Releases: glushchenko/fsnotes
Releases · glushchenko/fsnotes
FSNotes 5.4.2
- Fixes menu items title style #1172
- Fixes wikilinks in subfolders #1347
- Fixes code span line-height
- Fixes not updated notes list on ESC
- Fixes trailing parentheses highlighting in URLs #1236
- Reduces click target area for title text field in title bar #1272 by @nth-chile
- Improves DE translation #1341 by @schwantuschke
FSNotes 5.4.1
- Fixes broken links in preview #1336
FSNotes 5.4.0
- Adds new icons #1331
- Improves experience with menu bar icon clicking #1267
- Fixes tags scanner in wikilinks
- Fixes duplicating a note that does not adjust encoded images paths #1241
- Fixes deleting a note that removes images also used in other notes #1242
- Fixes automatic file naming based on first line of file #1222
- Fixes random crash #1307
- Fixes anchor link when header has spaces #1302
- Fixes wrong syntax highlighting of wikilinks in editor #1167
FSNotes 5.3.9
FSNotes 5.3.8
- Adds ability to scan and insert documents / photos just in editor
- Fixes Japanese/Chinese chars in code spans
FSNotes 5.3.7
FSNotes 5.3.5
- Fixes #1288
- Fixes code blocks highlighting
FSNotes 5.3.4
- Fixes regression: apostrophes appearing in tags #1223
- Fixes code block highlighting, again
FSNotes 5.3.3
FSNotes 5.3.2
- Adds github theme by default
- Fixes mermaid code block highlighting
- Fixes tag highlighting after headings markup #1206
- Fixes images files copy/paste from file system
- Fixes panel height for find/replace
- Fixes projects deselection on tag selection
- Fixes foreground color for headers when new line inserted