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SNMP poller oriented to poll bunch of hosts in short time. Package include poller and SNMP coder/encoder library.

[Reference manual] (


from fastsnmp import snmp_poller

hosts = ("",)
# oids in group must be with same indexes
oid_group = {"": "ifDescr",
             "": "ifInOctets",

community = "public"
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hosts, [list(oid_group)], community)
for d in snmp_data:
    print ("host=%s oid=%s.%s value=%s" % (d[0], oid_group[d[1]], d[2], d[3]))


host= oid=ifInOctets.1 value=243203744
host= oid=ifDescr.1 value=b'lo'
host= oid=ifInOctets.2 value=1397428486
host= oid=ifDescr.2 value=b'eth0'

Type conversion:

SNMP Python
octetstring, ipaddress bytes
null None
objectid str
counter32, unsigned32, gauge32, counter64, integer int
noSuchInstance None
noSuchObject None
endOfMibView None


  • ipaddress can be converted to string using str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(b"\x01\x01\x01\x01")) or socket.inet_ntoa(b"\x01\x01\x01\x01")

Another python SNMP libraries: