- Welcome, this Ruby server services designed to work with https://github.com/gkannan1989/google-maps-bookmark
System dependencies - Ruby version - 2.6.4p104 (2019-08-28 revision 67798) [x64-mingw32]
- Rails - 6.0.0
- Bundler - 2.0.2
- rack-cors - 1.0.3 - Handling Cors
- sqlite3 ~> 1.4 - SQL Lite for DB integration
- postgresql - DB for production
Deployment instructions
Step 1: clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/gkannan1989/google-maps-bookmark-server.git
Step 2: move to the repository
$ cd google-maps-bookmark-server
Step 3: bundley
$ /bundle install
Step 3: migrate the table shema and db
$ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
Step 4: start the server
/rails server
Step 5: hit! your server ready to serve
Database creation/initialization Two models created, - Below is just an information
1. Bookmark - user bookmark history handling /rails generate model Bookmark lat:float lng:float title:string editable:boolean idx:integer /rails generate controller Bookmarks index create update destroy /rails db:migrate 2. suggestion - location search handling /rails generate model suggestion query:string key:string /rails generate controller suggestion index create update destroy /rails db:migrate
How to run the test suite
/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test /rails test test/models/bookmark_test.rb /rails test test/models/suggestion_test.rb
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Bookmark CRUD operations services
GET /api/v1/bookmarks(.:format) POST /api/v1/bookmarks(.:format) GET /api/v1/bookmarks/:id(.:format) PATCH /api/v1/bookmarks/:id(.:format) PUT /api/v1/bookmarks/:id(.:format) DELETE /api/v1/bookmarks/:id(.:format)
Search Suggestion services
GET /api/search/suggestion(.:format) POST /api/search/suggestion(.:format) GET /api/search/suggestion/:id(.:format) PATCH /api/search/suggestion/:id(.:format) PUT /api/search/suggestion/:id(.:format) DELETE /api/search/suggestion/:id(.:format)