Welcome to my new project! For more info about me, check out my webpage.
I love Tex! I have been eagerly reading it since I was young. It was (and still is) a role model for me and had an impact in shaping the person I am. Plus, it's really a fun and captivating pastime. I own the whole Tex - Collezione storica a colori
collection of 256 color volumes that ran from 2007 till 2015. Even though I read them all multiple times, it never gets old, and I would love to have more. It's 2025, and with a bit of luck (and skills, and data) we will attempt to do just that!
Project aim: to generate new Tex Willer comics for the italian language (sorry non-italian speakers - you are really missing out here).
Data: open-source black-and-white books available on Internet Archive.
Milestones :
- Data preprocessing and panel extraction
- Text extraction and narrative reconstruction
- Writing-style learning and story generation
- Panel construction and panel temporal alignment
- In-painting to color the bw generated panels
- [Optional] English translation
[ Work in Progress - stay tuned! ]