Addition service added to spring boot project.
- Maintain code in codecommit as well as github. - mathcal created . Need to setup ssh for communicating with local
- Create group which can do development work - TBD
- Also create other roles. - TBD
- Build the code using codebuild. - Done.
- create bucket in s3 and push artifacts to s3 - Done. How to retrieve and use this further ? Is it codedeploy ?
- Open up firewall port to allow external traffic to access EC2 instance on a given port. - rsgsec configured for traffic to these ports.
- Create load balancer so that 20002 and 20001 can be handled traffic equally. - LOAD BALANCER CONFIGURED. Unable to connect thru load balancer.
- Need URL for health check [ build one controller in the app itself. It should give some vital parameters in future"
- Use API Gateway to create API for the service.
API Key for the MathCal gateway : 6j9LwylZTFabLY7fRU0JW4cP0y8KKhc65IjKCgmf => Used to invoke the API thru the gateway
- certificate manager.
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-22-89 ~]$
aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier springdemodb --db-instance-class db.t2.micro --engine MySQL --master-username sqladmin --master-user-password password --allocated-storage 5 --storage-encrypted --kms-key-id arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:582246077021:key/90bbd047-b846-4a52-85bf-2645c8d6105c
{ "DBInstance": { "PubliclyAccessible": true, "MasterUsername": "sqladmin", "MonitoringInterval": 0, "LicenseModel": "general-public-license", "VpcSecurityGroups": [ { "Status": "active", "VpcSecurityGroupId": "sg-2f52bd49" } ], "CopyTagsToSnapshot": false, "OptionGroupMemberships": [ { "Status": "in-sync", "OptionGroupName": "default:mysql-5-6" } ], "PendingModifiedValues": { "MasterUserPassword": "****" }, "Engine": "mysql", "MultiAZ": false, "DBSecurityGroups": [], "DBParameterGroups": [ { "DBParameterGroupName": "default.mysql5.6", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync" } ], "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "PreferredBackupWindow": "10:45-11:15", "DBSubnetGroup": { "Subnets": [ { "SubnetStatus": "Active", "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-7b24a11f", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2b" } }, { "SubnetStatus": "Active", "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-c829f6be", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } }, { "SubnetStatus": "Active", "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-d2e30f8a", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2c" } } ], "DBSubnetGroupName": "default", "VpcId": "vpc-8b48f1ef", "DBSubnetGroupDescription": "default", "SubnetGroupStatus": "Complete" }, "ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers": [], "AllocatedStorage": 5, "BackupRetentionPeriod": 1, "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "tue:08:02-tue:08:32", "DBInstanceStatus": "creating", "EngineVersion": "5.6.27", "DomainMemberships": [], "StorageType": "standard", "DbiResourceId": "db-QWPF7NAHG6HEGHJGWII2XSJUXY", "CACertificateIdentifier": "rds-ca-2015", "StorageEncrypted": false, "DBInstanceClass": "db.t2.micro", "DbInstancePort": 0, "DBInstanceIdentifier": "mytestdb" } }
aws rds describe-db-instances
aws rds create-db-parameter-group --db-parameter-group-name mytestdbparamgroup --db-parameter-group-family MySQL5.6 --description "My new parameter group for test db"
aws rds modify-db-parameter-group --db-parameter-group-name mytestdbparamgroup --parameters "name=max_connections,value=250,method=immediate" --parameters "ParameterName=max_allowed_packet,ParameterValue=1024,ApplyMethod=immediate" --parameters "ParameterName=max_connections,ParameterValue=250,ApplyMethod=immediate"
aws rds create-db-security-group --db-security-group-name mytestdbsecgroup --db-security-group-description "My new security group for test"
aws rds authorize-db-security-group-ingress --db-security-group-name mytestdbsecgroup --cidrip
aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace AWS/RDS
mon-get-stats FreeStorageSpace --dimensions="DBInstanceIdentifier=mydbinstance" --statistics= Average --namespace="AWS/RDS" --start-time 2009-10-16T00:00:00 --end-time 2009-10-16T00:02:00
aws rds describe-event-subscriptions
aws rds create-event-subscription --subscription-name myRDSeventsubscription --sns-topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:582246077021:snsrds --enabled
aws rds add-source-identifier-to-subscription --subscription-name myRDSeventsubscription --source-identifier mysqldb
"EventCategories": [
aws rds describe-event-categories
aws rds describe-events --duration 10080
aws rds describe-db-log-files --db-instance-identifier mytestdb
aws rds download-db-log-file-portion --db-instance-identifier mytestdb --no-paginate --log-file-name mysqlUpgrade > errorlog.txt
================================= [ec2-user@ip-172-31-22-89 ~]$ aws sns create-topic --name topicOne { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:582246077021:topicOne" }
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-22-89 ~]$ aws sns create-topic --name topicSms { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:582246077021:topicSms" }