Use dedicated port list for alive detection (Boreas only) if supplied via OSP. #391
Allow to re allocate the finish flag in the host queue for alive tests.
Add multiple severities for nvti #317 #472
Add support for new OSP element for defining alive test methods via separate subelements. #409
Add v3 handling to get_cvss_score_from_base_metrics. #411
Add severity_date tag in epoch time format. #412
Make more scanner preferences available to openvas-nasl. #413
Use memory purge redis command when initializing new kb. #452
Add separators for a new (ip address) field in ERRMSG and DEADHOST messages. #376
Continuously send dead hosts to ospd-openvas to enable a smooth progress bar if only ICMP is chosen as alive test. #389
Retry if response via tls1.3 is still not received. #394
Replace current implementation of alive test arp ping with version using libnet. #423
Let setup_log_handlers return an error if it does not have write access to some log file or log dir instead of aborting immediately.
Fix openvas preference name. The option was rename to "allow_simultaneous_ips". #461
Do not start the sniffer thread when only consider alive is chosen for alive test. #466 ]
Fix finish_signal_on_queue for boreas. #464
Remove handling of severity class from auth #402
Remove version from the nvticache name. #386
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