Bust any queue-it queue in less than 1 minute.
Supported retailers: AMD and Playstation Direct
For questions and chat, please visit the Falcodrin Community Discord Server.
Please check out the video tutorial before you begin.
Here are some important points to consider:
- The app is not signed. You will receive warnings on installation. We will sign the application in our next release.
- There are no guarantees. This is a Beta Test.
Navigate to Releases and download the executable for your operating system.
Note: You may be prompted to proceed at your own risk. The software is not signed.
You will require an account with 1 or many of the following supported Recaptcha Solving Services:
Start your tasks when the pre-queue opens.
For AMD, we will announce when to start your tasks.
AMD pre queue typically opens globally on Thursdays at 9:45 AM EST.
'Be sure to check the #amd channel in the Falco Discord'
Example Invite Link
- Extract the inviteid paramater from the invite link and add the queue buster
inviteid%3D<HERE IS THE INVITE ID>%26
- Example above: 08A00KA1B38G97FF