卓全局代理,ss goproxy安卓插件, goproxy :
- [22Star][1m] [Smali] aress31/sci Framework designed to automate the process of assembly code injection (trojanising) within Android applications.
- [21Star][7y] [C] 0xroot/whitesnow An experimental rootkit for Android
- [21Star][1y] [Smali] dan7800/vulnerableandroidapporacle
- [20Star][10m] [Rust] gamozolabs/slime_tree Worst Android kernel fuzzer
- [20Star][5y] snifer/l4bsforandroid Repositorio de APK para Hacking y Seguridad
- [19Star][3m] [C] cybersaxostiger/androiddump A tool pulls loaded binaries ordered by memory regions
- [19Star][2m] [Java] h3xstream/find-sec-bugs The FindBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications and Android applications. (Also work with Scala and Groovy projects)
- [19Star][5y] [Java] juxing/adoreforandroid Transplant adore rootkit for Android platform.
- [19Star][5y] [C++] trustonic/trustonic-tee-user-space Android user space components for the Trustonic Trusted Execution Environment
- [18Star][3y] [C] freddierice/farm-root Farm root is a root for android devices using the dirty cow vulnerability
- [18Star][7y] [Java] jseidl/goldeneye-mobile GoldenEye Mobile Android Layer 7 HTTP DoS Test Tool
- [18Star][4y] [Java] meleap/myo_andoridemg We got the Myo's EMG-data on Android by hacking bluetooth.
- [18Star][6y] [Java] taufderl/whatsapp-sniffer-android-poc proof of concept app to show how to upload and decrypt WhatsApp backup database
- [18Star][30d] jqorz/biquge_crack 笔趣阁_Android_去广告修改版(免费看小说!无广告!秒开无等待!)反编译学习
- [17Star][3y] bemre/bankbot-mazain 针对Android设备的开源手机银行木马BankBot / Mazain分析
- [17Star][6y] [Py] thomascannon/android-fde-decryption Cracking and decrypting Android Full Device Encryption
- [17Star][6y] [Java] fsecurelabs/mwr-android A collection of utilities for Android applications.
- [16Star][2y] androidtamer/tools This website will be holding list / details of each and every tool available via Android Tamer
- [16Star][4y] lewisrhine/kotlin-for-android-developers-zh Kotlin for android developers in chinese.
- [15Star][2y] [C++] chenzhihui28/securitydemo ndk进行简单的签名校验,密钥保护demo,android应用签名校验
- [15Star][4m] hyrathon/hitcon2019 Slides(In both CN and EN) & WP(outdated) of my topic in HITCON 2019 about bug hunting in Android NFC
- [15Star][7y] [Vim script] jlarimer/android-stuff Random scripts and files I use for Android reversing
- [15Star][2y] [Java] tanprathan/sievepwn An android application which exploits sieve through android components.
- [13Star][2y] anelkaos/ada Android Automation Tool
- [13Star][2y] [Scala] fschrofner/glassdoor glassdoor is a modern, autonomous security framework for Android APKs. POC, unmaintained unfortunately.
- [13Star][6y] [Shell] k3170makan/droidsploit A collection of scripts to find common application vulnerabilities in Android Applications
- [13Star][5y] [Py] lifeasageek/morula Morula is a secure replacement of Zygote to fortify weakened ASLR on Android
- [13Star][1y] [Shell] theyahya/android-decompile
- [12Star][3m] [Py] clviper/droidstatx Python tool that generates an Xmind map with all the information gathered and any evidence of possible vulnerabilities identified via static analysis. The map itself is an Android Application Pentesting Methodology component, which assists Pentesters to cover all important areas during an assessment.
- [12Star][1y] [JS] integrity-sa/android Repository with research related to Android
- [12Star][7y] [Java] jeffers102/keystorecracker Helps retrieve forgotten keystore passwords using your commonly used segments. Great for those forgotten Android keystore passphrases, which is exactly why I created this tool in the first place!
- [12Star][3y] [Java] miguelmarco/zcashpannel An android front-end to the zcash wallet through onion services
- [12Star][5y] [Java] poliva/radare-installer Application to easily download and install radare2 on android devices
- [12Star][3y] [Py] zyrikby/bboxtester Tool to measure code coverage of Android applications when their source code is not available
- [11Star][7m] [Java] radare/radare2-installer Application to easily download and install radare2 on android devices
- [11Star][1y] [Java] wishihab/wedefend-android ⛔
- [11Star][1y] [Java] zjsnowman/hackandroid Android安全之 Activity 劫持与反劫持
- [11Star][2y] [Java] mandyonze/droidsentinel Analizador de tráfico para dispositivos Android potencialmente comprometidos como parte de una botnet orientado a detectar ataques DDoS.
- [10Star][5y] [C] christianpapathanasiou/defcon-18-android-rootkit-mindtrick Worlds first Google Android kernel rootkit as featured at DEF CON 18
- [10Star][4y] [Java] cyberscions/digitalbank Android Digital Bank Vulnerable Mobile App
- [9Star][3y] [C++] android-art-intel/nougat ART-Extension for Android Nougat
- [9Star][5y] [Shell] bbqlinux/android-udev-rules
- [9Star][2y] [Java] djkovrik/comicser Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree - Capstone project.
- [9Star][4y] [C] ele7enxxh/fakeodex modify field(modWhen, crc) in android odex file;安卓APP“寄生兽”漏洞
- [9Star][2y] [Java] optimistanoop/android-developer-nanodegree This repo contains all 8 Apps developed during Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree. These all Apps met expectation during code review process of Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
- [9Star][1y] [C#] preemptive/protected-todoazureauth Example of protecting a Xamarin.Android app with Dotfuscator’s Root Check
- [9Star][7m] [Go] shosta/androsectest Automate the setup of your Android Pentest and perform automatically static tests
- [9Star][1y] [Kotlin] smartnsoft/android-monero-miner A minimal SDK that lets an integrator add a Monero Miner using the Javascript miner created by CoinHive. The Monero Miner can be used with any CoinHive address and is a proof of concept of an alternative to ad banners and interstitials for mobile app developers that want to get retributed for their work without spamming their users with bad adve…
- [8Star][7y] [Py] agnivesh/aft [Deprecated] Android Forensic Toolkit
- [8Star][4y] [Java] appknox/vulnerable-application Test Android Application.
- [8Star][2y] [JS] checkmarx/webviewgoat A deliberately vulnerable Android application to demonstrate exfiltration scenarios
- [8Star][11m] [C] hcamael/android_kernel_pwn android kernel pwn
- [8Star][6y] [Java] fsecurelabs/mwr-tls A collection of utilities for interacting with SSL and X509 Certificates on Android.
- [7Star][5y] [CSS] dhirajongithub/owasp_kalp_mobile_project OWASP KALP Mobile Project is an android application developed for users to view OWASP Top 10 (WEB and MOBILE) on mobile devices.
- [7Star][2y] [Py] sathish09/xender2shell 利用 web.xender.com 入侵用户的 Android 手机
- [7Star][2m] [C++] amrashraf/androshield An ASP.NET web application that responsible of detecting and reporting vulnerabilities in android applications by static and dynamic analysis methodologies.
- [6Star][2y] [C#] advancedhacker101/android-c-sharp-rat-server This is a plugin for the c# R.A.T server providing extension to android based phone systems
- [6Star][12m] as0ler/android-examples APK's used as example Apps for decompiling
- [6Star][5m] [Py] h1nayoshi/smalien Information flow analysis tool for Android applications
- [6Star][2y] [Py] silentsignal/android-param-annotate Android parameter annotator for Dalvik/Smali disassembly
- [6Star][3y] [Java] theblixguy/scanlinks Block unsafe and dangerous links on your Android device!
- [6Star][5y] vaginessa/pwn-pad-arsenal-tools Penetration Testing Apps for Android Devices
- [14557Star][13d] [Java] tencent/tinker Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
- [6684Star][3y] [C++] alibaba/andfix AndFix is a library that offer hot-fix for Android App.
- [3462Star][27d] [Java] meituan-dianping/robust Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability. Robust can fix bugs immediately without a reboot.
- [1117Star][6m] [Java] manbanggroup/phantom 唯一零 Hook 稳定占坑类 Android 热更新插件化方案
- [5080Star][2m] [Java] meituan-dianping/walle Android Signature V2 Scheme签名下的新一代渠道包打包神器
- [1663Star][2y] [Shell] juude/droidreverse reverse engineering tools for android
- [72Star][9m] wufengxue/android-reverse 安卓逆向工具汇总
- [12285Star][11d] [Java] signalapp/signal-android A private messenger for Android.
- [8756Star][2m] [Java] android-hacker/virtualxposed A simple app to use Xposed without root, unlock the bootloader or modify system image, etc.
- [2559Star][7m] taichi-framework/taichi A framework to use Xposed module with or without Root/Unlock bootloader, supportting Android 5.0 ~ 10.0
- [2034Star][12d] [Java] elderdrivers/edxposed Elder driver Xposed Framework.
- [1726Star][1y] [Java] ac-pm/inspeckage Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module)
- [1655Star][2m] [Java] tiann/epic Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 4.0~10.0
- [1494Star][2y] [Kotlin] gh0u1l5/wechatmagician WechatMagician is a Xposed module written in Kotlin, that allows you to completely control your Wechat.
- [1296Star][2m] [Java] android-hacker/exposed A library to use Xposed without root or recovery(or modify system image etc..).
- [839Star][5y] halfkiss/zjdroid Android app dynamic reverse tool based on Xposed framework.
- [790Star][8m] [Java] blankeer/mdwechat 一个能让微信 Material Design 化的 Xposed 模块
- [669Star][12d] [Java] ganyao114/sandhook Android ART Hook/Native Inline Hook/Single Instruction Hook - support 4.4 - 10.0 32/64 bit - Xposed API Compat
- [478Star][2m] [Java] tornaco/x-apm 应用管理 Xposed
- [424Star][3y] [Makefile] mindmac/androideagleeye An Xposed and adbi based module which is capable of hooking both Java and Native methods targeting Android OS.
- [322Star][1y] [C] smartdone/dexdump 快速脱一代壳的xposed插件
- [309Star][1m] bigsinger/androididchanger Xposed Module for Changing Android Device Info
- [309Star][13d] [Java] ganyao114/sandvxposed Xposed environment without root (OS 5.0 - 10.0)
- [283Star][2y] [C++] rovo89/android_art Android ART with modifications for the Xposed framework.
- [214Star][1y] [Kotlin] paphonb/androidp-ify [Xposed] Use features introduced in Android P on your O+ Device!
- [204Star][1y] [C] gtoad/android_inline_hook Build an so file to automatically do the android_native_hook work. Supports thumb-2/arm32 and ARM64 ! With this, tools like Xposed can do android native hook.
- [127Star][2y] [Java] bmax121/budhook An Android hook framework written like Xposed,based on YAHFA.
- [120Star][3y] [Java] rastapasta/pokemon-go-xposed
- [79Star][4m] [Go] tillson/git-hound GitHound pinpoints exposed API keys on GitHub using pattern matching, commit history searching, and a unique result scoring system. A batch-catching, pattern-matching, patch-attacking secret snatcher.
- [71Star][1m] [Java] lianglixin/sandvxposed Xposed environment without root (OS 5.0 - 10.0)
- [64Star][10m] [FreeMarker] dvdandroid/xposedmoduletemplate Easily create a Xposed Module with Android Studio
- [64Star][8d] uniking/dingding 免root远程钉钉打卡,支持wifi和gps定位,仅支持android系统。本项目出于学习目的,仅用于学习玩耍,请于24小时后自行删除。xposed, crack,package,dingtalk,remote control
- [49Star][11m] [Py] hrkfdn/deckard Deckard performs static and dynamic binary analysis on Android APKs to extract Xposed hooks
- [38Star][10m] [Java] egguncle/xposednavigationbar Xposed导航栏功能拓展模块
- [36Star][8m] [Py] anantshri/ds_store_crawler_parser a parser + crawler for .DS_Store files exposed publically
- [34Star][5y] [Java] wooyundota/intentmonitor Tool based xposed can monitor the android intents
- [28Star][5y] [Java] mindmac/xposedautomation A demo to show how to install Xposed and enable Xposed based module automatically
- [26Star][5y] [Java] twilightgod/malwarebuster This is a Xposed module. It helps to prevent malwares to register service/receiver which were disabled in My Android Tools before.
- [1793Star][8m] [C++] wrbug/dumpdex Android unpack
- [1620Star][3y] [Makefile] drizzlerisk/drizzledumper a memory-search-based Android unpack tool.
- [1465Star][3m] [C++] vaibhavpandeyvpz/apkstudio Open-source, cross platform Qt based IDE for reverse-engineering Android application packages.
- [1036Star][3y] [C++] zyq8709/dexhunter General Automatic Unpacking Tool for Android Dex Files
- [811Star][4m] [C] strazzere/android-unpacker Android Unpacker presented at Defcon 22: Android Hacker Protection Level 0
- [712Star][2m] [YARA] rednaga/apkid Android Application Identifier for Packers, Protectors, Obfuscators and Oddities - PEiD for Android
- [366Star][3m] [Java] patrickfav/uber-apk-signer A cli tool that helps signing and zip aligning single or multiple Android application packages (APKs) with either debug or provided release certificates. It supports v1, v2 and v3 Android signing scheme has an embedded debug keystore and auto verifies after signing.
- [322Star][6m] [Shell] 1n3/reverseapk Quickly analyze and reverse engineer Android packages
- [298Star][2y] [Shell] checkpointsw/android_unpacker A (hopefully) generic unpacker for packed Android apps.
- [189Star][3y] [Py] drizzlerisk/tunpacker TUnpacker是一款Android脱壳工具
- [187Star][3y] [Py] andy10101/apkdetecter Android Apk查壳工具及源代码
- [148Star][3y] [Py] drizzlerisk/bunpacker BUnpacker是一款Android脱壳工具
- [105Star][4y] [Java] liuyufei/sslkiller SSLKiller is used for killing SSL verification functions on Android client side. With SSLKiller, You can intercept app's HTTPS communication packages between the client and server.
- [104Star][3y] [Java] cvvt/apptroy An Online Analysis System for Packed Android Malware
- [89Star][2y] [ObjC] wooyundota/dumpdex Android Unpack tool based on Cydia
- [68Star][5y] [Py] ajinabraham/xenotix-apk-reverser Xenotix APK Reverser is an OpenSource Android Application Package (APK) decompiler and disassembler powered by dex2jar, baksmali and jd-core.
- [30Star][8m] [Java] cristianturetta/mad-spy We developed a malware for educational purposes. In particular, our goal is to provide a PoC of what is known as a Repacking attack, a known technique widely used by malware cybercrooks to trojanize android apps. The answer to solve this particular goal boils down in the simplicity of APK decompiling and smali code injection.
- [22Star][13d] [Py] botherder/snoopdroid Extract packages from an Android device
- [10Star][2y] [Shell] nickdiego/docker-ollvm Easily build and package Obfuscator-LLVM into Android NDK.
- [1500Star][27d] [C] iqiyi/xhook a PLT (Procedure Linkage Table) hook library for Android native ELF
- [1494Star][9d] [C++] jmpews/dobby a lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture hook framework.
- [804Star][25d] [C++] aslody/whale Hook Framework for Android/IOS/Linux/MacOS
- [530Star][7m] [Java] aslody/andhook Android dynamic instrumentation framework
- [400Star][3y] [Java] pqpo/inputmethodholder A keyboard listener for Android which by hooking the InputMethodManager.
- [361Star][8m] [C] turing-technician/fasthook Android ART Hook
- [216Star][3y] [Java] zhengmin1989/wechatsportcheat 手把手教你当微信运动第一名 – 利用Android Hook进行微信运动作弊
- [190Star][4y] [C++] aslody/elfhook modify PLT to hook api, supported android 5\6.
- [123Star][9m] [Java] turing-technician/virtualfasthook Android application hooking tool based on FastHook + VirtualApp
- [58Star][3y] [Java] nightoftwelve/virtualhookex Android application hooking tool based on VirtualHook/VirtualApp
- [54Star][3y] [Rust] nccgroup/assethook LD_PRELOAD magic for Android's AssetManager
- [36Star][27d] [C++] chickenhook/chickenhook A linux / android / MacOS hooking framework
- [1492Star][1y] [C++] f1xpl/openauto AndroidAuto headunit emulator
- [532Star][7m] [Java] limboemu/limbo Limbo is a QEMU-based emulator for Android. It currently supports PC & ARM emulation for Intel x86 and ARM architecture. See our wiki
- [471Star][3m] [Java] strazzere/anti-emulator Android Anti-Emulator
- [428Star][2y] [Py] evilsocket/smali_emulator This software will emulate a smali source file generated by apktool.
- [202Star][3y] [Py] mseclab/nathan Android Emulator for mobile security testing
- [168Star][12m] [Py] mnkgrover08-zz/whatsapp_automation Whatsapp Automation is a collection of APIs that interact with WhatsApp messenger running in an Android emulator, allowing developers to build projects that automate sending and receiving messages, adding new contacts and broadcasting messages multiple contacts.
- [148Star][5y] [C] strazzere/android-lkms Android Loadable Kernel Modules - mostly used for reversing and debugging on controlled systems/emulators
- [27Star][2y] [Shell] gustavosotnas/avd-launcher Front-end to Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) emulator from Google.
- [16Star][1y] [Py] abhi-r3v0/droxes A simple script to turn an Android device/emulator into a test-ready box.
- [161Star][2m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |IDA->Tools->ELF |IDA->Tools->Specific Target->Loader |Android->Tools->Recent Add |
- [118Star][4y] [Py] cvvt/dumpdex IDA python script to dynamically dump DEX in memory
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |
- [83Star][2y] [Py] zhkl0228/androidattacher IDA debugging plugin for android armv7 so
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |
- [39Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/adb_helper_qt_super_version All You Need For Ida Pro And Android Debugging
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |
- [39Star][2y] [Py] thecjw/ida_android_script some idapython scripts for android debugging.
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |IDA->Tools->Debug->No Category |
- [16Star][7y] [C++] strazzere/dalvik-header-plugin Dalvik Header Plugin for IDA Pro
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |
- [10794Star][1m] [Java] konloch/bytecode-viewer A Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite (Decompiler, Editor, Debugger & More)
- [6762Star][10m] [Java] amitshekhariitbhu/android-debug-database A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
- [527Star][5y] [Py] swdunlop/andbug Android Debugging Library
- [468Star][7y] [Shell] kosborn/p2p-adb Phone to Phone Android Debug Bridge - A project for "debugging" phones... from other phones.
- [123Star][3y] [C++] cheetahsec/avmdbg a lightweight debugger for android virtual machine.
- [106Star][6y] [Java] isecpartners/android-opendebug Make any application debuggable
- [98Star][4y] [Py] cx9527/strongdb gdb plugin for android debugging
- [65Star][6y] [Py] anbc/andbug Android Debugging Library
- [57Star][3y] [C] gnaixx/anti-debug Android detect debugger
- [56Star][5m] [Shell] wuseman/wbruter Crack your non-rooted android device pin code with 100% guarantee aslong as usb debugging has been enable. Wbruter also has support for parallel ssh brute forcing via pssh
- [22Star][1y] [C++] gtoad/android_anti_debug An example of android anti-debug.
- [429Star][4m] [Shell] ashishb/android-malware Collection of android malware samples
- [347Star][3m] [Java] droidefense/engine Droidefense: Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework
- [192Star][4y] [HTML] faber03/androidmalwareevaluatingtools Evaluation tools for malware Android
- [123Star][2y] [Java] brompwnie/uitkyk Android Frida库, 用于分析App查找恶意行为
- Also In Section: DBI->Frida->Tools->Recent Add |
- [117Star][7y] [C] secmobi/amatutor Android恶意代码分析教程
- [97Star][2y] [Lua] niallmcl/deep-android-malware-detection Code for Deep Android Malware Detection paper
- [82Star][5y] [Py] maldroid/maldrolyzer Simple framework to extract "actionable" data from Android malware (C&Cs, phone numbers etc.)
- [67Star][10m] dkhuuthe/madlira Malware detection using learning and information retrieval for Android
- [65Star][1y] [Py] mwleeds/android-malware-analysis This project seeks to apply machine learning algorithms to Android malware classification.
- [65Star][4y] [C++] soarlab/maline Android Malware Detection Framework
- [59Star][6m] [Py] hgascon/adagio Structural Analysis and Detection of Android Malware
- [49Star][3y] [HTML] mburakergenc/malware-detection-using-machine-learning Malware detection project on Android devices using machine learning classification algorithms.
- [49Star][2y] [java] toufikairane/andromalware Android Malware for educational purpose
- [46Star][1y] [Py] maoqyhz/droidcc Android malware detection using deep learning, contains android malware samples, papers, tools etc.
- [40Star][2y] [Java] miwong/intellidroid A targeted input generator for Android that improves the effectiveness of dynamic malware analysis.
- [40Star][1y] traceflight/android-malware-datasets Popular Android malware datasets
- [33Star][5y] [Shell] vt-magnum-research/antimalware Dynamic malware analysis for the Android platform
- [29Star][2y] virqdroid/android_malware
- [27Star][3y] fouroctets/android-malware-samples Android Malware Samples
- [24Star][3y] [Py] bunseokbot/androtools Android malware static & dynamic analysis and automated action (deprecated)
- [19Star][2y] [Py] namk12/malware-detection Deep Learning Based Android Malware Detection Framework
- [15Star][3y] [Java] darrylburke/androidmalwareexample Proof of Concept example of Android Malware used for Research Purposes
- [13Star][5y] [JS] cheverebe/android-malware Injected malicious code into legitimate andoid applications. Converted a keyboard app into a keylogger and an MP3 downloader into an image thief.
- [13Star][6m] [HTML] fmind/euphony Harmonious Unification of Cacophonous Anti-Virus Vendor Labels for Android Malware
- [13Star][9m] [Py] vinayakumarr/android-malware-detection Android malware detection using static and dynamic analysis
- [11Star][3m] [Py] jacobsoo/amtracker Android Malware Tracker
- [11Star][2y] [Py] tlatkdgus1/android-malware-analysis-system Android Malware Detection based on Deep Learning
- [9Star][4y] [Java] acprimer/malwaredetector android malwarre detector
- [9Star][2y] [Py] mldroid/csbd The repository contains the python implementation of the Android Malware Detection paper: "Empirical assessment of machine learning-based malware detectors for Android: Measuring the Gap between In-the-Lab and In-the-Wild Validation Scenarios"
- [7Star][3y] [Java] waallen/http-sms-android-malware HTTP and SMS spam testing application
- [6Star][7y] [Java] ssesha/malwarescanner Android app performing hash based malware detection
- [6Star][3y] [Py] tuomao/android_malware_detection
- [6Star][8y] [Java] twitter-university/antimalware An Android Eclipse project demonstrating how to build a simple anti-malware application
- [6Star][1y] [Py] aliemamalinezhad/machine-learning android-malware-classification using machine learning algorithms
- [3078Star][2m] [Java] calebfenton/simplify Generic Android Deobfuscator
- [294Star][4m] [C] shadowsocks/simple-obfs-android A simple obfuscating tool for Android
- [76Star][4y] [Java] enovella/jebscripts A set of JEB Python/Java scripts for reverse engineering Android obfuscated code
- [12Star][1m] [Py] omirzaei/androdet AndrODet: An Adaptive Android Obfuscation Detector
- [11Star][1y] [Java] miwong/tiro TIRO - A hybrid iterative deobfuscation framework for Android applications
- [9285Star][1m] [Java] ibotpeaches/apktool A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
- [2053Star][1m] [Java] genymobile/gnirehtet Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
- [585Star][3m] [C++] secrary/andromeda Andromeda - Interactive Reverse Engineering Tool for Android Applications [This project is not maintained anymore]
- [554Star][3y] [Java] linchaolong/apktoolplus apk analysis tool
- [545Star][20d] maddiestone/androidappre Android App Reverse Engineering Workshop
- [331Star][7y] [Java] brutall/brut.apktool A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
- [267Star][10m] [Dockerfile] cryptax/androidre Reverse engineering Android
- [246Star][28d] [C++] strazzere/android-scripts Collection of Android reverse engineering scripts
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Android |
- [102Star][3y] feicong/android-app-sec ISC 2016安全训练营-安卓app逆向与安全防护 ppt
- [54Star][6m] [Smali] hellohudi/androidreversenotes Android逆向笔记---从入门到入土
- [54Star][9y] [Emacs Lisp] nelhage/reverse-android Reverse-engineering tools for Android applications
- [32Star][3y] nextco/android-decompiler A hight quality list of tools to reverse engineering code from android.
- [16Star][3m] [Smali] freedom-wy/reverse_android 安卓从开发到逆向
- [11Star][2y] [Smali] yifengyou/android-software-security-and-reverse-analysis Android软件安全与逆向分析
- [6Star][2y] [CSS] oscar0812/apktoolfx A GUI for Apktool to make reverse engineering of android apps a breeze.
- 2019.12 [aliyun] Android智能终端系统的安全加固(上)
- 2019.11 [venus] Android勒索病毒分析(上)
- [2540Star][10m] [ObjC] nygard/class-dump Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
- [2389Star][2y] [Py] secretsquirrel/the-backdoor-factory Patch PE, ELF, Mach-O binaries with shellcode (NOT Supported)
- [2140Star][2m] [Py] jonathansalwan/ropgadget This tool lets you search your gadgets on your binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation. ROPgadget supports ELF, PE and Mach-O format on x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC and MIPS architectures.
- [1471Star][3y] [ObjC] polidea/ios-class-guard Simple Objective-C obfuscator for Mach-O executables.
- [856Star][3y] [C++] 0vercl0k/rp rp++ is a full-cpp written tool that aims to find ROP sequences in PE/Elf/Mach-O x86/x64 binaries. It is open-source and has been tested on several OS: Debian / Windows 8.1 / Mac OSX Lion (10.7.3). Moreover, it is x64 compatible and supports Intel syntax. Standalone executables can also be directly downloaded.
- [399Star][2m] [Logos] limneos/classdump-dyld Class-dump any Mach-o file without extracting it from dyld_shared_cache
- [331Star][3y] [C] steakknife/unsign Remove code signatures from OSX Mach-O binaries (note: unsigned binaries cannot currently be re-codesign'ed. Patches welcome!)
- [269Star][5y] [C] conradev/dumpdecrypted Dumps decrypted mach-o files from encrypted iPhone applications from memory to disk. This tool is necessary for security researchers to be able to look under the hood of encryption.
- [265Star][8m] [ObjC] devaukz/macho-kit A C/Objective-C library for parsing Mach-O files.
- [238Star][3y] aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference Mirror of OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference
- [197Star][2y] [ObjC] alonemonkey/dumpdecrypted Dumps decrypted mach-o files from encrypted applications、framework or app extensions.
- [178Star][4m] [ObjC] yulingtianxia/apporderfiles The easiest way to generate order files for Mach-O using Clang. Improving App Performance.
- [150Star][2y] [C] alexdenisov/bitcode_retriever Retrieves Bitcode from Mach-O binaries
- [148Star][14d] [Rust] m4b/faerie Magical ELF and Mach-o object file writer backend
- [137Star][2y] [ObjC] bluecocoa/class-dump Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
- [124Star][8m] [Swift] devaukz/macho-explorer A graphical Mach-O viewer for macOS. Powered by Mach-O Kit.
- [105Star][2y] [C++] tyilo/macho_edit Command line utility for modifying Mach-O binaries in various ways.
- [100Star][4y] [Py] jonathansalwan/abf Abstract Binary Format Manipulation - ELF, PE and Mach-O format
- [62Star][7y] [C] gdbinit/osx_boubou A PoC Mach-O infector via library injection
- [48Star][5m] [ObjC] dcsch/macho-browser Mac browser for Mach-O binaries (macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS)
- [39Star][5y] [C] x43x61x69/codeunsign A Mach-O binary codesign remover.
