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halflearned committed Aug 28, 2019
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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Package: sufrep
Type: Package
Title: Sufficient representations for categorical variables
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Jonathan Johannemann [aut, cre],
Vitor Hadad [aut, cre],
Stefan Wager [aut],
Susan Athey [aut]
Maintainer: Vitor Hadad <[email protected]>
Description: Collection of simple methods to represent categorical variables for
input to statistical software. This package is currently in beta, and we
expect to make continual improvements to its performance and usability.
PRs and issue reports are very much welcome.
R (>= 3.3.0)
glmnet (>= 2.0.16)
sparsepca (>= 0.1.12)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions R/make_encoder.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
one_hot_encode <- function(num_categ) {
CM <- diag(num_categ)[, 1:(num_categ - 1)]

helmert_encode <- function(num_categ) {
CM <- stats::contr.helmert(num_categ)

deviation_encode <- function(num_categ) {
CM <- stats::contr.sum(num_categ)

repeated_effect_encode <- function(num_categ) {
TH <- matrix(0, nrow = num_categ, ncol = num_categ)
TH <- matrix((num_categ - col(TH)) / num_categ, nrow = num_categ, ncol = num_categ)
TH[lower.tri(TH)] <- 0
BH <- matrix(-col(TH) / num_categ, nrow = num_categ, ncol = num_categ)
BH[upper.tri(BH)] <- 0
diag(BH) <- 0
CM <- TH + BH
CM <- CM[, 1:(num_categ - 1)]

difference_encode <- function(num_categ) {
CM <- matrix(0, nrow = num_categ, ncol = num_categ)
CM <- matrix(-1 / (col(CM) + 1), nrow = num_categ, ncol = num_categ)
CM[lower.tri(CM)] <- 0
CM <- CM[, 1:(num_categ - 1)]
CM[row(CM) == (col(CM) + 1)] <- -apply(CM, 2, sum)

simple_effect_encode <- function(num_categ) {
CM <- matrix(-1 / num_categ, nrow = num_categ, ncol = num_categ)
CM <- CM + diag(num_categ)
CM <- CM[, 1:(num_categ - 1)]

fisher_encode <- function(G, Y) {
CM <- aggregate(Y, list(G), mean)
colnames(CM) <- c("label", "X1")
CM$X1 <- rank(CM$X1)
ordering <- data.frame(unique(G))
colnames(ordering) <- "ORD"
CM <- CM[order(ordering$ORD), ]
CM <- as.matrix(CM$X1)

means_encode <- function(X, G) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
CM <- as.matrix(aggregate(X, list(G), mean)[, 2:(p + 1)])
colnames(CM) <- NULL

low_rank_encode <- function(X, G, num_components) {
if (num_components > dim(X)[2]) {
stop("Argument num_components cannot be larger than number of X columns.")
CM <- means_encode(X, G)
decomp <- svd(CM)
CM <- as.matrix(decomp$u[, 1:num_components])

sparse_low_rank_encode <- function(X, G, num_components) {
if (num_components > dim(X)[2]) {
stop("Argument num_components cannot be larger than number of X columns.")
CM <- means_encode(X, G)
decomp <- sparsepca::spca(CM, verbose = FALSE)
U <- decomp$loadings[, 1:num_components]
CM <- CM %*% U

permutation_encode <- function(num_categ, num_perms) {
if (is.null(num_perms)) {
stop("When 'method' is 'multi_permutation', argument 'num_permutations' must not be null.")
CM <- replicate(num_perms, sample(num_categ, size = num_categ, replace = FALSE))

mnl_encode <- function(X, G) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
fit <- glmnet::glmnet(x = X, y = G, family = "multinomial")
coefs <- coef(fit, s = min(fit$lambda, na.rm = TRUE))
coef_mat <-, as.matrix))
CM <- t(as.matrix(coef_mat))
rownames(CM) <- NULL
colnames(CM) <- NULL

validate_X <- function(X) {
if (length(dim(X)) != 2) {
stop("Argument X must be two-dimensional.")
non_numeric_cols <- rep(F, dim(X)[2])
for (i in seq_along(dim(X)[2])) {
non_numeric_cols[i] <- !is.numeric(X[, i])
if (any(non_numeric_cols)) {
"Argument X contains columns that are not numeric. ",
"They are numbered ", which(non_numeric_cols)

validate_G <- function(G) {
if (!is.factor(G)) {
stop("Argument G must be of factor type.")

validate_Y <- function(method, Y) {
if ((method == "fisher") && is.null(Y)) {
stop("Method 'fisher' requires non-null Y.")

validate_levels <- function(G, input_levels) {
new_levels <- setdiff(levels(G), input_levels)
if (length(new_levels) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Training data did not contain levels: ", new_levels))

