A simple Python script demonstrating the Figma Library Analytics API to extract data to a CSV. In a more mature data pipeline, this could instead be inserted directly into a Data Warehouse such as Snowflake or BigQuery.
To use the Figma Library Analytics API workflow, you must be a full member of an Enterprise org in Figma.
You'll also need to install the following Python packages using pip
pip3 install requests
pip3 install python-dotenv
pip3 install pandas
Define two environment variables in your .env file(see Python dotenv if you're new to this)
- FIGMA_ACCESS_TOKEN: This is your unique Figma Personal Access Token. It can be generated from Settings-Account-Personal access tokens. You will need to generate a new token to inherit the new
Library Analytics
permissions. - FILE_KEY: The file key you wish to connect to. This is found in the Figma URL after
Addtionally, define the start and end dates in the script. Figma stores 365 days worth of data.
Then run python3 extract-library-data.py
on the command line.
By default this will create three directories in output/
for the given date range, for components, variables and styles, and save four CSV files into each:
-actions by componant
-actions by team
-usages by component
-usages by file
-actions by variable
-actions by team
-usages by variable
-usages by file
-actions by style
-actions by team
-usages by style
-usages by file