Compiled MacVim snapshot based on 7.4.617
Binaries are compiled for OSX Mavericks 10.10.*
MacVim binaries based on **Vim v.7.4.617* and support for Homebrew Python 2.7.9, Homebrew Ruby 2.2.0
Choose your flavour
A basic flavour, no Python or Lua, Ruby support
Vanilla Yosemite
A binary with support for latest Yosemite Python and Ruby.
Brewed Python (v2.7.9) Ruby (2.2.0) and Lua (5.2.3)
A binary with support for Homebrew Python 2.7.9, Lua 5.2.3 and Ruby 2.2.0.
Compile from Sources
Download the sources or clone the repository and clone Source MacVim to compile on OS X with an easy to run interactive bash script.
If you find a bug relative to the compiled sources (crashes due to linked libraries or similar) report it into the appropriate issues section of the GitHub forked repository.