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To run from WSL, create a shortcut with the folliwng target.

C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -d ubuntu -u goldfita -e bash -ic "nohup ~/.emacs.d/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

Set the HOME environment variable to the path where you want the .emacs.d directory to go. Do this from a
script so you don't change HOME for other applications. This file cannot be compiled until Emacs has run at
least once and installed use-package.

Run M-x package-refresh-contents to update package list. You need to do this if you get a melpa error about
the package not being found. To see installed packages, M-x list-packages or look under .emacs.d/elpa. Type
'd' over each installed package and then shift-u x to delete or just shift-u x to update. You can also
delete packages by wiping out everything in the .emacs.d/elpa directory. Delete use-package to before
starting to re-install deleted packages. Use '(setq package-check-signature nil)' if you get errors about

Packages are prioritized by melpa. Older, "stable" versions of packages seem to be more buggy and missing
critical features. When updating packages, usually you have to wipe out the entire elpa directory and
delete any state files like workspace or session files. If you attempt to update just one package that
integrates with anything else, the results are usually ugly.

On windows, create a shortcut from .projectile to .gitignore to make projectile use .gitignore.

Install Eclipse JDT LS and set the path. It seems that you cannot use the snapshots from eclipse site. You
have to use the version that lsp-java puts in the .cache directory. Somehow, they are not the same. Check
lsp-java-jdt-download-url for version. Run lsp-describe-session for capabilities.

To use plink on Windows, first generate public/private keys on Linux. Add the public key to authorized keys
on remote.
   ssh-keygen -t rsa -f file-name
   cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Copy private key (pem format) to Windows. Load in PuttyGen, and save as ppk format. In Pageant, add the
private key. Now you should be able to use plink to ssh.
   plink -no-antispoof user@server
Set tg/remote-user, tg/remote-host, and tg/remote-host-regexp in early-init.el. Then enter '/-::' in find
file to find a remote file in user's home directory, or use '/-::/' to go to the root directory. To open a
file as root, you only need to type '/root::'. If emacs hangs, delete tramp customizations and the tramp
file before retrying.

***External Dependencies***

For all the icons to work properly, go into .fonts directory, right click on each file, and select install.
This may require a reboot. Add Google Noto Sans Symbols 2 font for Centaur Tabs:

Install Hack Fonts on Windows

    Git:     Git-xxx.exe /DIR=C:\software\git
    Python:  python-xxx.exe (install to C:\software\python)
    Java:    OpenJDK-xxx.msi (install to C:\software\jdk)


Emacs configuration






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