This plugin allows to store retained MQTT messages on Redis.
- Exilier 1.15
- Erlang OTP 25
- Fork of wooga/eredis to support Redis Sentinel.
Build the plugin create .ez archive file and copy it into plugins directory: "opt/bitnami/rabbitmq/plugins/"
The following setting enables the redis plugin.
- mqtt.retained_message_store = rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_redis
We use the following rabbitmq env variables to set the connection properties.
- mqtt.redis_url = url-to-redis
- mqtt.redis_port = 6379
- mqtt.redis_database = 5
- mqtt.redis_msg_ttl = 1209600
The added Dockerfile needs to be adapated. Especially the version tags need to be aligned whith the set version in the file.
Feel free to use and contribute
Under MIT License (MIT)