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Differential Cryptanalysis

This repository contains the code and corresponding report for an attack on a WES (4-round feistel) cypher. The purpose is to retrieve the master encryption key using differential cryptanalysis.


An authentication system uses a smart card and a reader. In order to authenticate, the card and the reader share the same encryption key and implement a simple authentication protocol: when the card is close to the reader, the reader generates a random number and sends it to the card. The card encrypts this number with the shared key and sends the result back. The reader then decrypts this ciphertext, and if the result equals the previously generated number, this proves that the card knows the key and thus the reader authenticates the card.


To simulate the smart card, we are given a compiled binary program, wes-key-53, that implements WES cipher. We also have the code for the wes implementation.

Usage:   ./wes-key-53 PLAINTEXT_HEX

Example: ./wes-key-53 72657475706D6F43



Since the WES specification is public, we also have access to the general structure of the cypher. We can use this to plan our attack.

Cypher Structure

Cypher structure


The master key is 64 bits long meaning if we were to try to brute force it, we would have to try 2^64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possibilities. That sounds long and torturous so instead we are going to exploit vulnerabilities in the cypher to get the master key.

The plan of attack is to break the cypher backwards. In other words, we need to break K4, then K3, then K2, and then K1. The master key is used to create the subkeys (K1-K4). They are created in the following way as specified by WES:

  • K4 - The right half of the master key (32 bits)
  • K3 - The even bits in the master key (32 bits)
  • K2 - The left half of the master key (32 bits)
  • K1 - The odd bits of the master key (32 bits)


In order to begin breaking the cypher, we need to analyze the round function. The round function's purpose is to mix up the input it's given. The round function takes in 32 bits. It then passes those bits through 8 s-boxes. Each s-box takes in 4 bits (a hex digit) and has a certain probability of outputting another 4 bits.

Ex: 1 -> s-box1 -> B with probability 0.25

round function

The reason that it isn't guaranteed is because the cypher was designed in an effort to stop attackers even if they know its specification. Something important to note is that, for all eight s-boxes, an input of 0 results in an output of 0.

Analyzing s-boxes

We analyze the s-boxes by creating difference distrubution tables. The entry in each cell will always be an even number. The reason for this is the xor operation is symmetric, meaning

ΔX = X1 ⊕ X2 = AC ⊕ DF = 73

ΔX = X1 ⊕ X2 = DF ⊕ AC = 73

Here is the table from the first s-box to demonstrate its shape:

s-box 1 distribution table

Let's analyze the s-boxes to see if there are any other input/output pairs that have 100% probability besides (0, 0).

  • s-box1 - (6, D)
  • s-box2 - (2, 5)
  • s-box3 - (6, D)

Nice, we have 3 input/output pairs that are non zero with a probability of 1. We can abuse these to track the propagation of our input through the cypher.

Breaking K4

This is where things get a bit technical so bear with me.

The tactic for breaking the fourth round of encryption is to use sets of plaintext pairs that have a specific result (differential) when XORed together. The cipher takes in two 8 byte hexadecimal numbers, L0 (the left 8) and R0 (the right 8), to form a 16 byte hexadecimal input. We will construct two plaintext inputs at the same time, they will be In1 = L0R0 and In2 = L1R1. We will choose L0 and L1 such that

L0 = L1

ΔL = L0 ⊕ (L1 ⊕ 0x62060000) = 0x62060000 = ΔX

What is 0x62060000 you may be asking? That is a differential that has a guaranteed output when passed through the s-boxes! Notice that the first hex-digit (four bits going into s-box1) is 6, which has a guaranteed output of D as per our s-box analysis. The second digit, 2, which has a guaranteed output of 5 in the second s-box, and finally the fourth digit, 6, that has a guaranteed output of D when passed through the fourth s-box. The rest are all 0s since we didn't get any guaranteed input output pairs for those s-boxes.

Then we will choose R0 and R1

R0 = R1 so that ΔR = R0 ⊕ R1 = 0x00000000

Well why do we want R0 and R1 to be the same? Because, in the first round of encryption, the right 8 bytes get XORed with K1:

R0 becomes R0 ⊕ K1

and R1 becomes R1 ⊕ K1

we don't know what K1 is so we can't know the outcome of this operation, however the differential ΔR is

ΔR = (R0 ⊕ K1) ⊕ (R1 ⊕ K1)

however since we know that R0 and R1 are the same, we know that the outcome of the above is going to be

ΔR = 0x00000000

Knowing that, we can track the right side as it flows through the cipher. Here is a diagram to visualize it.

Cypher structure

First round:

  • Right side output:
    • ΔR = 0x00000000
  • Left side output:
    • After the xor with K1 (nullified by our choice of plaintext pairs) we enter the round function. Going in, ΔR is 0 and we know from before that the s-boxes have a probability of 1 to output 0 when given 0 so the output of the round function is 0x00000000. Next, that gets XORed with ΔL which I also refer to as ΔX since it is our input with a guaranteed output. ΔL ⊕ 0x00000000 = ΔL so the output is simply ΔL. Just for clarity once again, ΔL = ΔX. It's just a naming convention.

Second round:

  • Right side output:
    • The input to the right side of round 2 is ΔL. Once again, the XOR with K2 is nullfied by our choice of plaintext pairs. We know that f(ΔX) is guranteed to be the same every time. So we can just compute it once to determine its value (it isn't simply 0xD50D0000 because there is also the permutation step in the round function but that is constant and known from the WES specification)
    • f(ΔX) = 0x8080d052
    • ΔZ = f(ΔX) ⊕ 0x00000000 = f(ΔX) = 0x8080d052
  • Left side output:
    • Once again nothing happens on the right side so the output is just ΔL which doesn't matter as we do not need it to crack K4.

