A tiny, flexible, portable and thread-safe C++ logger for developers
You can compile the cfLog as a static link library or a dynamic link library, based on your preferences. The CMake tool is required to build the libraries using our CMakeLists.txt. The procedure is quit simple on Linux & Mac system (also easy with CMake-GUI on Windows system):
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
- make
- sudo make install
That's all, and you can find the samples in 'build/bin' directory, and the libraries are in 'build/lib' directory.
cfLog is easy to use. Basically, it could be used in two styles:
- cf::utils::LOG*() Singleto macro mode (单实例宏模式)
- C++ object cf::utils::Log Multi-instances class-object mode(多实例类对象模式)
using namespace cf::utils;
int a=123;
char ch='a';
float f=1.234;
const char *str="世界你好!";
enableLogPosition(true, true);
setLogFile("test.txt", true);
setLogFile("log.txt", true);
TRACEE("debug error");
LOGI("hello int:%d, char:%c, float:%f, string:%s", a, ch, f, str);
TRACEFF("hello int:%d, char:%c, float:%f, string:%s", a, ch, f, str);
Log log;
log(LogLevel::INFO, "warningTag")<<"This is a warn";
TRACEF("dummy format string");
std::string str2="string test";
TRACEF("where is the string:%s", str2.c_str());
cfLog uses doxygen to generate the source document. It is easy with doxygen: doxygen Doxyfile