See live version here:
- Node.js >= 4.2.6
- Postgresql >= 9.3.10
- Decred software: dcrd, dcrwallet, dcrctl
- (optional) Nginx for production env (static files delivery)
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install all dependencies:
npm install
Rename file 'config/config.json.sample' to 'config/config.json' and fill it with your correct Postgres database credentials.
Now you need Sequelize-CLI and PM2 installed globally:
npm install -g pm2
npm install -g sequelize-cli
Migrate database (if you will not specify NODE_ENV, sequelize will use configs for "development"):
NODE_ENV=production sequelize db:migrate
Application use some of the dcrctl commands to get new data, executing them with the ('child_process').exec().
Probably you need to check this commands and specify full path to dcrctl and all necessary flags, if you didn't yet configure everything on your machine. Check server.js file:
exec("dcrctl getrawmempool", function(error, stdout, stderr) { ... });
exec("dcrctl getmininginfo", function(error, stdout, stderr) { ... });
exec("bash ./ " + height, function(error, stdout, stderr) { ... });
If you are using Windows, probably you need also rewrite content of "" file to some Windows .bat file, but don't be afraid, there are only 3 lines inside.
Well, now you can run application with PM2:
pm2 start package.json
If everything ok, cronjobs will start all parsers in the next 1-5 minutes, which will fill your database with real data. If you don't see still anything interesting on localhost:8080, you can track application logs with "pm2 logs 0" command.
Decred Dashboard is still in early stage of development. Feel free to ask us for implementation of any new features or just do it yourself, we will be happy to see your pull requests.