Set zsh as your login shell:
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Clone onto your laptop:
git clone git://
(Or, fork and keep your fork updated).
Install rcm:
brew bundle dotfiles/Brewfile
Install the dotfiles:
env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup
This command will create symlinks for config files in your home directory.
Setting the RCRC
environment variable tells rcup
to use standard
configuration options:
- Exclude the
, andBrewfile
files, which are part of thedotfiles
repository but do not need to be symlinked in. - Give precedence to personal overrides which by default are placed in
You can safely run rcup
multiple times to update:
Put your customizations in dotfiles appended with .local
(we supply a blank.psqlrc.local
to preventpsql
from throwing an error, but you should overwrite the file with your own copy)~/.tmux.conf.local
For example, your ~/.aliases.local
might look like this:
# Productivity
alias todo='$EDITOR ~/.todo'
Your ~/.gitconfig.local
might look like this:
l = log --pretty=colored
colored = format:%Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset
name = Dan Croak
email = [email protected]
Your ~/.zshrc.local
might look like this:
# recommended by brew doctor
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
Your ~/.vimrc.bundles.local
might look like this:
Plugin 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline'
Plugin 'stephenmckinney/vim-solarized-powerline'
vim configuration:
- Ctrl-P for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding.
- Rails.vim for enhanced navigation of
Rails file structure via
migrations, etc. - Run RSpec specs from vim.
- Set
to a single space. - Switch between the last two files with space-space.
- Syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript, Textile, Cucumber, Haml, Markdown, and HTML.
- Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
- Use Exuberant Ctags for tab completion.
- Use GitHub color scheme.
- Use Vundle to manage plugins.
tmux configuration:
- Improve color resolution.
- Remove administrative debris (session name, hostname, time) in status bar.
- Set prefix to
(like GNU screen). - Soften status bar color from harsh green to light gray.
git configuration:
- Adds a
alias to create feature branches. - Adds a
alias to delete feature branches. - Adds a
alias to merge feature branches into master. - Adds an
alias to fetch and rebaseorigin/master
into the feature branch. Usegit up -i
for interactive rebases.
Ruby configuration:
- Add trusted binstubs to the
. - Load rbenv into the shell, adding shims onto our
Shell aliases and scripts:
with no arguments isgit status
and with arguments acts likegit
to show churn for the files changed in the branch.m
forrake db:migrate && rake db:rollback && rake db:migrate && rake db:test:prepare
to make a directory and change into it.replace foo bar **/*.rb
to find and replace within a given list of files.rk
to attach to tmux session named the same as the current directory.v
Thank you, contributors! Also, thank you to Corey Haines, Gary Bernhardt, and others for sharing your dotfiles and other shell scripts from which we derived inspiration for items in this project.
Dotfiles is maintained by thoughtbot, inc The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.
Dotfiles is © 2009-2014 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.