- [35Star][3y] [Py] airbus-seclab/elfesteem ELF/PE/Mach-O parsing library
- [31Star][1m] [Rust] flier/rust-macho Mach-O File Format Parser for Rust
- [20Star][3y] [Py] njsmith/machomachomangler Tools for mangling Mach-O and PE binaries
- [20Star][11m] [C] geosn0w/machdump A very basic C Mach-O Header Dump tool written for practicing purposes. Works With x86 and x86_64 binaries
- [17Star][4m] [JS] indutny/macho Mach-O parser for node.js
- [11Star][7y] [C] gdbinit/calcspace Small util to calculate available free space in mach-o binaries for code injection
- [10Star][4y] [OCaml] m4b/bin2json Converts ELF, mach-o, or PE binaries to a JSON representation
- 2017.11 [pnfsoftware] Having Fun with Obfuscated Mach-O Files
- 2017.03 [lse] Playing with Mach-O binaries and dyld
- 2017.03 [lse] Playing with Mach-O binaries and dyld
- 2017.02 [venus] Mach-O 脱壳技巧一则
- 2016.05 [turingh] nlist-Mach-O文件重定向信息数据结构分析
- 2016.05 [pediy] [原创]初探Mach-O学习小记(附源码)
- 2016.03 [turingh] OSX内核加载mach-o流程分析
- 2016.03 [pediy] [原创]Mach-O动态连接的简单分析(延时绑定)
- 2016.03 [turingh] Mach-O的动态链接相关知识
- 2016.03 [pediy] [原创]Mach-O格式分析
- 2016.03 [turingh] mach-o格式分析
- 2016.03 [pediy] [原创]dyld加载mach-o文件分析
- 2016.03 [turingh] dyld中mach-o文件加载的简单分析
- 2014.09 [pediy] [原创]mach-o文件格式学习记录
- 2014.09 [cerbero] Stripping symbols from a Mach-O
- 2014.08 [secureallthethings] Patching the Mach-o Format the Simple and Easy Way
- 2013.06 [cerbero] Mach-O support (including Universal Binaries and Apple Code Signatures)
- 2013.05 [volatility] MoVP II - 1.1 - Mach-O Address Space
- 2013.03 [reverse] OS.X/Boubou – Mach-O infector PoC source code
- 2012.02 [reverse] A little more fun with Mach-O headers: adding and spoofing a constructor
- 2012.02 [reverse] Anti-disassembly & obfuscation #1: Apple doesn’t follow their own Mach-O specifications?
- 2011.11 [thireus] execve("/bin//sh", ["/bin//sh"], NULL) - MacOS mach-o-x86-64
- 2010.01 [reverse] A new util to process Mach-O binaries information (or a replacement to otool -l)
- 2009.03 [reverse] Mach-O binary offset calculator
- [5451Star][3m] [Py] axi0mx/ipwndfu open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices
- [5390Star][6m] [C] pwn20wndstuff/undecimus unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 12.4
- [4248Star][8m] [ObjC] alonemonkey/monkeydev CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- [3221Star][5m] [ObjC] naituw/ipapatch Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without Jailbreak.
- [2016Star][3y] [Swift] urinx/iosapphook 专注于非越狱环境下iOS应用逆向研究,从dylib注入,应用重签名到App Hook
- [1800Star][3y] [ObjC] kpwn/yalu102 incomplete iOS 10.2 jailbreak for 64 bit devices by qwertyoruiopz and marcograssi
- [1193Star][15d] [JS] alonemonkey/frida-ios-dump pull decrypted ipa from jailbreak device
- Also In Section: DBI->Frida->Tools->Recent Add |
- [642Star][2y] [C] coolstar/electra Electra iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 jailbreak toolkit based on async_awake
- [482Star][2y] [Objective-C++] bishopfox/bfinject Dylib injection for iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 with LiberiOS and Electra jailbreaks
- [430Star][2y] [ObjC] jackrex/fakewechatloc 手把手教你制作一款iOS越狱App
- [415Star][2y] zhengmin1989/greatiosjailbreakmaterial Great iOS Jailbreak Material! - I read hundreds of papers and PPTs. Only list the most useful materials here!
- [404Star][1y] [C] coalfire-research/ios-11.1.2-15b202-jailbreak iOS 11.1.2 (15B202) Jailbreak
- [386Star][3y] [ObjC] kpwn/yalu incomplete ios 8.4.1 jailbreak by Kim Jong Cracks (8.4.1 codesign & sandbox bypass w/ LPE to root & untether)
- [384Star][2y] [Assembly] sgayou/kindle-5.6.5-jailbreak Kindle 5.6.5 exploitation tools.
- [379Star][2y] [ObjC] codermjlee/mjapptools 【越狱-逆向】处理iOS APP信息的命令行工具
- [375Star][6y] [C] heardrwt/revealloader Reveal Loader dynamically loads libReveal.dylib (Reveal.app support) into iOS apps on jailbroken devices.
- [365Star][9y] [C] psgroove/psgroove PSGroove
- [291Star][4y] [Perl] bishopfox/theos-jailed A version of Theos/CydiaSubstrate for non-jailbroken iOS devices
- [287Star][7m] [Shell] 0ki/mikrotik-tools Tools for Mikrotik devices - universal jailbreak tool
- [273Star][2y] [C] bishopfox/bfdecrypt Utility to decrypt App Store apps on jailbroken iOS 11.x
- [240Star][2y] [ObjC] sticktron/g0blin a work-in-progress jailbreak for iOS 10.3.x (A7-A9)
- [237Star][11m] [C] geosn0w/osirisjailbreak12 iOS 12.0 -> 12.1.2 Incomplete Osiris Jailbreak with CVE-2019-6225 by GeoSn0w (FCE365)
- [200Star][1y] [ObjC] sunweiliang/neteasemusiccrack iOS网易云音乐 免VIP下载、去广告、去更新 无需越狱...
- [199Star][2y] [ObjC] tihmstar/doubleh3lix Jailbreak for iOS 10.x 64bit devices without KTRR
- [193Star][4y] [C++] isecpartners/jailbreak Jailbreak
- [157Star][9y] [C] comex/star the code behind the second incarnation of jailbreakme.com
- [146Star][1y] [ObjC] tihmstar/jelbrektime An developer jailbreak for Apple watch S3 watchOS 4.1
- [145Star][1y] [Shell] kirovair/delectra An uninstaller script for Coolstars' Electra iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 jailbreak.
- [145Star][1y] [ObjC] psychotea/meridianjb An iOS 10.x Jailbreak for all 64-bit devices.
- [144Star][1y] [C] geosn0w/osiris-jailbreak An incomplete iOS 11.2 -> iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak
- [144Star][3y] [ObjC] project-imas/security-check Application level, attached debug detect and jailbreak checking
- [128Star][5y] [C] stefanesser/opensource_taig Lets create an open source version of the latest TaiG jailbreak.
- [111Star][2y] [C] openjailbreak/evasi0n6 Evasi0n6 Jailbreak by Evad3rs for iOS 6.0-6.1.2
- [110Star][2y] [ObjC] rozbo/ios-pubgm-hack iOS吃鸡辅助
- [109Star][10m] [ObjC] devapple/yalu103 incomplete iOS 10.3Betas jailbreak for 64 bit devices by qwertyoruiopz, marcograssi, and devapple (personal use)
- [108Star][10d] [HTML] cj123/canijailbreak.com a website which tells you whether you can jailbreak your iOS device.
- [100Star][2y] [Objective-C++] electrajailbreak/cydia Cydia modified for iOS 11/Electra
- [99Star][2y] [ObjC] geosn0w/yalu-jailbreak-ios-10.2 My own fork of (Beta) Yalu Jailbreak for iOS 10.0 to 10.2 by
- [96Star][3y] [Py] chaitin/pro A crappy tool used in our private PS4 jailbreak
- [93Star][7y] [C] planetbeing/ios-jailbreak-patchfinder Analyzes a binary iOS kernel to determine function offsets and where to apply the canonical jailbreak patches.
- [89Star][3y] [ObjC] jamie72/ipapatch Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without Jailbreak.
- [89Star][3y] [Logos] thomasfinch/priorityhub Sorted notifications jailbreak tweak
- [83Star][6m] [ObjC] smilezxlee/zxhookdetection 【iOS应用安全】hook及越狱的基本防护与检测(动态库注入检测、hook检测与防护、越狱检测、签名校验)
- [80Star][2y] [C] axi0mx/ios-kexec-utils boot LLB/iBoot/iBSS/iBEC image from a jailbroken iOS kernel
- [77Star][1y] [JS] mtjailed/jailbreakme A webbased jailbreak solution unifying existing jailbreak me solutions and new ones.
- [72Star][2y] [ObjC] sunweiliang/baiduyuncrack iOS百度云盘 破解速度限制、去广告、去更新 无需越狱~
- [65Star][3y] [ObjC] zhengmin1989/yalu102 incomplete iOS 10.2 jailbreak for 64 bit devices by qwertyoruiopz and marcograssi
- [62Star][2y] [ObjC] rickhe/rhwechat iOS 无需越狱逆向微信:自动抢红包
- [58Star][2y] [C++] openjailbreak/jailbreakme-1.0 The first publicly available userland jailbreak for iPhoneOS 1.0.2/1.1.1 by cmw and dre
- [55Star][1y] [JS] userlandkernel/jailbreakme-unified Framework for iOS browser exploitation to kernel privileges and rootfs remount
- [53Star][5m] [Py] n0fate/ichainbreaker Breaking the iCloud Keychain Artifacts
- [52Star][2y] [Shell] alephsecurity/initroot Motorola Untethered Jailbreak: Exploiting CVE-2016-10277 for Secure Boot and Device Locking bypass
- [51Star][1y] [C] pwn20wndstuff/osiris Osiris developer jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 11.4b3
- [50Star][9m] [Swift] joncardasis/to-the-apples-core A collection of non-jailbroken code snippets on reverse-engineered iOS private apis
- [49Star][2y] [JS] idan5x/switcheroo Exploiting CVE-2016-4657 to JailBreak the Nintendo Switch
- [47Star][7m] [Py] ivrodriguezca/decrypt-ios-apps-script Python script to SSH into your jailbroken device, decrypt an iOS App and transfer it to your local machine
- [45Star][2y] [C] geosn0w/ios-10.1.1-project-0-exploit-fork iOS 10.1.1 Project 0 Exploit Compatible with All arm64 devices for Jailbreak Development
- [41Star][3y] kd1991/oxul103-jailbreak A NEW 64-bit JAILBREAK FOR iOS 10.3,10.3.1,10.3.2,10.3.x. (Untethered).
- [40Star][1y] [C] in7egral/taig8-ios-jailbreak-patchfinder Analyzes a binary iOS kernel to determine function offsets and where to apply the canonical jailbreak patches.
- [37Star][6m] [C] geosn0w/geofilza Filza No Jailbreak
- [35Star][4y] [ObjC] billy-ellis/ios-file-explorer No-jailbreak file explorer application for iOS
- [34Star][2y] [C] mtjailed/purplesmoke A work-in-progress repository for breaking the security of iOS 11.2 up to 11.2.6
- [33Star][2y] [ObjC] mtjailed/privateapimanager A project providing usefull classes for reverse engineering iOS Private APIs on-device
- [32Star][2y] applebetas/mterminal-jailed An iOS 11 compatible fork of MTerminal using Ian Beer's tfp0 exploit
- [32Star][2y] [ObjC] lycajb/lycajb LycaJB is a project that aims to fill the gap in iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1 jailbreaks. While this jailbreak is specifically aimed at developers it could be turned into a public stable jailbreak which includes Cydia. Right now we had to make the hard decision to remove Cydia from LycaJB as it caused our test devices to bootloop. We are working hard to ma…
- [32Star][2y] [ObjC] mikaelbo/proxyswitcher Easily enable / disable WiFi proxy on a jailbroken iOS device
- [29Star][2y] [C] jndok/of32 A simple tool to find offsets needed in 32bit jailbreaks. Feel free to contribute.
- [25Star][8m] [Logos] ruler225/jailbreaktweaks All of my open source jailbreak tweaks for iOS
- [23Star][2y] [C] openjailbreak/absinthe Absinthe Jailbreak. Most recent version I've maintained. Help split this up into reusable modules for future userland jailbreaks. This is archived for future generations
- [22Star][9m] [Logos] leavez/runmario iOS jailbreak tweak that allow playing SuperMarioRun on jailbreak device
- [20Star][4y] [C] jonathanseals/ios-kexec-utils I'm taking a break, I swear
- [20Star][11m] m4cs/ios-tweak-dev-tools A collection of useful development tools and forks of tools that are geared towards iOS jailbreak developers.
- [18Star][1y] [C++] jakeajames/kernelsymbolfinder Get kernel symbols on device. No jailbreak required (note: unslid addresses)
- [17Star][2y] [Roff] mtjailed/mtjailed-native A terminal emulator with remote shell for non-jailbroken iOS devices
- [17Star][1y] [C] xerub/ios-kexec-utils I'm taking a break, I swear
- [16Star][4y] [C#] firecore/seas0npass-windows Windows version of the jailbreak tool for Apple TV 2G
- [15Star][2y] [C] jailbreaks/empty_list empty_list - exploit for p0 issue 1564 (CVE-2018-4243) iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1 kernel r/w
- [14Star][10m] [SourcePawn] headline/gangs Gangs for Jailbreak Servers Running SourceMod
- [11Star][8y] i0n1c/corona-a5-exploit The Corona A5 exploit used in the Absinthe jailbreak.
- [11Star][3y] [ObjC] openjailbreak/yalu102 incomplete iOS 10.2 jailbreak for 64 bit devices by qwertyoruiopz and marcograssi
- [10Star][2y] [Swift] 6ilent/electralyzed_ios Install Jailbreak tweaks without the hassle (iOS Version, Electra [iOS 11 - 11.1.2] Jailbreak Toolkit)
- [10Star][2y] [ObjC] elegantliar/wechathook iOS非越狱 逆向微信实现防撤回, 修改步数
- [9Star][2y] [TeX] abhinashjain/jailbreakdetection iOS Jailbreak detection analysis - Comparison of jailed and jailbroken iOS devices
- [9Star][4y] [Py] b0n0n/ms-fitnessband-jailbreak simple scripts to parse and patch Microsoft fitness band firmware update file
- [9Star][2y] proappleos/upgrade-from-any-jailbroken-device-to-ios-11.1.2-with-blobs How to Upgrade any Jailbroken Device to iOS 11.1.2 with Blobs
- [8Star][3y] [ObjC] imokhles/boptionloader side load BOptionsPro for BBM to improve BBM app on iOS device ( first BBM tweak ever for non jailbroken devices )
- [6Star][11m] [C] cryptiiiic/skybreak 8.4.1 Jailbreak using CVE-2016-4655 / CVE-2016-4656
- [4Star][4y] luowenw/xiaohedoublepinyindict Files that can be useful for XiaoHe double pinyin solution on non jailbreak IOS devices.
