Simple list of employees someone would have access control over. When selecting a user from the dropdown and then clicking the button "Update Employee", it will open a modal where you can mock edit the information for this individual, this is a front-end demo and not persisting data. The modal will populate with the data associated with that user (including the name inputs). There you will see the validation states implemented.
- The
First Name
andLast Name
fields are required - Red error styles on inputs only show after first clicking the "Save Employee Info" button. Input loses focus (only after the first attempted submission)
- The Update Password fields are optional when empty, but if data is added, the password is checked to ensure it matches the criteria displayed in the UI.
- The password checklist will update any time a password value is changed
- An invalid password (using the checklist criteria) prevents form submission
- When clicking the
Save Employee Info
button, the form displays whether the form is valid or not.