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3. Recursivity

Selene edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Cuetsy allows structural cycles based on the same rules than Cuelang. In summary, all values should have a "stop" condition to be a valid cue schema.

CUE TypeScript
Recursive: {
  simpleNode:    null | Recursive
  list:          [...Recursive]
  map:           [string]: Recursive
  optionalNode?: Recursive
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
export interface Recursive {
  list: Array<Recursive>;
  map: Record<string, Recursive>;
  optionalNode?: Recursive;
  simpleNode: Recursive;

In the example, simpleNode is a union with a null value that it's necessary to add to have the stop condition. Otherwise, cue fails in the validation step.

Lists, maps and optionals could be null by default and its why null isn't necessary here.

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