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Grain 3.0 : les carpasinivores

Repository architecture

  • index.html

    Redirects to release/index.html. Required because PhoneGap only pulls its app from the repo root.

  • config.xml and icon.png

    Required by PhoneGap.

The git repository has 4 top-level folders :

  • /sources

    We didn't use 'src' because on blackberry devices this name is reserved.

    Contains the js, png, xcf and html sources of the simulator.

  • /doc

    Contains md, xcf and png files (sources of the doc). The md files are dynamically converted to html by tools/

    doc/headerHTML and doc/footerHTML are app-(prep-)ended to generated HTML files.

  • /tools


  • /release

    Contains the generated app. This must stay on GitHub because PhoneGap gets its sources directly from GitHub.


The current object is designated by the variable 'me'. You have five variables to use as the element's 'memory': you can assign whatever you want to these variables (they are initialized at zero).

You can use the following functions on the variable 'me' to get status information :

  • me.getColor() -> Returns the color that the object sees. Use getColor().r, getColor().g, getColor().b to get individual color components (between 0 and 1)
  • me.getHunger()
  • me.getFatigue()
  • me.getLust()
  • me.getPain()
  • me.getSmell() Returns a color, see me.getColor() for information about how to use it

You can use the following functions on the variable 'me' to act on the element :

  • me.forward(distance) Goes forward of the specified distance (in pixels/second)
  • me.rotate(angle) Rotates to the right with the following angle (in degrees/seconds)

Note : the sensors are not updated during the frame, so you cannot perform a full rotation in just one frame and sample the color every 10° like this for instance :

for (var i=0; i<360; i+=10) {
    //This won't work : me.getColor() is not updated during the frame
    if (me.getColor().b>0) {

Modes of operation

You have currently three modes of operation.

Survival of the species

You write a program that rules the behaviour of all the green elements. You aim is to ensure the species will survive.

Survival of an individual

You write a program for one of the green elements (the one that has a black border), and all the other green elements are 'bots'.

Your goal is to make sure your green element survives as long as possible.


In this mode, any code you enter in the program area is ignored. All the green elements are normal bots, but the one that has a black border has a learning algorithm that allows him to evolve according to what he experiences.

The basic idea behind Q-learning is that the agent has a state which, in our case is the association of the level of blue the element sees (0-7) and the last action the agent took. The agent has three actions that are possible in each iteration : it can go forward, rotate left or rotate right. This means that there are 8*3=24 possible states. If we had to program manually an optimal behaviour for this situation, we would have to select the best action for each state. For instance, if we do not see any blue (color=0) and the last action was rotate left, then the optimal action is to rotate right. To know what is the best action for each state, the element uses a Q-Table to store the expected payoffs for each action, and each state. For instance, if we are in state S, the element will query the Q-Table for the three state-action couples (S;forward), (S;left) and (S;right). It will then select the one that has the highest expected payoff. Of course the content of the Q-Table is essential to the learning process : the idea behind Q-Learning is to fill in the table while the element is experimenting : at the beginning the table is empty, so the element always makes random choices, but when the element gets a payoff (touching water in our case) after performing action A from state S, the cell (S;A) of the Q-Table is incremented of one. Thus, the next time the element is in state S, it will be more likely to pick action A. However, how is the agent able to plan its actions over several iterations ? Indeed, some actions may be good, but not generate any immediate payoff. In our case, only the action that immediately preceeds touching water has a payoff. This is why even when no immediate payoff is received after performing (S;A), a value Q-Table is added to the corresponding cell. This value depends on the maximum expected payoff the agent can get from the new state S' in which it arrived. For instance, the agent is able to learn that any move that tends to bring him closer to the water (brighter color) is a good move.

Panels and HUDs

The page contains several panels that are used in the different game modes.

  • The code panel lets you type your own program in 'survival of the species' and 'survival of an individual' modes. See the API for instructions on how to program your element(s).

  • The settings panel lets you enter custom settings for your simulation. Please be careful when changing these settings, you could crash the simulator or even overload your computerif you get exponential growths.

    If you enter settings that show an interesting result, you can share your simulation with friends and/or teachers by pressing 'Link to these settings'. If you entered your own code in the code panel, you will have to include this code as well.

  • The control panel lets you observe the inputs of one of the elements (the one that has a black border).

  • The CSV log panel contains a log of the game states, each ten iterations. After you stop the game, you can copy-paste this data to a csv file and open it with your favourite spreadsheet software to plot the evolution of the number of green and red elements. Note that this view does not appear in 'Q-Learning' mode because you typically observe very few elements in this mode.

  • The Q-Table panel shows the current content of the Q-Table. Each row corresponds to a state (there are 24 states), and each column to an action (3 actions).

Dev notes

  • This application conflicts with Firefox extension Disconnect.


Grain 3.0 : les carpasinivores






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