- [4Star][3y] [ObjC] kd1991/ipapatch Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without Jailbreak.
- [3Star][2y] [Logos] artikushg/switcherxi The iOS 11 appswitcher for iOS 10 jailbreak.
- [3Star][5y] [ObjC] martianz/shadowsocks-ios shadowsocks client for OSX and non-jailbroken iPhone and iPad
- [3Star][3y] [ObjC] openjailbreak/yalu incomplete ios 8.4.1 jailbreak by Kim Jong Cracks (8.4.1 codesign & sandbox bypass w/ LPE to root & untether)
- [2Star][7y] felipefmmobile/ios-plist-encryptor IOS *.plist encryptor project. Protect your *.plist files from jailbroken
- [2Star][2y] [Ruby] mtjailed/msf-webkit-10.3 A metasploit module for webkit exploits and PoC's targeting devices running iOS 10+
- [1Star][4y] [Shell] app174/xcodeghost-clean Check and clean app contains XCodeGhost on your jailbreaked iDevice.
- [0Star][3y] ziki69/ios10jailbreak iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak w/ support of iPhone 5s
- 2019.10 [talosintelligence] Checkrain fake iOS jailbreak leads to click fraud
- 2019.08 [elcomsoft] Why iOS 12.4 Jailbreak Is a Big Deal for the Law Enforcement
- 2019.05 [elcomsoft] Step by Step Guide to iOS Jailbreaking and Physical Acquisition
- 2019.02 [securityinnovation] iOS 12 Jailbreak
- 2019.02 [elcomsoft] iOS 12 Rootless Jailbreak
- 2019.01 [] IPC Voucher UaF Remote Jailbreak Stage 2
- 2019.01 [] IPC Voucher UaF Remote Jailbreak Stage 2 (EN)
- 2018.07 [elcomsoft] Using iOS 11.2-11.3.1 Electra Jailbreak for iPhone Physical Acquisition
- 2017.12 [venus] GreatiOSJailbreakMaterial - Only List the Most Useful Materials Here!
- 2015.10 [welivesecurity] New YiSpecter malware attacks iOS devices without jailbreak
- 2011.07 [sans] Jailbreakme Takes Advantage of 0-day PDF Vuln in Apple iOS Devices
- 2010.09 [securelist] iPhone Jailbreaking, Greenpois0n and SHAtter Trojans
- 2010.08 [trendmicro] The Security Implications of iOS Jailbreaking
- 2010.08 [trendmicro] Online iPhone Jailbreak Uses iOS Vulnerabilities
- [8031Star][3m] [Py] facebook/chisel Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps.
- [784Star][3m] [C++] nodejs/llnode An lldb plugin for Node.js and V8, which enables inspection of JavaScript states for insights into Node.js processes and their core dumps.
- [636Star][2m] [C++] apple/swift-lldb This is the version of LLDB that supports the Swift programming language & REPL.
- [492Star][28d] [Rust] vadimcn/vscode-lldb A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB
- [388Star][2m] [C++] llvm-mirror/lldb Mirror of official lldb git repository located at
- [242Star][5y] [C++] meeloo/xspray A front end for lldb on OS X for Mac and iOS targets, with a twist
- [198Star][2y] proteas/native-lldb-for-ios native LLDB(v3.8) for iOS
- [25Star][3y] [Py] bnagy/francis LLDB engine based tool to instrument OSX apps and triage crashes
- [20Star][3y] [Py] critiqjo/lldb.nvim This repository was moved to
- [16Star][2m] [Py] malor/cpython-lldb LLDB script for debugging of CPython processes
- [12Star][3y] [C++] indutny/llnode Node.js C++ lldb plugin
- 2019.11 [4hou] 一款实用的macOS内核调试工具——LLDBagility
- 2019.11 [reverse] How to make LLDB a real debugger
- 2019.08 [trendmicro] LLDBFuzzer: Debugging and Fuzzing the Apple Kernel with LLDB Script
- 2019.06 [quarkslab] LLDBagility: practical macOS kernel debugging
- 2018.05 [freebuf] 如何在Electra越狱的设备上使用LLDB调试应用程序
- 2018.01 [reverse] lldbinit - Improving LLDB
- 2017.10 [venus] Native LLDB(v3.8) for iOS
- 2017.10 [pediy] [原创]4s的9.3.5尝试Proteas大神的Native lldb
- 2017.07 [pediy] [[分享]]编译mac下的lldb](https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-219717.htm)
- 2016.09 [pediy] [原创]lldb使用方法(学习笔记)
- 2015.01 [pediy] [原创]修正lldb-310及以后版本的Thumb反汇编问题
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] lldb命令
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] lldb命令
- 2014.05 [pediy] [原创]gikdbg v1.1携手lldb震撼来袭,求内测伙伴!
- 2013.03 [it] iTunes debugging disabling ptrace with LLDB
- 2005.08 [pediy] [原创]借第一篇破文吹一下olldbg
- 2004.06 [pediy] 用olldbg破解,分析ocx控件
- [6203Star][3m] [ObjC] johnno1962/injectionforxcode Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
- [2057Star][19d] [ObjC] ios-control/ios-deploy Install and debug iPhone apps from the command line, without using Xcode
- [1606Star][2m] [Swift] indragiek/inappviewdebugger A UIView debugger (like Reveal or Xcode) that can be embedded in an app for on-device view debugging
- [1409Star][1m] [Swift] johnno1962/injectioniii Re-write of Injection for Xcode in (mostly) Swift4
- [572Star][1m] [ObjC] hdb-li/lldebugtool LLDebugTool is a debugging tool for developers and testers that can help you analyze and manipulate data in non-xcode situations.
- [497Star][7y] [C] ghughes/fruitstrap Install and debug iPhone apps from the command line, without using Xcode
- [384Star][3m] [JS] johnno1962/xprobeplugin Live Memory Browser for Apps & Xcode
- [179Star][4y] [ObjC] x43x61x69/otx The Mach-O disassembler. Now 64bit and Xcode 6 compatible.
- [135Star][1y] [Swift] danleechina/mixplaintext 可对 Xcode 项目工程所有的 objective-c 文件内包含的明文进行加密混淆,提高逆向分析难度。
- [135Star][1y] [Shell] onmyway133/swiftsnippets A collection of Swift snippets to be used in Xcode
- [48Star][2y] [C++] tonyzesto/pubgprivxcode85 Player ESP 3D Box ESP Nametag ESP Lightweight Code Secure Injection Dedicated Cheat Launcher Secured Against Battleye Chicken Dinner Every Day. Win more matches than ever before with CheatAutomation’s Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds cheat! Our stripped down, ESP only cheat gives you the key features you need to take out your opponents and be eatin…
- [45Star][7m] [Swift] git-kevinchuang/potatso-swift5 Potatso compiled with swift5 xcode 10.2.1 mojave 10.14.5
- [44Star][3y] [Shell] vtky/resign XCode Project to resign .ipa files
- [28Star][1m] [Swift] hdb-li/lldebugtoolswift LLDebugTool is a debugging tool for developers and testers that can help you analyze and manipulate data in non-xcode situations.
- [28Star][2y] [Swift] jeanshuang/potatso 适配Xcode9.3 iOS11.3 Swift3.3编译通过。 (unmaintained) Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
- [24Star][12m] [Swift] shoheiyokoyama/lldb-debugging The LLDB Debugging in C, Swift, Objective-C, Python and Xcode
- [17Star][2y] maxfong/obfuscatorxcplugin 逻辑混淆XCode插件
- [1Star][2y] [Swift] wdg/webshell-builder A WebShell application builder (no use of Xcode)
- 2019.07 [pewpewthespells] Using Xcode Targets
- 2019.07 [pewpewthespells] Xcode Build Locations
- 2019.07 [pewpewthespells] Migrating Code Signing Configurations to Xcode 8
- 2019.06 [pewpewthespells] Xcode SDKs
- 2019.04 [pewpewthespells] Xcode Build Settings Reference
- 2019.03 [pewpewthespells] Xcode DerivedData Hashes
- 2019.02 [pewpewthespells] The Xcode Build System
- 2019.02 [pewpewthespells] Managing Xcode
- 2019.02 [hakin9] Building an iOS App Without Xcode’s Build System by Vojta Stavik
- 2018.11 [CodeColorist] Xcode Instruments for iOS: reversing and abuse
- 2018.06 [applehelpwriter] Xcode 10: where did snippets go?
- 2018.05 [freecodecamp] How to convert your Xcode plugins to Xcode extensions
- 2017.07 [pediy] [原创] iOSOpenDev修改版MonkeyDev,最新theos和Xcode 9测试通过!
- 2017.06 [alonemonkey] 0x01 Xcode调试一个LLVM Pass
- 2017.03 [360] XcodeGhost或重出江湖,Google Play大量APP被植入恶意代码
- 2016.05 [rachelbythebay] Go upgrade Xcode. Fix your git security hole.
- 2015.12 [metricpanda] Compiling NASM Assembly with Xcode in a C/C++ Project
- 2015.12 [360] Xcode 7 Bitcode的工作流程及安全性评估
- 2015.12 [freebuf] Xcode 7 Bitcode的工作流程及安全性评估
- 2015.11 [freebuf] XcodeGhost S:变种带来的又一波影响
- 2015.10 [freebuf] 比XcodeGhost更邪恶的手段30年前就出现了
- 2015.10 [topsec] xcodeghost事件观察
- 2015.10 [topsec] xcodeghost事件观察
- 2015.10 [alienvault] XCodeGhost - pervasive hack of Apple’s Xcode developer toolkit
- 2015.10 [verisign] Verisign iDefense Analysis of XcodeGhost
- 2015.10 [duo] XcodeGhost: Resources for Developer and User Security
- 2015.09 [kaspersky] Security Week 39: XcodeGhost, the leak of D-Link certificates, $1M for bugs in iOS9
- 2015.09 [elearnsecurity] Apple App Store Compromised by XcodeGhost Vulnerability
- 2015.09 [] 青岛警方破获Xcode病毒案,技术手段似美情部门
- 2015.09 [freebuf] 苹果官方发布受XcodeGhost影响最大的25个App
- 2015.09 [sec] 对几家专业安全公司xcodeGhost插入恶意代码事件的分析报告解读
- 2015.09 [freebuf] XcodeGhost机读威胁情报IOC
- 2015.09 [nsfocus] XcodeGhost危害国内苹果应用市场
- 2015.09 [mcafee] XcodeGhost Pulled from App Store After a Good Scare: What to Know
- 2015.09 [trustlook] "Reflections on Trusting Trust" – Some Thoughts on the XcodeGhost Incident
- 2015.09 [skycure] How to Protect Against XcodeGhost iOS Malware?
- 2015.09 [lookout] Good news: Lookout can protect you from XcodeGhost
- 2015.09 [360] 你以为服务器关了这事就结束了? - XcodeGhost截胡攻击和服务端的复现,以及UnityGhost预警
- 2015.09 [paloaltonetworks] More Details on the XcodeGhost Malware and Affected
- 2015.09 [checkpoint] XCodeGhost: The First Wide-Scale Attack on iOS Apps Arrives | Check Point Software Blog
- 2015.09 [trendmicro] The XcodeGhost Plague – How Did It Happen?
- 2015.09 [lookout] Updated: XcodeGhost iOS malware: The list of affected apps and what you should do
- 2015.09 [malwarebytes] XcodeGhost malware infiltrates App Store
- 2015.09 [sans] Detecting XCodeGhost Activity
- 2015.09 [pediy] [原创]XCodeGhost详细技术分析[XCodeGhost内幕暴料]
- 2015.09 [antiy] Xcode非官方版本恶意代码污染事件(XcodeGhost)的分析与综述
- 2015.09 [sec] XcodeGhost国人作者致歉,中情局笑了
- 2015.09 [360] 涅槃团队:Xcode幽灵病毒存在恶意下发木马行为
- 2015.09 [tencent] 你以为这就是全部了?我们来告诉你完整的XCodeGhost事件
- [11025Star][2y] [ObjC] bang590/jspatch JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
- [10966Star][10d] [ObjC] flipboard/flex An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
- [5775Star][4m] [ObjC] square/ponydebugger Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
- [4663Star][1m] [C] google/ios-webkit-debug-proxy A DevTools proxy (Chrome Remote Debugging Protocol) for iOS devices (Safari Remote Web Inspector).
- [4397Star][12d] [Swift] signalapp/signal-ios A private messenger for iOS.
- [3686Star][4m] [C] facebook/fishhook A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
- [3414Star][2m] icodesign/potatso Potatso is an iOS client that implements different proxies with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 10+.
- [3327Star][3m] [Swift] yagiz/bagel a little native network debugging tool for iOS
- [3071Star][10m] [JS] jipegit/osxauditor OS X Auditor is a free Mac OS X computer forensics tool
- [2867Star][12d] [ObjC] facebook/idb idb is a flexible command line interface for automating iOS simulators and devices
- [2795Star][24d] [Swift] kasketis/netfox A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library!
- [2753Star][1m] [Makefile] theos/theos A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms.
- [2733Star][26d] [ObjC] dantheman827/ios-app-signer This is an app for OS X that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.
- [2708Star][2m] [ObjC] kjcracks/clutch Fast iOS executable dumper
- [2345Star][6y] [C] stefanesser/dumpdecrypted Dumps decrypted mach-o files from encrypted iPhone applications from memory to disk. This tool is necessary for security researchers to be able to look under the hood of encryption.
