Releases: gspd-mobi/rage-ios
Releases · gspd-mobi/rage-ios
- Body/Multipart/UrlEncoded request decision now moved to client right after http method named function.
- Codable support out of box
- Array query parameters support
- No value query parameters support
- ErrorHandler concept removed
- Example project cleanup
- Arrays of Mappable objects now can be used as request body, multipart request part and stub object.
- Libraries versions updated
- Plugins directory now included to core subspec
- Example project improved
- Moving to Swift 3
- ErrorHandler protocol created.
- Encoding posibility added to field parameters.
- Multipart requests added.
- Body requests / Form Url Encoded requests moved to separate classes so it will be harder to add parameter which is not supported for given request type.
- Optional response stubbing added.
- Url requests added. Basically now base url can be changed for each request, not for client.
- Parameter passing nil behavior fixed. If nil passed - this parameter won't be added to request.
- Plugin protocol updated.
- Logging plugin improvements.
- Basic plugin system. Logging now made as a plugin.
- Requests authorization.
- Error handling improvement.
- Posibility to set query parameters and headers as dictionaries.
- Content-type added to RageClient builder
- Field parameters added. Fields parameters will be sent as url-encoded string in request body.
- RageBuilder now creates with baseUrl provided, so there is no way to create RageClient without it like before.
- Client scope headers which will be added to all it's requests
- Readme updated. Making request and Roadmap sections added.