This project has two parts
- URLShortenerAPI: REST API created using ASP.NET Core
- Shortify: A React UI app to consume the URLShortenerAPI
Link to download Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019: -
Link to download SQL Server Express: -
Link to download Visual studio code: -
- JWT Token for Authentication of APIS
- AutoMapper
- EntityFramework
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
- @material-ui
- react-redux
- moment
- react-copy-to-clipboard
- redux-thunk
- axios
- First of all Clone repository to your local machine which have two project.
- Setting Up Database
- Open UrlShortnerDbContext.cs file and add connection string of Database
- Open cmd in DAL folder and run following commands
- dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- dotnet ef database update
- Running URLShortenerApi
- Open appsettings.json and add connection string
- Open cmd and CD to URLShortenerApi folder and run following command to run Api service
- dotnet build
- dotnet run
- To run tests use
- dotnet test
- Running Shortify (UI)
- Open appsettings.json and add connection string
- Open cmd and CD to shortify folder and run following command
- dotnet build
- dotnet run
- visit https://localhost:44364/swagger for URLShortnerApi Swagger Documentation
- visit https://localhost:44322/ for the Shortify UI Application