- [1801Star][1y] aozhimin/ios-monitor-platform
- [1774Star][3y] [ObjC] tapwork/heapinspector-for-ios Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
- [1695Star][6m] [Py] yelp/osxcollector A forensic evidence collection & analysis toolkit for OS X
- [1683Star][2m] [Swift] pmusolino/wormholy iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙♂️
- [1642Star][7m] [Objective-C++] tencent/oomdetector OOMDetector is a memory monitoring component for iOS which provides you with OOM monitoring, memory allocation monitoring, memory leak detection and other functions.
- [1630Star][1m] ivrodriguezca/re-ios-apps A completely free, open source and online course about Reverse Engineering iOS Applications.
- [1444Star][5y] [C++] gdbinit/machoview MachOView fork
- [1442Star][28d] [ObjC] nabla-c0d3/ssl-kill-switch2 Blackbox tool to disable SSL certificate validation - including certificate pinning - within iOS and OS X Apps
- [1299Star][6m] [JS] feross/spoof Easily spoof your MAC address in macOS, Windows, & Linux!
- [1291Star][1m] [JS] icymind/vrouter 一个基于 VirtualBox 和 openwrt 构建的项目, 旨在实现 macOS / Windows 平台的透明代理.
- [1253Star][2m] [Vue] chaitin/passionfruit [WIP] Crappy iOS app analyzer
- [1252Star][17d] michalmalik/osx-re-101 A collection of resources for OSX/iOS reverse engineering.
- [1240Star][2y] [ObjC] krausefx/detect.location An easy way to access the user's iOS location data without actually having access
- [1239Star][8d] [C] datatheorem/trustkit Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
- [1215Star][16d] [YARA] horsicq/detect-it-easy Program for determining types of files for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
- [1199Star][6y] gdbinit/gdbinit Gdbinit for OS X, iOS and others - x86, x86_64 and ARM
- [1174Star][5y] [Py] hackappcom/ibrute AppleID bruteforce p0c
- [1113Star][1y] [ObjC] neoneggplant/eggshell iOS/macOS/Linux Remote Administration Tool
- [1026Star][2y] [ObjC] zhengmin1989/ios_ice_and_fire iOS冰与火之歌
- [1001Star][2m] [ObjC] lmirosevic/gbdeviceinfo Detects the hardware, software and display of the current iOS or Mac OS X device at runtime.
- [985Star][1y] [Py] fsecurelabs/needle The iOS Security Testing Framework
- [975Star][3y] [Py] synack/knockknock displays persistent items (scripts, commands, binaries, etc.), that are set to execute automatically on OS X
- [936Star][3y] [C] tyilo/insert_dylib Command line utility for inserting a dylib load command into a Mach-O binary
- [907Star][4m] [ObjC] ptoomey3/keychain-dumper A tool to check which keychain items are available to an attacker once an iOS device has been jailbroken
- [866Star][16d] [ObjC] meitu/mthawkeye Profiling / Debugging assist tools for iOS. (Memory Leak, OOM, ANR, Hard Stalling, Network, OpenGL, Time Profile ...)
- [857Star][3y] [Py] hubert3/isniff-gps Passive sniffing tool for capturing and visualising WiFi location data disclosed by iOS devices
- [847Star][2y] [Shell] kpwn/iosre iOS Reverse Engineering
- [840Star][9d] [JS] cypress-io/cypress-example-recipes Various recipes for testing common scenarios with Cypress
- [812Star][5y] [ObjC] isecpartners/ios-ssl-kill-switch Blackbox tool to disable SSL certificate validation - including certificate pinning - within iOS Apps
- [807Star][2y] [Ruby] dmayer/idb simplify some common tasks for iOS pentesting and research
- [796Star][13d] [Shell] aqzt/kjyw 快捷运维,代号kjyw,项目基于shell、python,运维脚本工具库,收集各类运维常用工具脚本,实现快速安装nginx、mysql、php、redis、nagios、运维经常使用的脚本等等...
- [782Star][3y] [Go] summitroute/osxlockdown [No longer maintained] Apple OS X tool to audit for, and remediate, security configuration settings.
- [745Star][5y] [ObjC] kjcracks/yololib dylib injector for mach-o binaries
- [662Star][1y] [Py] deepzec/bad-pdf create malicious PDF file to steal NTLM(NTLMv1/NTLMv2) Hashes from windows machines
- [653Star][3y] [C] rentzsch/mach_inject interprocess code injection for Mac OS X
- [651Star][9m] [ObjC] chenxiancai/stcobfuscator iOS全局自动化 代码混淆 工具!支持cocoapod组件代码一并 混淆,完美避开hardcode方法、静态库方法和系统库方法!
- [649Star][3y] [ObjC] isecpartners/introspy-ios Security profiling for blackbox iOS
- [636Star][1y] [Swift] phynet/ios-url-schemes a github solution from my gist of iOS list for urls schemes
- [621Star][5y] [PHP] pr0x13/idict iCloud Apple iD BruteForcer
- [616Star][3y] [ObjC] macmade/keychaincracker macOS keychain cracking tool
- [604Star][2m] siguza/ios-resources Useful resources for iOS hacking
- [583Star][3y] [C++] tobefuturer/app2dylib A reverse engineering tool to convert iOS app to dylib
- [558Star][3y] advanced-threat-research/firmware-security-training materials for a hands-on training Security of BIOS/UEFI System Firmware from Attacker and Defender Perspectives
- [530Star][3y] [ObjC] herzmut/shadowsocks-ios Fork of shadowsocks/shadowsocks-iOS
- [526Star][4y] [Py] hackappcom/iloot OpenSource tool for iCloud backup extraction
- [522Star][2y] [Shell] seemoo-lab/mobisys2018_nexmon_software_defined_radio Proof of concept project for operating Broadcom Wi-Fi chips as arbitrary signal transmitters similar to software-defined radios (SDRs)
- [517Star][3y] [ObjC] pjebs/obfuscator-ios Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings.
- [517Star][5y] [Py] project-imas/mdm-server Sample iOS MDM server
- [500Star][27d] [Swift] google/science-journal-ios Use the sensors in your mobile devices to perform science experiments. Science doesn’t just happen in the classroom or lab—tools like Science Journal let you see how the world works with just your phone.
- [482Star][1y] [Swift] icepa/icepa iOS system-wide VPN based Tor client
- [478Star][15d] pixelcyber/thor HTTP Sniffer/Capture on iOS for Network Debug & Inspect.
- [471Star][8m] [C++] everettjf/machoexplorer [WIP] Explore MachO File on macOS and Windows
- [462Star][15d] [Java] dsheirer/sdrtrunk A cross-platform java application for decoding, monitoring, recording and streaming trunked mobile and related radio protocols using Software Defined Radios (SDR). Website:
- [432Star][7y] [C] juuso/keychaindump A proof-of-concept tool for reading OS X keychain passwords
- [430Star][11m] captainarash/the_holy_book_of_x86 A simple guide to x86 architecture, assembly, memory management, paging, segmentation, SMM, BIOS....
- [419Star][4y] [ObjC] asido/systemmonitor iOS application providing you all information about your device - hardware, operating system, processor, memory, GPU, network interface, storage and battery, including OpenGL powered visual representation in real time.
- [406Star][5y] [ObjC] mp0w/ios-headers iOS 5.0/5.1/6.0/6.1/7.0/7.1/8.0/8.1 Headers of All Frameworks (private and not) + SpringBoard
- [396Star][4m] ansjdnakjdnajkd/ios Most usable tools for iOS penetration testing
- [393Star][2y] r0ysue/osg-translationteam 看雪iOS安全小组的翻译团队作品集合,如有勘误,欢迎斧正!
- [382Star][11m] [C] coolstar/electra1131 Electra for iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1
- [375Star][2y] [C++] alonemonkey/iosrebook 《iOS应用逆向与安全》随书源码
- [375Star][29d] [Swift] justeat/justlog JustLog brings logging on iOS to the next level. It supports console, file and remote Logstash logging via TCP socket with no effort. Support for logz.io available.
- [374Star][2y] [C++] breenmachine/rottenpotatong New version of RottenPotato as a C++ DLL and standalone C++ binary - no need for meterpreter or other tools.
- [371Star][18d] [Shell] matthewpierson/1033-ota-downgrader First ever tool to downgrade ANY iPhone 5s, ANY iPad Air and (almost any) iPad Mini 2 to 10.3.3 with OTA blobs + checkm8!
- [349Star][19d] [C] jedisct1/swift-sodium Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS and macOS
- [346Star][4m] [TS] bacher09/pwgen-for-bios Password generator for BIOS
- [340Star][3m] [C] trailofbits/cb-multios DARPA Challenges Sets for Linux, Windows, and macOS
- [332Star][3y] [Logos] bishopfox/ispy A reverse engineering framework for iOS
- [322Star][2m] [ObjC] auth0/simplekeychain A Keychain helper for iOS to make it very simple to store/obtain values from iOS Keychain
- [310Star][28d] [Swift] securing/iossecuritysuite iOS platform security & anti-tampering Swift library
- [298Star][2y] krausefx/steal.password Easily get the user's Apple ID password, just by asking
- [292Star][8y] [ObjC] nst/spyphone This project shows the kind of data a rogue iPhone application can collect.
- [287Star][1y] [Py] manwhoami/mmetokendecrypt Decrypts and extracts iCloud and MMe authorization tokens on Apple macOS / OS X. No user authentication needed. 🏅🌩
- [283Star][2y] [Swift] krausefx/watch.user Every iOS app you ever gave permission to use your camera can record you any time it runs - without notice
- [263Star][14d] [ObjC] strongbox-password-safe/strongbox A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
- [247Star][1m] [C++] s0uthwest/futurerestore iOS upgrade and downgrade tool utilizing SHSH blobs
- [244Star][7m] [JS] we11cheng/wcshadowrocket iOS Shadowrocket(砸壳重签,仅供参考,添加节点存在问题)。另一个fq项目potatso源码参见:
- [241Star][2y] [C] limneos/mobileminer CPU Miner for ARM64 iOS Devices
- [239Star][1y] [ObjC] lmirosevic/gbping Highly accurate ICMP Ping controller for iOS
- [238Star][4m] [Swift] shadowsocksr-live/ishadowsocksr ShadowsocksR for iOS, come from
- [229Star][3y] [Swift] trailofbits/secureenclavecrypto Demonstration library for using the Secure Enclave on iOS
- [223Star][12m] [AppleScript] lifepillar/csvkeychain Import/export between Apple Keychain.app and plain CSV file.
- [219Star][6m] [ObjC] rickyzhang82/tethering Proxy and DNS Server on iOS
- [213Star][8m] [C] owasp/igoat OWASP iGoat - A Learning Tool for iOS App Pentesting and Security by Swaroop Yermalkar
- [211Star][13d] [TS] bevry/getmac Get the mac address of the current machine you are on via Node.js
- [210Star][2y] [C] cheesecakeufo/saigon iOS 10.2.1 - Discontinued version
- [203Star][5m] [Py] googleprojectzero/ios-messaging-tools several tools Project Zero uses to test iPhone messaging
- [200Star][6m] [PS] mkellerman/invoke-commandas Invoke Command As System/Interactive/GMSA/User on Local/Remote machine & returns PSObjects.
- [199Star][1m] [ObjC] everettjf/yolo Scripts or demo projects on iOS development or reverse engineering
- [198Star][27d] [Swift] auth0/lock.swift A Swift & iOS framework to authenticate using Auth0 and with a Native Look & Feel
- [195Star][2m] [Logos] creantan/lookinloader Lookin - iOS UI Debugging Tweak LookinLoader,Compatible with iOS 8~13
- [190Star][13d] [Py] ydkhatri/mac_apt macOS Artifact Parsing Tool
- [182Star][1m] [JS] nowsecure/node-applesign NodeJS module and commandline utility for re-signing iOS applications (IPA files).
- [181Star][4y] [ObjC] iosre/hippocamphairsalon A simple universal memory editor (game trainer) on OSX/iOS
- [181Star][12m] zekesnider/nintendoswitchrestapi Reverse engineered REST API used in the Nintendo Switch app for iOS. Includes documentation on Splatoon 2's API.
- [180Star][4m] [Py] anssi-fr/secuml Machine Learning for Computer Security
- [180Star][8m] [Java] yubico/ykneo-openpgp OpenPGP applet for the YubiKey NEO
- [174Star][1y] [ObjC] macmade/filevaultcracker macOS FileVault cracking tool
- [172Star][23d] [C++] samyk/frisky Instruments to assist in binary application reversing and augmentation, geared towards walled gardens like iOS and macOS
- [171Star][2y] [Py] 3gstudent/worse-pdf Turn a normal PDF file into malicious.Use to steal Net-NTLM Hashes from windows machines.
- [171Star][10m] [Shell] trustedsec/hardcidr hardCIDR is a Linux Bash script, but also functions under macOS. Your mileage may vary on other distros. The script with no specified options will query ARIN and a pool of BGP route servers. The route server is selected at random at runtime.
- [169Star][7m] [C] octomagon/davegrohl A Password Cracker for macOS
- [166Star][8m] proteas/unstripped-ios-kernels Unstripped iOS Kernels
- [165Star][2y] [C++] google/pawn 从基于 Intel 的工作站和笔记本电脑中提取 BIOS 固件
- [165Star][16d] [Swift] ryasnoy/applocker AppLocker - simple lock screen for iOS Application ( Swift 4+, iOS 9.0+) Touch ID / Face ID
- [163Star][6y] [C] gdbinit/readmem A small OS X/iOS userland util to dump processes memory
- [163Star][9m] [C] tboox/itrace Trace objc method call for ios and mac
- [162Star][2y] [C++] encounter/futurerestore (unmaintained) iOS upgrade and downgrade tool utilizing SHSH blobs (unofficial fork supporting iOS 11 and newer devices)
- [159Star][2m] smilezxlee/crackediosapps iOS端破解版App集合,包含破解版QQ、破解版抖音、破解版百度网盘、破解版麻花、钉钉打卡助手、破解版墨墨背单词、破解版网易云音乐、破解版芒果TV
- [157Star][20d] mac4n6/presentations Presentation Archives for my macOS and iOS Related Research
- [152Star][7y] [Py] intrepidusgroup/imdmtools Intrepidus Group's iOS MDM tools
- [147Star][3y] [Py] biosbits/bits BIOS Implementation Test Suite
- [145Star][2y] [Shell] depoon/iosdylibinjectiondemo Using this Repository to demo how to inject dynamic libraries into cracked ipa files for jailed iOS devices
- [144Star][10m] [Py] dlcowen/fseventsparser Parser for OSX/iOS FSEvents Logs
- [144Star][4y] [ObjC] etsy/bughunt-ios
- [143Star][2y] [C] rodionovd/liblorgnette Interprocess dlsym() for OS X & iOS
- [140Star][4m] [Go] greenboxal/dns-heaven 通过/etc/resolv.conf 启用本地 DNS stack 来修复(愚蠢的) macOS DNS stack
- [139Star][3y] [Py] google/tcp_killer 关闭 Linux或 MacOS 的 Tcp 端口
- [139Star][8m] [C++] macmade/dyld_cache_extract A macOS utility to extract dynamic libraries from the dyld_shared_cache of macOS and iOS.
