The primary dataset used in this analysis is World Settlement Footprint Evolution (WSFE), an Earth Observation dataset developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in partnership with the World Bank Satellite Monitoring Service of Urbanization in Africa (SMSUA) project.12 WSFE tracks growth of settlement extents at 30-meter spatial resolution and yearly temporal resolution from 1985 to 2015. We combined WSFE yearly extent layers with GRID313 settlement typology and settlement-constrained population estimates from WorldPop14 to define the boundaries of urban agglomerations, characterize their population density and urban type, and track their change over time. We then overlaid WSFE on the 10-meter World Settlement Footprint 2019 (WSF2019) global binary dataset to capture more recent urban build-up. Information on urbanization and economic characteristics are drawn from Systematic Country Diagnostics, World Bank 2018 Sahelian country poverty assessments, International Organization for Migration, UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and the recent policy note, Sahel, The Urban Link: Transforming Rural Economies and Addressing Fragility (P175684). This brief is one of a series on urban built-area growth for countries in Western and Central Africa. Please contact the EAWPV Geospatial Team to learn more.
README files are important and often neglected. The files should provide anyone with information about the first steps to use, learn and contribute to your project.
The LICENSE is a document that determines what others can and cannot do with contents of the repository. If no license is present, no one has permission to use and/or modify your code.
Issues and Pull Requests GitHub templates
GitHub allows to customize how issues and pull requests are presented to the public. Custom templates encourage collaboration and maintainability.
Documentation is often never priotized until last minute. The template aims to revert the malpractice by setting up the documentation as an integral part of the code repository. With the power of Jupyter Book, data practioners have a way to share Jupyter notebooks on GitHub Pages in a standardized and effortless way.
Placeholder folder for data. Data is immutable. By default, the data folder is present but ignored from version control, in order to prevent files of being mistakenly versioned in the code repository.
Placeholder folder for source code. If Python, it is recommended the package is made pip-installable.
Placeholder folder for Jupyter notebooks. Markdown files and Jupyter notebooks can be added to
(Table of Contents) to compose the documentation.
Admittedly, even the best of the templates would never be perfect; the <span style="color:#3EACAD">template</span> aims to encourage teams to start thinking and assimilate **best practices**, **collaborative coding**, **documentation**, **reproducibility** as an integral part of the project. *In a standardized way*.
In this spirit, in case you have feedback, please [open an issue]( or [submit a pull request]( to share your ideas and suggestions.
Please ensure you are logged in on [GitHub]( and have permissions to create a repository.
Create new repository from template
The template is a GitHub template repository; in other words, you can generate a new GitHub repository with the same files and folders to use as the starting point for your project.
--- ---
Now, give your repository a name, choose the visibility (Public or Private) and click Create repository from template.
--- ---
Voilà! The repository has been created with the same files and folders of the template.
For additional information, see the [GitHub documentation](
Enable and Publish via GitHub Pages
After creating the repository from the template, the documentation will be automatically built as a Jupyter Book from the
branch and deployed to thegh-pages
branch via GitHub Actions.--- ---
To publish the documentation, please enable GitHub Pages by going to the repository's settings (
Settings > Pages
), and selecting to deploy from thegh-pages
branch.--- ---
The *documentation* can be published from either *public* and *private* repositories. If publishing private content, please remember to carefully select the content to be made public and to abide by your organization's Data Privacy Policy.
Update configurations
The template comes with a default
Jupyter Book configuration file. Remember to update it to reflect your project's name and additional information.repository: url: branch: main
In case your project makes use of Python source code, it is strongly recommended distributing and maintaining it as a Python package.
The <span style="color:#3EACAD">template</span> contains an example - the [datalab]( Python package - and will automatically find and install any `src` packages as long as `setup.cfg` is kept up-to-date.
[Jupyter Book Configuration Reference]( [Python Packaging User Guide](
Review and update README files
The template comes with README files - including this README - that should provide anyone with the information about the first steps to use, learn and contribute to your project. Please replace and/or repurpose the files with instructions and detailed information about your project.
- Issues and Pull Requests GitHub templates
[Awesome README](
Choose a license
A LICENSE is the document that guarantees the repository can be shared, modified and receive contributions. Otherwise, if no license is present, all rights are reserved. The template is licensed under the World Bank Master Community License Agreement; if necessary, choose a different license for your project.
[Choose an Open Source License](
Congratulations! You just created a beautiful home for your project. To access your project page, use (and share) the link as shown below.
For example, see this template as a live demo.
🌟 (Live Demo)
The template is created as a Jupyter Book - an open-source project to build beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content. Let's see below how to add, execute and publish new content for your project.
When ready to publish the documentation on GitHub Pages, all you need to do is to add and/or update content you would like to display and edit the table of contents. Jupyter Book supports content written as Markdown, Jupyter notebooks and reStructuredText files and the docs/_toc.yml
file controls the table of contents of your book.
The template comes with the table of contents below as an example.
format: jb-book
root: README
- caption: Documentation
numbered: True
- file: notebooks/world-bank-api.ipynb
- caption: Additional Resources
- url:
title: Development Data Partnership
- url:
title: World Bank DEC
- url:
title: World Bank DIME
[Jupyter Book Structure and organize content](
The next step is ensure your code is maintainable, realiable and reproducible by including any dependencies and requirements, such as packages, configurations, secrets and addtional instructions.
The template uses conda as environment manager and, as conventional, the environment is controlled by the environment.yml
The environment.yml
file is where you specify any packages available on the Anaconda repository as well as from the Anaconda Cloud (including conda-forge) to install for your project. Ensure to include the pinned version of packages required by your project (including by Jupyter notebooks).
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.9
- bokeh=2.4.3
- pandas=1.4.3
- pip:
- requests==2.28.1
To (re)create the environment on your installation of conda via anaconda, miniconda or preferably miniforge, you only need to pass the enviroment.yml
file, which will install requirements and guarantee that whoever uses your code has the necessary packages (and correct versions). By default, the template uses Python 3.9.
conda env create -n <your-environment-name> -f environment.yml
[Conda Managing Environments](
Jupyter Notebooks can be beautifully rendered and downloaded from your book. Jupyter Book will execute notebooks during the build (on GitHub) and display code outputs and interactive visualizations as part of the documentation on the fly. By default, the template will execute any files listed on the table of contents that have a notebook structure.
The template comes with a Jupyter notebook example, notebooks/world-bank-api.ipynb
, to illustrate.
**All** Jupyter notebooks will be executed by [GitHub Actions]( during build on each commit to the `main` branch. Thus, it is important to include all [requirements and dependencies](#dependencies) in the repository. In case you would like to ignore a notebook, you can [exclude files from execution](
[Jupyter Book Write executable content](
- DIME Analytics Data Handbook
This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the primary tasks required in development research, from experimental design to data collection to data analysis to publication. It serves as a companion to the DIME Wiki and is produced by DIME Analytics.
The template is licensed under the World Bank Master Community License Agreement. Remember to replace the license if necessary. If open source, choose an open source license.