Spring Pet Clinic example using Spring-Boot, Thymeleaf, AOP, MVC, Embedded Tomcat, Security, and more.
Planning to tweak this further with more enhancements for AWS adoption
- Spring Boot
- Thymeleaf
- Dandelion-Datatables 0.10.0
- Hibernate Validator
- WebJars
- Tomcat 8
- Spring JavaConfig
- Spring Security
- Spring MVC
- Spring JPA
- Spring AOP
Using Embedded Apache Tomcat:
mvn spring-boot:run
You can then access the sample here: http://localhost:8080/
Logins are found in data.sql. Passwords are the same as the user name.
To access this application via SSH, use the username sshuser with password sshpassword on port 2000.
Example: ssh -p 2000 sshuser@localhost
Type help for a list of commands. See [http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready-remote-shell](Monitoring and management using a remote shell).
For the sake of simplicity, there are 3 profiles:
- dev
- in-memory database (auto-generated HSQLDB with sample data), HTTP (8080) interface only, actuator features are open
- test
- external database (auto-generated MySQL with sample data), HTTP (8080) and HTTPS (8443) interfaces, actuator is open
- live
- external database (assumes existing MySQL with data), HTTPS (8443) interface only, actuator is secured
Use different databases depending on profile. Database Initialization
I removed all PUT requests from the application. Please see http://zacharyvoase.com/2009/07/03/http-post-put-diff/ for more information.
Add implementation for a lock-out policy based on authentication failures.
This works, with the caveat that the embedded Tomcat cannot find the keystore in the embedded JAR file, which means the file must be found in the file system and must be properly referenced from application.properties.
Ensure error handling is happening properly.