- [130Star][4m] [Py] apperian/ios-checkipa Scans an IPA file and parses its Info.plist and embedded.mobileprovision files. Performs checks of expected key/value relationships and displays the results.
- [129Star][4y] [Go] benjojo/dos_ssh Use BIOS ram hacks to make a SSH server out of any INT 10 13h app (MS-DOS is one of those)
- [129Star][2m] [Py] stratosphereips/stratospherelinuxips an intrusion prevention system that is based on behavioral detections and machine learning algorithms
- [128Star][2y] [Py] unfetter-discover/unfetter-analytic a framework for collecting events (process creation, network connections, Window Event Logs, etc.) from a client machine (Windows 7) and performing CAR analytics to detect potential adversary activity
- [126Star][3m] [Py] platomav/biosutilities Various BIOS Utilities for Modding/Research
- [126Star][4y] [Py] sektioneins/sandbox_toolkit Toolkit for binary iOS / OS X sandbox profiles
- [125Star][16d] [C] projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx Automatically Track Radiosonde Launches using RTLSDR
- [125Star][3y] [JS] vtky/swizzler2 Swizzler2 - Hacking iOS applications
- [121Star][2y] [Swift] lxdcn/nepackettunnelvpndemo iOS VPN client implementation demo based on iOS9 NetworkExtension NETunnelProvider APIs
- [119Star][1y] [Py] winheapexplorer/winheap-explorer heap-based bugs detection in x86 machine code for Windows applications.
- [113Star][3y] [Objective-C++] yonsm/ipafine iOS IPA package refine and resign
- [111Star][5m] [C++] danielcardeenas/audiostego Audio file steganography. Hides files or text inside audio files and retrieve them automatically
- [110Star][8m] [C] siguza/imobax iOS Mobile Backup Extractor
- [106Star][7y] intrepidusgroup/trustme Disable certificate trust checks on iOS devices.
- [99Star][2y] antid0tecom/ios-kerneldocs Various files helping to better understand the iOS / WatchOS / tvOS kernels
- [98Star][2y] [Py] google/legilimency A Memory Research Platform for iOS
- [96Star][7m] [Swift] depoon/networkinterceptor iOS URLRequest interception framework
- [96Star][2y] [Swift] liruqi/mume-ios an iOS client that implements custom proxies with the leverage of Network Extension framework introduced by Apple since iOS 9
- [95Star][2y] [ObjC] xslim/mobiledevicemanager Manage iOS devices through iTunes lib
- [93Star][1y] [Jupyter Notebook] positivetechnologies/seq2seq-web-attack-detection The implementation of the Seq2Seq model for web attack detection. The Seq2Seq model is usually used in Neural Machine Translation. The main goal of this project is to demonstrate the relevance of the NLP approach for web security.
- [90Star][2y] [PS] netbiosx/digital-signature-hijack Binaries, PowerShell scripts and information about Digital Signature Hijacking.
- [90Star][5y] [ObjC] project-imas/app-password Custom iOS user authentication mechanism (password with security questions for self reset)
- [85Star][4y] [Swift] deniskr/keychainswiftapi This Keychain Swift API library is a wrapper of iOS C Keychain Framework. It allows easily and securely storing sensitive data in secure keychain store.
- [85Star][2y] [ObjC] siguza/phoenixnonce 64-bit nonce setter for iOS 9.3.4-9.3.5
- [84Star][8m] [Py] aaronst/macholibre Mach-O & Universal Binary Parser
- [83Star][10m] [Shell] trailofbits/ios-integrity-validator Integrity validator for iOS devices
- [79Star][1y] [Swift] aidevjoe/sandboxbrowser A simple iOS sandbox file browser, you can share files through AirDrop
- [79Star][4y] mi3security/su-a-cyder Home-Brewed iOS Malware PoC Generator (BlackHat ASIA 2016)
- [79Star][6y] [C] peterfillmore/removepie removePIE changes the MH_PIE flag of the MACH-O header on iOS applications to disable ASLR on applications
- [78Star][1y] [Shell] iaik/ios-analysis Automated Binary Analysis on iOS
- [77Star][2y] [ObjC] cocoahuke/ioskextdump Dump Kext information from iOS kernel cache. Applicable to the kernel which dump from memory
- [75Star][7m] [Py] tribler/dispersy The elastic database system. A database designed for P2P-like scenarios, where potentially millions of computers send database updates around.
- [74Star][29d] [C] certificate-helper/tls-inspector Easily view and inspect X.509 certificates on your iOS device.
- [72Star][4m] [C++] macmade/unicorn-bios Basic BIOS emulator for Unicorn Engine.
- [72Star][6y] [Py] piccimario/iphone-backup-analyzer-2 iPBA, Qt version
- [72Star][3y] [C++] razzile/liberation A runtime patching library for iOS. Major rework on unfinished branch
- [72Star][30d] [Py] ehco1996/aioshadowsocks 用 asyncio 重写 shadowsocks ~
- [69Star][3m] [C] brandonplank/rootlessjb4 rootlessJB that supports iOS 12.0 - 12.2 & 12.4
- [67Star][22d] [Py] guardianfirewall/grandmaster A simplistic python tool that assists in automating iOS firmware decryption.
- [65Star][4y] zhengmin1989/ios-10-decrypted-kernel-cache iOS 10 Decrypted Kernel Cache
- [65Star][5y] [ObjC] project-imas/memory-security Tools for securely clearing and validating iOS application memory
- [63Star][2y] josephlhall/dc25-votingvillage-report A report to synthesize findings from the Defcon 25 Voting Machine Hacking Village
- [62Star][8m] [C] luoyanbei/testhookzz iOS逆向:使用HookZz框架hook游戏“我的战争”,进入上帝模式
- [62Star][5m] [C++] meitu/mtgldebug An OpenGL debugging tool for iOS.
- [61Star][9y] [C] chronic-dev/bootrom-dumper Utility to Dump iPhone Bootrom
- [61Star][6m] [PS] texhex/biossledgehammer Automated BIOS, ME, TPM firmware update and BIOS settings for HP devices
- [61Star][11m] [ObjC] tihmstar/v3ntex getf tfp0 on iOS 12.0 - 12.1.2
- [60Star][4y] shadowsocks/tun2socks-ios tun2socks as a library for iOS apps
- [58Star][7m] [Perl] dnsmichi/manubulon-snmp Set of Icinga/Nagios plugins to check hosts and hardware wi the SNMP protocol.
- [58Star][4y] [HTML] nccgroup/iodide The Cisco IOS Debugger and Integrated Disassembler Environment
- [58Star][2y] [Shell] tanprathan/fridpa An automated wrapper script for patching iOS applications (IPA files) and work on non-jailbroken device
- [57Star][ObjC] jrock007/tob Free, open-source and ad-less Tor web browser for iOS
- [56Star][11m] [ObjC] geosn0w/chaos Chaos iOS < 12.1.2 PoC by
- [55Star][2y] jkpang/timliu-ios iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- [55Star][3y] [C++] s-kanev/xiosim A detailed michroarchitectural x86 simulator
- [55Star][3y] [C] synack/chaoticmarch A mechanism for automating input events on iOS
- [52Star][1y] [C] bazad/threadexec A library to execute code in the context of other processes on iOS 11.
- [52Star][2y] rehints/blackhat_2017 Betraying the BIOS: Where the Guardians of the BIOS are Failing
- [52Star][10m] [Logos] zhaochengxiang/ioswechatfakelocation A tweak that can fake location info in WeChat
- [51Star][3y] [HTML] pwnsdx/ios-uri-schemes-abuse-poc A set of URI schemes bugs that lead Safari to crash/freeze.
- [49Star][1y] [Swift] sherlouk/swiftprovisioningprofile Parse iOS mobile provisioning files into Swift models
- [48Star][2y] [Shell] leanvel/iinject Tool to automate the process of embedding dynamic libraries into iOS applications from GNU/Linux
- [48Star][7m] [ObjC] smilezxlee/zxhookutil 【iOS逆向】Tweak工具函数集,基于theos、monkeyDev
- [47Star][2m] [ObjC] ooni/probe-ios OONI Probe iOS
- [47Star][4y] [Py] ostorlab/jniostorlab JNI method enumeration in ELF files
- [47Star][3m] [ObjC] smilezxlee/zxrequestblock 一句话实现iOS应用底层所有网络请求拦截(如ajax请求拦截),包含http-dns解决方法,有效防止DNS劫持,用于分析http,https请求,禁用/允许代理,防抓包等
- [47Star][2m] the-blockchain-bible/readme The Blockchain Bible,a collections for blockchain tech,bitcoin,ethereum,crypto currencies,cryptography,decentralized solutions,business scenarios,hyperledger tech,meetups,区块链,数字货币,加密货币,比特币,以太坊,密码学,去中心化,超级账本
- [47Star][5y] [PHP] cloudsec/aioshell A php webshell run under linux based webservers. v0.05
- [46Star][2y] [C] encounter/tsschecker Check TSS signing status of iOS firmwares and save SHSH blobs
- [46Star][2y] uefitech/resources One-stop shop for UEFI/BIOS specifications/utilities by UEFI.Tech community
- [46Star][1y] [Go] unixpickle/cve-2018-4407 Crash macOS and iOS devices with one packet
- [44Star][4y] [C] samdmarshall/machodiff mach-o diffing tool
- [43Star][5y] [Shell] netspi/heapdump-ios Dump IOS application heap space from memory
- [42Star][1m] [ObjC] dineshshetty/ios-sandbox-dumper SandBox-Dumper makes use of multiple private libraries to provide exact locations of the application sandbox, application bundle and some other interesting information
- [42Star][2y] [Py] klsecservices/ios_mips_gdb Cisco MIPS debugger
- [40Star][15d] [Swift] fonta1n3/fullynoded A Bitcoin Core GUI for iOS devices. Allows you to connect to and control multiple nodes via Tor
- [39Star][3y] [Logos] ahmadhashemi/immortal Prevent expiration of signed iOS applications & bypass 3 free signed applications per device limit
- [39Star][4m] [Py] gh2o/rvi_capture rvictl for Linux and Windows: capture packets sent/received by iOS devices
- [39Star][4y] [Pascal] senjaxus/delphi_remote_access_pc Remote access in Delphi 7 and Delphi XE5 (With sharer files, CHAT and Forms Inheritance) || Acesso Remoto em Delphi 7 e Delphi XE5 (Com Compartilhador de Arquivos, CHAT e Herança de Formulários)
- [39Star][27d] [Shell] userlandkernel/plataoplomo Collection of (at time of release) iOS bugs I found
- [39Star][3m] [Py] meituan-dianping/lyrebird-ios 本程序是Lyrebird插件,您可以在插件中快速查看已连接iOS设备的详细设备信息,截取屏幕快照,以及查看已连接设备的应用信息。
- [38Star][4y] [C] taichisocks/shadowsocks Lightweight shadowsocks client for iOS and Mac OSX base on shadowsocks-libev
- [38Star][1y] [ObjC] xmartlabs/metalperformanceshadersproxy A proxy for MetalPerformanceShaders which takes to a stub on a simulator and to the real implementation on iOS devices.
- [37Star][4m] [Ruby] appspector/ios-sdk AppSpector is a debugging service for mobile apps
- [36Star][4y] [Objective-C++] cyhe/iossecurity-attack APP安全(逆向攻击篇)
- [36Star][3y] [PS] machosec/mystique PowerShell module to play with Kerberos S4U extensions
- [35Star][4y] [Py] curehsu/ez-wave Tools for Evaluating and Exploiting Z-Wave Networks using Software-Defined Radios.
- [35Star][1y] [Swift] vixentael/zka-example Zero Knowledge Application example, iOS, notes sharing, Firebase backend
- [33Star][3y] [ObjC] integrity-sa/introspy-ios Security profiling for blackbox iOS
- [33Star][7y] [C] mubix/fakenetbios See here:
- [33Star][10m] [Swift] vixentael/ios-datasec-basics iOS data security basics: key management, workshop for iOS Con UK
- [33Star][2m] [ObjC] proteas/ios13-sandbox-profile-format Binary Format of iOS 13 Sandbox Profile Collection
- [31Star][3y] [Py] as0ler/r2clutch r2-based tool to decrypt iOS applications
- [31Star][3y] [Assembly] gyje/bios_rootkit 来自Freebuf评论区,一个UEFI马.
- [31Star][2y] proappleos/upgrade-from-10.3.x-to-ios-11.1.2-on-any-64bit-device-with-blobs How to Upgrade any 64Bit Device from 10.3.x to 11.1.2 with Blobs
- [30Star][3y] [ObjC] mtigas/iobfs Building obfs4proxy for Tor-enabled iOS apps.
- [30Star][2y] [Shell] pnptutorials/pnp-portablehackingmachine This script will convert your Raspberry Pi 3 into a portable hacking machine.
- [30Star][8y] [Py] hubert3/isniff SSL man-in-the-middle tool targeting iOS devices < 4.3.5
- [29Star][12m] [Py] antid0tecom/ipad_accessory_research Research into Security of Apple Smart Keyboard and Apple Pencil
- [29Star][4y] [ObjC] quellish/facebook-ios-internal-headers Headers generated by reverse engineering the Facebook iOS binary
- [29Star][8y] sektioneins/.ipa-pie-scanner Scans iPhone/iPad/iPod applications for PIE flags
- [29Star][4y] [C] scallywag/nbtscan NetBIOS scanning tool. Currently segfaults!
