The most trusted Go module proxy in China. has fully implemented the GOPROXY protocol. And it's a non-profit project supported by China's well-trusted cloud service provider Qiniu Cloud. Our goal is to provide a free, trusted, always on, and globally CDNed Go module proxy for Gophers in China. Please subscribe to our real-time and historical data on system performance at only focuses on the development of the web application that serves at If you're looking for a dead simple way to build your own Go module proxy, then you should take a look at Goproxy which is based on.
Happy coding, Gophers! ;-)
Open your terminal and execute
$ go env -w GO111MODULE=on
$ go env -w GOPROXY=,direct
Open your terminal and execute
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ export GOPROXY=
$ echo "export GO111MODULE=on" >> ~/.profile
$ echo "export GOPROXY=" >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
Open your PowerShell and execute
C:\> $env:GO111MODULE = "on"
C:\> $env:GOPROXY = ""
1. Open the Start Search, type in "env"
2. Choose the "Edit the system environment variables"
3. Click the "Environment Variables…" button
4. Under the "User variables for <YOUR_USERNAME>" section (the upper half)
5. Click the "New..." button
6. Choose the "Variable name" input bar, type in "GO111MODULE"
7. Choose the "Variable value" input bar, type in "on"
8. Click the "OK" button
9. Click the "New..." button
10. Choose the "Variable name" input bar, type in "GOPROXY"
11. Choose the "Variable value" input bar, type in ""
12. Click the "OK" button
Due to the Chinese government's network supervision system, there're lot of
modules in the Go ecosystem that Chinese Gophers cannot go get
, such as the
most famous
. And the speed of getting modules from GitHub in
the mainland of China is a bit slow. So we created to make Gophers
in China better use Go modules. In fact, since has been CDNed
globally, you can use it anywhere.
Of course, as with all other Go module proxies, we just cache the modules as they are, so we can assure you that they will never be tampered with on our side. However, if you still can't fully trust us, then you can use the most trusted checksum database to ensure that the modules you get from us have not been tampered with, since already supports proxying checksum databases. is a business-supported project rather than a personal project. And it has been ICP filed in the MIIT of China (ICP license: 沪ICP备11037377号-56), which means it's fully legal in China.
Why not use
Since has been blocked in the
mainland of China, so no. However, if you're not in the mainland of China, then
we recommend that you give priority to using, after all, it looks more official.
Once you enter the mainland of China, we hope that you'll think of in
the first place, which is the main reason why we choose the .cn
as the domain
name extension.
Who will answer the questions that I have asked in here?
Members of and enthusiastic volunteers from our great Go community. Please keep in mind that in order to alleviate the workload of others, don't forget to check if our FAQ page already has the question you want to ask.
Don't forget to check out our FAQ page for more content.
- Author: Aofei Sheng
- Maintainer: Aofei Sheng
- Sponsor: Qiniu Cloud
- Promoters: Shiwei Xu (Qiniu Cloud's founder-CEO), Chuntang Tao, Lifu Mao and Jianyu Chen
If you want to discuss, or ask questions about it, simply post questions or ideas here.
If you want to help build, simply follow this to send pull requests here.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
License can be found here.