The purpose of DFDialog
component is to ease of creating of forms, it is used react-final-form internally.
It supports several predefined types of fields but user can extend it by registering new ones by using registerDialogControl
- Base controls
- static texttext
- editable textmulti-text
- user defined array of stringcheckbox
- checkboxtumbler
- tumblerradio
- radio buttoneditable-list
- list of removable stringsmulti-editable-list
- multi list of removable stringstext area
- text areaselect
- selectblock
- allows to add ReactNode
- Custom control registration
- Inplace and modal view
- One tab and several tab forms
- Vertical/Horizontal tabs
- Hidden fields and tabs
- Linked fields by values
- Field-level validation
- Form-level validation
- Virtualized tabs
- Cloneable tabs
- Groupped fields
$ npm install @gravity-ui/dialog-fields
# Use required version of react/react-dom in case you haven't installed them yet
$ npm install @gravity-ui/dialog-fields react@18 react-dom@18
Depending on your package manager you may need to install peerDependencies
import {DFDialog, FormApi} from '@gravity-ui/dialog-fields';
interface FormValues {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
function MyForm() {
return (
title: 'My form',
onAdd={(form) => {
return Promise.resolve();
name: 'firstName',
type: 'text',
caption: 'First name',
tooltip: 'Description for first name field',
name: 'lastName',
type: 'text',
caption: 'LastName',
tooltip: 'Description for last name field',
See more examples in storybook.