- [28Star][2y] [ObjC] dannagle/packetsender-ios Packet Sender for iOS, Send/Receive UDP/TCP
- [28Star][10m] [C] mrmacete/r2-ios-kernelcache Radare2 plugin to parse modern iOS 64-bit kernel caches
- [28Star][3y] [C] salmg/audiospoof Magnetic stripe spoofer implementing audio waves.
- [28Star][4y] [Swift] urinx/device-9 实时监测网速,IP,内存大小,温度等设备信息并显示在通知中心的 iOS App
- [27Star][1y] alonemonkey/iosrebook-issues 《iOS应用逆向与安全》 勘误
- [27Star][27d] [Perl] hknutzen/netspoc A network security policy compiler. Netspoc is targeted at large environments with a large number of firewalls and admins. Firewall rules are derived from a single rule set. Supported are Cisco IOS, NX-OS, ASA and IPTables.
- [27Star][3m] [Rust] marcograss/rust-kernelcache-extractor Extract a decrypted iOS 64-bit kernelcache
- [27Star][8m] [Py] qingxp9/cve-2019-6203-poc PoC for CVE-2019-6203, works on < iOS 12.2, macOS < 10.14.4
- [27Star][5m] [Py] mvelazc0/purplespray PurpleSpray is an adversary simulation tool that executes password spray behavior under different scenarios and conditions with the purpose of generating attack telemetry in properly monitored Windows enterprise environments
- [26Star][2y] [C++] cuitche/code-obfuscation 一款iOS代码混淆工具(A code obfuscation tool for iOS.)
- [26Star][5m] [HTML] devnetsandbox/sbx_multi_ios Sample code, examples, and resources for use with the DevNet Multi-IOS Sandbox
- [26Star][4y] [ObjC] qiuyuzhou/shadowsocks-ios No maintaining. Try this
- [26Star][3y] [ObjC] nabla-c0d3/ios-reversing Some iOS tools and scripts from 2014 for iOS reversing.
- [26Star][5m] [Swift] itsjohnye/lead-ios a featherweight iOS SS proxy client with interactive UI
- [25Star][2y] [C] embedi/tcl_shellcode A template project for creating a shellcode for the Cisco IOS in the C language
- [25Star][1y] [HTML] 649/crash-ios-exploit Repository dedicated to storing a multitude of iOS/macOS/OSX/watchOS crash bugs. Some samples need to be viewed as raw in order to see the Unicode. Please do not intentionally abuse these exploits.
- [24Star][6y] [ObjC] samdmarshall/ios-internals iOS related code
- [23Star][5y] [Ruby] claudijd/bnat "Broken NAT" - A suite of tools focused on detecting and interacting with publicly available BNAT scenerios
- [23Star][1y] [ObjC] rpwnage/warri0r ios 12 Sandbox escape POC
- [22Star][2y] jasklabs/blackhat2017 Data sets and examples for Jask Labs Blackhat 2017 Handout: Top 10 Machine Learning Cyber Security Use Cases
- [22Star][4y] sunkehappy/ios-reverse-engineering-tools-backup Some guys find the old lsof could not be downloaded. But I have it and I want to share it.
- [22Star][1y] [PHP] svelizdonoso/asyrv ASYRV es una aplicación escrita en PHP/MySQL, con Servicios Web mal desarrollados(SOAP/REST/XML), esperando ayudar a los entusiastas de la seguridad informática a comprender esta tecnología tan utilizada hoy en día por las Organizaciones.
- [21Star][2y] troydo42/awesome-pen-test Experiment with penetration testing Guides and Tools for WordPress, iOS, MacOS, Wifi and Car
- [20Star][1y] [C] downwithup/cve-2018-16712 PoC Code for CVE-2018-16712 (exploit by MmMapIoSpace)
- [20Star][1y] [Ruby] martinvigo/ransombile Ransombile is a tool that can be used in different scenarios to compromise someone’s digital life when having physical access to a locked mobile device
- [19Star][3y] [Swift] depoon/injectiblelocationspoofing Location Spoofing codes for iOS Apps via Code Injection
- [19Star][1y] [ObjC] frpccluster/frpc-ios IOS,苹果版frpc.一个快速反向代理,可帮助您将NAT或防火墙后面的本地服务器暴露给Internet。
- [19Star][6y] [Logos] iosre/iosrelottery
- [18Star][12d] [Py] adafruit/adafruit_circuitpython_rfm9x CircuitPython module for the RFM95/6/7/8 LoRa wireless 433/915mhz packet radios.
- [16Star][4y] ashishb/ios-malware iOS malware samples
- [16Star][2y] [ObjC] mikaelbo/updateproxysettings A simple iOS command line tool for updating proxy settings
- [16Star][1y] [Py] r3dxpl0it/cve-2018-4407 IOS/MAC Denial-Of-Service [POC/EXPLOIT FOR MASSIVE ATTACK TO IOS/MAC IN NETWORK]
- [15Star][2y] [Objective-C++] ay-kay/cda iOS command line tool to search for installed apps and list container paths (bundle, data, group)
- [15Star][2y] [Py] mathse/meltdown-spectre-bios-list a list of BIOS/Firmware fixes adressing CVE-2017-5715, CVE-2017-5753, CVE-2017-5754
- [15Star][2y] [Swift] vgmoose/nc-client [iOS] netcat gui app, for using the 10.1.x mach_portal root exploit on device
- [15Star][12m] aliasrobotics/rctf Scenarios of the Robotics CTF (RCTF), a playground to challenge robot security.
- [14Star][2m] refractionpoint/limacharlie Old home of LimaCharlie, open source EDR
- [14Star][7y] [Py] trotsky/insyde-tools (Inactive) Tools for unpacking and modifying an InsydeH2O UEFI BIOS now merged into coreboot
- [14Star][5y] [C] yifanlu/polipo-ios iOS port of Polipo caching HTTP proxy
- [13Star][1y] [ObjC] omerporze/toothfairy CVE-2018-4330 POC for iOS
- [13Star][6y] [Py] yuejd/ios_restriction_passcode_crack---python-version Crack ios Restriction PassCode in Python
- [13Star][2m] [Shell] ewypych/icinga-domain-expiration-plugin Icinga2/Nagios plugin for checking domain expiration
- [12Star][8y] [C] akgood/iosbasicconstraintsworkaround Proof-of-Concept OpenSSL-based workaround for iOS basicConstraints SSL certificate validation vulnerability
- [12Star][10m] [Py] wyatu/cve-2018-4407 CVE-2018-4407 IOS/macOS kernel crash
- [11Star][8m] [Swift] sambadiallob/pubnubchat An anonymous chat iOS app made using PubNub
- [11Star][3y] [ObjC] flankerhqd/descriptor-describes-toctou POCs for IOMemoryDescriptor racing bugs in iOS/OSX kernels
- [10Star][1y] [Py] zteeed/cve-2018-4407-ios POC: Heap buffer overflow in the networking code in the XNU operating system kernel
- [9Star][2y] [Logos] asnowfish/ios-system iOS系统的逆向代码
- [9Star][4y] [C] yigitcanyilmaz/iohideventsystemuserclient iOS Kernel Race Vulnerability (Patched on iOS 9.3.2,OSX 10.11.5,tvOS 9.2.1 by Apple)
- [9Star][2y] [C] syst3ma/cisco_ios_research
- [9Star][2m] nemo-wq/privilege_escalation Lab exercises to practice privilege escalation scenarios in AWS IAM. These exercises and the slides go through the basics behind AWS IAM, common weaknesses in AWS deployments, specific to IAM, and how to exploit them manually. This was run as a workshop at BruCon 2019.
- [9Star][2y] [C] syst3ma/cisco_ios_research
- [8Star][6y] [C] linusyang/sslpatch Patch iOS SSL vulnerability (CVE-2014-1266)
- [8Star][2y] pinczakko/nsa_bios_backdoor_articles PDF files of my articles on NSA BIOS backdoor
- [8Star][2y] [JS] ansjdnakjdnajkd/frinfo Dump files, data, cookies, keychain and etc. from iOS device with one click.
- [7Star][7y] [ObjC] hayaq/recodesign Re-codesigning tool for iOS ipa file
- [7Star][11m] [Py] shawarkhanethicalhacker/cve-2019-8389 [CVE-2019-8389] An exploit code for exploiting a local file read vulnerability in Musicloud v1.6 iOS Application
- [7Star][1y] [C] ukern-developers/xnu-kernel-fuzzer Kernel Fuzzer for Apple's XNU, mainly meant for the iOS operating system
- [6Star][2y] [C] jduncanator/isniff Packet capture and network sniffer for Apple iOS devices (iPhone / iPod). An implementation of iOS 5+ Remote Virtual Interface service and pcapd.
- [6Star][6y] [Shell] rawrly/juicejacking Several script and images used with the juice jacking kiosks
- [6Star][8y] [Ruby] spiderlabs/bnat-suite "Broken NAT" - A suite of tools focused on detecting/exploiting/fixing publicly available BNAT scenerios
- [4Star][12m] anonymouz4/apple-remote-crash-tool-cve-2018-4407 Crashes any macOS High Sierra or iOS 11 device that is on the same WiFi network
- [4Star][2y] [C] chibitronics/ltc-os ChibiOS-based operating system for the Love-to-Code project
- [4Star][2y] [Swift] crazyquark/keysafe A technical demo on how to use KeySecGeneratePair() with the secure enclave in iOS 9+
- [4Star][8y] [ObjC] spiderlabs/twsl2011-007_ios_code_workaround Workaround for the vulnerability identified by TWSL2011-007 or CVE-2008-0228 - iOS x509 Certificate Chain Validation Vulnerability
- [3Star][3y] [ObjC] susnmos/xituhook 逆向分析及修复稀土掘金iOS版客户端闪退bug
- [3Star][4y] [Py] torque59/yso-mobile-security-framework Mobile Security Framework is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
- [3Star][1y] tthtlc/awesome_malware_techniques This will compile a list of Android, iOS, Linux malware techniques for attacking and detection purposes.
- [3Star][4y] [Py] tudorthe1ntruder/rubber-ducky-ios-pincode-bruteforce
- [2Star][3y] [Py] alexplaskett/needle The iOS Security Testing Framework.
- [2Star][5y] [HTML] dhirajongithub/owasp-kalp-mobile-project-ios-app OWASP KALP Mobile Project is an iOS application developed for users to view OWASP Top 10 (WEB and MOBILE) on mobile device.
- [2Star][2y] [C] kigkrazy/hookzz a cute hook framwork for arm/arm64/ios/android
- [2Star][4y] [C] ohdarling/potatso-ios Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
- [2Star][1y] [Py] zeng9t/cve-2018-4407-ios-exploit CVE-2018-4407,iOS exploit
- [2Star][2y] nrollr/ios Ivan Krstić - Black Hat 2016 presentation
- [1Star][10m] [Ruby] hercules-team/augeasproviders_nagios Augeas-based nagios types and providers for Puppet
- [1Star][4y] [Go] jordan2175/ios-passcode-crack Tool for cracking the iOS restrictions passcode
- [0Star][2y] [ObjC] joedaguy/exploit11.2 Exploit iOS 11.2.x by ZIMPERIUM and semi-completed by me. Sandbox escapes on CVE-2018-4087.
- [0Star][3y] [C] maximehip/extra_recipe Ian Beer's exploit for CVE-2017-2370 (kernel memory r/w on iOS 10.2)
- [0Star][6y] [ObjC] skycure/skycure_news Sample news iOS application
- [0Star][2y] [Py] tsunghowu/diskimagecreator A python utility to process the input raw disk image and sign MBR/partitions with given corresponding keys. This tool is designed to help people attack the machine with a secure chain-of-trust boot process in UEFI BIOS.
- [0Star][3y] [Swift] jencisov/stackview POC project of StackViews on iOS
- [0Star][2m] [HTML] dotnetnicaragua/example-xss-crosssitescripting Ejemplo de vulnerabilidad: A7 - Secuencia de Comandos en Sitios Cruzados (XSS) según OWASP TOP 10 2017
- [4042Star][3m] [JS] cuckoosandbox/cuckoo Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
- [458Star][2y] [Py] idanr1986/cuckoo-droid Automated Android Malware Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox.
- [357Star][3y] [Py] spender-sandbox/cuckoo-modified Modified edition of cuckoo
- [308Star][2m] [Py] hatching/vmcloak Automated Virtual Machine Generation and Cloaking for Cuckoo Sandbox.
- [248Star][4y] [C] begeekmyfriend/cuckoofilter Substitute for bloom filter.
- [238Star][7m] [Py] cuckoosandbox/community Repository of modules and signatures contributed by the community
- [236Star][5y] [C] conix-security/zer0m0n zer0m0n driver for cuckoo sandbox
- [236Star][4m] [Py] brad-sp/cuckoo-modified Modified edition of cuckoo
- [225Star][1y] [PHP] cuckoosandbox/monitor The new Cuckoo Monitor.
- [220Star][4m] [Shell] blacktop/docker-cuckoo Cuckoo Sandbox Dockerfile
- [202Star][2y] [C] david-reguera-garcia-dreg/anticuckoo A tool to detect and crash Cuckoo Sandbox
- [151Star][3y] [Shell] buguroo/cuckooautoinstall Auto Installer Script for Cuckoo Sandbox
- [124Star][4y] [Py] davidoren/cuckoosploit An environment for comprehensive, automated analysis of web-based exploits, based on Cuckoo sandbox.
- [120Star][4y] [C] cuckoosandbox/cuckoomon DEPRECATED - replaced with "monitor"
- [117Star][3y] [Py] honeynet/cuckooml Machine Learning for Cuckoo Sandbox
- [82Star][2y] [Py] idanr1986/cuckoodroid-2.0 Automated Android Malware Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox.
- [78Star][5y] [Py] idanr1986/cuckoo A Cuckoo Sandbox Extension for Android
- [70Star][26d] [Py] jpcertcc/malconfscan-with-cuckoo Cuckoo Sandbox plugin for extracts configuration data of known malware
- [70Star][4m] [PS] nbeede/boombox Automatic deployment of Cuckoo Sandbox malware lab using Packer and Vagrant
- [69Star][3y] [C] angelkillah/zer0m0n zer0m0n driver for cuckoo sandbox
- [57Star][8m] [Py] hatching/sflock Sample staging & detonation utility to be used in combination with Cuckoo Sandbox.
