AC controller which works on a MHI-AC-Ctrl module. It is using the MQTT messages to communicate with the MHI-AC_Ctrl module.
It is based on a Wireless Tag WT32-SC01 Plus display module with an integrated ESP32. Layout is designed with Squareline Studio. Export to the UI directory and copy files to the src directory. I used Visual Studio Code with platformIO to compile. You have to copy some stuff from the header files of mhi-ac-ctr. See top of ino file.
I used a 3D printed case from
Some pictures:
- on and off
- change mode
- change fan speed
- change setpoint
You can click on:
- vanes icons to go to settings screen
- power symbol to go to the power usage chart
- current temperature in the middle to go to the current temperature chart
- settings icon to go to the settings page
It shows:
- status wifi connection
- defrost active or not (you don't see it now)
- fan speed IU
- vanes and vanesLR
- 3Dauto (you don't see it now)
- power usage in Watt (estimate)
- power usage in kWh
- outdoor temperature
- Troom temperature in the cirle in the middle
- power on/off, mode and fan
- setpoint
Graph with current temperature from Troom for the last 10 minutes. For all graphs the data comes in from right to left.
Graph with compressor speed for the last 10 minutes.
Graph with fan speed IU for the last 10 minutes.
- 3D auto
- Vane
- VaneLR
- Restart MHI-AC-Ctrl controller
- Brightness display
- Snooze display (after 2 min)
- Autocontrol is something private from me. So you have to remove that one.
Settings are stored on the MQTT server.