Built on launch.nvim by the LunarVim team
Uses the lazy.nvim package manager by folke
Syntax highlighting for languages are provided by treesitter grammars.
Completion features are provided by LSP servers. They're managed by nvim-lspconfig
is loaded by nvim, whichrequire
s some stuff (including an important function calledspec
for a bunch of plugins,- (plugins are listed as lua module names)
- this builds us a table of plugin modules to import - they're all added to the
global variable
loads theuser.lazy
package manager and runs its setup function, passing theLAZY_PLUGIN_SPEC
global variable
When lazy.nvim
setup runs, this is roughly what the LAZY_PLUGIN_SPEC
table looks like:
{ import = "user.colorscheme" },
{ import = "user.devicons" },
{ import = "user.treesitter" },
{ import = "user.mason" },
-- ... etc
will import and integrate each plugin module in that table.
Each of those plugin modules represents a table of lazy.nvim
Sometimes those plugin modules also have a setup
method associated with them, which is run automatically by lazy.nvim
here's how to clear out the nvim config cache, re-installing and re-configuring all plugins
- (or back it up;
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim-bkp
- (or back it up;
Open neovim
at this point, lazy.nvim
should install all plugins. Once it's done, close and re-open neovim. Mason
should begin downloading all LSP servers, formatters, etc. Once that is done, the editor should be fully set up.
you can check what
has installed by running the command:Lazy
you can check what
has installed by running the command:Mason
you can check what treesitters are installed by running the command
here's how to ensure that nvim will install an LSP server and/or treesitter grammar on startup (if they're not already installed)
- open the
file - add a table to the
table, specifying the LSP and treesitter keys you'd like to install.
NOTE: see all the supported treesitter languages here NOTE: see all the supported language servers here e.g. adding astro - this installs virchau13/tree-sitter-astro and withastro/language-tools
- add the following line to
local languages = {
+ { treesitter = "astro", lsp = "astro" },
- restart neovim
here's how to install e.g. astro
as a 'one-off' (i.e. only on this computer; it won't auto-install as part of the nvim configuration);
- Run
Search the LSP tab for
to open the selected line, and read about the package -
to install the language server
here's how to install e.g. astro
as a 'one-off' (i.e. only on this computer; it won't auto-install as part of the nvim configuration);
this installs virchau13/tree-sitter-astro using the TSInstall
:TSInstall astro
recent keybinds:
<leader>s<right | left>
- swap current argument left or right
does not work:
- in neovide, - highlighting a bunch of text (e.g. inside "") and pasting from system clipboard `"+p`TODO
- install that plugin which lets you set a specific color scheme per language | link
- set default theme for
files tolunaperche
- it's installed by default in vim and looks pretty good for lua
- makes a good theme for nvim config editing
- switch from null-ls to none-ls
- make a
snippet or cmp plugin or none-ls plugin
to show an autocomplete dropdown for all the supported keys inuser.todo-comments
- project-specific settings
- each project should be able to specify its own settings file that neovim loads when the repo is opened
- the intent is mainly for LSP settings right now;
- e.g. provide a sub-directory to elixir's LSP projectDir setting
- e.g. provide rust-analyzer options for false-positive dead client/server code in a leptos project
- when a new buffer is opened that isn't already in the buffer list, cleanup old buffers past a certain limit (maybe 25 buffers?)
- is there a way to trigger code actions from inside the Trouble window?
- could we add a cli argument to lazygit, allowing us to open lazygit from nvim and automatically select the active nvim file in the lazygit file tree?
- try out nvim-pack/nvim-spectre
- try out edluffy/specs.nvim
- re-add lspkind to cmp
- try out nvim-ufo
- use
rangeryazi as filebrowser by default, but fall back to triptych when not available - try mini.completion instead of nvim-cmp
- it seems to have debounce settings out of the box, and may be async? (cmp doesn't really feel like it's async)
- in the status line, show the number of characters currently selected (if theres an active selection)