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Port for Bela: written in C++, plugged into the simple Bela API.

Compile and run



Compile pink-trombone

Just drag the .cpp and .h files into a Bela projects and hit run.

The code

This is not a good example of C++ code.

I ported the Javascript to C++ aiming at keeping the changes to a minimum and without understanding the code. Once this was done and the thing was basically running, I had to understand more about the code in order to be able to use it. See if you can make any sense of the comments at the top of trombone.cpp.

The most often applied change was s/this\./this->/g. I added Math namespace which implements the required Math functions. Replacing these with the equivalents from math_neon could improve the performance perhaps? All the methods and properties are public and I tend to use references where possible to stick with the original Javascript . notations. Final result is pretty crappy looking but it works.

I keep everything in trombone.cpp because I could not be bothered factoring out the class declarations (and also because some methods are called multiple times per sample, so they may benefit from compiler inlining), though this makes the compile a bit slower than I'd wish for.

The Cortex-A8 on Bela does not really like double operations, so I also typedef float sample_t and casted all the relevant numeric constants to (sample_t). This could have been done by using the -fsingle-precision-constant compiler options, but it is only supported by gcc, while I used clang because it gives better performance.

The non-C++ files

There are some .js files there, mostly taken from the original source code, with a light node wrapper around, which allowed me to run the program via node. It was an early prototype phase, where I though I could perhaps run this in node, with some audio backend. Luckily I quickly abandoned that and went down the C++ route.


As I understand it, you have these controls on the model:

  • the diameter of the Tract. This is represented as an array of 44 values ("index"). Typical values are between 0 and 2.
  • the openness of the velum (0.01 for closed, 0.4 for open)
  • the pitch of the Glottis (the x-axis in the "voicebox" in the GUI)
  • the tenseness of the Glottis (the y-axis in the "voicebox" in the GUI). This also affects the loudness.
  • transients are generated when the diameter at one index used to be 0 and becomes > 0, basically when an obstruction of the tract is removed. This happens automatically as you change the diameter values, but you could also add them manually with addTransient()
  • the amount of turbulence due to reduced diameter

Most of these (except the turbulence) can be safely updated manually (see example in the render function).

Alternatively, you can fake touches, this includes generic touches (anywhere in the Tract) and tongueTouch: the one touch that controls the position of the tongue (the circle in the GUI). After you add a touch you need to call TractUI->handleTouches() for it to be handled. I did not implement Glottis::handleTouches(), it is easier to just set the UItenseness and UIfrequency directly.

The trick with touches at the moment is that it is not easy to place them in the righ place. I ended up printing touch coordinates from the GUI and then hard-code them in the code. The good thing about touches is that they take care of the turbulence parameter, which is not achieved otherwise (I mean I tried to implement it (see "attempt to compensate for touch.fricative_intensity when setting" in the code), but it's too CPU intensive).

More stuff is in the comments at the top of the file, everything is in the code.


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  • C++ 52.6%
  • JavaScript 45.6%
  • HTML 1.8%