- [55Star][4y] [Py] rodionovd/cuckoo-osx-analyzer An OS X analyzer for Cuckoo Sandbox project
- [52Star][1y] [C] phdphuc/mac-a-mal 追踪macOS恶意软件的内核驱动, 与Cuckoo沙箱组合使用
- [39Star][7y] [Perl] xme/cuckoomx CuckooMX is a project to automate analysis of files transmitted over SMTP (using the Cuckoo sandbox)
- [38Star][3y] [C] spender-sandbox/cuckoomon-modified Modified edition of cuckoomon
- [36Star][6m] ocatak/malware_api_class Malware dataset for security researchers, data scientists. Public malware dataset generated by Cuckoo Sandbox based on Windows OS API calls analysis for cyber security researchers
- [32Star][2y] [Py] phdphuc/mac-a-mal-cuckoo extends the open-source Cuckoo Sandbox (legacy) with functionality for analyzing macOS malware in macOS guest VM(s).
- [28Star][3y] [Py] 0x71/cuckoo-linux Linux malware analysis based on Cuckoo Sandbox.
- [19Star][5y] [C] zer0box/zer0m0n zer0m0n driver for cuckoo sandbox
- [16Star][22d] [Py] ryuchen/panda-sandbox 这是一个基于 Cuckoo 开源版本的沙箱的修订版本, 该版本完全为了适配国内软件环境所打造
- [12Star][3y] [Py] keithjjones/cuckoo-modified-api A Python library to interface with a cuckoo-modified instance
- [10Star][4y] [Py] tribalchicken/postfix-cuckoolyse A Postfix filter which takes a piped message and submits it to Cuckoo Sandbox
- [8Star][2y] [Py] kojibhy/cuckoo-yara-auto simple python script to add yara rules in cuckoo sandbox
- [8Star][3y] [Py] threatconnect-inc/cuckoo-reporting-module Cuckoo reporting module for version 1.2 stable
- [7Star][2y] [Ruby] fyhertz/ansible-role-cuckoo Automated installation of Cuckoo Sandbox with Ansible
- [6Star][3y] [Py] xme/cuckoo Miscellaneous files related to Cuckoo sandbox
- [4Star][11m] [HTML] hullgj/report-parser Cuckoo Sandbox report parser into ransomware classifier
- [2Star][3y] [Shell] harryr/cockatoo Torified Cuckoo malware analyser in a Docker container with VirtualBox
- [2Star][7y] [Shell] hiddenillusion/cuckoo3.2 This repo contains patches for the 0.3.2 release of the cuckoo sandbox (
- [1Star][2y] [Py] dc170/mbox-to-cuckoo Simple python script to send all executable files extracted from linux postfix mailboxes to the cuckoo sandbox for further automated analysis
- 2019.04 [eforensicsmag] How to Integrate RSA Malware Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox | By Luiz Henrique Borges
- 2019.02 [thehive] Cortex-Analyzers 1.15.3 get ready for URLhaus and Cuckoo
- 2018.07 [360] 一例IRC Bot针对Cuckoo沙箱的猥琐对抗分析
- 2018.05 [trustedsec] Malware Analysis is for the (Cuckoo) Birds – Working with Proxmox
- 2018.05 [trustedsec] Protected: Malware Analysis is for the (Cuckoo) Birds
- 2018.05 [trustedsec] Protected: Malware Analysis is for the (Cuckoo) Birds – Cuckoo Installation Notes for Debian
- 2018.04 [ly0n] Automating malware analysis, cuckoo api + postfix
- 2018.04 [ly0n] Automating malware analysis, cuckoo api + postfix
- 2018.04 [nviso] Painless Cuckoo Sandbox Installation
- 2018.03 [rapid7] Next Threat Intel Book Club 4/5: Recapping The Cuckoo’s Egg
- 2018.03 [ensurtec] Cuckoo Sandbox Setup Tutorial
- 2018.01 [fortinet] Prevalent Threats Targeting Cuckoo Sandbox Detection and Our Mitigation
- 2018.01 [fortinet] Prevalent Threats Targeting Cuckoo Sandbox Detection and Our Mitigation
- 2017.09 [360] 在细节中捕捉恶魔 :提升Cuckoo沙箱捕获恶意Office样本行为的能力
- 2017.08 [trustwave] Cuckoo & Linux Subsystem: Some Love for Windows 10
- 2017.08 [n0where] Automated Android Malware Analysis: CuckooDroid
- 2017.05 [robertputt] Basic Malware Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox
- 2017.05 [rastamouse] Playing with Cuckoo
- 2017.04 [mcafee] OpenDXL Case Study: Sandbox Mania featuring Cuckoo and Wildfire
- 2016.11 [tribalchicken] Guide: Cuckoo Sandbox on FreeBSD
- 2016.11 [tribalchicken] Guide: Cuckoo Sandbox on FreeBSD
- 2016.09 [cuckoo] Analysis of nested archives with Cuckoo Sandbox: SFlock 0.1 release
- 2016.08 [alienvault] One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Test: Performing a Penetration Test with Methodology
- 2016.07 [freebuf] 自动化恶意软件分析系统Cuckoo安装、配置详解
- 2016.02 [eugenekolo] Installing and setting up Cuckoo Sandbox
- 2016.01 [n0where] Malware Analysis System: Cuckoo Sandbox
- 2015.12 [eugenekolo] Cuckoo Sandbox Notes
- 2015.11 [tribalchicken] Automated Malware Analysis: mail server -> Cuckoo, V2.0
- 2015.11 [tribalchicken] Automated Malware Analysis: mail server -> Cuckoo, V2.0
- 2015.11 [serializethoughts] How Cuckoo Filter Can Improve Existing Approximate Matching Techniques
- 2015.10 [trendmicro] Nigerian Cuckoo Miner Campaign Takes Over Legitimate Inboxes, Targets Banks
- 2015.09 [acolyer] Cuckoo Search via Lévy Flights
- 2015.08 [malwarebytes] Automatic Analysis Using Malheur And Cuckoo
- 2015.05 [alienvault] There’s a Cuckoo in my Nest. Time to talk about security for the Internet of Things
- 2015.03 [checkpoint] CuckooDroid – Fighting the Tide of Android Malware | Check Point Software Blog
- 2015.03 [arduino] Encrypting messages with Cuckoo and Arduino Yún
- 2014.11 [eventbrite] Brite Space Dublin: A Q&A With Mark Breen, Co-Founder, Cuckoo Events
- 2014.10 [tribalchicken] Automated malware analysis: Mail server -> Cuckoo
- 2014.10 [tribalchicken] Automated malware analysis: Mail server -> Cuckoo
- 2014.05 [notanumber] Cuckoo Byte Stuffing Algorithm
- 2014.05 [immunityproducts] Connecting El Jefe 2.0 with the Cuckoo malware sandbox
- 2014.05 [toolswatch] Cuckoo Sandbox v1.1 Released
- 2014.04 [malwarebytes] Automating Malware Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox
- 2013.09 [itgeekchronicles] Python: Kippo 2 Cuckoo
- 2013.06 [rapid7] Cuckoo Sandbox approaching 1.0
- 2013.04 [toolswatch] Cuckoo Sandbox v0.6 available
- 2013.04 [rapid7] Fooling malware like a boss with Cuckoo Sandbox
- 2013.01 [sans] Cuckoo 0.5 is out and the world didn't end
- 2012.12 [volatility] What do Upclicker, Poison Ivy, Cuckoo, and Volatility Have in Common?
- 2012.12 [alienvault] Hardening Cuckoo Sandbox against VM aware malware
- 2012.11 [securityartwork] Customizing “Cuckoo Sandbox”
- 2012.10 [toolswatch] Cuckoo Sandbox v0.4.2 available (Support for VMware added)
- 2012.08 [toolswatch] Cuckoo Sandbox v0.4.1 The Malware Analysis Released
- 2012.07 [rapid7] Cuckoo Sandbox 0.4 Simplifies Malware Analysis with KVM support, Signatures and Extended Modularity
- 2012.07 [hiddenillusion] Customizing cuckoo to fit your needs
- 2012.05 [corelan] HITB2012AMS Day 1 – One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
- 2012.05 [toolswatch] Cuckoo Sandbox v0.3.2 Released
- 2012.01 [trustwave] Cuckoo for Cuckoo Box
- 2011.02 [chuvakin] The Honeynet Project Releases New Tool: Cuckoo
- 2007.09 [infosecblog] Cuckoo’s Egg
- 2007.01 [infosecblog] ISC: Cuckoo’s egg on the face
- 2007.01 [sans] Cuckoo's egg on the face
- [1388Star][12d] [C] dynamorio/drmemory Memory Debugger for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android
- [1228Star][12d] [C] dynamorio/dynamorio Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform
- [1364Star][3m] [C] googleprojectzero/winafl A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries
- [249Star][5m] [C] ampotos/dynstruct Reverse engineering tool for automatic structure recovering and memory use analysis based on DynamoRIO and Capstone
- [119Star][5y] [C++] breakingmalware/selfie A Tool to Unpack Self-Modifying Code using DynamoRIO
- [119Star][4m] [C++] googleprojectzero/drsancov DynamoRIO plugin to get ASAN and SanitizerCoverage compatible output for closed-source executables
- [53Star][4y] [C] lgeek/dynamorio_pin_escape
- [17Star][26d] [C] firodj/bbtrace Basic Block Trace: DynamoRIO client
- [14Star][6m] [C++] vanhauser-thc/afl-dynamorio run AFL with dynamorio
- [10Star][2y] [C++] atrosinenko/afl-dr Experiment in implementation of an instrumentation for American Fuzzy Lop using DynamoRIO
- [52Star][12m] [Py] cisco-talos/dyndataresolver Dynamic Data Resolver (DDR) IDA Pro Plug-in
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->DBI Data |
- DDR 基于DyRIO的Client
- IDA插件
- [20Star][9m] [C++] secrary/findloop find possible encryption/decryption or compression/decompression code
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->DBI Data |
- [6Star][2y] [C++] ncatlin/drgat The DynamoRIO client for rgat
- 2019.10 [freebuf] DrSemu:基于动态行为的恶意软件检测与分类工具
- 2019.06 [freebuf] Functrace:使用DynamoRIO追踪函数调用
- 2019.01 [360] 深入浅出——基于DynamoRIO的strace和ltrace
- 2018.08 [n0where] Dynamic API Call Tracer for Windows and Linux Applications: Drltrace
- 2018.07 [topsec] 动态二进制修改(Dynamic Binary Instrumentation)入门:Pin、DynamoRIO、Frida
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 10: In-memory Fuzzing HashCalc using DynamoRio
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 6: Extract Coverage Information using DynamoRio
- 2017.04 [pediy] [原创]通过Selife学习使用DynamoRIO动态插桩
- 2016.11 [360] “Selfie”:利用DynamoRIO实现自修改代码自动脱壳的神器
- 2016.09 [securitygossip] Practical Memory Checking With Dr. Memory
- 2016.09 [sjtu] Practical Memory Checking With Dr. Memory
- 2016.08 [n0where] Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform: DynamoRIO
- 2014.01 [dustri] Memory debugging under Windows with drmemory
- 2012.10 [redplait] building dynamorio
- 2011.06 [redplait] dynamorio
- [424Star][5y] [C++] jonathansalwan/pintools Pintool example and PoC for dynamic binary analysis
- [299Star][2m] [C] vusec/vuzzer depends heavily on a modeified version of DataTracker, which in turn depends on LibDFT pintool.
- [148Star][5y] [C++] f-secure/sulo Dynamic instrumentation tool for Adobe Flash Player built on Intel Pin
- [123Star][6m] [C++] hasherezade/tiny_tracer A Pin Tool for tracing API calls etc
- [65Star][3y] [C++] m000/dtracker DataTracker: A Pin tool for collecting high-fidelity data provenance from unmodified programs.
- [60Star][2y] [C++] hasherezade/mypintools Tools to run with Intel PIN
- [48Star][9m] [C++] angorafuzzer/libdft64 libdft for Intel Pin 3.x and 64 bit platform. (Dynamic taint tracking, taint analysis)
- [48Star][7y] [C++] cr4sh/code-coverage-analysis-tools Code coverage analysis tools for the PIN Toolkit
- [39Star][4y] [C++] corelan/pin Collection of pin tools
- [36Star][3y] [C++] paulmehta/ablation Augmenting Static Analysis Using Pintool: Ablation
- [30Star][4y] [C++] 0xddaa/pin Use Intel Pin tools to analysis binary.
- [27Star][1y] [C++] fdiskyou/winalloctracer Pintool that logs and tracks calls to RtlAllocateHeap, RtlReAllocateHeap, RtlFreeHeap, VirtualAllocEx, and VirtualFreeEx.
- [26Star][7y] [C++] jingpu/pintools
- [25Star][2m] [C++] boegel/mica a Pin tool for collecting microarchitecture-independent workload characteristics
- [22Star][6y] [C++] jbremer/pyn Awesome Python bindings for Pintool
- [18Star][1y] bash-c/pin-in-ctf 使用intel pin来求解一部分CTF challenge
- [12Star][3y] [C++] netspi/pin Intel pin tools
- [6Star][2y] [C++] spinpx/afl_pin_mode Yet another AFL instrumentation tool implemented by Intel Pin.
- [943Star][1y] [Py] gaasedelen/lighthouse Code Coverage Explorer for IDA Pro & Binary Ninja
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->DBI Data |DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->IDA |DBI->Frida->Tools->With Other Tools->Binary Ninja |
- coverage-frida 使用Frida收集信息
- coverage-pin 使用Pin收集覆盖信息
- 插件 支持IDA和BinNinja
- [134Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
- [122Star][5y] [C++] zachriggle/ida-splode Augmenting Static Reverse Engineering with Dynamic Analysis and Instrumentation
- Also In Section: IDA->Tools->Debug->DBI Data |
- IDA插件
- PinTool
- [117Star][2y] [C++] 0xphoenix/mazewalker Toolkit for enriching and speeding up static malware analysis
- Also In Section: [IDA->Tools->Debug->DBI Data](#0fbd35