This package for Laravel applications provides a middleware for logging HTTP requests and responses, both incoming to, or outgoing from your Laravel application. It offers:
- Middleware to be used with the Laravel HTTP client, Guzzle and Saloon.
- Middleware to log requests made to your application and its response.
- Functionality to manual logs requests and responses.
It's originally created to log API requests to other services and to log incoming webhooks, but can be used for any request and response logging.
This package requires Laravel 11+ and PHP 8.3+.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require goedemiddag/request-response-log
The package will automatically register itself in Laravel, but you need to run the migrations:
php artisan migrate
You are now ready to use the package.
This package provides two middleware solutions:
- Logging HTTP requests and responses, to be used with the Laravel HTTP client, Guzzle and Saloon.
- Logging Requests and Responses from your application.
When using the Laravel HTTP client:
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\RequestResponseLogger;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
When initializing the client:
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\RequestResponseLogger;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler;
$stack = new HandlerStack();
$stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler());
$client = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);
In the constructor of the connector:
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\RequestResponseLogger;
use Saloon\Http\Connector;
class YourConnector extends Connector
public function __construct()
The package provides a middleware for your Laravel application called ApplicationRequestResponseLogger
. This will log
the incoming request and the response your application generates. This is originally use for logging incoming webhooks,
but feel free to use it for anything you like. Just register the middleware to a group or apply it to a route
->uses([WebhookController::class, 'handle'])
The package provides a logger for manual logging of requests and responses. This can be useful when you want to log requests and responses that do not support the middleware or any other use case you can come up with.
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\Enums\RequestFlow;
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\ManualRequestResponseLogger;
$requestLog = ManualRequestResponseLogger::fromRequest(
vendor: 'vendor',
request: $request,
flow: RequestFlow::Incoming,
// TODO your code here
requestLog: $requestLog,
response: $response,
The package provides a configuration file that allows you to configure the package to your needs. You can change the table names to your likings, change the database connection (so you can store the logs somewhere else than your default database), determine which fields should be masked (even per vendor), etc. The configuration file can be published by running:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\RequestResponseLogServiceProvider" --tag="config"
The configuration file will be published to config/request-response-log.php
. The configuration file contains comments
to explain more about the options.
The migrations are loaded automatically and can't be published, as everything you can configure about it, is in the configuration.
This package uses the default model prune functionality from Laravel to clean up old logs. You can configure the amount of days to keep logs in the configuration file. To clean up the logs automatically, schedule the model prune command and pass the model you want to prune:
Add the following to your routes/console.php
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\Models\RequestLog;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schedule;
Schedule::command('model:prune', ['--model' => [RequestLog::class]])->daily();
Add the following to your app/Console/Kernel.php
use Goedemiddag\RequestResponseLog\Models\RequestLog;
->command('model:prune', ['--model' => [RequestLog::class]])
It is possible to provide a specific request identifier to the logger which helps you relate logs to each other. In
case you are using the middleware or the request middleware, you can use the Laravel Context to provide the request-identifier
Context::add('request-identifier', 'your-identifier');
When using the application middleware, make sure to set the request identifier before the middleware is called.
For more information on how to use this, see the ApplicationRequestResponseLoggerTest
for an example.
Found a bug or want to add a new feature? Great! There are also many other ways to make meaningful contributions such as reviewing outstanding pull requests and writing documentation. Even opening an issue for a bug you found is appreciated.
When you create a pull request, make sure it is tested, following the code standard (run composer code-style:fix
take care of that for you) and please create one pull request per feature. In exchange, you will be credited as
To run the tests, you can use the following command:
composer test
If you discover any security related issues in this or other packages of Goedemiddag, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
Goedemiddag! is a digital web-agency based in Delft, the Netherlands. We are a team of professionals who are passionate about the craft of building digital solutions that make a difference for its users. See our GitHub organisation for more package.