# Compute representations for categorical (factor) variables
#' @param method The encoding method.
#' Must be one of: "one_hot", "helmert", "deviation",
#' "repeated_effect", "difference", "simple_effect",
#' "fisher", "means", "low_rank", "sparse_low_rank",
#' "permutation", "multi_permutation", "mnl".
#' See for an explanation of each method.
#' @param X A data.frame or matrix containing only numeric columns.
#' @param G A single vector of factor type containing the categories.
#' @param prefix A prefix to be prepended to encoding column names.
#' @param Y A single vector of numerical type containing the outcome variable.
#' Used only in method "fisher", ignored otherwise.
#' @param num_components If method is sparse_low_rank, this is the number
#' of sparse principal components. If method is low_rank,
#' then this corresponds to the number of singular vectors.
#' For all other methods, this argument is ignored.
#' @param num_permutations Number of columns to be added by the 'multi_permutation'
#' method. Ignored by other methods.
#' @param num_folds Number of cross-validation folds used by mnl method. Ignored by
#' other methods.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fake data
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 10
#' G <- factor(sample(c("a", "b", "c"), replace = T, size = n))
#' X <- apply(matrix(runif(n * p), n, p))
#' # Create the encoding matrix with the means method
#' enc <- make_encoder("means", X = X, G = G)
#' # Compute the actual encoded matrix
#' X_enc <- enc(X, G)
#' }
#' @return A matrix or data.frame that concatenates the original X input columns with
#' the encoding columns.
#' @references Jonathan Johannemann, Vitor Hadad, Susan Athey, and Stefan Wager.
#' "Sufficient Representations of Categorical Variables". 2019.
make_encoder <- function(method, X, G,
prefix = "ENC",
num_components = dim(X)[2],
num_permutations = 1,
num_folds = 3) {

# Type validation
validate_Y(method, Y)
input_levels <- levels(G)

# Compute encoding
num_categ <- length(levels(G))
CM <- switch(method,
one_hot = one_hot_encode(num_categ),
helmert = helmert_encode(num_categ),
deviation = deviation_encode(num_categ),
repeated_effect = repeated_effect_encode(num_categ),
difference = difference_encode(num_categ),
simple_effect = simple_effect_encode(num_categ),
fisher = fisher_encode(G, Y),
means = means_encode(X, G),
low_rank = low_rank_encode(X, G, num_components),
sparse_low_rank = sparse_low_rank_encode(X, G, num_components),
permutation = permutation_encode(num_categ, 1),
multi_permutation = permutation_encode(num_categ, num_permutations),
mnl = mnl_encode(X, G)

# Create encoding function
encoding_fun <- function(X, G) {
validate_levels(G, input_levels)

# Augment original matrix
X_aug <- cbind(X, CM[as.integer(G), ])

# Maintain X type
if ( {
X_aug <-

# Maintain row and column names, if appropriate
rownames(X_aug) <- rownames(X)
if (!is.null(colnames(X))) {
colnames(X_aug) <- c(colnames(X), paste(prefix, 1:dim(CM)[2], sep = ""))


56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# sufrep: Sufficient Representations of Categorical Variables

This package implements the methods for providing sufficient representations of categorical variables mentioned in Johannemann et al. (2019).

To install this package, run the following commands in R:


Example usage:


n <- 100
p <- 3

X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
G <- as.factor(sample(5, size = n, replace = TRUE))

# One-hot encoding
onehot_encoder <- make_encoder(X = X, G = G, method = "one_hot")

train.df <- onehot_encoder(X = X, G = G)

# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
# [1,] 0.5855 0.2239 -1.4361 0 0 0 1
# [2,] 0.7095 -1.1562 -0.6293 1 0 0 0
# [3,] -0.1093 0.4224 0.2435 0 0 1 0
# [4,] -0.4535 -1.3248 1.0584 0 0 0 1
# [5,] 0.6059 0.1411 0.8313 0 1 0 0
# [6,] -1.8180 -0.5360 0.1052 0 0 0 0

# "Means" encoding
means_encoder <- make_encoder(X = X, G = G, method = "means")

train.df <- means_encoder(X = X, G = G)

# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
# [1,] 0.5855 0.2239 -1.4361 0.1464 0.014645 -0.21528
# [2,] 0.7095 -1.1562 -0.6293 0.1892 0.177011 0.03227
# [3,] -0.1093 0.4224 0.2435 -0.3276 -0.009544 0.06307
# [4,] -0.4535 -1.3248 1.0584 0.1464 0.014645 -0.21528
# [5,] 0.6059 0.1411 0.8313 0.4915 0.159208 0.17173
# [6,] -1.8180 -0.5360 0.1052 0.5474 -0.056997 -0.16276

### References

Jonathan Johannemann, Vitor Hadad, Susan Athey, and Stefan Wager. _Sufficient Representations of Categorical Variables_. 2019.

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