Third round:

  • Nothing we need to do, as you will see in the next paragraph.

Fourth Round

The point of everything we have done so far was to find out what the value is going into the left side of the last round of encryption. Why? Because, now we have everything we need to crack K4.

We have the ciphertext CL and CR already! There is nothing stopping us from encrypting our plaintext to determine the corresponding ciphertext!

We can write CL in the following way:

CL = ΔZ ⊕ f(CR ⊕ K4)

Now all we have to do is test every possible K4 and collect all K4s that produce CL (it is possible that there are more than 1). Testing every possible K4 may sound like a lot as there are 2^32 = 4,294,967,296 possibilities, but it really isn't. With a couple of threads on an 8 core cpu and compiler optimization we can find all the candidate keys in 30 seconds or less. We end up with 32 candidate keys for K4 (could vary depending on the master key).

Breaking K3

The general tactic to break round 3 is similar to the tactic used to break round 4 in that we will choose plaintext pairs that we can use to exploit the s-boxes and track propagation through the cipher. There are two main differences this time.

  1. We want the ΔZ going into the left side of the third round of encryption instead of the fourth.
  2. To do this, we make ΔL = 0x00000000 and ΔR = ΔX = 0x62060000 (reverse of what we did to crack K4)

There is one other thing that is going to aid us in cracking K3. That is the fact that K4 is the right half of the master key and K3 is all the even bits of the master key. Meaning we already have some of the bits of K3 (we actually have 32 possibilities for some of the bits of K3 but you get the point). Since K4 is 32 bits, and half of those are the even bits from the master key, we have a total of 16 bits, the last half of K3. Instead of testing 2^32 possible K3s we only have to test (2^16) * 32 (32 K4 candidates). That's only 2,097,152 possibilities which is nothing.

I won't bother repeating all the logic again for the beginning as it is largely the same as for K4. However, there is a slight difference in the strategy for cracking K3. We need to use our K4 candidate keys to partially decrypt the ciphertext. In other words, we have to undo the last round of encryption so we can get the CL and CR just after the third round of encryption.

Left side output of round 3 (CLK3):

  • CLK3 = CR where CR is the right side output of the whole cipher.

Right side output of round 3 (CRK3):

  • CRK3 = CL ⊕ (f(CR) ⊕ K4) - undo the fourth round of encryption using the K4 candidate, where CR is the right side output of the whole cipher and CL is the output left side output of the whole cipher

Finally, the formula for cracking K3 is the same as for cracking K4:

  • CLK3 = ΔZ ⊕ f(CRK3 ⊕ K3) - where the last half of K3 is all the even bits from a K4 candidate.

Cypher structure

After brute forcing, we end up with 16 candidate keys for K3 and have narrowed K4 down to one key. In other words, we cracked K4.

Breaking K2

As with the other keys, the overall tactic for cracking is the same. Since there is only one round of encryption that happens before reaching K2, the propagation isn't as hard to follow this time around.

Similar to how we used some bits of K4 to reduce the number of K3s we have to test, we are going to use some bits of K3 to reduce the number of K2s we have to test. Here is the strategy:

  1. We intialize K2 to be 0x00000000
  2. We replace the even bits of K2 with the first 16 bits of K3
  3. Loop from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
  • For each number in the loop replace the odd bits of K2 with the 16 bits from the number.

This way we are only changing the bits that we didn't get from K3. This way we only have to test 2^16 possible K2s.

You may be asking why we can't use the bits from K4 to reduce the number of K2s we have to test even further... remember that K4 is the right half of the master key. Since K2 is the left half of the master key, there are no bits shared between K2 and K4. However K4 will still be used in the cracking of K2 since we need it in order to partially decrypt our cyphertext.

The strategy this time is going to be to choose L0 and L1 such that:

  • L0 = L1 and L0 ⊕ L1 = 0x00000000

and to choose R0 and R1 such that:

  • R0 = R1 and R0 ⊕ (R1 ⊕ f(ΔX)) = 0x8080d052 = f(ΔX)

where f is the round function.

This time around we have to undo two rounds of encryption, let's recall the formulas we used to break round 3:

  • CLK3 = CR where CR is the right side output of the whole cipher.
  • CRK3 = CL ⊕ (f(CR) ⊕ K4) - undo the fourth round of encryption using the K4 candidate, where CR is the right side output of the whole cipher and CL is the output left side output of the whole cipher

Now we have

  • CLK2 = CRK3
  • CLK2 = CL ⊕ (f(CR) ⊕ K4) (substitution)


  • CRK2 = CLK3 ⊕ (f(CRK3 ⊕ K3))
  • CRK2 = CR ⊕ (f(CL ⊕ (f(CR) ⊕ K4)) ⊕ K3) (substitution)


  • CLK2 = ΔZ ⊕ f(f(ΔX) ⊕ K2)

Here is how propagation is going to look:

Cypher structure

It may seem weird to choose f(ΔX) as our ΔR but there is a reason for it. The reason is, we need the the output of the second round function to be sufficiently random. This is mainly to reduce the number of false positive i.e. candidate keys for K2.

After our brute forcing we get 8 candidate keys for K2.

Breaking the Master Key

Finally we can start breaking the master key. Believe it or not, this is the easiest part. We know that K4 is the right 8 bytes of the master key. We also know that K2 is the left 8 bytes of the master key. We have 8 K2 candidates, and after narrowing down the K4 candidates during the breaking of round 3, we only have 1 K4 candidate. That means we only have 8 potential master keys! All we have to do is encrypt a plaintext using a master key candidate, and then check if it matches the cyphertext generated by the executable we were given. If it does, we have a match!

The master key we find is





Attack on a WES (4-round feistel) cypher








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