Wakes you up when queue is ready.
video tutorial here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKz3pMvtXlY
This software is provided as-is - seriously, it was written on a whim at 2 in the morning. If you have an issue using the software please search your issue in "Issues" and create a new issue if no match can be found. This repository provides a pre-built binary for ease of use, please be wary of running any .exe files distributed from an unofficial source, such as a forum.
Usage: WOWQueueCamper [options]
--rleft arg x value of farthest left pixel on fullscreen.Requires
other r parameters, default 1035
--rbottom arg y value of farthest bottom pixel on fullscreen.Requires
other r parameters, default 492
--rwidth arg width of x values of farthest left pixel to farthest
right pixel on fullscreen. Requires other r parameters,
default 75
--rheight arg height of y values of farthest left pixel to farthest
right pixel on fullscreen.Requires other r parameters,
default 30
--rheight arg height of y values of farthest left pixel to farthest
right pixel on fullscreen.Requires other r parameters,
default 30
--alarm_number arg Amount of players in queue to trigger alarm. default
--start_delay arg Time before running program to allow time to switch to
WOW queue in ms. default 10000
--check_delay arg Time between checking queue in ms. default 1000
--alarm_file arg Absolute path to wav file to play for alarm. default
fire truck air horn
-h [ --help ] Prints help menu
rleft, rbottom, rwidth, and rheight are deprecated, they were used together to set a custom rectangle to find the queue number in. This can still be used to override the automatic detection result.
The current binary release is https://github.com/greenbrettmichael/WOWQueueCamper/releases/download/0.2/x64-binaries.zip if you simply want to use the tool and get going!
So you want to compile from source huh? Take this handy guide with you!
You will need to install https://cmake.org/ , https://git-scm.com/ , and a windows c++17 compiler supported by cmake like https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ .
If you do not have a user-integrated vcpkg, please run .\bootstrap.bat
in either cmd or powershell. This will set up the dependency toolchain. Warning this takes a short while (7 minutes on my machine) and takes up a bit of space (a little under 2 GB). If you DO have a user-integrated vcpkg, install the dependencies mentioned in bootstrap.bat and edit the toolchain path in build.bat (I am assuming if this is the case you are a developer and know how to do this).
Next run .\build.bat
in either cmd or powershell. The package can be used or distributed from WOWQueueCamper/build/Release . You're all done! Pat yourself on the back or add a new issue if this did not work for you.
The default.wav soundfile was created by Daniel Simon and can be found here https://soundbible.com/2192-Fire-Truck-Horn.html . This program uses these fine libraries: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract , https://github.com/DanBloomberg/leptonica , and https://github.com/boostorg/program_options