Please read the documentation available here:
For support or questions post on the community mailing list:!forum/mapfish-print-users
The community mailing list is a place where users can share experiences, it is not a professional support mailing list. For professional support, users should sign a support contract with a professional services company, and use their appropriate channel.
Building mapfish-print requires java 8 and gradle 5.5.1.
Execute the following command():
> ./gradlew build
This will build three artifacts: print-servlet-xxx.war, print-lib.jar, print-standalone.jar
The build also builds the documentation in the docs/build/site folder. To deploy the documentation it should simply be copied to the gh-pages branch and then committed GitHub will automatically build the updated site at:
If you only want to build the docs simply run:
> ./gradlew docs:build
or run build in the docs directory.
The test (part of the build) requires the 'Liberation Sans' font, which can be downloaded here.
The following command will build and upload all artifacts to the maven central repository.
> ./gradlew uploadArchives -DsshPassphrase=...
You can as well generate a docker image using this command:
> ./gradlew createDocker
Create Eclipse project metadata:
> ./gradlew eclipse
Import project into Eclipse
The following command will run the mapfish printer. The arguments must be supplied to the -PprintArgs="..." parameter.
To list all the commandline options then execute (the current direstory is ./core):
> ./gradlew print -PprintArgs="-help"
> ./gradlew print -PprintArgs="-config ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/config.yaml -spec ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/requestData.json -output ./output.pdf"
If you want to run in debug mode you can do the following:
> ./gradlew print --debug-jvm -PprintArgs="-config ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/config.yaml -spec ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/requestData.json -output ./output.pdf"
The following command will run mapfish print using gretty/jetty. The default port is 8080, but can be changed using -PhttpPort="..." parameter.
> ./gradlew jettyRun -PhttpPort=8090
- Create new Java Run Configuration
- Main class is org.mapfish.print.cli.Main
- Program arguments: -config samples/config.yaml -spec samples/spec.json -output $HOME/print.pdf
Before accepting a contribution, we ask that you provide us a Contributor License Agreement. If you are making your contribution as part of work for your employer, please follow the guidelines on submitting a Corporate Contributor License Agreement. If you are making your contribution as an individual, you can submit a digital Individual Contributor License Agreement.
Thanks to YourKit for letting us use their Java profiler!