Releases: glushchenko/fsnotes
Releases Β· glushchenko/fsnotes
- Improves git history performance
- Fixes incorrect MathJax delimiter configuration #1471 @Koloth
- Fixes some crashes related to git history
- Improves Chinese translation @holton-jiang
- Improves Chinese translation by @holton-jiang
- Improves about window
FSNotes 6.1.0
FSNotes 6.0.5
- Fixes TOC #1438
- Removes git binary completely (moves to libgit2)
FSNotes 6.0.4
- Fixes mathjax rendering on mobile browsers
- Fixes responder after note unlocking
- Adds missed fonts for MathJax
- Adds soulver core syntax Author: @zcohan (
FSNotes 6.0.3
- Adds deep git integration (pull/push/commit message)
- Adds separate git repositories
- Adds folders encryption
- Adds folders reordering in sidebar
- Adds notes web sharing
- Adds TOC support
- Adds multiple windows support
- Adds quick notes
- Adds YAML heeaders parsing
- Adds clickable links option
- Adds windows frame and state saving
- Adds updated mermaid.js
- Adds new NSTextView icon
- Adds preview state saving for all notes
- Removes RTF support (you can still read old files)
And many more!
FSNotes 6.0.2
- Adds deep git integration (pull/push/commit message)
- Adds separate git repositories
- Adds folders encryption
- Adds folders reordering in sidebar
- Adds notes web sharing
- Adds TOC support
- Adds multiple windows support
- Adds quick notes
- Adds YAML heeaders parsing
- Adds clickable links option
- Adds windows frame and state saving
- Adds updated mermaid.js
- Adds new NSTextView icon
- Adds preview state saving for all notes
- Removes RTF support (you can still read old files)
And many more!