WP CLI command to validate and report common failures that come from bad or not cleaned SQL dumps.
$ wp validate-sql -—file=mysqlfile.sql
The WP CLI command will provide a report with success, warnings and actions to take before importing the sql file.
$ wp validate-sql --file=sql-error.sql
Checking for table prefix...
Warning: We have found some DROP TABLE statements with a custom prefix.
Warning: We have found some CREATE TABLE statements with a custom prefix.
Checking if all CREATE TABLE statements have a matching DROP TABLE statement...
Success: We have found a matching DROP TABLE statement for each table.
Checking for charset...
Success: We have found some UTF8MB4 charsets
Warning: We have found some latin1 or UTF8 charsets that should be converted to UTF8MB4
Warning: We have found some custom charset, please check your SQL file
Validating WP core DROP TABLE statements...
Warning: Missing core drop statement:
Validating WP core CREATE TABLE statements...
Warning: Missing core create statement:
Checking for CREATE or DROP DATABASE statements...
Warning: We have found some unwanted statemnents:
CREATE DATABASE databasename;
DROP DATABASE databasename;
Checking for siteurl and home options...
We have found 2 entries.
| option_name | option_value |
| siteurl | http://dev.local/tradmed |
| home | http://dev.local/tradmed |
- Give the opportunity to provide multiple sql files at once for one dump
- Migrate the tool to the vip-go SQL import command