Docker images for running puppet module rspec tests
I've reworked things to provide tags based on the major version of puppet, rather than on distributions.
- puppet3
- puppet4
The highest major version will always be associated with the latest tag.
The simplest docker run for this module is, which must be done from inside a puppet module.
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/module:z gregswift/rspec-puppet:latest
If your puppet module's fixtures include some git over ssh repositories you can do this
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/module:z -v ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/ssh-agent:z -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent gregswift/rspec-puppet:latest
To run against a specific major version of puppet just replace :latest with :puppetX
Alternatively, this container includes atomic app compatible syntax for the SSH_AUTH_SOCK setup
atomic run --name=test --opt1=${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} gregswift/rspec-puppet:latest
Make is setup to handle the building, and by defaults builds both puppet3 and puppet4 targets
If you want to build it in your namespace to push to the hub set DOCKER_USER
DOCKER_USER=gregswift make
If docker needs to be called with sudo, ensure the sudo comes before DOCKER_USER
sudo DOCKER_USER=gregswift make
You can call the targets directly as well
make puppet3
make puppet4
But to build them manually:
docker build -t rspec-puppet:puppet3 puppet3/
docker build -t rspec-puppet:puppet4 puppet4/